Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, July 06, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. 9. STILL DYING Over One Hundred Ddnths up to Noon in New York Today. Hundreds Prostrated. New York, July 8,—Heat prostrations and deaths continue growing.. Over a hundred deaths were repotted bj noon today, and there are several hundred prostrations. The thermometer regis tered 95 at noon. WILL CLOSE UNTIL MONDAY. Ellect ol tbc Hot ■ Weather #iT Stock Bx ckiafti. New York, July 3.—The governing committoe of the Stook Exchauge today -deoided to close the exohange until Monday next, owing to the Intense heat. BOSTON TOO.! Boston, Jnly 8.—The Stock Exchange will close today to rec pen next Monday, NEW WARSHIPS FOR SPAIN. eight ’First Class Cruisers to be Built—U. S. Firms May Qet Orders. Birmingham, Eng., July 3—The Poet's Madrid corresponded i, telegraphs his paper that the Spanish ministry has approved plans for the .construction of .eight first-class cruisers. ■Efforts are being made to have the oontract awarded to American firms, but If England can deliver the ships speedily she cnu bnild four of thorn. Tho remaining four will be built in Italy and Prance. PENNSYLVANIA OARSMEN Win en Healey Course, Defeating the London Rowing Club.’ Henley on the Thames, July 3.—The University of Pennsylvania- eight won the race today over the Henley oonrse, -defeating the London Rowing Olnb. This means that the Quakers will, no doubt, be able to enter the finals. THE SHAMROCKS. The Challenger Lends Oil In s Trial Race Today. Rothesay, Scotland, July 8.—The two Shamrocks left Rothesay bay at 10:40 this morning for a race. The ohallen- ger led at the start and gained some what on the way oat. The breeze was then gradually diminishing. ONE RESICNS. (Jelled Stntei District Judge Brown Send! In Reilgniil on. Washington, D. O., July 8.—Addison Brown, United States dlstnot judge of the Southern district of Now York, has resigned. Attorney General Knox handed In his resignation to the presi dent today. TAX RETURN RAISED. Comptroller Wright Increaiei the Plant Syn- tem $419,000. Ails Cy Q July 3—Comptroller Gen eral Wi.. increased the tax value# of the Plant '* Railways $419,* 000. Theoompany • the returns at a low rate and Com,. S* or Wright refused to aooept them. He named* higher rate, but the oompany refused to advanoe the returns. Several confer ences were held about tho matter, but no agreement could be reaohed. Yes terday Comptroller Wright named his assessment and notified the railroad oompany. The oompany will ask for arbitration as it did lost year. Judge Spenoer R. Atklnsou will probably rep resent the state. THE READING STRIKE ENDED And Machinists Will Reinme Work—The Union Not Recognised. Philadelphia, Pa., July 2.—President Geo. Baer, of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, issued a statement today announcing that tho shop strike had been settled, and that the men would return to work at onoe. Tho union will not be reoognized, and no distinction will bo made between union and non-anion men. The joint oom- mittee of workmen, superintendents and foremen will consider the whole subjeet of wages and fix a new scale. SICK OF THE JOB. Work of Raising the Wreck of the Maine Not Commenced. Havana, July 3. — Although three mouths have expired siuco the govern ment completed the oontract to raise the hull of the battleship Maine from Havana harbor, no work; to this end has yet been done, nor have the contmotors, N. P. Obamberlain & Oo„ filed the nec essary bond of |25,000. This work of raising the wreok was to have been completed July 1, but a provision was inserted In the contraot to the effect that if there ooourred unavoidable de lay in the work, the time for its com pletion would be extended to Maroh 1, 1903,, Oaptaln of the Port Lncien Young says that Oliawborluin lias sODt him wurd thu- he is sick, and asks for nu extension of tho con tract. Captain Young is considering whether Bickness comes under the head of unavoidable deity. It in believed here that the coutraetors cannot under take this work according to their agree ment. Shipping Interests here are urging the government to remove this wreck as soon as possible, as a danger ous bar is forming about it. ALBANY, GA.. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1901. DEADLY TORRID WAVE SWEEPS OYER NORTH. NO 10 Yesterday’s Record of Ninety-Five Deaths In New York City Will Be Exceeded by Today’s—Eighty Dead and Nearly Two Hundred Prostra tions Up to Noon Today. New York, July 2.—The thermometer at 10 o’olook this morning was 95 and the deaths alnoe midnight, due to thsheat, and reported, numbered thirty-four. New York, July 2.—(Noon)—Yesterday’s death list of ninety-five from the heat will be considerably exoeeded today. At noon nearly eighty had been reported by the coroner, and the nnmber of prostrations reported is nearly two hundred. There is terrible suffering In the crowded tenement distriocs. Factories Compelled to Shnt Down. Trenton, July 2.—Reports from the towns of northern New Jersey state that nearly all the large factories have been oompelled to shnt down owing to the intense heat. Over one hundred thousand people are tem porarily idle. GEN. GOMEZ TALKS OF CUBA. fils People Working Far Sell Government. \ He Comes to Make Call*. New York, July 2.—Early this morn- lug Gen. Gomez made a statement, say ing the aooeptanoe of the Platt amend ment by the Cuban constitutional con vention has already deflued the political situation in Ouba. The Onbans are all anxions to establish solf-gcvernment, and are working hard to this end. The nolo object of the general's viBlt to this country is to pay friendly calls to Palma, Prosideut McKinley and Seorotary Hoot. BIG RAILROAD COMBINE. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK. It Is Announced Thai Hie Tour ol America In Abandoned. Tho Hague, July. 2.—Herr Wessells, one of the Boer delegates to Europe and America, today Baid that President Kru ger's tour of Amerioa had been aban doned Directors Hold a Meeting sod Formulate n Plan. New York, July 3.—The directors of the Seventh National Bank held a spe cial meeting this morning to devise a plan to prevent original proceedings. It iB proposed to form a syndicate to take all the securities deposited by Marquand & Oo. for loans, paying 81,600,000 owed by the firm to the bank. NEW FRENCH SCHEME. Insurance Company to Take Risks on Election of Candidates For Parliament. Paris, July 3.—The Figaro aunouncos that a now insurance company has been formed to take risks' on Mie failure of candidates in election to parliament. COMEZ III WASHINGTON. He Expects to Have a Conference With Presi dent McKinley and Secretary Root. Washington, July 2.—Gen. Maximo Gomez from New York this afternoon. Liter ho expeots to have a conference with President Mc Kinley and Secretary Root. KRUGER NOT COMING. BUFFALO BANK BREAKS. Had Been Considered Shaky, and Deposits Were Small. Buffalo, July 2.—The Niagara Bank suspended today. It is dominated by the same Interests wliioh controlled the Olty National, and had been considered weak for some time. Its capital is $100,000, and its deposits under $100,000. THE NAIL NOT HURT. The piles that annoy yon so will be quickly ard permanently healed if you use DeWitt’s Witeh Hazel Salve. Be ware of worthless counterfeits. Albany Ding Oo., Sale-D&YlB Drug Go, But One of the Largest Peet in Town is Disabled. From Wednesday’s Herald. Yesterday afternoon Deputy Marshal J. W. Kemp received a note from Ofll cer Barron which proves him to be as clever a wit as lie is an officer. The note read as follows: Barron Hall, July 2, 1901. Dear Mr. Kemp: I regret very much to inform you that I am unable so go on duty on account of ray right fiont foot coming in contact with the sharp point of a rusty shingle nail. The nail is all right, but one of the largest feet in town is almost entirely unfit for use for the present. Kindly inform the chief. l Very truly, I J. Q. &mos. Tilton News Notes. Tifton, Ga., July 2.—(Spoolal.)—Miss Don Underwood, of Albany, in in the oity as the the guest of Mrs. H. H. Tift. Ool. D. B. Jay and bis little daughter, Dixie, spent Sunday In Tifton with his brothor, Mr. J. L. Jay, Jr. Miss Inu M. Smith is expeoted to re turn home today from Union Springs, where she has been spending several months with her grandmother. Messrs. T. J. Wood. I. W. Myers, J. H. Myers, W. E. Myers and Ben Drew and sou leave this week for Buffalo, where they will spend three weeks see ing the Bights. Protracted services are being held at the Baptist ehnroh. The meet ings began Sunday and will prob ably be held through three weeks. The pastor In preaching some powerful sermons and a chorus of about fifteen compose the choir. The congre gational singing is good and all indica tions point toward a successful meeting. After this week Mr. Wolfsohn, the noted gospel singer, is expeoted to lead the singing. Parties were here lost week with a view of patting up a box' and orate faotory. A gentleman of this city who has become deeply interested in the work Miss Emma Tnoker has been prosecuting in Albany for more than two weeks past, has presented her with a check for $500, that snm to be used fn helping to estab lish a home for fallen women in At lanta, Miss Tnoker is doing a noble work in reclaiming fallen women, and many Albanians have pledged her finan cial support. At Sunday afternoon’s meeting “for men only,” a sufficient nnmber of gentlemen present pledged themselves to give $5 per annnm to the work to make tho total several hundred dollars a year. Miss Tucker feels that the home she hopes to build is now as sured, and is very grateful for the sub stantial encouragement she has received ill Albany. Tbs Savannah, Florida aid Western Principal Stockholder. A great consolidation of railroads with a capital stooji of $25,000,000 has been perfeoted of the roads In Southern Georgia, Northern Florida and Eastern Alabama. The Savannah, Florida and Western Railway oompany Is the designation of the new company, and the prlnolpal stockholders in the new corporation, is said to be the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway oompany. The Atlanta Journal of yeaterday re ports that application'was filed In the secretary of state’s oftloe yesterday morning to lnorease the oapttal stook of the Savannah, Florida and< Western Railway company from Its present oapt tal to $25,000,000. The oause assigned in the application for this lnorease of the capital stook Is siud to be the ab sorption of the following roads: The Charleston and Savannah, the Bruns- wlok and Western, the Alabama Mid land, the Sliver Springs, Ooala and Golf and the Tampa and Thonotasosa. It is said that, this combination of roadB makes a oomplete link from Charleston, 8, O., along the ooaat cities and across tho southern port of Georgia to Tampa, extending also over Into Ala bama. The meaning of this vast combination ol railroad Interpats in this state ie not known, bat it Is said it portends the control of these roads by a still greater system, probably the Plant system or the Seoboard Air Line. The present oapttal stook of the Sa vannah, Florida and Western Is 94,829 shares at par value of $100. It is pro posed to increase this amount by 155,- 671 shares, making the total nnmber of shares 250,000, Of these 128,000 shares will be preferred wi will draw a divi dend not exceeding lonr per cent, and 125,000 shares will be of common stock with power to vote and drawing the remainder of the dividends not paid ont on the preferred stook. The application (or the lnorease in the capital stock was made by R B. Smith, secrotary of the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad. PEOBQIA’8 FAIR COLONEL. The Hsaar Conferred os Miss Mamie Msrrls by Governor Candler. From the Atlanta News. Colonel Morris, of Chattanooga, so- oonnted the most fetching soldier that ever wore a uniform, begs leave to Di dst that General Robertson was mis taken when he said Georgia had no woman colonel—Colonel Morris being a woman, and a oolonel on the staff of Governor Candler, of Georgia. General Robertson’s declaration, printed In The Dally Newi, oanied con siderable surprise In Chattanooga and drew forth, among other oomments, one from The Times of that olty to the ef- effeot that the adjutant general of the state of Georgia should read up on mat ters oonneoted with his office. The Times, also in snpport of this remark, printed the following latter from Gov ernor Candler to Mayor Watkins, of Chattanooga: Honorable Ed Watkins, Mayor, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Esteemed SirWe shall ever remem ber with pleasure and gratitude the royal reoeption accorded us by the Georgia Society, of Chattanooga, and the opurtesies received at the hands ct Miss Mamie G. Morris, the charming and efficient secretary of the Georgia Society. There Is no law authorizing the ap pointment of «lady on the regular staff. The only precedents are' the aotloa of my predeoeasor in ofiloe. Governor At klnsou, aiid your distinguished tive, Governor Taylor. It is like the order of knighthood whtoli had Its origin in the days of chivalry. The ruler for- distinguished servioes required the sub ject to kneel at his feet and be smitten- with a sword, and then to "Arise, Sir Knight.” There was no formal ap pointment, no commission. The above oeremony was all there was to it. Be it was with Miss Morris, except that I did not require her to kneel at my feet, nor did I smite her with a sword, (rat, at Chattanooga, for her assiduous atten tions, to our party, and for her loyalty to- her native state, I "dubbed” her lieu tenant oolonel then and there, os was tho onstom in oonforrlng the order of knighthood. Miss Morris is an intelligent and amia ble yonng woman, and shall hehooforth- be reoognized as a "Georgia oolonel," and right proud are we of our fair Ten nessee representative. Cordially yonra, A. D. OaNDLUH) Governor of Georgia. Executive Man sion. Whereas it appears that, after- all! Georgia does, of a troth, posses*. the honor of having a fair genuine colonel, and that Miss Mamie Morris, of Chatta nooga, is that offioer. SIGNIFICANT ACTION WILL BB TAKEN AT NEXT ENCAMPMENT. atasrsl Sickles «■ Avowed* CufMels For Natleia! Comosofer—His Election WnM Be Tekte is as Indorsement of His Hi- csst Attitude Toward ths Administration. Washington, July 8.-In the oholoe ot a national commander at the annual encampment in September, the Grand, Army of the Bepnblto will take action whloh is bound to be quite tut signifi cant ae anything in the history of the organisation. It will do this in decid ing for or against General Sickles, who is an avowed candidate for the honor. Hts eteotion will be taken as an indorse ment by the G. A. R. of {Sickles’ recent attitude towards the administration. STORE BURGLARIZED. MR. S. M. WELLBORN PROMOfTOir. of HOWS THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney .v Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and helieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tkl-ax, Wholesale DrnggiBts, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinsan & Mauvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Core is taken Inter- nelly, acting directly upon the blood and racoons snrfaoesof the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75o, per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. TTe mil„ pni» K. of P. OfHcers Elected. From Wednesday's Daily Herald. Albany Lodge No. 30, Kniglits Pythias, held an important mooting last night, among other business transacted being the oleotion of officers to serve during tho next six months. The offi cers chosen are as follows : Chancellor Commander—I. ,1. Hof- mayor. • Vico Chancellor—J. E. Moore. Prelate—P. W. Jones. Keeper of Rooords and Soal—J. R. Whichard. Master of Finance—H. A. Peacock. Master of Work—S. T. Philpot. Master at Arms—Louis Bennett. Inner Guard—H. E. McCollum. Outer Guard—J. M. Gaisscrt. The installation of officers will take Hall’s Family Pill* ate the bast. Cealrsl's Popnlsr Commercial Aftit *1 Albany Oms ts Columbus. From Tuesday’s Dally Herald. Mr. S. M. Wellborn, who has bosn located in Albany for about a year da the oommerolal agent of the Central of Georgia Railroad, will leave here In a few days to fill a similar position for the- same road at Oolnmbns. The transfer la in the nature of a. pro motion for Mr. Wellborn. Mr. 0. W. Cheers, who-has been com mercial agent for the Central at Colum bus, goes to Chattanooga to fill the im portant position of Division Freight and Passenger Agent in that oity, and Mr! Wellborn takes his place at Oolumbna. It is not known here yet who will be sent to Albany to fill Mr. WoUborn’s felaee. Mr. Wellborn haa made many frlenda In Albany, and there Is universal regret here over his del artnre. He has been a very efficient lean in the new office he baa established hero. The Central had never had u commercial agent in this city and kept an offloo np town until Mr. Wellborn came. That he proved himself an'efficient and valuable man in the capaoity of commercial agent is now made evident by his promotion and assignment to a larger city and moro important field. Columbus is bis old homo and he will bo amongst friends there. rjvvi y yon* •• ••■•r - , , sufforers whoso lungs are sore aud racked with coughs aro urged to go to another ollmate. Hut this is costly and not al ways sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption will onre you at home. It’s the most Infallible medicine for coughs, colds and all throat and long diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding Ionres result from persistent u-e Trial, NfM Visitor TMk Iks Cash Register From Larch's Bar—Scored 49 C*a(s. Fom Saturday’s Daily Herald A 1 urglor entered Loroh's saloon, on Broad street, last night, and secured all the available cash. That was 49 cents. He foreed an ex trance through the rear of the store, finding the fastening •f the door insecure. After mak ing a oarefnl inventory of the con tents, the. visitor took the oath register and made off with it. It is not known whether he first secured the 49-cents It contained, or whether be waited until ke. reached some other plaoe before rifling the till. It is pre sumed, however, that he Bret opened the register, and, on Ending that it was praoticallgr empty, deoided to- take the maohine itself, rather than go nway empty handed. , Deputy Marshal Kemp and- Pplioeman Raley were 0 the corner ot Broad and Washington streets about S. o’olook this morning, when they saw a white man go into the alley between the Steele Fhrnttore Store and S. B> Brown A Co.’* plaoe. He serried a large and ap parently heavy handle on hl» shoulder, seemed Intent on avoiding the notice of other*, Offioer; Kemp gave i. and the man with tho bun dle rani Ho went Into the vacant lot adjoining the Albany Inn, and sue* seeded-in escaping-from. Offioer Kemp, but VoUoeman Raley met him later aad engaged, himin conversation. The man gave nuoh a planaiblo account of him self, however) that Policeman Raley allowed] him to- go. He hae net been teen since, though he is. badly wanted by the-offioers. The cash legists* was missed when Hie saloon was opened tfaia morning, and was labseqpently found in the Va cant lot where It had been dropped by the burglar-in hi* hurried flight. The offloen are in hope* of oatehlng the fu« gltive, whose name and place of resi dence are known. Mr. W. K- Gilbert for Mayer. Elsewhere in the Hm»AJJ» today will be found the announcement ef Mr. W. H. Gilbert,’a candidacy for mayor of Al bany at the next regular election, sub ject to the Demooratlo primary. He asks the support of hie friends and ao- quatntaaoes. Mr. Gilbort has served several terms as Albany’s chief exeoative, and has many friends who will support him In Ills eaudidaoy now. He goes into the raoe with a determination to win. Hla entrance makes four candidates notually before • the public, with several other "possibilities,” The late ex-Governor Pingree had three pot schemes which died with him.'. One was the roolamatlon of tho immense forest wastes in Miobigan by replanting them with trees; tho seoond was the in troduction of a scientific rotation of crops in Michigan, aud tho third was a Boer emigration movera'eift to Miohigan. He visited South Africa iu the interest of his emigration scheme, and Egypt to study the system of crop rotation prac ticed there by Lord Oromer’s govern-. ment, and the Black forest in Germany to study rcforcstization. 1 ■dtti ( INDSTINCT PRINT ~ “ . . Thousands Hsnt Into ICxIle. Every vear a largo number of poor — - .. I.,.,,,,, are soro and ranked TheiHEKALD boa been requested to announce that there will be a regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy at. the Library room next Friday afternoon at 5 o’olook. AU members are earnestly qrged to be present, aad those who have not already place at tha Castle Hall on nextTat»dayj^JyJ7reeat'Aib l any'Drug Oo., Bale- i Landed in thur applications srs night, I Davis Drag Co, Prise 50o and $1. Jqnested to$oapatthbiu,e0ting. '