Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, December 28, 1901, Image 8

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From Tuesday's Herald.
a there a breast In whioh emotions
tender thnn are stirred at any
of the year do not well np
ththeocmingof Christmas? Is there
Christmas warmth does not
a means more or less di<
root? Pity such heart, if such an one
, deal for the Danish
sit really been olosod?
when approached, but
refuses to talk about that
ng of Maolay is the only coni
ng feature of the whole miserable
Sooretary Root hit Gen. Miles bard,
stand it. MUob has been
be Sparta Isbmaeltto says that Joo
1 Would make a good attorney gen-
Suits us. ,
daclay probably knows now that
vU service is not what it has been
o^okod up to bo.
That public property fund in the state
will bo a bone of contention'
is beon spent.
day is Christmas Eve, and tomor-
the Christian world will oelebrate
nativity of the Savior of man. All
over the globe there will be recognition
of the one thousand, nine hundred and
first anniversary of the coming into the
world of Christ Jesus. In no land will
the day pass nnnoted, for there is not
pagan state or nation wherein the fire
side of the Christian will not blaze.
Tomorrow we remember our friends
and loved ones with gifts.. The little
folks, ere they retire to rest tonight,
will bang their stookings from the
mantel shelves, and dreams of the visit
of St. Nioholas will oome to them dur
ing their sleeping hours. Tomorrow,
those who have left the mile posts of
ohlldhood behind will find no greater
pleasure than in sharing with the little
folks their enjoyment of the fruits of
Santa Claus’ visit.
But amid the (pleasures that come
with the Christmas tide, none should
prove so sweet as that we may find in
remembering the poor. When, .in giv
ing, without ostentation, to those from
whom we can expeot nothing in return
save gratitude, wo experience unalloyed
pleasure and a sense of supreme satisfac
tion, then and only then have we begun
to realize wbat the meaning of true
ohaiity really is. It was St. Paul who
said,'"How nbldeth faith, hope, charity,
Omission is to'’ tnt the greatest of these is charity."
I And surely there is no lime when we
may find grander possibilities for, the
exerolso of whatovor charitable impulses
may exist within us than during the
Christmas season. Let us not forget
those whom the world is least likely to
The Herald will not be published to
morrow, bat wo take this occasion to
extend the lesson’s greetings to our
friends. This promises to be a merry
Christmas In Albany. In the midst of
our pleasures, l-£ us not forget those
whom sorrow or adversity has found,
and that Christmas has its serious side.
The conduct of Governor Crane, of
Massachusetts, in declining to;Bccept the
portfolio of the Secretary of the Treas
ury, tendered to him by the President a
few days ag,o is notable on hooooht of
th^reason assigned. It was given out
at the White House that Governor Sbaw
declined the honor for "business and
domestic reasons." Chief among theBe
reasons, it is explained by those dose to
Governor Shaw, is the fact that be is
interested, in a paper mill whloh has a
contract with the government for turn
-Uhlne the paper on Whloh the treasury
bills and national bank notes are printed.
It is not every man who would be in-
financed in a matter of this sort by the
delioate sense of propriety whloh ap
pears to have controlled Governor Shaw
in declining this position of honor, and
his oondoot is, therefore, as unusual in
these times of commercial politios as it
is oreditable.
While there has been a good deal of
complaint among Albany’s merchants
about the dull trade during the fall and
While there is every indication that
the powerful South Amerloan republics
of Chili and Argentina will settle their
difference about disputed territory with
oat TesorMe >var! by mutual eonoesslon
and oonolltfiiSonV'yet It i. an ugly faot,"
says the Hew.,Orleans States, "that the
Pan Amerioan Congress, sitting in the
City of Mexico, it in danger of breaking
np because of a failure to agree npon
plan of arbitration proposed by Argen
tina. Some delegatee have.announced
their purpose to withdraw from the con
ference, leaving only the United States,
Mexloo and onp or two other countries
represented. It wonld be nseless for
the congress to oontinne its sessions
with these alone. Boundary disputes
and differences about territorial juris
diction are not nnoommon in South
Amerloe, and the great (purpose of the
Pan-Amerioau conference was to adjnst
these differences by arbitration. Arbi
tration always sounds well in theory,
bnt when it runs against national
prejudices and lnte.ests it seems to
amount to little in practiae. Ho one
cares for that mode of settlement when
It is pretty tare to be adverse. Hence
the failnre of arbitration."
the slowness with whloh the holiday
trade opened np, it is gratifying that the
basiness of-the last three shopping days
before Christmas exceeded their most
sanguine expectations. Indeed,' Tnea-
day, Christmas eve, «s generally believed
to have been the greatest basiness day
that Albany has ever enjoyed. The
shoppers were in the stores early and al
most every plaee of basiness was in a
constant 1 ash nntil late at night, the
day's sales breaking all previous records
fer any single day.
Tuesday will go down in the business
history of Albany as a red letter day.
A lithographic establishment in Buf
falo reoentl” received from a Western
bank a circular note announcing the
death of the president. It was given to
a clerk with instrnotlons to write a let
ter of condolence in reply, and this la
what he supplied:
"We are greatly pained to learn of
the loss sustained by year hank, and ex
tend to yon our heartiest sympathy.
We notice that the olronlar you send ns
announcing Mr. -—'a death la Iltho.
graphed by Chicago parties. We regret
that yon /lid not see your way to let
ns figure on this job. The next time
there is a bereavement in your bank we
shall be glad to quote you on lithograph
circulars,' id are confident that we can
give yon better work at less cost than
anybody else in the business. Trusting
we may soon have on opportunity of
quoting yon prices, we remain, with
profound sympathy, years truly."
out in Horth Dakota has do-
rided that it is no effenso to work off a
Confederate bill on on Indian in a horse
trade y
Lettho Santa OIbub "myth” alone.
It 1ms stood for agos, and slnoo it brings
only joy to the little ohildron it condo
The Atlanta Journal soys that In
i: h king Maolay out of the navy the pol
icy of the administration sooms to bo to
take it ont on the dog.
e who attended tho Into
President MoKinloy appear to bo afraid
io make ont their bills. They soem to
want Congress to moke a lump sum op-
lation, leaving them to divide the
omit amongst themselves.
The Christmas edition of the Jaokson
vine Times-Uriion nnd Citizen sent out
on Sunday morning was simply great-
It tops any paper ever before published
in Florida. Bnt the Timee-Union and
Citizen broke the reoord of Florida
journalism long asm.
The State Department appears to hesi-
fate to enter Into negotiations with
Hioaragua and Costa Rica in regard to
the oanal until Congress shall authorize
'i^o negotiations and appropriate the
’ 'necessary funds for tho business; and
Congress (hesitates to make the appro-
money will bee needed.
1 ii,,—
Great Britain is in great fear that she
, GUSH -J- B00n j,o foroed from first to third
among the nations of the world in
irqial affairs, and her fear finds
expression from time to time in no i un-
1 terms through the medinm of
nrnals and public men. The
, States and Germany are the
of her nnpleasant nightmare.
. r • T* 4 '... •
According to the po'itioa' gossip pub
lished in yesterday's Atlanta Oonstitn-
■tion, some of the politicians whose fo-
ram Is the arcade of the Kimball House
are worried about what Farmer Jim
Smith, of Oglethorpe county, proposes
to do about tunning for governor.
They snspeot that he has deolded, npon
matnre reflection, not to make the raoe,
although he has not positively Ba'd so.
The Herald is not authorized to speak
for Mr. Smith, bnt we venture the pre
diction tb'tt.he'wlll not stay in the gu
bernatorial raoe. If what some people
tell on him rnd what we have seen
b'nted at In one or two newspapers of
the state be trne, he has long eiuoe
plaocd between himself end the exeon-
tive mansion a barrier that cannot be
overoome. Perhaps he has realized
this. t
The editor of the Herald has material,
oonvlnolng evldenae of the foot that the
art of making good country sansegef—
the jnioy, well-seasoned links that onr
mothers used to make—has not been
entirely lost. There’s a farm not
thousand miles from Albany where
sausages ore made that are capable of
reminding a Georgia oraoker' of old
times. We had began to fear that
either the scarcity cf the ingredients or
oontlnued indifferenoe to suoh thing!
had resulted in the loss of the art of
making good sausages, but the fear has
been dispelled. There’s life in the old
land yet.
Tho Missiuslpi i ootton gtowers have
scored a victory over the Ootton Oil
Trust, and, now that the key has been
found, it is to be hoped that] others will
nse it. The trust refused to pay more
than (IS per (ton for ootton’seed. But
the Mlsslsslppiana refused to Bell, hunted
np purchasers outside the trust at from
f 14 to $16 a ton, and made (ootton seed
eo Bcaroe a commodity that the pretense
of controlling the helling prioe was per
force abandoned.
"Historian" Maolay hoe been bounced
from the servioe of the Huvy depart
ment with scant oeremony. He pro
tested vehemently, quoting civil ser
rioo regulations in support of his con
tention that he could not be discharged
without first being allowed to answer to
oharges of Inoompetenoy or miecondnot,
His protest was simply ignored, the
commandant of the Brooklyn navy yard
being instructed as follows; "By direc
tion of the President, Edgar S. Maolay
is discharged. Hotify him.” Short,
bnt sweet. It is a pity the President
will not try his hand at ridding tbe
navy department of some others higher
in authority than the nnlamented
Mrs. Cleveland has given ont an In
terview to explain why her husband,
tbe ex-President, has not been answer
ing his letters, and in the coarse of it
she takes occasion to say that her hus
band has received maoy letters that
/ should not have been written.
Because he oan bay steamships more
oheaply in the United States than he.
oan bnild them in England Sir Chris
topher Furness, the great English ship
builder, has contracted for the building
of twelve steamships in this country.
They are to cost lour million dollars.
Undoubtedly with our oheap iron and
steel and onr efiioient labor—wbioh is
also oheap because of its offloienoy—we
oan distance the world in shipbuilding.
The Philadelphia Reoord makes the
good point that "it is tbe knowledge ot
this foot more than other dissuading
argument that is throwing cold water
on the ship subsidy soheme.”
Hrrd on the heel of the report sent
ont from the war office in London a few
days ago to the effeot that a oipber dis
patch from Commander Delarey had
been intercepted, In which it was stated
by the Boer commander that he could
not hold ont longer than January, comes
the news that the Boers are now plan
ning a summer campaign. The Boers
may be whipped, bnt so long as they
don’t know it it doesn’t oonnt.
General Chaffee is evidently dis
gusted with the Filipinos ana considers
them a sorry lot. He oharaoterizes
them os deoeitfnl and treaoherous and
declares that the whole people of the
islands—native ofidoiala and all—"have
turned traitors to the United StateB.
General Chaffee's ploture is in striking
oontrast with the rose-oolored views of
the Taft Cimmission.
The grading has begun on the rail
road whloh is to extend from Dothan,
Alabama, to St Joseph, Florida, an an
cient town, with one of the best harbors
oe the coast. The distanoe between the
two' points is about 110 miles by the
latest survey.
Central Business- Property !
On Wednesday January 8,1903, at 11 o’olook a. m.. we will sell at pnblio out
cry (on the pre , ises) to the highest bidder all of the "Lehman Property" front
ing on Jaokeon street, and running westward 95 feet to on alley to be opened and
donated to the use of said property. This property will be sub-divided into six
lots, preserving in tact the houses now on said land.
A plat of the sub-division cau be seen at our office. Titles perfect. This will
be a -rare opportunity to purobuse some oentral business property that is rapidly
enhancing in value on easy terms; terms one-third oash, balance one and two-
years with interest, on deferred payment^. -We will also ou tbe same day
sel'. in the same manner and upon seme terms that portion of.the "Johnson Lot”
fronting the Presbyterian ohurch, 75 feet on Jaaksou street; running baok 157J£
feet, on wbioh is situated an 8 room dwelling house. This is the moBt desirable
resldeuot Jot in the heart of the c-itv and rents well.
We will also on same date offer some other valuable residenoe property im
proved and unimproved npon samp terms. ,
This will lie the greatest real estate sale ever offered in this oiby.
Also, „t tho same time, the W. T. Cox house and lot, fronting on Broad
street, 106x31u feet, being one of the most desirable residences in the olty.
Also, the Titt acre lot on the oorner of Tift and Washington streets, front
ing Oentral railroad depot, divided into live building lots 52}^ feet front eaoh.
See diagram. < ■
Also, Ragan Strozier residence lot, containing 1% acres, fronting on So
ciety street.
Also, at the same time and same terms, the Kirkman place, in East Al
bany, being 10 cores good land with six-room dweldng and outhouses—good
trnok or dairy farm. \
Diagrams of above properties on file in our office. Titles good and snbjeot
to inspection.
For other information oallon or address
A Wife Says:
** We have four children* With the first
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours* and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform* I used three
bottles of Mother*a Friend before our last
child fame* which
Is a strong* fat and
healthy boy* doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth* and suf
fered but a few hard
pains* This lini
ment is the grand
est remedy ever
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
Mother's Friend equips tbe patient with a
strong body and clear intellect, which in
turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes
the muscles and allown them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness.
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour, so that the actual
labor If short and practically painless: Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided, and recovery is merely a matter oi
a few days.
Druggists sell iv/other's Friend for SI a bottle.
Ihe BradficM Regulator Go., Atlanta, Ga.
Send for onr frea Illustrated book.
nontenant General Nelson A. Miles
deolined to disonss the question of the
reprimand given him by the Secretary
of War for his published observations
on the report ot the verdiot in the Sohley
case, and in reply to inquiries as to his
fntnre course in the matter said he had
no statement to make. He did say,
however, that the report that he wonld
apply for a oourt of inquiry was entirely
And now Maolay refuses to resign
and defies the President. Now we shall
see wbat- we she! 1 see.
Paper Shell
One and Two Year Old Nursery
Stock For Sale From
The Baconton Nursery
Choice Varieties. Large Supply.
For information, prices, etc., arply to
10-lP-2m Baconton, Ga.
For Sale or Rent
At a bargain, with all farming implements,
tho Blue Spring plantation of 760 acres, four
miles south of Albany. Ga. For terms apply
fo * Edwin Sterne,
iU-d&wlwk at Albany Rational Bon';,
Your Children W52
" togiTe
to tbs little folks sltbar, for It 1
has boon tho .standard.home
has been the standard boms
bioS M4 soStoAita ca M .«v«d mrti
old end MVlIftyd
«Uor Mo for Ibottl—B.t Tr, YW Drank, T
Writ* onr OonmlcUon Dept, .iptonlnc jour wmptoni ud re«.lv. frM,«m0iIinttal cavil*
We do not try to attract you by
any glittering promises or any
statement that misleads i i letter
or spirit. What we want is your
cool, calm judgment on the goods
we sell and our prices as compared
with others. Come and examine
— look around — compare. We
don’t want your trade if we can’t
do BETTER for you than any
body else will. We carry every
thing that you would expect to
find in a thoroughly up-to-date
Furniture and House Furnish
ings store.
liKS ii IB
Strictly vegetable, _p«rfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known; female remedy.
fiillTIMI Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. Tho gehulno Uput up c
UNUIIUn tea with fac-simlle signature on side of the bottle, thus;
•end for Circular to WILLIAMS MFG CO.. Solo Agents. Cleveland. Ohio- ^