Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, December 28, 1901, Image 5
THE NAVAL "HISTORIAN" DEFIES THE ORDER OP THE PRESIDENT. Claiming Thai He la Protected by Ibe Civil Service Rales, the "Special Laborer" lo Ibe Navy Department R.-lnaea to Realgn and Will Demand a Naval Court Trial. New York, Deo.-28.—Edgar Stanton Maolay, whose connection with the Schley case led President Roosevelt to rcqnest his resignation as special la borer in the navy, made formal demand today for trial by usual naval pro- oedu-a He averred that his ease oame under the oivil service law, and ttat he could not be dismissed without formal oharges, trial and conviotion. The re quest for his resignation was sent to him byRear Amiral Barker, commander of the navy yard at Brooklyn, and he replied at onoe by letter, formally set' ting forth his position. Disoussing the case, Haolay said: “The president cannot have me din. missed under the laws as I see it. I do %ot see how he oan foroe me out. I am prot cted by the oivil servloe laws en- aote I by the congress, .whose enact ments the president is bound to exeoute. I do not know positively,* but I believe my position under oivil servioe furnishes me complete protection so long as I vio late no rules of the servloe, and that I have not done, and I have so stated in my letter to the commandant, in answer to the request for my resignation. No, I did not say (hat the president is aB bad as the ozar of Russia. "I have done nothing more than write the commandant and ask that the charges be preferred ngainsl me, and 1 will do nothing more just now. I have not been suspended and am working here today, as I have been doing for fifteen months. T have tried to do my duty here and have broken no rules, and shall simply stand by my rights, more for the principle of the matter than anything else, for my position here puyd me very little, sndiB chiefly valu able because of the experience and in formation it affords me as material for my books.” Rear Admiral Barkor forwarded Maclay’s letter to Washington. ' The disposition of children largely depends upon health. If they are troubled with worms, they will be irri table, oross, feverish, and perhaps seri ously siok. WHITE’S CREAM VER MIFUGE is a worm' expeller and tenio to make them healthy and oheerful. Prioe 25 cts. Albany Drue Oo. The Splingfleld Republican tells a new story of the days when Mark Twain was a'haok writer in San Franoisco on a weekly salary represented by one figure, Bret Harte and Joaquin Miller serving on the same staff with like pay. A woman of means who patronized Bohemia and gave the impecunious stragglers many a good dinner saw Mark Twain] standing with a cigar box under hiB arm and looking hungrily in at a confectioner's window. The patroness of letters asked what was in the box. “Oh," drawled the humorist, “I’m moving again,” in sluggish liver, HERBINE, by its beneficial aotion upon the billavy traots, renders the bile more fluid, and brings the Tver into a Bound, healthy condi tion, thereby banish-ng the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and the general feeling of apathy whioh ailse from dis orders of the .liver. Pr.oe 50 ota. A1 bany Drag Oo.' What's the matter with Albany and the show business ? We have had some high-olass attractions here this season, yet the opera house has not been filled. Even the be u t companies do no draw. Only the cheaper olass of shows seem to half fill the opera house. Oan it be that Albany theatre-goers are no longer will ing to pay $1 for the shows that com mand that price in other places? It be gins to look that way. Dollar shows have not paid in Albany so far this sea- Mallary Bros Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins and Presses. •*«*OON, GH. MOST OP THE TIME TAKEN UP WITH FELICITATIONS OF THE SEASON. IfOov. Shaw Accepts the .Treasury Portfolio This Will Put Two lows Men In the Cabi net, But the President Is Said to Be Anxious Thtl Secretary Wilson Shill Remoln.. Washington, Deo. 24,-The cabinet was in session but little over an honr to day. Frootioally no bnstness was trans lated, the whole time being oconpied with felioltatious of the season. If Governor Shaw aooepts the port folio of Seoretary Gage, the latter will snit the inooming seoretary about re linquishing the portfolio. If Shaw goes into the cabinet the qnestlon has heen raised whether Seoretary Wilson, who also comes from Iowa, will remain. On this point a cabinet officer is qnoted as saying that the President is particularly desirons that Seoretary Wilson wl”. oontinue in the oablnet. LAWYER LITTLE, OP BIRMINOHAM, SHOOTS HIS FRIEND AND CLIENT. William L. Dodd, Prooldesf of the Southern Mutual Aid Allocution, Allocked by His Lawyer, Who Hoo Evidently Become Da- ranged by Menial Strsli Incident to the Conduct ol the Cose. Birmingham, Ala., Deo. 24,—William' Little, a lawyer and former oonsnl to Honduras under President Cleveland, shot William L, Dodd, president of the Southern Mutual Aid Association, in his room this morning. Little has been representing Dodd, who is on trial on the of nslng the mails for fraud ulent purposes in connection with the Birmingham Debenture Redemption Oompany. Little, it is believed, beoame deranged as the resnlt of the mental strain inoident to the oondnot of the oase, and entered the room deoWing he was going to die. Seeing a pistol on the table Little grabbed It and emptied every obamber at Dodd and his brother James. One bullet entered W. L. Dodd’s Bhonlder. Little oomes of a prominent North Carolina family. Dodd will recover. BELIEVED HE WILL ACCEPT. Oov. Shaw on His Way to Washington to Con sider President's Tender ol Trensury Porlotlo. Washington, Dei. 24.—Governor Shaw, of Iowa, who has been offered the treasury portfolio, and who is now on bis way to Washington, is expeoted to arrive tonight or early tomonow. The general impression is that he will aocept. The Queen Improving. London, Deo, 24.—Qneen Alexandi.. is progressing satisfactorily towards re covery. There arofew ailments so uncomfort able as piles, bnt they 'oan easily be oared by using TABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT Relief follows its nse, and any one saffei.'ng from piles can not afford to negleoi to give it a trial. Price, 00 ots. in bottles, in tubes 76 ots. Albrny Drug Co. Funeral of Mrs. E. C. Uarls.' From Tuesday’s Dnily Herald. Tbe fnnerdl of tho late Mrs. E. C. Davis, a notioe of whose death appeared in these columns yesterday, took plaoo according to announcement from the residence of Dr. W. L. Davis, corner of Jefferson and Piint streets, at 10 o’olook this morning. Rev. W. L. Richards officiated. The set /ice was short and impressive, and a long fanernl cortege followed tbe remains to Oakv lew cemete./. thns pay ing a last t.lbute to a good woman who had been dearly beloved during a long and useful life. In bllionsness, HERBINE, by expell ing from the body the exoess of Mle and aoids, improves the assimilative pro cesses, pn.'fies the blood and tones np and strengthens the entire Bystem. Prioe 50 ots. Albany Drag Oo. If the Jews oan olose their places of business on their holidays, why can’t the Christians olose their places of busi ness and go to ohnrch on Christmas, their only religions holiday?” asked a Christian minister of another profess ing .Christian this morning. And tho contused answer was, “I dnnnol” In Mosoow lap dogs are now hand- painted in decorative designs, aocbrding the St. Petersburg Ncvoe Vremya. Christmas Day was not as bright as it might have been, bnt it was alBO much less disagreeable than it could have been. Christmas is gone, and now we have the now year to look forward to. Wed nesday will bo tho first day of 1002. There were no bad Orrlstmas acol- douts in Albany. Another thing for which we shoald be tbankfnl. Tuesday was one of thebnBiest Christ mas eves that the Albany merchants have ever experienced. We missed rain for ChriBtmas day, bnt it will soon be upon ns, if weather indications amount to anything. For broken limbs, obilblr ns, barns, scalds, braised b! 'ns, Bore throat and sores of every kind., apply BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It will give im- mediate relief and . beal any wonnd. Prioe 25 ots. and 60 ots. Albany Diag Oo. By catohing on Tuesday afternoon a negro murderer for whom a reward of (000 was offered, Sheriff Edwards and Offloer Barron added to their Christmas happiness. _•* Have you a cold? A dose of BAL LARD’S HOREHOUND SYRUP at bed-time will remove it. Price 26 cts. a-id 50 cts. Albany Drug Co. The pep of fire oraokers, sand poppers and toy pistols is heard on all the streets, and the odor of burnt powder is in our nostrils. Tho small boy, with reokless disregard for the value of money, in vest! all the nlokels, dimes and quarters he can sdrape together in noise-making fireworks, and bravely does his .level best to make OhristmaB memorable. The 'World’s Greatest Fever Medicine. Johnson’s Tonio does in a day what slow Quinine cannot do In ten dayB. Its splendid oures are in striking contrast with the feeble oures made by Quinine. If yon are ntte.'ly wretched, take a thorough coarse of Johnson’* Tonic and drive out every trace of Malarial poison ing. The wise insure their lives and the wiser insure their health by using John son’s OhiU and Fever Tonio. It costs 60 - cents if it cores; not one cent II it does t 'PHONE | 156. S. REICH | ”sH i 1-3 0 i < > rhU sirur/mre in on every box or tLo sonuin* lAsOt 5 ”® r irO!nO-Qnin i "e Tamers The negro churches of the oily were open all Tuesday night and until after day Christmas morning. The custom among the darkies of sitting np all Ohiietmas eve night in their houses of worship to watch the incoming of Ohiistmas day is an old one, and is wide spread thronghout the Sooth. All sorts and conditions of people In- dalged in the burning of fireworks last lAght, and the emell of burnt powder filled tho city from oenter to. circumfer ence. There will be no meeting of tho Obilstian Association of America to- right on account of thiB being Christ mas Eve, but there will be an important meeting next Tuesday, at whioh all members are requested to be present ae the annual election of officers and other important business is to be attended to. The Cleveland Bartenders’ Union at tended ohnrch in a body last Sunday evening, and the members were eo pleased at the reception accorded them by the pastor that many of them prom ised to participate in the services regu larly. Chinese girls are to be employed in San Francisco as telephone operators. There are so many Chinese inhabitants using the telephone that operators who speak the language are in demand. Nine- Tenths of all the People Suffer from a Diseased Liver, HERBINE. Pure Juices from Natural Roots. REGULATES the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, n Cleanses the System, Purifies the Blood, PUBES Malaria, Biliousness, Constipation, u Weak Stomach and-impaired Digestion. Every Bottle Guaranteed to 6lve Satisfaction. ZiARaS BOTTLE, ■ SMAZtli BOSH. Price, SO Cents. Prepared by JAMES P. BALLARD, SL Louis, Mo, For Solo by Albany Drug Company, Albany, On, COMMISSION 13IV8 SALK. By agreement of counsel in tho case of A. K. jMo\son vs. E. F. Jackson, T. N. Woolfolk and 1. J. T’ft, now ponding In Dougherty Suporior OuuH. and by ordor of Hia Honor, W. N. Ppeiico. approving wild aRroomont and up* pi/nt’.ig tnn undorsi"ned as apodal oommls- s.’onor to conduct n muh of tho hereinafter dog- crib-dyopfervy nnd to makoAd»>Alto Homo, thorn will do Hold before tho OouHwnwo door l.i Albany, Ob., on tho first Tuesday In Janu ary. If -3,1-otwocn tho honr* for sheriffs sales, to tho highest nnd b at bidder for cash, tho fol lowing ceaoiibod real eatato: Lott' or land numbe-s 07,'’ and that part of lota numbers fL and 94 doaorlb *. as follows: Commencing nb the noi theast comer of lot number 08, running south of tho oaat lino of said lot'* <0 foot, thonco duo wejt to the western lino of lot number W, thonco dun north on ihe western line or lot numbo- 04 to tho northorn lino of said lot, thonco duo onat on tho northorn lino of anld lot to tho atarting point, tho whole containing acrea, moro or loan, in tho 8 x>nd District of Dougherty county, known as tlu*“Ba«omore Pisco. Those lota do not include 82W ncros off tho woat aido of lot number 07 Hold to A. T. H ° bl>S T. N. WOOLFOLK. 14-w4t Special Commiaaionor. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. GEORGIA—Doughorty County. , Under and by virtue of on ordor granted by tho Court of Ordinary of Dougherty county. Goorgin, at tho November term, 1091.1 will Boll before tho court honao of Albany, Ga., bewteon tho legal houra of aalo. on tho ftast Tuesday in Dooembor, 1001, to tlio highest bidder for cash, tho fol’ovsIng cloHcrlbod real eatato, taring all tho undivided ono-thlrd Interest that Mary Mo- N’cholns had or has in all that tract of land, h'tuatn in the city of Albary. county of Dough- ortv and itateof Goorr'a.and known and clir ho abed In tho nlan of said city of Alb in/ as be- Jngpartof lot No. 77, on Residence street, de scribed thus: Commencing at southwest cor- no.- of city lot No. 17 aioresa’d and rv \ north 210 foot to an alloy, thcce mat r ’ foot, thencesouth £10 foot to Roa’da.Too street, thonco west 85 foot to atarting point, making a lot of 85 foot front 210 foet known na tho Dunlavy roaldpnce lot. Hold subject to a loan dead to Scottish Amer ican Mortgage Co., Limited, for $CD0 principal and all accrued interest. „ OANTED BR08NAN, 0-4 w • Ailm’r Mary McNlcholaa. CITATION. GRonoiA—Doughorty County. To nil whom it may concern: R. P. Hall having In nropor form applied to mo for Permanent Lottora of Administration on tho estate of Mra. H. G. Hall, Into of Bald County, this la to cito all and s’npntar tho creditors ana next of k»n of Mra. 8. G. Hall to bo and np icar at mv office within tho time allowed by mw, nnd show enuso, If any they can. why perma nent ndtninistrnfcHon should not bo grnntod to It. P. Hnll on Halil eatato. Witness my hand nnd official signature, this 8rd day of Docomber, 1001. Sam. W. Smith, 5-OOd. Ordinary. On Holiday Goods! We offer a reduction of 33 l /a per cent on all Christmas N o v e 11 i es and Holiday Goods, as this stock is sold down, and we want to make a clean sweep of it. Red Stamps With Cash Parchases. || s. REICH, Agent for McCall’s Bazar Patterns, 10 and 15 cents. MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAT RECEIVED. SUBRIFF’S SALK. GEORGIA—Doughorty County. On tho first Tuosdry In .T-nuary next, 1002,1 will soil tat'oro tho court a'se door of ss’d county, between tho lognl .tours of sa'o, to tho highost and boat bidder for ensh, tho following land, to-wit; That tract of load lying east of ♦heriver road wHuh runs south from the city of sold county, bounded ns follows: On tho north by lands of Sam Farkss, on tho oast by tho cemetory of said olty and tho lands of tho Albany Brick Oo., on tho south by lauds of B. H. Hod gits and on tho west by said public road, containing about four acres and known oh tho Mar arot Murry placo. Levied on nnd sold to satis y a 11. fa. issued ‘ *om tho City Court of Albany in favor of W. . McKollnr, trans- forme, vs. Margarot M y as defendant's property. Tennants in possession notified. Tills Novombor 80,1901. F. G. EDWARDS. nov 80-tll-jan 2ndw Sheriff D C.,Ga. SHERIFF SALK. State oir Georgia—!Doughorty County. I v> 111 soil before the court houso door of Dougher ty cor itv, between cho legal hours of bale on tho first Tuesdav in January next, the equity of redemption of Olarenco L. Military and Charles D. Mallary. In ' * ’ ‘ nd 118, in and to lots of land Nos. tho second district of Doughorty county, Geor gia, as tho property of slid Mallarys. Levied on and so’tl by virtue of a mortgage fl. fa. irom Doughorty Superior Court In favor of John A Ds\is and A. T. Hobbs, against Olarenco L. Mflllary and Charles D. Mallary, Property pointed out in said fl. fa, and tenants In pos' session notified, Docomber 7,1001. F. G. EDWARDS, Sheriff. If It’S . . Handkerchiefs You Want For Xmas We have them in Silk, Linen and Cotton. ; : i : i 5 Dozen Ladies’ Pare Linen Hem. stitched Handkerohiafs, only - go We have onr store all arranged and oordially Invite onr friends and the the trading publio ta inapeot onr stook be fore making your Christmas pnrohaaea. Below we offer a few Sensible Sug gestions for Holiday Se lections: BEDROOM jSLtPPERS, DRESS SHOES, STYLISH HATS, LATEST WALKING STICKS, SERVICEABLE UMBRELLAS, ALL LEATHER SUIT CASES, ” » HAND BAGS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, BATH ROBES, SMOKING JACKETS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, WOOL and DRESS, NOVELTY suspenders, CRAVATS, FANCY HOSE, WHITE and FANCY VESTS, WHITE and FANCY SHIRTS, NIGHT SHIRTS, PAJAMAS, GARTERS, MUFFLERS, collars, and CUFFS. C. R. Davis & Co. 25 Dozen Men’s Linen Hematitohed Handkerohiefs, only . . |Q C We have Silk Handkerohiefs ranging in prioe from • - |Q C to 750 \ ..Silk.. Suspenders. We have a magnifloent assortment,, of these rouging in prioe from r 50c to 75c. New Neckwear For Men. Just received a nobby line, eeleoted especially, for the holiday trade. I 3 j.R. Pinkston Phone 107. 74 Broad St. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. Will be sold before the court house door In takcly.Ga., on the firsb Tuesday in January, it M. r liter cn oider of Court of O’•dinary or Early tho'following lands lying and taring H Early county, viz: 62 acres land lying in north east corner of lot of land No. 154 in tho twenty- sixth district. Also the following lands In Baker county, viz: In tho twolfth d’strict all of lot of lard No. • , and all of lot of land No. 117. Also in tho seventh district of Baker county lots of land No. . To be sold for distribute i anil paymo.iu of debts. Terms cash. December 1,1901. M. D. ROBERTS, Admr. on Eat. of J. W. Cowart, dodeasod. CITATION. Geoimjia—Bakor County. Whereas, John R. Bridges, administrator of J. E. Bridges, deceased, represents to tho court in his petition, duly filed andrentered on record, that ho has fully nilmmutered J. K. Bridges’ estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditor, to show cause, It any they can, why writl adminis trator should not be dischn*‘gcd from b’s ad ministration. anil recoivo letters of dismission on tho first Monday in February, 1CD2. J. B. PERRY, to Fob 1 Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Bakor County. Tho return of tho appraisers setting a isrb twe’vn months’ sr.pporc to tho family of oh. L. Jordan- deceased, having been C od in my office, all ne-sops conceived aro '•■ted to show enuso by tho 0th dry of January, 1C02, w’j v said’on foi twelve months’ support snould not be granted. This December 2nd, 1901. _ . J. B. Pkhiiv, 6~4w. ordi nary, NOTICE. Georoia—Baker County. By virtue or an order of the-Court of Ordi nary of said county, will be sold at public out cry on the firm, Tueedar In sanuary f K W, af the court house In said county, between tin usual hours of sale,, the follow ng real estate ’wn as the Tom Robinson placo. Term* cash. This the 2nd day of Dee. 1001. E. H. ELLIOTT, Admr. of Est, J, R. Elliott. Special Notice! Having honght out the Carriage and Wagon Bepalr Shop of Mr. B. F. Man. nlng, I am now prepared to do all work doae by .>q j t' a. I tel*! Still KM to I have employed Hr. J. W. Jnonaon, an eipert horae-ahoer, and will make horae-shoelng a specialty. Your patronage Isjsolicited. - . j, . ' W. S. carver. Act. B-* Brown, a. P. ^gLkb President. * C«shler. A. W. Musk, JUdwix »**• Vice President. ak. cashier. Exchange Bank OF ALBANY, OA. Opened Business* April 17, 1803< CAPITAL, SURPLUS UOFITg, $57,200 25,000 Every faoiUty In the banting bnal- ness offered to ouBtomen, Savings Department. « Interest allowed on time deportta. For Asthma use CHE KEY’S EXPECTORANT. We are Exclusive Agents for the Genuine Edison Globe And Shades. Also, for Gibson Gas Fixtures. Candies Always Fresh. mm PHARMACY, !5 s. WASHINGTON STREET. SUITS Made to Order for from 118.00 to 125.001 Hade to order from $8.00 to $8.00'. ALTERATIONS tor the stores at reasonable rates. CLEANING and pressing Hen’s Salta from 76 oents to $1.60. OLE^SLFa AND PRESSING LA- d:u3’ suits a specialty. J, A. RUHNEY, 00 Pine Street. Stockholders Meeting; Notice 1* hereby given that the annu ing of the stockholders of tho First : Bank of Albany Georgia will bo held bonkinghouse in the city ofM* day, January 14th, 1902, at pose of electing Board of Eft year. , Alb*ny;tta.,JBeo.;«lh 1 UW.l