Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, December 07, 1901, Image 2

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R BABE. B PENALTY FOR AN IOWA MOTHER’S PORQBTFULNESS. Placed Child la aa Orta to Ktcp It Wtrai. Returned Alter a Hill Hoar to Flod the Little One Bnroed to a Crisp. Sioux CHty, Iowa, Nov. 00.—Mrs. Fred Meyorn, living live miles from Correo- tionvillu, wrapped her five-months-old taby in a blanket, pnt her In the oven ' of tbs kitchen stove to keep warm, and went ont in the yard to gather fuel. When, a hall hour later, the came back, the baby was dead, ito arms and lega be ing burned to a orlop. FORMER PROMINENT PREACHER Pardoned by the Qovernor ol Alabama Altar Sereins Tin Daya In Coal Mima Russellville, Ala., Nov. 80.—Bev. John Paco, at one time a prominent bap tlat preaoher and an extenalve farmer and polttioal leader, who was aenteuoed to tlx montha In the Alabama prison for adultery, hta been pardoned b ■ the gov ernor aftor serving ten daya of his sen' tenoe in thB coal mines. Uudcr the new constitution he la disfranchised. He In fifty years of age. S.'s/;' 21INJURDED, 12 DEAD. President ol Wtbath Road Inslttt Tbal Death Lit! la Eiafitraltd. St. bonis, Mo., Nov. BO.—President Joseph Bamsay, Jr., ol the Wabash railroad, stilt insists that reports giving the dead and injured In the wreok near Seueon, Mlob., are exaggerated. His latest reports place the nnmber of dead at twonty-ono, and the severely injured at twelve.' ' CASH TO RUN THE GOVERNMENT. S6I0.827.6A8 Will De Required, According to Stcratsry Oagt'a Estimate. Washington, Deo. 3.—The scoretary of the treasury today transmitted to congress his ostlmato of appropriations rcqalered for government service for the fluonlyoar ending Juno BO, 11108, as fur nished by the heads of the several departments. The total appropriations asked for Is (010,827,088, (0,000,000 less than the estimates for 1003 and (4,000,- 000 moro than appropriations for that yoar. - GAVE A POSSUM DINNER. HOOS HAVE SMALLPOX. doveramsst Inspector at Buffalo Makes a Strange Discovery. Buffalo, Nov. 28.—Dr. 0. H. Zink, In ohargeof.the United States bureau of animal industry in the stook yprds in Bast Buffalo, diaoovered today what he believes an outbreak of smallpox among a consignment of hogs. The animals were reoeived from St. Lonls last week and they passed the first Inspection. At ter they had been slaughtered Dr. Zink in making a mioroaooptoal examination of the viscera, discovered what he be lieved to be evidenoe of smallpox. The slaughter houses are in the Polish dlsti tot, where the health offloorsare at present engaged in fighting smallpox. The government bureau officials are un der instruction to work in conjunction with tho local health authorities in sup pressing tho outbreak hore, and this af. ternnon Dr. Zink brought specimens of the diseased tissue to the bureau of health, and submitted them to Dr. Wende. After examination Dr. Wende unhesitatingly confirmed the diagnosis of Dr. Zink. "If the disease develops In animals in the same way aa It does in human be ings, I should unhesitatingly oall It smallpox,” said Dr. Wende. "These tissues bear all tbs characteristic marks of the disease. They are evidently of a contagions nature. The plttlngs and destruction if tissues are apparent as well os the oharaoterlstio smallpox pos- tales." A New Remedy. The old friends of Chamberlain' Clough Bemedy will bo pleased to know that the manufacturers of that prepara, tioo have gotten out a new remedy call, od Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and that it 1b meoting with much suocess In tho treatment af consti pation, biliousness, sick headoohe, im paired digestion and like disorders. These Tablets ore easier to take and more pleasant in effoct than pills, then they not only move the bowels, but im. prove the appetite and correot any dl>. orders of the stomaoh and liver. For sale by Albany Drug Co. PORTER IN TROUBLE. i!:F i is§ v. it. M. Smith Opening the Way Por His Announcement Por Qovernor. ^ho Macon Telegraph of this morn ing publishes tho following from its Atlauta correspondent: Atlanta, Nov. 20.—It is stated here thl- afternoon upon good authority that , Hon. Jamos M, Smith, tho Oglethorpe county plunter, has determined to make tho raoo for governor, and that early next week ho will come to Atlauta for tho purposo of giving to the press his -official announcement, and also to hold a' conference with some of his friends, with the view of oponiug the campaign. Yes* terday Ool. Smith gavo a ’possum dim ncr at his residence at Siuithsonia, at which about a dozen of his political friends in that section of the state wore present. Hero It was that the announcement was made that Ool. Smi'h would be a candidate. Arnoug those present were 8enator J. M. Holder of the Thirty- third, Representative Harp of Jackson, Hon. Polk Thompson of Ocouoe and So- lioltor-Qoneml T)avc Meadows of that olronit. Ool. Smith, it is said, is worth abont $200,000 and that lift is willing to put np at least half of that for tho gov ernorship. Hg owns 10,000 acres of land in one lump and plant® extensively. Col. Smith has been mo of the lessees of stato conviots for a long nnmber of years, and much of his wealth comes from working felony and misdemeanor conviots upon his plantation and in the construction of a railroad iu his section. Helms been a member of the legislature and has also ropresouted*lds district in tho senate. Ool. Smith is well known all over Georgia, and his friends say that he will make the race as the farm- •era’ candidate for governor. • too Howard, *100. The readers of This paper will be S leased to learn that there is at least one readed diseases that- science 1ms been able to euro ui all its stages and that is catarrh. H ill’sOatavrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires n constitutional treatnfent. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and. mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa- tient strength by building up the consti tution aud assisting nature iu doiug its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Us curative powers, that thev offer Oue Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, P. ,1. Oiiem'y & Oo., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, Too.. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. 882$; : ' prep '. He Had Lodi Beeu Systematically Robbie, His Employer. From Mouday's Daily Herald. Andrew Daniels, colored, Into porter in tho employ of Max Lousberg, is la trouble and, lnoidoutally, In jail. Daniels lmd been working for Mr LonsborK for some time. Certain suspi cions olroumstunoos oaused Mr. Lous- berg to ooucludo several days ago that Daniels was systematioallyrobblng him, and the ollloors were pnt to work oa tile 0080. As a ro alt, this morning Ofiioer MoLarty plncod Daniels under arrest and locked him up. When tho snspeot’s house was scarahod, it was found to contain a great aocumnlatlnti of groceries, olothtng, jewelry, spectacles and other artioles that had boon takou from Mr. Lous- berg’s store aud Beoretod, and there is a suspicion in the minds of tho officers that Daniels was accumulating a sto.k of goods with which to open np a bust ness of his own. The onlprlt admits taking some o' the artioles, Dnt says he knows nothing at all about some others found in his room, Country darkles are catching a good many fine ’possums these cool, dear nights. Tho marsupials are brought to town in considerable unmbors every week, and are sold at prioes ranging from fifty cents to a dollar. ’Possum suppers are of almost nightly ooourrenoo at the restaurants or in oertalu homes of the oity, A TEXAS WONDER. llAI.I.'S UltKAT DISCOVHUV. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis- oovery onres all kidney and bladder t roubles, removes gravel, onres diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame hacks, rheumatism and all irregularities of tho kidneys and bladder troubles iu children. It not Bold by yonr drnggist, will bo sent by mail on receipt of (1.00. Oue small bottle is two month’s treat ment., and will oare any oase above mentioned. Dr. K. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Texas. Send for testimonials. P.O.Box 039. Sold by Albany Drug Oo. HEAD THIS. Ripley, Tenn., Jane 1, 1901. Dr. E. W. Hall, St. Lonis, Mo —Dear Sir: Having tried various remedies Without satisfactory results, I was per suaded to give your "Texas Wonder" a trial. 11 ave used one bottle, and, al though ray oase is one of long standing that baffled the skill of tho best physi cians, vet it yielded at once to "The Texas NVouder,” whloh 1 heartily re commend to all suffering from kidney nud bladder troubles. Yonrs truly, \V. H. Bruton, Pastor Baptist Ohnroh, Ripley. Tenn. Celestial Gallantry, btnnton in Atlanta Constitution. "I don’t hear tell er no men-angels flyin' ’roan’ in glory,” said the lay mem ber. “Well,” replied Brother Dlokey, "de wimmons lies ter be sarved fast, en dat makes a scarcity er wings I" MAN WHO KILLBD PRANK‘MILLER AT CAVE SPRIN0 OIVES UP. Wills Belli Chased ly Sh-'rltfi Poise He Fell aad la|ired Oaa of Hla Kieta—Had Spill Twa Daye aid Nlibta la the Woode With Nfthln fa Eat—Lodied la Jill al Rome. Rome, Ga„ Nov. 29.—John MoGbee, charged with the murder of Frank Miller at Gave Springs, gave himself up to the sheriff last night and was broaght to Borne and lodged in jail. While be ing chased by the sheriff's posse MoGhee fell and severely in jured bis knee. He has slept In the woods for the past two days and had nothing to eat. SHE WAS PERFECTLY COOL. Detective Horae, to Whom Mri. Beatae Made Her Pint Coafeieloo, Teitlflee. Washington, Nov. 29.—When the trial of Mri. Lola Ida Bonlne, acoased of murdering James Ayres, Jr., was resumed today, Deteotive Horne, to whom Mrs. Bonlne made her first offi cial oonfeaslon, said he asked her If she knew how Ayree had met his death, and she said aha did not. She told how ahe was dressed on the night of the kill ing and had, upon request, handed over theakirt she had worn. Her manner was perfectly cool. OOUOUS AMD COI.DS IN CHILDREN, Recommendations ot n Well Known Olil- cnao Fhyslslun. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to ohlldren of all ageB. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from oolds and ooughs and bronchial aflllotions. It Is non- narootio and safe in the hands of the most unprofessional. A universal pan acea for all mankind.—Mrs. Mary B. Melendy, M. D., Ph. D., Chicago, 111. This remedy is for sale by Albany Drug Co. NEW PASTOR INSTALLED. There Wse latereelini Service at the Dsptlet - Church Lilt Nfght. From Monday’s Dally Herald. Tho congregation at the Baptist ohnroh last night more than filled the seats til the nndltorium. Many persons stood in tile vestibule, and extra spats were provided wherever they oould BOn veniently be plaeod. The occasion was the installation of Rev. W. L. Richards, reoeutly oalled to servo the Baptist con gregatlon as pastor. Mr. Richards preached to a large congregation at the morning servioe, and his sermon was greatly enjoyed. The evening servloo consisted of mnsio and short addresses by different pastors and members of the several con gregatlons of the city, and a response by Mr. Blohards. Those who made short talks were Bev. H. T. Darnall, pastor of the Presbyterian oliuroh, Rev. J. A. Harmon, pastor of the Methodist ohnroh, Dr. W. P. Bnshiu, Mr. J. S. Crews, Mr. A. W. Muse, Maj, B. F. Bnmborry, Mr. J. S. Davis aud Capt John A. Davis. All these addresses were greatly enjoved by the congrega tion. They breathed a fraternal spirit and oordial welcomo to the new pastor. The responso of Mr. Richards was in happy vein. He expressed his gratitude for the oordial greeting ho had reoeived from Albanians, and outlined briefly the policy ho proposed to pursue in his lulu isterial labors in tho community. He asked for the oo operation of his own oongregration and members of other ohorohes as well iu tho work he had un dertaken. Mrs. B. O. Eatman presided at the or gan, and was nssistod by Miss Dollie Mayo, violin. All the musical selections, which included a beautiful solo by Mrs. O. J. Whitehead, were of a high order, and proved one of the pleasantest fea tures of the service. READ THIS Don’t Qo Hunting For When you can find just what you want in our store. We haven’t room to tell you all about it in this * REFtREt LOADED WITH Sem)-Smokel'ess little space, but will be glad to show you the most attractive line in town if you call. . Full stock of loaded shells, hunting coats and leggings. : : : : : Take Time Mrs. Housekeeper, when you are select ing a range for your kitchen and find out what advantag es on has over another. : : Consider their ease of operation, price and economy of fuel. If you do this there is but one range you will’decide upon and it will be found On Oup 5 1 i IT | ktiy RO* I Floors. \ ■ - ^gg|j "-7 r t !.:rJ t J Keep'Your Baby. out of the fire. Get one of those new kind of Fenders that cover the entire fireplace and do not have to be hooked to the grate, and you will have no trouble putting on coal and baby will be safe. :::::: TRKDING STHWPS WITH CHSH PURCHHSES. W. S. BELL & SON. Robert Toombs’ Brother Dead. Washington, Ga., No*. 30.—Gabriel Toombs, a brother of Robert Toombs, died late last night,’ aged eighty-eight. He will be bnrioil tomorrow morning. Health uml lleanty. A poor complexion is usually the re sult of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. Unless nature’s refuse is oamed off it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils aud other erup tions follow. This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to remove. DoWitt's Lit tle Early Risers ure world famous for remedying this condition. Thev stim ulate the liver and promote regular and healthy ootion of vhe bowels but never oause griping, cramps or distress. Safe oills. Albany Drug Co, Salo-Davis Drug Co. We do not try to attract you by any glittering promises or any statement that misleads in letter or spirit. * What we want is your cool, calm judgment on the goods we sell and our prices as compared with others. Come and examine —- look around — compare. We don’t want your trade if we can’t do BETTER for- you than any body else will, We carry every thing that you would expect to find in a thoroughly up-to-date Furniture and House Furnish ings store. ALBANY FURNITURE GO. THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. GARTER & W00LF0LE m cun mum BAGGING, TIES, FERTILIZERS, HiXAfOCXQ jflLlSriO COA1 ALBANf, GEORGrA. COLD WEATHER | WILL SOON BE HERE, BUT OUR STOCK OF gj COAL VASES AND COAL HODS * IS ALREADY IN. BESIDES THESE OUR LINE OF FIRE SETS, TONGS, SHOVELS AND POKERS, WIRE FENDERS, (FOB BOTH GRATE AND OPEN FIIiE PLACE) FIRE DOCS, STOVE BOARDS AND CRATES IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE EVER SHOWN IN ALBANY. NO DOUBT YOU WILL NEED A COAL OR WOOD HEATER. WE HAVE ANYTHING YOU MIGHT WANT AND AT LOWEST PRIGES. NO ONE WOULD BE MOKE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU THAN R. G. EATMAN. •mVMW.'.WAW.WM*; Ed.L.Wight&Co Too Late to think of insurance when the house is in flames. The time to consider it is all the time previous to that. And we can help yon to reaoh a de cision as to the amount of Insurance to be placed on business premises, stock, residence, furniture, eto., aud the best companies to place it with. ED. L. WIGHT i CO. $100,000.00 To Loan ON CITY PROPERTY AND FARM PROPERTY IN SOUTHWEST GEORGIA. We Buy and Sell all Kinds of Real Estate on Commission. We offer tne Johnson property, im mediately north of Chautauqua lot, either as a whole or in small lots, to suit purchaser. SMALL oash payment, balance on easy terms. Titles examined and oonveyanoing a specialty. Oall on . Sam W. Smith, At Coart House. Or, write to Jones & Smith, Attorneys, Albany, Ga. FINEST PECANS! GEORGIA PAPER SHELL. 1100,000 Choice Trees from Nuts Grown In MY OWN GROVES. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. I G. M. BACON, - - DeWitt, Ga. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. c . &&•: HBI