Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, December 28, 1901, Image 4
m WHICH THOSE WHO COH AHB 60 IBB mmORID, AT oaken, or ... OURE GON8TIPATION. ... K*Hi*t *•»•*/ cwp-r, aiNM knimi, vwi ttv ' KO-TO-BAG 8&tnGUNSfiSti1IUBr A LITTLE HEROINE. Sift;: Kemirkibl, Pretence ol Mint Dlipleyed by M Elfhl-Yeer-Uld Olrl. St. Paul, Minn., Deo. *4,—Eight-year* old Meade Patterson last night, at the risk of her life, eared her nieter'e home ''front being diatroyetl by Are and prob ably saved the liven of her three little nleoes aged nix, fonr and two yearn, ande won left at the hqrae of her tin. r, Mra. Hanley, to caro for the house vhllo Mrs. Hnnley went shopping, Two slender lines hang with olothtng snspendad over a lamp oanght fire. Tho flame, mounted to the coiling. Maudo, with rare presence of mind, ollmbed on ..table, grabbed the burning mass and ran to th 9 door. Fortunately the flames ' did not oomrannioate to the little he. rolne's cloMilug. When the llremoe ar- rived the little girl had extinguished the flames and was trying to dispel tho feass of fhe little ones. J. H. CORNATZAR, m Popular Railroad Man, Transferred Prom At- l Isntn to Memphis. f tlnnt.i, Doe. 31.—J. N. Oornatzar, of the general passenger department of the lJrlHOQ System at Atlanta, has boon ap- P jtoinfod district, passenger ngcut for tho same rouil with headquarters at Mem- phis. Ho is ijiooteded here by W. T. Bnnudor,. of fit. Louis. Oornatzar was formerly with the Mobile and Ohio and ic well known over the South. Kitchener’s Week’s Work. , Loudon, Deo. 24.—Lord Kitchener, In a dispatch dated .Toannesburg, reports the woek’s rcsnjts ns tallows: Forty, flvo Boers killed, twonty-flve wonnded, three hn mired uud ten made pilsouors and thirty-five surrendered. ■ », ; I'Ben this bottle of sauoe?" said a chubby opioure at one of the loading restaurants of Now Orleans, aeoordlng to the TlmoB-Demoorat, "Now, here is an lnlurostlug study. But few per. sons know how to hnndlu sauce, how to preservo the elements which make It palatable, and eveu in good restaurants like this one we flud men who ure sup. posed to be up on suoh matters make serious blunders. The iormula for mak log this sauoe is not known exoept to those win- make It, and lienee we can not go Into the analysis of what it con tains. Tho only thing wa find on this bottle Is the label. Here is where the mistake is made. Originally It had trronnd it a rather heavy paper wrap per. This has been removed. It should < hare been left ou the bottle. There was a little string tied around the nook of the bottle, and the paper ooverlug should have been removed only to this point. Genuine experts will tell you - iho reason for ti ls. Light is Injurious •to the sauoe. It destroys a part of the flavor because of certain chemical pro- cesses which uro set in operation when t (ho light is allowed lo Hood into the bot tle. Just why thU is I did not know, because I do not know the Ingredients of the sauce, and onunot tell what it is thut ir delicate and sensitive enough to re- spoml to tho influence of tho light. But I know ibis much: I made an experi ment tjmnti on go in order to ascer tain jn-- ..t.t th-, ltVt would be. I used LW-. buttles cf -dUv’.u. I tore the piper from ono of them and left the paper on I ho other. I found that the Banco in bo bottle from whioh I lmd torn tho paper was flat and tasteless in ■comparison with the sauce in the other bottle. Since that time I have never torn the paper from a bcHle of sauce, and the fellow who does it makes a scri- OMNIBUS COLIN Personal and Bools,r stratum, Sand- wtohsit With a Little Wit and Ha va r Maw »»d Thau-Short, Snappy s-nracrapht That ■anybody- Will From Tuesday's Daily Herald. Mistletoe Is not missing. The tippler doesn't mind a punch in the month. Maj. P. Pelham, of Ponlan, spent yes terday in the oity. Santa Cflaua Is a sort of stock In trade to the hosiory manufacturer. - Miss Emma Pelham, of Ponlan, la vis iting the fnmlly of Mr. 8. Weldon. "The merenry is going down," re marked the hungry goat as he swallowed a thermometer. Mr. A. Levy, of New York, la spend, ing the day In the oity, with his friend, Hon. 8. B. Brown. ' When a woman gives a man a pleoe of her mind he sighs for the peaoo that pasaeth understanding. Little Willie: ' ‘There ain’t no Santa Glaus." Little Willie's Sister: "Why, Willie Green I Where do yon expeot to go to wlion yon dlo." Nell: "Yon should not treat Mr. Selfmade as yon do. He's u diamond in thorough." Belle: '.‘Whioh proves that he ought to be out." Dr. W. W. Bacon has returned from Florida, where ho went about ten dayB ago to recuporato from a recent Illness. His many friends will be glad to know that be is much Improved. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. O’Kelley, of At lanta, aro expected toanlvo this after noon to spend tho holidays with Mr. and Mrs. .t. M. Qatliff. Mrs. J. 0. Oasmdy and Mies Mary Cassidy left this morning for Macon, where they will spend some time with relatives. PISTOLS AND KNIVES. "There are lots of knooks in this world,” sagely observed the Wise Guy. "Yep,” replied the Simple Mag; "and the more enffs the laundryman gets the better he likes it.” "Ha! ha I” laughed Willie; "I ohnek- ed a bananer akin In front of de teacher. "I don’t see any joke in that," spoke np hts mother. "Don’t yon? Well, he tumbled, all right.” Mias Zaokariaa, of Atlanta, is visiting at the home of Mr. Max Gasset. Miss Zaokariaa visited in Albany last sum mer, and baa a host of friends here who will always extend her a oordial wel come to Albany. Miss Viotorla Oollier entertained a number of her young frieuda at a de lightful Christmas party last evening. Quite a number of yonng people gath- ered at the home of her parents on Com merce itroe\ and a most enjoyable even. Ing was spent. Mr. B J. ltugr n, of Rome, Is in the oity for a few days, the guest of his brother, Mr. N. L. Hagan. "Bob" Ragan was a familiar figure about AT bany fifteen and twenty years ago, and he has a host of friends here who are glad to see him. His appearane lndl oates that time is dealing gently with him. Lost Mules and Wagon. Loflt, Htrnycd or Htolon from A. W. Mush & Oo.'h wagon yard on Haturday, Duo. 21 ( between lnml 8 o'clock, n pnir of muloH and ono brand now wagon with top cover. Doacription of inutca bh followH Dark brown mule, blind in both uyefl, mcdium-Hizu and wolght. The other mule ia grey, kind of leopard Hpotted about head mid feet. Any information lending to the recovery of mules and wagon will bo rnwnrdod. PAUL DOLLISON, At Muse & Oo.’h Warehouse. 'Girls ure inclined to bo superficial j where young men are concerned," says the Mnnuyunk Philosopher. "The fel low who can match ribbons doesn’t al ways make the best husband." nOTIGEI Storm Coats, Mr. Dan Oarroll, who huH beau away from Albany for qulto a long time, working for tho Bell Telephone Go., is ut home uguiii, and bis friends will bo glad to know that he expects to remain permanently. From Thursday's Dai.v Herald. A soft answer—the tool reply. * Gamo prosei ves— Round venison. In driving storms the .olonds hold the rains. Mr. J. 0. 0 asldy left today for Cin cinnati. Mr. J. G. Wilkins, of Atlanta, Is in the oity. Mr. J. O. MoNair loaves today for Camilla. Marriage and oolio ore two things. They doable np. Dr. J. P. Sharp oame np from Bacon- ton this morning. There ia never any fluotnatlou in the piloe of wild oats. Dr. W. L. Sikes, of Sarnnor, is in the oity today ou basiness. He Kept His Leg. Twelvo years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn , scratched his leg with a rusty v ire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years' he suf fered inteu-ely. Then the best dooton nrged amputation, “but," he writes, "I used ono bottle of Electric Bitters and 1% boxes ofjtucklou’s Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever.” For eruptions, eczema, tetter, salt rlienm, sores and all blood disorders Electrio Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. Albany,,Drag Co., Sale* Davis Drng Co. will'.gaarantoe satisfac tion or refund money. Only 69 cents. Any man can be rloh in relatives without belug relatively riuh. Mrs. M. E. F -utchiu, of Obokee, Lee oOnuty, spent part of today in town. Ur. Eugene Clark, who spent the cot ton season at Troy, Ala., is at homo again. Mr. Sanford Rapt, of Atlanta, ts ex pected to to (Albany in n few days to visit relatives. Mr. W. T. Hilsman, of Americas, spent yesterday in tho city with rela tives and friends. ‘Many a man,” says the Manayunk Philosopher, "keeps independent of his nuole by controlling his ante." Mr. Adolph G. Sterne, nfter a short visit to kla mother, Mrs. Nannie Sterne, left last night for his home in Meridian, Miss. Mr. Reese Burnett is spending the holidays in the oity with relatives! His Albany friends are glad to see him again. Mr. J. T. Mann has retnrned from Brunswick, where he was.en attendant at the Mitohell-Goodyear wedding yes terday. - Overcoats, First-Class (Ming, Boys’ Suits, Boys’ Overcoats. WE QUOTE MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. 1,000 PAIRS PANTS! 1,500 Suits Clothes LATEST STYLES, BEST QUALITY. OUR SALE will close on Juonary, 10th, 1002, We Guarantee Fit, Quality, Style and Price or morcy refunded. POSITIVELY GASH. Hsigsr & M South Side Broad St., ;nM, Vlbuuy, Ga. Pianos on Payments. We handle only celebrated High Grade Pianos— • Kranich & Bach, Mathushek & Son, Estey and Jacob Bros. And ask no more for them than is being obtained for the cheap trash that is being peddled from town to town. «r‘SOLn ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Lonsberg Bros. SIX MEN FATALLY WOUNDED IN A MELEE AT A COUNTRY CHURCH. WMIs a Protracted Mcetlai Was la Progress Charles sad Orrln Dsy Appeared la the Ckarch and Said They Had Come to Cleoo Out the Leu Family—Both fhe Dayo Among Those Fatally Wounded. Plketon, O., Deo. 26 — Six men were fatally wonnded in a general fight in a small country chnrch at Fiko postofilce last night and a panio took plaoe among the worshipers. A series ot religions meetings was in progress and the eburoh was filled, when Charles and Orrln Day appeared slightly intoxicated and an. nonnoed that they had come to clean out the Legg family, ;wlth whioh the Days had had frequent quarrels. A general fight resulted in the ohnreh and aronnd it. Women and ohildren shriek, ed and songht safety from revolvers and knives by jumping one of the windows. Only tho minister, Mr Rowe, remained. At the oloseof the melee six men lay fatally hart, Orrln and Charles Day Westley Legg, Joseph Williams, John Currant and Lebannon Williams. CONVENTION POSTPONED. T Southern Industrial Convention Will Not Meet lo Jsauery. Atlanta, Ga., Deo. 24.—Col. W. A, Hemphill, President of the Sonthern Industrial Convention, announced today that the convention called for Memphis, Tenn., daring January had been post poned. Col. Hemphill has notified the vice president and other oflloors. Tuesday night and laBt night were made hideous by the deafenlug reports of cannon oraokers, bnt this is the great eat Christmas Bport of the average small boy and Its utmoyanoo shoald be over looked. - NOTICE TO Mi Tsuhen * Pupils! A new and complete assortment of Artists’ Tube Paints in Oil Bristle and Sable Brushes, Canvass, Academy Board, Tracing and Transfer Pa per, Crayon Sauce, Pa lettes and Palette Knives. Has just been reoeived at the Opera House Drug Store And we invite yon to call and •XBpect it. ARCAD IA DAIRY Fresh Milk, Cream and Genultt Creamery Butter. Having adopted the bottle system of delivering Milk, we can give onr pa trons better service than ever before. Wo nave spared no pains »o have everything oonduoteu tygiemo principles. ’Phone 64. Good Eyesight •IS A BLESSING.’ Now is the time to got yonr new glasses for Christmas. Examination free. Watohes and docks promptly repaired. B. L. MARSH, Graduate Optician and Watchmaker D. W. HOCKETT, eal E state. Renting and Collecting Agency.—Boom 4 ventu- lett Building. ALBANY, OEOBGIA, Improved and Unimproved City and Country Property, FOB SALE AMD FOB BENT. Several very desirable lota in the city for sale. Easy terms to suit purchasers. Also. 8 acres, 1}^ miles from oity limits. Suit able fortruck farm. _ , , WANTED—Vacant housen to rent and look after. Have several app'^aHons for same. . 'Place your property with me. Prompt returns and careful attentii ’ “ ’ BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE. j ness entrusted to mo. tion given to all busi- D. W. HOCKETT. Rosenberg Bros • Tun One Price People. One and all for the liberal patronage you have ac corded to us during the past season and the holi days, And Say We desire to Gall the Attention ot The Ladies, Especially, To the Beautiful Display of mm i Drawn-Work, To you that, while this season’s business has been eminently success ful, we will use every ef fort to make the coming one more so, and with your assistance we are confident we will do so. YOU IN ADVANCE A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR •••••••••■•• And thanking you again, we are; Very Truly, Rosenberg Bros. J. A. Davis, W. S. Bell, J. S. Davis President. Vice-Prea. Cashier First National Bank, ALBANY, GA. MONET LOANED. Deposits reoeived subject to Sigh Check.’ A general banking business transacted. Bankers and merchants' accounts solicited Collections a Specialty. Largest oolleotlon business In South west Georgia. Remittance, made on day of oolleo- lion. JOS. S, DAVIS. X.W. VENTL_.Br Jos S- Davis ft £o. INSURANCE AGENTS L>. Wo ask yonr patronage. Perfoot Beourlty-for indemnity In th. best of companies. Now on Exhibition And For Sale at MAX CASSEL & SISTER I Can’t Write “Ads” Except to State Facts My stock was never more complete, and ’tls well known that I carry the largest and best line to be found in Watches, Jew elry and all other lines from which to make your Christmas selections. The goods are right. The prices are right. See my stock before buying is all I ask. J. W. JOINER, THE RELIABLE JEWELER. FINEST PECANS!| GEORGIA PAPER SHELL. 100,000 Choice Trees from Nuts Grown in MY OWN GROVES. I SEND FOR CATALOGUE. G. M. BACON, - ■ UeWitt, Go. j ALBANY BRICK C0„ -Mannfaotnrera Ot— BK1 CK Annual Capacity 10,000,000. For Rent. The Boyt Place, five miles from town; 850 acres cleared land. Apply to K. R. WEST or 20-lw S. B. BROWN. ’A HOLIDAY CHALLENGE! We challenge you find in Albany a more attractive line from which to make yonr t ons of HOLIDAY GIFTS than onrs, Inst opened up. It is DELIGHTFULLY NEW THROUGHOUT—every ar- tide in it, and will he the delight of every person inspecting it. It embraces a beautiful line of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Jardinieres, Earthenware Vases, Glass Vases, Indian Heads, Bust Statuettes, Wall Placques, Fancy Plates, Imported Tableware, Parlor and Dining Room Ornaments, And scores of other ornaments and serviceable pieoes that go to make up the completest line cf Holiday Novelties ever shown in Albany. PRICES AT THE BOTTOM. ".R. C. EKT2VYKN.S* ■- i INDSTINCT /