Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, September 07, 1901, Image 2

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w THE QUEST OP HONOR AT A NIOHT DINNER. SATURDAY H« Sm Away Ik* Plraf Prlu la a Qaatal Eackr* ill la Iht Dance Thai PoOawt# It Waa Remarked That He Was the Reel Dancer la the Hall Ream—Clever All Mamganiett .Pier, N. Y„ Sept. 2.— OUneae Ulmeter Wu Ting Fang was Che gaeat of honor at a dinner party at the Uatthewnon Saturday night. All the table deooratlone were huge sun flowers, the uational emblem of China. At the conclusion of the dinner all the guests were given the autograih of Minister Wo. The guests played euohtu, and Mr. Wn took off the first prize. Al ter this danoing took plaoe, when the Chinese minister’s danoing was remark, ed upon as the best in the ball room. ARE WE TO LOSE MB.WU? Rumored That He Is te Be Traaiferred Prom Wathlailoo lo London. London, Sept. 1.—'"LI Ohing Fang, the adopted sou of LI Hung Chang, hav ing declined the St. Petersburg lega tion," says a dlspatoh to the Timer from Pekin, "China haa appointed Sir Chi Sen Lo Fong Loh, Chinese minister In London, to St. Petersburg, transferring Wn Ting Fang from Washington London.” INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS to 01 Sovareltne and Chicle el Stele Is Ciar'e Lalssl Scheme. Paris, Sept. 2.—Today’s Haphel aays It is rumored that the Osar, after visit ing President Loubot, will oorivone an International congress of sovereigns and olitefs of state at Copeuhagan, with King Christian, of Denmark, as preal dent. ENGLAND DOES NOT ACQUIESCE la Rueeo-Gsrmaa Atrsemeal Defining Spheres ol Influence In Chian. Vienna, Sept. 2.-An extra from the Post's Borlin correspondent says Russo-German agreement, defining the respective spheres of Influence of the two powers In China, has been'reached. England, the oorroapoudent says, in ao. quiescent. WON THE BET, Bat Old John Will Hardly Wear Iht Hal He Received. Some time ago Mr. John G. LaRoque and Mr. Goode Price, a prosperous Lee oounty farmer, made a bet as to whether Mr. Price would market a bale of ootton in August, Mr. Price betting that he wonld and Mr. LaRoque betting that he would not. About two weeks ago Mr. Price was confident that he would win his bet and ho was expressing himself on the cer tatnty ol doing so to Mr. La- Ro.|ne in the latter’s office. Mr. La Roque thought that Mr. Price would win, too, and he pointed to an old hat, long since discarded, which was hang- ing on the wall in his office, and said, Well, thero's the hat I am going to give you." But the rainy weather interfered with Mr. Prloo's calculations and he did not get in his bale. He lost his bet, therefore but he remembered what Mr. LaRoque had said about the bat he was going to give him, so he got an old hat that was in a complete state of di lapidation, crown off and rim torn, put it in a now hat box and rent It around to Mr, LaRoque. The following poem was enclosed in the box: Good-bye old hat! You've faithful been And trac to me for years; And now that we must parted be, Is grief too deep for tears. The bet I made with friend LaRoque To gin an August bale Is lost from overmuch of rain. There's suoh a word as "fail.” Though tattered now aud torn,old friend You step into the breach And save your master five hard planks Old hat, you are a peach. Yours in tears, Goode Prick. Aug. 81st, 1201. Mr. Lalloquo brought the poem up to the Herald oflloe this morning, and he had written on the bottom of the sheet the following: "How is this for Goode's old batf Would send the hat, but don't like to losejil, as it is worth four cente. Old John. FOREIGNERS IN CONSTANTINOPLE PRINCE CHDN BALKS. WILL NOT PROSTRATE HIMSELF BEFORE GERMAN EMPEROR. The Kaiser's Cosdlileas Tee Haadllstlsi far Chines! Royslty—Dslay Is Profl»l|stloi of Edicts Nsccsssry le Complete Protocol Dst te the Prises Chos Dlfllcslty. Do Not Celebrate Iht Aislvtrttry ol Abdal Htmld't Acccttloa. Constantinople, Sept. 2.—Yesterday was the anniversary ol Abdul |Hamtd's tioeesslou to the throne, aud a fete was held. Mott of the foreign merchants ig nored the festival. Thu Freuoh embassy displayed no duooratlona. MUNIER BEY COES TO SWITZERLAND. He Maoeicd Matters So lie Could Nol Be aiven-Hli PuiporU. Paris, Sept. 2.—MnntrRey, the Turk ish Ambassador to France, lias gonu to Switzerland, and will not rotnru to Paris until the present dispnte has been ended. The Turkish Ambassador left Peris n week ego on a vacation, and re turned in a few days incoguito, in order that passports could not be given him, SUED FOR DEBT, One Memphis Man Attack# Another and la Kilted. Memphis, Teun., Sopt, 2.—.T. Thrash was shot fturt instantly killed by .Tospph Bileeba, it restaurant koopor, in the lat ter's place of baldness last ovomug after Thrush Irnd made a murderous assault upon Suleebrt, who bad sued him for debt. Snloobn is under arrest. THE VOICE OF LABOR. Euwderly Ssys This Is the flay For it lu Express Itself. Washington, Sept. 2.—Former Oran,! Waster Workman, V. 1'. Powderly, of the Kniglus of Labor, said this morning in disonssiug Labor Day. "Kvery phase of the labor question should be analyzed by the labor orators today. Labor day gives the workingman a citauco to voice his sentiments. Labor day dates back to 1882, when the greatest parade New York has ever seen took plaoe." Prol, Ilmen’s Way. The following aneoootels related of Prof, Bnsen, says the Des Moines Leader: One night he and his wife re turned from a visit and were about to enter tho honse. "My dear,” said tho professor, "It is too early for me to go to bed. I think I'll go over to the Rathskeller to drink a itcoppon with my friends. Yon oan go to bed awhile, it yon like.” “But," said the wife, “I must have the front door looked or I will be afraid to be alone injtho house." The professor, who had solved the most iutricatu problems otaoleuoe, stood helplussibofot-o the difftoultles now pre sented. At length his wife had a bril liant idea. “I'll go inland look the door from the ineldo," she|sald. “Then I'll throw the key out of the .window nnd yon oan go to your friends.” “A brilliant woman," said the pro fessor os his wife disappeared throngh the door. Qnite a time elapsed before his wife groped her way upstairs, made a light and fonnd a pieoe of white paper in which she enveloped the key. She threw it into the gutter, from wheuoo it was fished by Jlier .'admiring husband. Arriving at theJRathskeller, the profes sor told his orouies of his wife's billlaut idea. A shont of|;iaughtor greeted the conclusion of his story. "What is| thore^to laugh at?" asked tile professor. “You idiot, "(replied one of his friends, "why didn't yon simply admit your wife into tlie honse nnd lock the door from tile ontsldojnnd come away?" "By Jove 1 1 hadn't thonght of that." said tile profe-sor. When lie reached home ntid tried t.o let himself in lie dlscoved that his wife had. in her excitement, thrown him the wrong key. Berlin, Sept. 1.—It le now very donbt- ful, according to a dispatch to the Lokal Anzelger from Basel, Switzerland, whether Prince Chan will come to Ber lin to make formal apology for the mar. der of Baron von Ketteler. Members of the expiatory mission say: “Uuder present conditions we oan never go to Berlin. We wonld rather die than ac cept them." It appears that they object particular ly to Prince Chun's attendants prostrat ing themselves before Emperor William, inasmaoh as tills is a special honor re- served for the emperor of China, and wonld be a recognition of the kaiser's equality. The following information Is given re garding Prince Ohnn’s speech to the kaiser: Prince Chun intended to say : "Tho Chinese government regrets that Baron von Ketteler was killed," but the Berlin government dictated the following form The Chinese government begs pardon for tho murder of the German minister, Baron von Ketteler." The Chinese in Basel arc trying to give the case international Importance by emphasizing the fact that one of the dignitaries seleoted for prostration was made a baronet by Queen Victoria, while another has the cross of the Le gion of Honor. It is alleged that Emperor William is determined that the protocol shall ;be signed before he receives Prince Ohtro and that he will lslst upon an apology for the mnrder of Baron von Ketteler. Beyond that, however, the oeremony of reoeption will be deprived of everything of a humiliating character, full honors being rendered to Prince Chan, as brother of Emperor Kwaug So, on his way to the palaoe. ATLANTIC COMPRESS COMPANY Sivannsh Removlot Its Headquarters From to Atlinte. Bavtnnah, Ga„ Sept. 2—The head quarters of the Atlantic Compress Com pany will be transferred from Savannah io Atlanta. The offices of the company will be established in the Empire build ing In that oity. The removal will take plaoe between Sept. 18 and Oct. 1, which will mean that by the latter date the business of the company will be directed from Atlanta. Mr. O. (O. Hanson, president; Oapt. Samuel ,T. Whitesides, vice president; Mr. L 0. Matthews, secretary and au ditor, are the officers of the company who will go from Savannah to Atlanta, besides the office force. The office of the company in Savannah has beeu at the general offices of the Central Hall- road, where Mr. Hanson had his office as lessee of the |Oentral Railroad com presses and operator of several others before merging of his business in the Atlantic Compress Company. Since the formation of the Atlantlo Compress Company, less than a month ago, the number of compresses operated by it has been more than doubled There are now twenty-one press-, s under the direction of the oompany. Three are at Savannah, three at Macon, two at At lanta, one at Americas, two at Albany, one at Dawson, one at Enfanla. one at Troy, two at OolambnB, one at Opelika, one at Montgomery, Jtwo at Dothan, and one at Thomasville. Mr. Hanson says that the removal from Savannah to Atlanta is to get nearer the oenter of the business of the company. Strike. a Klnli Plml "I was troubled for several years with ohronto Indigestion and nervous debility, writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., "No remedy helped me until I began using Electrio Bitters, which did me more good than all the raedioine 1 ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Eleotrio Bitters are jnst splendid for female troubles; that tbey are a grand tonio and lnvigorator for weak, ran down women. No other medicine can' take its place in our family." Try a, them. Only fiflo. Satisfaction guaran teed by Albany Drag Co , Snle-Davis Drag Oo. TO ACCELERATE THE SELLING! Will close out the remaining Refrigerators on hand at following reduced prices: ::::::::: $30.00 SIZE AT $21 80 28 00 44 44 19 70 23 00 44 44 16 35 17 50 44 44 12 90 15 00 44 44 11 25 14 00 44 44 10 20 London, Sept. 2.—"Tha delay in the promulgation of the edicts necessary to oomplete the protocol is doe (to the Clinn dlfflonlty,” says a dispatch to tho Times from Pekin. "Tne Chinese ver sion is that Emperor William insisted upon Prlnoe Chon kotowing, and when this was refnsed wanted his suite to kotow. "For a century past all envoys to Pekin hare refnsed to perform this bar- bartons oeremony and there is great as tonishment here that Germany has raised the question, as the German mitt iater is bo anxious to get the protocol signed that he has today, for the second time, urged the ministers not to wait for the ediat, bat to get the protocol signed and to trust the Chinese envoys for socuriug the odiot nf torwards. “In view of the unsatisfactory nature of tho aims of the edicts, it Is impossible for Sir Ernest Satow and Mr. Kockhill to assent to this proposal, although a majority of the ministers of powers are willing. "Owing to tho protract'd delay Mr. Kockhill has been compelled to decline the Fronoh offer of a passage to Japan on tlie cruiser Pascal." TRIED TO HANG HIMSELF. Georgian Attempts Suicide at Police Station in Tampa, Fla. Tampa, Fla,, Aug 30. —Dr. W. T. Manning, a Georgian, attempted to kill himself at the police station where he was confined, by hrnging himself with his suspenders. Ho was eat down and began gnawing at his wrists to sever an artery. lie has been here a year and has made a dozen efforts at suicide. A TEXAS WONDER. ('minut l»e Cured blown to Atom*. The old Idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastio, purgative pill has been exploded ; for Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system end absolutely cure constipation and sick headache. Only 25c at Albany Drug Oo. and.9ale-Davfs Drug Oo. l.y local applications a* they cannot reach the diseased iiortiou of the ear. lliere is only one way to cure deafness, aud that is by eoustitutiounl remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous liuing of the Eustachian Tube. When tins tube iB Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless tlio inflammation can be taken oat aud this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever ; nine cases out of feu are caused by Catarrh, which is uothtng but an in- flamed condition of the muoons snrfaoee. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca- taiTh) that cannot be oured by Hall’s °* tor & T a ^nr»rS£ ,or circulars, free. F.J.OHENEY & OO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 750. Hall's Funilj Plus are the brat HALL'S UllKAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your drugg&% will be sent by mail on receipt of fl.Oj. Oue small bottle is two month’s treat ment, and will cure auy case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Texas. Send for testimonials. P. O. Box 039. Sold by Albany Drug Oo. READ THIS. Ripley, Tenn., June 1,1901 Dr. K. W. Hall, 8t. Louts, Mo.~-Dt*ir Sir: Hnv- ing tried various remedies without satisfactory results, I whs persuaded to give your “Texas Wonder” a trial. I have used one bottle, and, although my case is one of long standing that baited the skill of the best physicians, yet it r lelded at once to "The Texas Wonder, which heartily recommend to all suffering from kid ney and bladder troubles. PMtor Baptist Church, Ripley, Team Trading Stamps included in this exceptional offer. A backward season has smashed the prices, but nothing can change the quality. There’s a limit to the number, and we can’t promise to repeat this offer. W. S. BELL & SON. TO PLANT CANTALOUPES. Slock Company Forming ol Camilla to Plant 1,000 Acres. The Camilla Clarion says: An effort is being made in Oumilla with fair prospeots of success to form a stock company for the purpose of culti vating cantaloupes next year on au ex tensive scale. The promoters of the scheme propose to plant a thousand or twelvo hundred acres of Rooky Ford oan alonpee out on the Flint, that land being admirably snlted for the crop aud having never been planted in melons, wonld make the best kind o' a fruit. It is estimated that the cost of cultiva tion and getting the melons to market will be #80,000, while with a fair season and prices the crop ought- to bring at least #75,000. We are informed that the company will build or charter two or three boats to take melons to Bain bridge, where they will be loaded on cars for shipment. As the lands are olose to the river the cost of loading will be small. Women are Like Flowers. and bloom. Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It’s her right and duty, but she might as well try to put out a fire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organs that make her a woman. Upon their health depends her health. If there Is inflammation or weakening drains or suffering at the monthly period, attend to it at once. Don’t delay. You're one step nearer the grave every day you put it off. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at the most delicate and vital organs In their body. You may have been deceived In so-called cures. We don’t see how you could help It— there is to much worthless stuff on the market. But you won’t be dis appointed In Bradfield’s Female Reg- ulator. We believe ills the one medi cine on earth for womanly ills. There is aa much difference between it and other so-called remedies as there is betwien right and wrong. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator soothes the pain, stops the drains, promotes regularity, strengthens, purines and cleanses. It does «U this quickly and easily and naturally. It is for women alone to de- cide whether they will be healthy or •fck. Bradfield’s Regulator lies at hand, fl per battle at drag store. SalkrevhwbokM. • IRC BtAOnCLO REGULATOR Cfb, Attests, to. OUR CLEARANCE SALE WAS A GRAND SUCCESS, IN THAT IT GAVE THE PEO PLE OF ALBANY SOME RARE BARGAINS IN Furniture and House Furnishings We advertised to »ell at a price, and we kept onr word. Here are a few SPECIALS for next week: A full size No, 7 Stove, complete with Tinware, Hob d*H QC loware and Piping, only v* A full size No. 8 Stove, complete, for only A full size No. 8 Stove with Reservoir, and all fur nishings complete, only Iron and Brass Beds at EXACT COST. The finest line in the city to select from. $10.95 $17.50 ALBANY FURNITURE CO. THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. ALBANY EWU® (50. | ALBANY H»© '(50. THE BEAUTIFUL ART PICT RE “FINISHING TOUCHES’’ One goes with each BABY POWDER. box of JOHNSON’S PRICE 25 CENTS. This powder is as fine a preparation as is on the market, and this elegant picture is 11-13 inches ; has no lettering on it, and is a beautiful work of art. If you need any powder this is the one to buy, and get this picture free. ‘•WE KEEP THE BEST: IF THERE WERE ANY BETTER WE WOULD REEF IT.” ALBANY DRUG COMPANY, WAOLKSALE. BROAD STREET. Cream of Kentucky Whiskey! THE BEST ON ERRTH $1.00 PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. I. TRACER & C0„ DISTILLERS. H. SOLOMON, ACL ALBANY, GA. Tv la ' INDSTINCT PRi NT