Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, August 17, 1901, Image 2

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1TY COUNCIL MET .TRANSACTED IMPORTANT BUSINESS MATTERS YESTERDAY APTBRNOON. w, recked Bill ft Wood Eiglie to be Sell Beck to Pectorjr Per Repairs tod Used it Ike Old Station—Contract For Building tad Equipping New Station. m IL m <k Prom Friday's Dally Herald. There was an Important called meet* lap of the Olty Connell yesterday after* noob. Several matters that are of la tprest to tho pnbllo claimed attention aud were disposed of. It is remembered that several months aso the prinoipal engine at the eleotrio Upht station, a 185-horse-power Ball dk Wood machine, went to pieces while running. It greatly orippled the plant, but as the summer season was at hand, and It being tho opinion of the engineer and eleotrlolan that "both ends oonld be made to meet” with the two remaining engines till the (all season, It was de cided not to have the disabled engine repaired. U la apparent now, however, that the ntw plant wilt not be in readiness in time to relieve the pressure of the heavy fall rush, and it Is necessary to make arrangements to meet the dlfllonlty that baa In oonseqnonon arisen. The olty was advised by Messrs. Moore & Mc Crary, its consulting ong.noers, that it would be ndvlsuble to have the Ball & Wood engine repaired, end it was de cided at yesterday afternoon's meeting to take this course. The engine will be shipped at ones to the manufacturers for n thorough overhauling. It will probably taka sixty days to oomplete the job ■, then the engine will be shipped beok to Albany and reinstalled at the old power house. With its help, the publiodomand for lights oau probably be mot without difllonlty until the completion of the new system. It is thought tlint the Ball & Wood englnecan then be sold for an amount equal to, if not greater than, the 'oost of repair ing it. A contract was also signed up be tween Mr. J. IS. Moore, for Mooro & McCrary, and tho City Council, for the erection of the new plant and pole lines. The oontroct is, in elTeot, as follows: Moore* McCrary agree to construct the entire polu lino, build tho powor house and foundation for iron stack, plaoe all oleotrloal and steam machinery ready to operate, and furulBh every thing not already contracted for, exaept steam pipe, belting, transformers aud poles. Moore * McCrary are also to furnish all labor, to begin work us soon as practicable, and pros,unite It daily till completed. They will farnisd band in the earn of ♦a,000, and aro to receive for the carrying ont of tho oontraot the sum of 10,500. Mo other imixirtaut basilicas was transacted. TIioumhiiiIh Kent Into iCstle. Evory year it largo numb or of poor ■otYorers wIk.ho lungs are sore and rack ed with (toughs aro urged to go to an< ~ tnta is other climate. Bat this is costly and lint .dways sure. Don’t be au exile when Dr. Hint 's New Dlaoovery for onuaumpllou will oure yon atlhouie. it’e the most Infallible medicine lor oougha, colds und all threat and lang diseases an earth The tirst dose brings rollef. As- founding ouree result from persistent use. Trial bottlos free at Albany Drag Co., Bale-Davis Drug Co. THREE MURDERS Wcrs Committed This Morals, la the City af Baltimore. Baltimore, Aug. 18.—Three murders were committed here this morning. Joseph Adams, a plasterer, shot his wife and her lover, Charles Houak, to Heath, on 8rd aveuue, near Druid Hill park. He says he did so to prevent the woman from bringing sname to their five girl children. Miohael Birmingham quarreled dur ing a game of cords with Levere Swit- aur, aud Bhot Switzer through the heart. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Oure for my present good health and my life. I was treated in vain by doo- tors for lung trouble following la grippe, I took One Minute Cough Oure and re covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga. Albany Drug Oo„ Sale- Paris Drug Oo. A few olingstone peaches are now be ing brought into the market, though they, like the Elbertas and other clear- gtone varieties that oame earlier, are in ferior in edae and quality.' SOMETHING NEW TO HIM. A« Alkeey Mae Discovert ■ Orest Meildee ■id Is Weeler-Streck. A night or two ago Hr. J. 1. Gilbert oame strolling down town leisurely after ■upper, and hie attention wae attracted by some beautiful piano music as he tuned from Commerce into Jefferson street. The sound of the music wee coming from the direction toward whloh Mr. Gilbert was walking, and ae the motto grew louder and louder with hie ap proach, he began to realize that it was the mnsie of an artist. Every note was dear, and never did a false note sonod to mar the sweet harmony of the in spiring selection. The technique was perfect, the expression was beautiful, and Mr. Gilbert thought that In some of the nearby house some musical genius Wee dieplaying hie eMUty to the delight of a seleot musical gathering. As Mr. Gilbert came nearer the sonnd, he located it os coming from the parlor of Dr. O. W. Arnold, on the oorner of Brood and Jefferson streets. Mr. Gilbert Wes eager to see who was making this beautiful mualo, aud he looked in through the open window. There at the piano eat Dr. Arnold himself, hie hands moving in front of him and hie body swaying to and fro in easy rythm with tho sweet strains that the Instrnment ponred forth. Mr. Gilbert looked. He rnbbed his eyes and looked again. Then he looked np the street and saw that the trees and fences and everything looked perfectly natural, to he looked in the window again, bnt ■till he saw Dr. Arnold sitting at the piano, and still he heard ponring from it the sweetest mule he had ever heard, The neighbors were all sitting about on their porches u nnoonoerned though nothing extraordinary were happening and Dr. Arnold seemed to be the only person in his parlor, so Mr. Gilbert jut deotded that it was a com mon occurrence for Dr. Arnold to give these oonoorta and fill hie program with octnpositions from Wagner, Gottsohnlk, Ueet and others. Mr. Gilbert went on down town and •topped in Mr. S. E. Bush's store on Broad street. "Well, Steve," he began, "I have lived to see something I never expected to see. I have been living in Albany all my life and I never have heard that Dr. Arnold was an expert pianist. I believe he Is the finest pianist I ever heard. Why "What aro you giving me, Joe," broke in Mr. Bash. “You oau’t work any gag like that on me." "That's no gag, man, that's a foot, and if you don’t believe it I can take you up here to the oorner and let yon hear him play." "Well," said Mr. Bnsh, "there isn’t muoh doing tonight, so I'll jut shut up the store and prove you in a Uo right now." So, Hr. Buh shut up bis store aud the two men walkod up towards Dr. Arnold's homo. Long before tlioy got there they heard masio. "That's him playing now," said Mr. Gilbert. When the two men walked up in front of Dr. Arnold's home, they looked In the window and there Dr. Arnold •at at the piano. Neither spoke for a few minutes, whon Mr. Buh broke the ■lienee by a few emphatio words. "Well, I didn't know it was in him.” Now It happens that Dr. Arnold pur chased an ongelus some time ago, and he is quite expert in working it, so it was the angehu and not the dootor who was playing. If you see Mr. Gilbert or Mr. Bush they wil< probably "put 'em," for their friends say that treats are on them And as for the Dootor—well, this scribe will, jut have to dodge him for a while. A TEXAS WONDER. BALI'S UKXAT DISCOVERT. Base ball and an oooaalonal plunge In the Flint now ooouplee the time of the average young America. Those famous little pills, DeWltt's Little Early Blears, oompel tittle Early Kisers, oompel jtmt near Mid bowels to do their duty, tnu giving yon pore, rioh blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take^ Neva: gripe. I to mg Co. ^Ubany Drug do., Sale-Deris Drug t One email bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery oores all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, ouree diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame bocks, rheumatism and all Irregularities of the kidneys end bladder troubles In ohUdron. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mall on receipt of *1.08. One small bottle is two month's treat- ment, and will oure any oase above mentioned. Da. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, St. Louie, Mo., formerly of Texaa. Send for testimonials. P, O. B 589. Bold by Albany Drug Oo. MAD THIS. Ripley, Ten n. .June 1, IDOL Dr. B. W. Hall, 8t. Louis, Mo.—Dear Sir: Har ing tried rarious remedies without satisfactory results, 1 was persuaded to Hive your “Texas Wonder” a trial. I have used one bottle, and, rhmyoMeteoneof lour standing that the akill of the best physicians, yet it at once to “The Texas Wonder,” which ly recommend to all suffering from kid ney and bladder troubles. Yours truly, W. H. BRUTON, feitor Baptist Church, Ripley, Tenn. 1 BID ACCEPTED FOR THE $28,000 OP 00LD BONDS OP THE CITY OF ALBANY. Dcoomlnstlon at the Bonds Is Ob|ectlsisble to levestort—Probable Thai Ibe Whole leeae Will Be Taken at Por by Local Parlies—Council Media, This Moral!,. Fom Saturday’s Dalty Herald This is the date named by the Mayor and Council of the city of Albany for opening bids for the issae of *85,COO of 4 per cent, gold bonds recently anthor- lzed for the Improvement of the water works and electric lighting systems of the mnnicipality. There was a meeting of Council at 18 o'olock today for the purpose of open- ing whatever bids had been sabmitted. Of the bids reoelved, none was satis- faotory to Ooanoll, no bid for better than par, less 8 per cent., being sub mitted. It was decided to reject all bids. The objection advanced by all - parties who answered the olty’s advertisement woo that the denomination of the bonds is too small. A number of investors wrote that satisfactory bids would be submitted if the denomination of the bonds oonld be mode *500 or (1,000 in stead of *100 This is a matter, however, wbioh Ooanoll has no power to change A resolution was adopted at today's meeting empowering the mayor to dis pose of the bonds at par, and it is thonght that he will have no difficulty in so doing, os local parties are anxious to se cure tbe entire issue. New Warehouse. We have rented the new fireproof We nave rented the new fireproof warrehouse reoently erected by F. F. Putney and will on August 15th be ready for business. Oar objeot is to do ■ etriotly legitimate warehouse commis sion business and on that line solioit a •hare of the public patronage and tho aid of oar friends. Il-4tw-lmd Wilder & Oo. A RECEIVER APPOINTED la the Hobbs ft Tucker Csse—A Urge Amount Involved, The Hobbs <ft Taoker oase In bank ruptcy, whioh has been pending in the United States distriot court for some time, was decided by Judge Speer oil Saturday, and the following report of the decision, from the Macon Telegraph of this morning, will be read with local interest: The most important case dcoided wns that of the National Bank of the Repnh lie against Hobbs & Tucker and others, from Albany. This was a creditors' bill filed by u number ot judgment[oredltors to subjeot very Inigo properties, ainouut- iug to over *118,000, to tho payment of their claims, aud nn application lor the appointment of n permanent re- ooivor. Tho case was |fought with great earnestness and the record was oxoeediugly voluminous Judge Speer's opinion itself covers forty- eight pages. The oonclnsioD was that Ool. R. Hobbs had conveyed about *1)3,000 of property to his wife aud other relatives to hinder, .delay and defraud his oreditors. A pormaueut receiver was appointed to take ohargo of the properties and sell the same for the ben efit of oreditors. The oase,' on account, of the amount involved, and the im portant legal principles passed on, aud the prominence of tho principal de fendant, he beiug tho judge of tho cl :y oourt of Albany and a lawyer and banker of mnoh distinction, is of wide terest. Don't le«fc Them Suffer. Often children are tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and ether skin diseases bat Bnoklen's Arica Salve heals the raw soreo, expels inflsmmaticn, leaves the skin without a scar. Glean fragrant, oheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it Oaro guurrn teed. Only 35c at Albany Drag Go., Sale-Daris Drag Oo. TRIED TO BLOW UP VESSEL. Dastardly Attempt Made to Destroy British Mute Transport it New Orleins. New Orleans, La., Ang. 10.—A das tardly attempt was made lost night to Mow up the British mule transport Meohanloian, now lying in St. Bernard Parish, just below the olty. The at tempt is laid to have been mode by the Boer sympathizers or discharged mule- n. Although not snooeeefnl, the ves sel woe badly injured and the pomps bad hard work keeping her clear of water. Tots can never onre dyspepsia by diet ing. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if toot stomach wIU not digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains oil of the natural digestants, hence most di gest every class of food and so preiare it that nature ean use it in nourishing the tlte. Albany Drug Oo. Drug Oo., Sal e-Davis | VERY POOR GAME. Albaay Deltaic* Sylvester by a Scare at 17 la 5. From Saturday’s Dally Herald. Albany and Sylvester crossed bats on the ball park yesterday afternoon in one of the poorest ball games that has been witnessed in Albany in many seasons. The Sylvester team bad been heralded as a strong aggregation of ball players, and a much more interested game was expeeted by the large crowd which wit nessed it. The game was with out a feature, fall ot errors and bad plays, and so one-sided that it was de void of all interast. In the first inning Albany scored five runs, and the Sylvester team went to prices, allowing the Albany players to run around the bases nntll their tongues hung out. Wheeler did the box work for the visitors and the Albany boys batted him at will. Bnt had Wheeler received better support, he would, undoubtedly, have done 1 etter box work. Many of the hits of the locals might have been cat off by a swift fielding team. L. Clark pitohed for Albany and the visitors foand him to be a pnzzle they were never able to solve, securing only fonr hits dnring the game. At tho end of the 8th inning the game was oalled an account of darkness. Only abont half of the orowd remained to the end of the game, a great many having beeome disgusted and left. Osborne umpired the game and gave no cause for kicking by either team. He always umpires satisfactorily. Tbe following is the score of the game: R H E. Albany— 5 1 2 0 8 « 0 0— 17 10 S. Sylvester— 0100108 1— 5 4 0. The Sylvester team returned home last night. GIRL HAD ELOPED And Her Supposed Murderers Were In s West Virginia Jail. Benwood, W. Va., Angust 0.—A couple of days ago the father of Myrtle Yost und two yoong men were arrested, oharged with killing the daughter and throwing her body into the river. The girl was located in Pittsburg today, where she had run away with a man. She says her parents were cruel to her In equipping your kitchen yon shonld nee the best— 'tin cheapest in the long ran. Lisk’s Anti - Rust Ware. Dairy Pans, ~ ddin ~ Pudding Pans, Pic Pans, Stew Pans. Coffee Pots, Milk Pails, Preserving Kettles, Milk Cans. Dish Pans, Measures, Dippers, Water Sets. »e*emi(«*e«e*e sn>k»*c4>e(*d* •»•*»•»»<«*«■«*• se«AM»AdUUU»d*AdU»«*rt»ft»»k»»*W»P»P»» IS GUARANTEED FOR THREE YEARS AGAINST RUST, j ******** ************************ ******** si (ont PERSONAL GUARANTEE BEHIND THIS.) DELFT ENAMELED WARE IS TRIPLE* COATED, OF FINEST QUALITY. , LET US SHOW YOU OUR . BLUE FLAME AND GASOLINE COOK STOVES No unnecessary heat, no smoke, no soot—a pleasure to use them. bu Cheapest of all fuels—costs one cent an hour per burner. R. C. BATMAN. mm, Picture F rames. Our new line of Moulding is just in, and we can make you any style Frame you wish, and al ways at lowest price. We have a few Mosquito Nets and “XX Century” Freezers left which go AT COST. Our Brightine Furniture Polish makes old furni ture new and keeps new furniture from getting old* It puts the highest polish on any kind of furniture.. Only 25 cents per bottle. The cotton buyers and warehousemen have abont completed all arrangements tor handling the coming crop of cotton, and are now taking what they call a short breathing spell before the season opens. No class of Albany’s citizens are worked so hard as tho buyers und warehousemen during the fall and win ter season, and they know how to appre ciate a respite from their arduous labors. km Disease There is a certain disease that has come down to ui through many ecu* 9 times and is older than history itself, yet very few outside ol those who have learned from bitter ex perience know anything of its nature 01 characteristics. At first n little ulcer 01 sore appears, then g1aml9 of the neck oi groins swell; pimples break out on the breast, back or some other part of the body and fill with yellow pustular matter; the mouth and tlirout become sore and the tongue is at all times badly coated. Headaches are frequent, and muscles aud joints throb and hurt, especially during damp, rainy weather. These are some ol the svmptoms of that most loathsome of all diseases, Contagious Blood Poison. — % . This strange pois- COntQglOUS on doe9 not affect Blood Poison eaten up with It within a short time after being inoculated, while others show but slight evidence of any taint for a long time after exposure, but its tendency in every case 19 to complete destruction ol the physical system, toondr or later. S. S. S. it a safe and infallible cure for this bad disease—the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures Contagious Blood Poison in every form and stage thoroughly and permanently. S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or other harmful minerals, but is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy, and we offer $1,000.00 reward for proof that it is not on MEDICAL V“ estab- ALBANY FURNITURE CO. THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. DON’T BOY PECAN TREES without looking to your OWN INTERESTS by observing the following FACTS:^^' My tnrsery trees are grown from nuts gathered from MY OWN IAT. MY OWN LAND, and cultivated bv MY REGULAR I'ARM HANDS. It stands to reason I cun give my custom* era 11 GREAT ADVANTAGE IN PRICES over those who RENT LAND to be cultivated by EXPENSIVE LABOR, aud BUY tjmir SEED NUTS whioh "come HIGH,” if in any degree equal mine in CLASS, ’ As to Prices Lower Than Mine : , ' n ' ort to compete with parties who GROW TREES FROM WITH^V PLGW K T ° MY ° WN ’ ° R ° IG THEIR NURSERY STOCK G. M. BACON, DeWitt, Ga. nwABTiffMT liihed years ago, DEPARTMENT, lf doing . A no ble work in relieving suffering. Give out phyololana a short history of your oaM and get their advioe. This will oost you nothing, and what you aay will hi hold in strictest confidence. With their help and a copy of our book on Contagious Blood Poison you oar manage your own ease and euro your* golf at homo* SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a Alliance warehouse. We are here to serve you. Come and see us. We guarantee satisfaction in every re spect. Bagging and ties always on hand. LaRoque & Co.- KMUwlft Proprietors. A InMItuMoa SORTER COLLEGE, ROME, for LADIES. GEORGIA. «»«*"■ "Ml|hl(,.l .nil In.lor.m,, ll.„||h r«ord ‘y^VaSSi.ra ".ip'i.iitit'i, sill III r minion*, cl ll.Uel*' K..U rES. —J—".T"*- th J‘ 0 • two.thoii.Bnd.doll.r In any culler* in ihe JjVh? B? r *l*** cr»nd««t musical |>rlte e»«r offered UdlST would do W.U ^™.b U,ln ', lh# u T m ‘i 1 »P“« «» filled. Young Writ* President Simmon* 1 #*** •rpHcmeiem for admission I11 K*pUmhtr. writ* msldant Simmon* for n caUIogu., which willl* senlfrc*, postpaid. Cream of Kentucky Whiskey! THE BEST ON EHRTH I $1.00 PER QDART; -:- $1.00 PER GALLON. I. TRACER & CO, DISTILLERS. H. SOLOMON, ACT. ALBANY, GA. . if*..- ‘1C..: | INDS "• ,mm dstinct print