Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, September 28, 1901, Image 6

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OF INQUIRY. THE SCHLEY COURT, IT HAS BEEN DBCIDED TU BAR OPINIONS OP WITNESSES. SESSIONS OP THB COURT WERE RESUMED TODAY. CZOLGOSZ HOT ALLOWED TO PLEAD GUILT!. c r Mads No Ok|oclloi to Rimuy, and the abort ol tbo Court Wort Sworn lo. I lino ti to Wbotbor Wltoooiot Shill Olva Only PacM Wlthoat Tbolr Oplaloao. f* - Nary Yard, Washington, D. 0., Sept sd.—Admiral Dewey arrived at the Behley oonrtoMnqnlry room at 10:88 a. m. Marine* were on guard, and be. fore the oonrt opened barred ont all wire member* of the oonrt and wltneaaea. Later, Judge Adrocate General Lemley arranged to allow repreoentaf.vea of the preaa aaaoolatlona within the rail where It would be poaolble to hear the teatl. mony. Hear Admiral Sohley with hit attor ney* arrived ten mlnntee before the time for opening the oonrt. The andteuee of A hundred reoognlced him with anbdued hand* clapping. The oonrt, with Admiral Dewey at the head, walked Into the room at the ' first etroke, aa registered by the olook, Admiral Ramsay ocoupied the seat for merly held by Admiral Howlton at the left of Admiral Dewey. Oapt. Lemley then read the order of the navy depart ment appointing Admiral Ramsay a member of the oonrt. Admiral Bobley, aiked It he objeoted to Ramaay, replied, "no." Oapt. Lemley theu swore in the members of the oonrt, the three bond ing forward and each grasping a small Bible. Oapt. Lemley was hlmsolf sworn in by Admiral Dewey and In torn ad ministered the oath to the olerk and reporter of the oonrt. Lemley read a letter from Admiral Dewey to the Beoretary of the Navy, asking lor ooples of the documents relating to the trial, and a letter from Assistant Secre tary Haokett, transmitting the informa tion asked. Captain Lemley suggested withdrawal while the oonrt discuss the method and oonrse of prooedure. Re- oess was taken aooordingly. Admiral Ramsay shook hands oor- dinlly with Sohley and his attorney. The oonrt reappeared at 11 ;34. Captain Lemley asked 8obley If he had anything to offer as to how the In quiry should be oondnoted, whether he wonld open or permit the department to do so. Bohloy replied; "Go right along." Judge Advocate Lemley offered for reference the bureau of navigation re port of 1808, giving a tabular statement of the movements of the vessels. "We hare no objections to Its snbmls tlon," said Jndge Rayner, of Sohley'* oounael, "providing, ol oourse, we are not barred from iqipeaohlng the report." "Of oonrse not," replied Judge Advo- oate Lornley. Ho also stated that Sohley eonld demand the originals he desired. Lemley then intro duced ns ;ovidenoe< a copy of a senate doonment relating to the Sampson Sohley controversy, together with bydrographio office charts show ing the soonos of the oampalgn. "Now I will offer,” continued Oapt. Lemley, "a ohart showing tho position of the vetsels off Santiago.” He spread be fore the oonrt a blue print about Ball fiat." "I object," spoke np Oapt. Parker, of Sohloy’s oonusol. "The chart Is grossly inoorrect. It places tho coust line six miles further south ana fonr miles fur ther wost thnu It is In fact," "The chart does not provo anything," explained Oapt. Loniloy; "It is not put as evidence, but for referonoo." Oapt. Lemloy road the department nr der assigning Adtnlial Sampson to com rnand of tho North Atlantic squadron'; alto giving Sohley oowmund o(, the Flying sqnadrou at Hampton Roads. Admiral Francis J. Higglnson was then sworn In by Admiral Dowoy. Ho stated that ho commanded the Massa chusetts as part of the Flying squadron through the war. Tho Flying sqnnd- ron proceeded to Key West, arriving in May; thonoo, May 19th, to Olenfnegns The Texas, Massachusetts, Brooklyn and Fugle composed the fleet. The trip Ire I, Key Wost to Oienfuegos was made full speed, the fleet arriving May SBnd. They approached within two or three miles of the Oubau coast. Tho squad ron remained at Oieufnegos until May 21th, uear sundown. "I ask you to state fully what was done by Admiral Schley to discover the Spanish fleet." "Nothing to my knowledge. I saw nothing- I understood that lie received information from Oapt'. McCalla.” Tho court adjourned at 1 o’olook for an hour. Schley's attorneys had not completed their argument against the court a.-.kiug for and permitting wit nesses to give their opinions. They claimed that only faots known to be enoh, should be received. Admiral Dewey sain that opinions as well as foots were desired. The question was turned over to the Jndge Advocate Gen- This Was What Schlty Costs slid for tl Yes terday's Seisloa—Feature tl Today's Sttstot Wit ths Caatradlctiry Evldeace elCaptsls HlalMS sid Commander alias. ■Washington, Sept. 31.—By barring ont the opinions of witnesses the Sohley oonrt of Inquiry has shortened the time of the inquiry by several weeks. Had they been admitted, moat of the officers, from ensign np, would have been called and the opinion of each been the sub ject of long gross examination, as most of the higher officers are known to favor Sampson. The feature of the day was the con tradictory evidence of Admiral Higgin- aon, captain of the Massachusetts, and Commander Giles ,B. Harbor, of the Texas. Iltgglnson said that after the Flying Squadron arrived at Santiago the ships kept from two to fonr miles from shore, and oloser to shore at night, Barber declared that by day the vessel* were from seven to ten miles from shore and that they were snrthe removed at night. Higglnson testified that In sailing book and forth the ships passed abont a mile east and west of Santiago harbor. Harbor said they sailed seven or eight miles east and west of the harbor. Justice White Overruled Plea of Mc Kinley’s Assassin. When He Was Arraigned For Trial in Buffalo This Morning—Orders That the Polish Anarchist Qo to Trial Under a Plea of “Not Quilty”—Interest ing Scenes at Opening of the Notable Case To day. "1 am Indebted to One MInnte Oongh Onre for my present good health and ray life. I was treated in vain by doc tors for long trouble following la grippe, I took One MInnte Congh Onre and re covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga. Albany Drag Oo., Sale- Davis Drag Oo. KILLING IN THE COUNTRY. Aminas Foujhl to ths Death it Pritorla Saturday Night. Nows was reoelved in the oity last night by the offioers of the killing of a negro woman at the plant of the Red Cypress Lnmber Oompany, in West Dougherty. The Information oame yes terday in a message to Sheriff Edwards, and oontalned few details. The oase, aooordlngjto what the Herald has been able to learn, is abont as follows: Two negro women living on the prop erty of the lnmber company became in volved In an alternation, there having beon bad blood between them for some time. Thp trouble ended by ono of the women making a murderous assault on the other, and stabbing her vlothn fa tally with a knife. The murderess then rnado her onoape, leaving tho mill settlement for parts nnknown. Djjputy Sheriff Godwin, Qorouer Wal ton and other parties from the oity arc at the soone of the killing today making an luvestigatlou. An inquest has beon or will be held, aud every offort will be made to oaptnre tho woman who did tho killing. The Hkhai.i) was unable to obtain the names of either of tho par. ties oouoerned lu the tragedy. Ha Kept HU Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Oonn., soratohed ills leg with a rnsty wire. Inflammation and blood poisontug set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, “hot," he writes, "I used one bottle of Eleotrio bitters and 1 boxes of fiuoklen's Arnioa Salve and my leg was Bound and well os ever." For eruptions, oezemn, tetter, salt rhenm, sores and all disorders Eleotrio Bitters bus no rival on earth. Try them. Albany Drug Oo. aud Sale- Davis Drng Oo. will guarantee satisfac tion or refnnd monoy. Only GO oents. AMERICANS KILLED IN EUROPE. oral for decision. Frettier weather than we are now ex- ; penenctng is seldom visited upon this Hi Tourists Victims ol Disastrous Smasbup In Roumaola—Three Lost Lives. Vienna, 8ept. 38.—The Post’s Buchar est correspondent telegraphs that paper that Herman Witte and Erio Falconer, believed to be raedloal students from Baltimore, and Miss Edith Johnson, of St. Louis, were killed in a smnshnp at Tnrnn Severn, Ronmanin. Edward Livingston, of Ohioago, was among those who esoaped Injury. Deafness Cannot ba Cured by looal applications ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of the enr. There is only ono way to onre deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the muoons lining of the Enstaohian Tube. When this tnbe is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation oan be taken ont and this tube restored to its normal oonuition, hearing will be destroyed for ever ; nine eases ont of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the muoons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any oase of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh Onre. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. OHENEY & OO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. ' ’ a Hall's Family Fills are the best. Buffalo, Sept. 38.—Leon F. Czoigoez was escorted through the tunnel from the Erie oonnty jail to the court room where he was to be tried, at 9:50 o’olook this morning. The tunnel is oonstrnoted beneath the street, and all danger of mob lnterferenoe was eliminated by using this underground passage. Early this morning the police officers began assembling abont the oity hall Every avenne to the building was taken possession of, and no one was permitted to go there without identification by pass or the personal permit of the su perintendent of polios. Supremo Coart Jndge White la presiding. Dlstrlot At torney Benny and Assistant Dlstrlot Attorney Haller are representing the state, and former Supreme Oonrt Job tloes Lewis and Titos are for the de fense, with Oarlton E. Ladd as oonnsel. Before 9 o'clock the lower floor of the oltv hall was filled with people who wore anxlooa to be present at the trial. These were qnlokly dispersed, and s line was drawn so that only those per sons who had business In (he oity hall were allowed to pass even within the outer doors. When the court was called to order this morning, Justice White asked the Dlstrlot Attorney: "Have yon any business for the oonrt?” "Yes," said Mr. Penny, "I wish to move the indlotment of Leon F. Ozolgoez, charged with murdering William MoKinley.” "Let him plead," said the judge. Mr. Penny then said: "Leon Gzol. gosz. yon nre indioted and It is oharged that yon did, on the sixth day of Sep tember, 1901, unlawfully shoot nnd kill William MoKinley. How do yon plead." “I did not hear, you,” said Czoigoez, thus ottering tho first words he had ever spoken in oonrt. Mr. Penny repeated the statement made in the indlotment. "How do yon plead?" asked the District Attorney. "Guilty," replied Ozolgosz, In a fli-m tone. Jnstloo White promptly aaid;_ "The court cannot accept that plea, and a plea of ‘not guilty' will be entered.” Jndge Titns then rose to nddress the oonrt. Jndge Titns said he did not wish to say anything in apology for the presence ofjhimseif and his assistants, but he wished to explnin the reason why they were there. "At the time we were assigned to de fend the prisoner," said he, "I was ont of the city, and neither myself nor asso ciates wero consulted about the assign ment. At first I declined to aoaept, bat Inter considered it a duty that I owed to the court to nocopt the tusk, disagree able though it was. So we are here to see the defendant, If he be guilty, oon- vioted only on such evidenco os the law of the land requires in cases of this obaraoter, aud that in the trial the forms of law be observed as the statutes de mand in cases of this class.” Justioe White Bnid the court wonld order a plea of "not grnity" In behalf of the prisoner, jnst as though he had not pleaded guilty. The calling of tales men for a jury was then ordered. Water Cure forChronlo Consumption* Take two cups of hot water -half an hour before each meal and jest before going to bed, also a drink of water, hot or oold, abont two honm at ter eooh meal. Take lots of outdoor exercise—walk, ride, drive. Make a regular habit of this and In many cases ohronlo consti pation may be on red without the nee of medioine. When a purgative is required take something mild and gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by Albany Drng Co. river. MUCH COTTON DESTROYED. A Report of the Damage lo Cropa to Baker County. Special Correspondence. Hardnp, Baker Oonnty, Sept. 31.— Flint river haa broken the record here, rlalng twenty-three and a half feet in forty-eight honr* and doing mnoh dam age to the farmers near the river. The heavleat lose, ao far, la to Bartow F. Powell, oolored. He loat fifty or aixty bale* of ootton and some oorn. Powell is one of the wealthiest men In the oonnty, and haa many frienda who will be sorry to learn of his great that. Next ia Ed. Brnton, a worthy oolored man, who loses fifteen or twenty hales by the flood. A number of others lose from one to five bales of ootton. At this writing the water seems to be on a stand, and we hope the worst Is past. NEW COTTON OIL MILL THE SCHLEY COURT. NO SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THIS MORNING'S PROCEEDINGS. The Loft of Spsolab tod Americas Ships Tahloi Ptrt to the Santiago Naval Battle Introdnced •• Evidence—Feds Connected With the Movement! ol the Meeuchu- aetts. Navy Yard, Washington, D. 0., Sept, 38.—Ths Sohley oonrt of Inquiry opened at 11 o’olook this morning. Jndge Ad- vooate General Lemley offered as testi mony the logs of the different vessels in action at Santiago, except the New York. Jodgo Wilson asked that, the logo of the New York and Colon he ad ded. A long discussion as to what parts of the logs shonld be offered followed. Sohley’s connsel won the point. CommandedSohroder|took the stand to change his testimony. He said that Sohley told Higglnson the day he fired on the Colon that Sampson wonld be there the next day. After a long dis- ouseion of connsel tho witness said the Massachusetts had 843 tons ot coal on May 36th. He thought she eonld sail 8,700 miles with that. Higglnson had said 3,600. Schroder said the Massa chusetts left for ccallng at 4 a. m. of the morning the Spaniards eame ont. She had plenty of coal then. Company Orgtnlrlng lo Build One at Daw- Dawson, Ua., Sept. 30.—A new cot ton oil mill is to be erected In Dawson It is believed that it will take but a short while to secure the necessary capital. The new oompany proposes to lncorpo rate with a oapltal of $36,000. Jndge Sheffield wi-1 be asked to oharter the organization whon he convenes the No vember term of Terrell Superior Oonrt. It Is proposed to have the farthers large ly represented among the stockholders. Oared Wood Poidoiip Cancer, Ulcers, Ec seia-Ha Etc. If you have offensive pimples or erup tlons, ulcers on any-part of the body, aching bones or joints, falling hair, mnoons patches, swollen glands, sore lips, eating, fostering sores, sharp, gnawing pains, then yon suffer from se rious blood poison or the beginning of deadly oaneer. You may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B, B. B ) It heals every sore or nicer stops all aches and pains and reduces al: swellings. Especially advised for all obstinate ens-s that have reaohed the second or third stage. Drnggists, $1. Trial treatment free Dy writing Dr. Gil- lam, Atlanta, Ga. Dt-scribe trouble and tree medical advioe given. LA CRANDE DUCHESSE BOUGHT. WANTS TO DIE. ' '. v vj >j Bereaved Widow of the Late President Says She Wants to Join Her Husband in Death. Canton, Ohio, Sept. 38.—The moat difficult task that Dr. Rixey and the relatives and attendants of Mrs. MoKln • ley have ia oo get away from her the idea that she most die. She wants to join her hnaband In death, ahe has told her friends. In order to supplant this morbid idea they have reeorted to driv ing frequently. IN WEST VIRCINIA. President Egan ao Announces—Will be Turned Over to 0. S. S. Co. Oct. 1—Will Oo on Line Some Time In Decomber. From the Savannah Press, Sept. 13,1001. President John M. Egan, of the Cen tral of Georgia Railway and Ocean Steamship Oompany, returned from New York today, where he went to meet officials of the Plant System with refer enced to the pnrohase of Plant steam ship La Grande Duchesso. "The Ocean Steamship Oompany has acquired the Plant System steamer La Grande Duchesse,” said President Egan this morning to a Press representative. "La Grande Duohesse will follow the international yacht r ices about the clos ing days of the month, if they are not postponed, aud about Ootober 1 will bo turned over to tho company. She will be entirely overhauled, her passenger accommodations considerably decreased and her freight room likewis.e increased. Her freight room, when the proposed alterations are completed, will be about the same as those of the Kansas City. It will probably take about two months to make the changes we desire in the ship, which will put her in the service of the company about December 1. Cer tainly the ship should be on the line by the first of the year. "As in all cases of buyer aud seller we were apart when the negotiations began, the sellers asking more for the ship than we offered. Finally we got together on the price, which was in the nature of a compromise figure " The people of Savannah will rejoice to read the above news, as the Grande Duohesse has always been a prime fa vorite in this section. When this mag nificent ship was first launched she ran on the line between here and New York for a time and on every trip her passen ger accommodations were filled to the utmost limit. Some of the cattle in the pasture just east of the anion depot are said to' have hud narrow escapes from drowning as a result of the recent rapid rise in Flint SCORE ONE ACAINST SCHLEY. Important aod Unexpected Testimony ol the Texai' Navlfator. Navy Yard, Washington, 1). C., Sept, 82.—Lewi* C. Hellner, navigator of the Battleship Texas, on the stand, posi tively testified that tho Texas was com pelled to slow up and finally entirely stop her engines to prevent being snnk by the Brooklyn when Unit ship made her famous loop. "I wish to truthfully state to yon and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques tion, the best and only ears for dyspep sia that I have ever oome in contact with and I have used many other prepa rations. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Dys pepsia Onre as it contains all the natural dlpestants. It will digest all kinds of fond and oan't help bnt do yon good. AlbauyDrugOo., Sale-Davis Drug Oo. DAWES’ SUCCESSOR. W. B. Rldfely, of Illinois, lo Be Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, Sept. 21.—'The appoint ment by the President of W. B. Ridge- ly, of Illinois, as Comptroller of the Currency to succeed Ohas. G. Dawes, resigned, was officially announced this morning. Mr. J. F. Mercer has a card in the Herald in whioh he states that he will offer for sale his beautiful residence, in one of the most desirable sections of the oity. He says he has determined to sell, even though it be at a saoriflee. The Experience of a Minister In the Moun tain Wilds. From the Baltimore Sun. A Baltimore young lady, just baok from a vaoation, tells this one: Way baok inthe mountains of West Virginia a Presbyterian minister some time ago fell in with some people who seemed to be well fitted for the mission ary efforts on whioh he was bent. He had been riding nearly all day, and late in the afternoon oame npon a oabin set in the midst of a woodland. Near the dooijwas a spare,etraight-haired woman, who gazed at him curiously. The min ister spoke to her courteously and made some Inquiries regarding the neighbor hood. Her husband was a hnnter, the woman said. "And is he a God-fearing man?” asked the preaoher. "I reckon so,” oame the slow reply, "’cause he always takes his gnn with him ” ' The visitor hastily changed the anb- jeot and inquired if there were any Presbyterians in the neighborhood. "I dnnno," said the woman, simply; "bnt there’s a lot of skins hanging np in the cabin; yon oan look at them and see if yon oan find any.” A Sunday school organized in the same district has old men and young lads in the same elans. Wishing to test the knowledge of her soholars the teacher began by asking each one who made him. An old man at the end of the benoh didn't know, the next man didn't, and no one did until a small boy deolnred he knew, aud said "God.” "Well,” cried theold fellow first ap pealed to; "’Taint been so very long since he was made." At some hotels iu Sweden a man and his wife are oharged as one and a half persons if tlioy occupy hut oac room, the woman presumably being regarded .33 the half—from u gastronomic stand point. ssoosss®s®so«s®ssees®8®e«o jj If a Woman | U wants to pm out a tiro she doesn’t (J [J heap on oil and wood. She throws « K on water, knowing that water quenches a fire. When a woman wants to get “ well from diseases peculiar to her sex, she should not add fuel to the fire already burning her lite away. She should not take worthless drugs and potions composed ol harmful narcot ics and opiates. They do not check the disease—they do not cure it—they simply add tuel to the fire. ' Bradfield’s Female Regulator should be - taken by every woman 5, or girl who has the 3! slightest suspicion ol O k any or tho aft- j? nients which af- flict 'women, - They will simply be wasting time until they take it. Ihe Regulator is » purifying, Strengthen In g s tonic which gets at the r?ots ofthe disease and cures the cause. It does not drug the pain, t eradicates It. It stops falling of the womb, leucorrhea, inflammation and periodical suffering, ir regular, scanty or painful nteiicf runlfn... I a* , menstruation; and by doing all this drives away the hundred and one aches and pains which drain health and beauty, happiness and good temper from many a woman’s fife. It is the one remedy above all others which every woman ahould know about and use. 11*00 per bottle at any drug store. Tht iBndfUtd Regulator Co. H AtUnU, Go. Academy Opens. From Monday's Daily Herald. The fall term of the Albany Academy opened this morning. Promptly at the appointed hour, teachers and several hundred pupils were in their plaoes, and tho principal’s bell announced the resumption of studies laid aside for more than three months. The Academy begins the term under bright auspices. The last school year was ono of the most successful in the history os this popular institution, and with the training they have already re ceived, the pupils are prepared to make rapid progress in their studies ’ during the coming nine months. As is always the case, quite a large number of those who will be pupils failed to present themselves this morn ing, aud it will be a week or ten days before the classes present full ranks. It will take two or three days to perfect organization in all the rooms aud allow the pupils to procure their books,* but by the end of the week 'matters in the school will have adjusted themselves, aud regular work will be moving along smoothly and satisfactorily. This section nor any other ever en joys more perfect weather than that now (j j prevailing in Southern Georgia. The ||! skie3 are bright, the air balmy and m- «| vigorating, without any touoh of sultri- -- ness, and man and beast glory in the change. The new artesian well will probably soon be completed, and will give the city all the water she can use. A TEXAS WONDER. HALL’S UKKAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis- oovery oures all kidney and bladder troubles, removee gravel, oures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder troubles ‘n children. If not sold by your drugeigv, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.08. One small bottle is two month’s treat ment, and will onre any case above mention ed. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., formerly of TexaB. Send for testimonials, P. O Box 639. Sold by Albany Drug Oo. BEAD TBIS. , Dr R W.Hail, S£5? e r varioU8 rem , ed j ea without satisfactory results, I was persuaded to give your ’’Texas Wonder’.atrfil. I have used one^bottle/andL l 8 2?® ? f lon ? standing that 4? BkU l°!fi ho best physicians, yet it yielded at once to “The Texas Wonder,” which I heartily recommend to all suffering from kid ney and bladder troubles. 8 Yours truly. Pastor Baptist ChurchRipley/Term. nHHI J INDSTINCT PRINT j|