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Tfye Bullsob ’Piiaes.
Prn imied Thlrsays.
One Year $ 1.00
Six Months .pO
Three Months 2o
Advertising Rates on Applica
J R. MILLER, Editor and Pith.
StatksaoUo, Ga., Feb. 9, 1893.
Two Horrible Crime*.
Dispatches from Paris, Texas,
givesan account of burly the lynching
of Henry Smith horrible a negro in
the most manner ever
leeorded ized In the The history of a civil¬
country. The particulars which !!mith
are as follows; Myrtle negro Vance
brutal 4 V ontragpd old girl. And a
jittle year after
committing tho fiendish legs in act, taken
one of her little each hand
hnd literally day tore her In twain.
That a mass meeting boose was and
palled at the court
search pat^ Her 08 mangled ou ^ body t-hn
child. was
found iu'fnirBuit and the whole fiend town Joined had
of the %ho
murdered be He A wa*i naught
veaterday at low, on the Arkan¬
sas and ftoHV X/onsUn^i of railroad, Ha tWCbtv denied
miles here.
the criine, put blood stains were on
his clothing and later he confessed.
This morning he was brought to
Texarkana^ wliete 3,000 people had
gathpred gager to get at nith. The
be Paris searching tnbleSled. party i$ews begged that
be not travel
»d fast. Everywhere bore along the
line, as the train the wretch
to Paris, morbid CftJwds gathered
gaSte Upon him.
At people-. the depot Deputy at Paris sheriffs were 10,
000 put
bp a. show bf pistols, bttt wdre
brushed aside And a tush made for
the tar. IStpith'i A rope heck liras thrown
tiroilnd at d he Was
dragged fi'bm the tftf: He tVas
takau tbp$!$h tty ft rode hoitt, and borhe
1 ijitt City Streets that ped
ble id,ah toight ria»e on the monsteh
Open prarie, doO yards
from the Tetas ahd Pacifid d^pbt,
4A4C»ffdid TTTTTi aWalthd him; It Wail six
40 and ten high, well for
tbih^’tes; Thetb)
teUv tbhy tort b fed hi in
adiabdliCril ekpeUthd ounhing that 8av
hae^°bly hot are irbnS Wbtb thrhst to shbw. from
evei-y t-hriekfi fildb added fold his td body. His
Vigor bid pbrse
CiitofSi First; bdi ifdbS bhlbded
his feet; ami, tiiS intih by inhu, l’hd they
fcrept Up in fahh: than
Was UBConsciotiS; wbehj at last ker
bsihe oil was bulla pdtlthd piaKbd t ^er bitil ribd
cottdn seed beneath
bith; A torch set the p^th oh nre
and all was consumed;
tiarldslty Seekers hake carried
hwiy ftll Ihst wris left, eVbh to the
iishes. tBd Smith, Sbtdb say, commit.
Vanort, the tlrime td Lefrhfagb arrested biuieelf
bn who hid him
¥ uce when driink and bluhbbd him.
bis Vanbe is prostrated with, grief and
wife is dangerdhsly ill from the
fehook haiiBed By the SrorHble fate
bf her little ubdt'e daughter;—Telegraph. story is hor
Th*> the most
? - ilile file fidhgra wires have ever
told Id it. start country. No
hrinie iii the committed, long list of brutal
outrages rifdtrleu by negroes
and children iu the
'Touth lias been more terrible in
'ts details than that for whi^h
lit Ii#ry the titdbi Pfiiith IM suffetsd the ituHrtls At tho hands crime
brittkl lio ttiore depraved; ferocious dr
cr’lnlinai lias a^ijldared; ,
Nevertheless, the civilized wdfld
will hajdlT set 1 Smith Hr lii-i yfliiie
-»nHie kIihiIow of the e Sniith ent which
followed close affi^r; If wa 8
the most, fiendish of ruVishers; the
inoH which buhied hint was the
most, ferdfciods Bf liMiJs; Tlici
. wofitt will se»> in tlie victini #rith
j}ig dangdf'ous, ipthe less flanies hoi;t edniething bid than less the
im''thrilst red-hot irons into
his It is flfjsh iutnpst kiid lieyotid ft'jp’lded id his agony.
belief that in
a ilii^fttiou countr ind which bdasts of its cly
oi progress,sucll aspires to lead /he
van a savage mob
is pos 8 ible : 4 .We Hdpo that P’Ver
liispatches Will show that the first tin*
reports facts. grossly exaggerated
It ifi ho sav that no
nuuisutiiellt crime, bouiu be too severe for
the of whicli Sidith was
guilty. That ill triif <jf tlirl pun
ishm qt should lie as cruel as the
crime is great: if hb - Nor is the aiiswer
complete if said that ftdy
Means are justifiable which will
protect women and cliilHfen
p gainst sucli briite§ as Bnitth for
it,^nay well be .jH doubted punjlhinebf whether
, savage the ferocity remedy hrutalifF is
liest for in
criaie * .r
i ut it is perfeC lv ceftuin that
such an event as that at Paris de¬
and coargeiii to some
tho peoplo among whom it occurs.
No matter hovr great the provoca¬
tion, men cannot bind a criminal
to tho stake and subject him to all
the tortures which down they can invent the ’
without civilization stepping which from
Christian plan of nations have to been raised. most
A Thamt’s Thinks’.
A tramp had been doing don’t some
thinking. “Thinking seem
to agree with yer,” said one who
saw him.
“Naw lit don’t—vit's like this,
d’ye see. I’m a Bill, tramp. Now, what my I
old schoolmate, is jn»t
am not!”
“How’s that?”
“Well, Bill is the president and of a
bank | he’s got as pretty hand
a home In as that yer’d like to there’s see; there’s flow¬
music home} there’s
er's there, and a pretty wife
and some children bloomin’, tlmfo's happy- carriage curly
headed \ a him
and servants, He's and people call elected
'Mister.’ twice been
mayor, and everything is coming
his me—ditl'nrcnt Way all tile time, and ?” then look
at ain’t it 1
“How'd lid strike it rich like
“I can’t think of gdfltf any other name
fpt it. How bltt sense. We
Were bo^s together and while I was
fddltn, Hill, aroutto, Havin, a good time.
lib sOtte sCemed to look
ahertdt .He cti Ou. n’t drink; I did.
He didn't Citbi for style, and it
Coat tne to pdt it On that same
money that hd atlVedi He was fond
of reading and I’d rather pliiy
cards and haVu fUn with tho Vest
of the boy's. WhArt I w r as loafin’
on tho street cofiidfs tmd in bear
saloons, Bill was putting in his
time at school, t blow in my mon
ey on curdf*. Bill saVdd his, an’ II
remember now how I Used ter guy
Bill an’ call him good,y=goody, and
tell him How he was loosin' of His
life away witlidhf having
any fun—nut say i I Was a color
in my nose; I was getting t to culti¬ play
a good game of cards ; was
vating a tine stock of bad habits—
among ’em wad love fdr budgbf
tef ntake it short, pard, l was giv¬
ing iilysclf a Hue education sUcCChdtHl for thik
here ‘"Mf-vo hllfdnes, aint I at it
“Wnii look Ht mil) ...
tidw , wlio’S
having tho. good dogd time no0 jl He
ndOsH t AtvV’H Set oil 1 HI j he
ain’t pulled hi tiVcfyoiicO iii ft while
fdl* being a trailip j his HdnH.OSti’t tout’s have
tolildVO doii’t oii wllOn add Rore;
and HO jfej lUtllgry have
ideal, ter sniV ail.d it big jtiie of wood to get a
and mur’ti sleOp all under hasn’t haystacks; the
ho got
ivWfttl id thirst I’ve got, and doesn’t
liVti liiUI, as I do, because n?
can’t get liquor. He’s Sot got man
hood; wot haw I He's got
character; siitOu wot mine? mother’s Not one
I broke my dear old
liljitR, which laid her in her tfrave,
Ain’t, that a record?”
!i YV!iy shouldn’t I do some think
“Young man,” said the the stern pa¬
rent, with the accent on young,
“db yott intend to stay here all
night iooking holding my daughter’ll hand
and her in the face like a
sick calf?”
“No, sir.”
“Well, I had thought when you
did us the kindness to retire I
wopld put mt arm round her $ ftist,
and if she did ris^ not object too forci¬
bly I might a kiss.”
IMrectary ^
Statesboro circuit M. E. church
Soutli. Sf .HkhroHo.—P
i.lfll reaching 2nd
am Sabbath’s at 11a. m. and
7 :ld p: m. Sabbath school ever-E
Sabbath, 3 :tk) p. m. CommliuibH
2nd SiibbiH’-ll Ocl. in Feint April, June,
Aug., diid PreilBii^ng HeC. ,
1st Sab¬
mdtitli, bath ana Sat $. usdny ni. Sabbath before in school each
every Sabbatli iii Feb., May, Aug.,
NUV. ,
Nkw Hope'^P reaching 3rd Sab¬
bath and Sutiirday l>efore in school oacli a, m. 3 Sabbath
every 3frt Sabbath fedbbath p. n, Fob., Conuilu- May,
uion in
Aug. and Nov. McGreoob,
W. L>. Pastor.
, Notice.
Tlfe firm of T. S. Mercer i
Rro., has been dissolvinl, T. S.
Mercer withdrawing.. The business
will continue under the firm name
o" B. B. Mercer *v Co., to whom
all .accounts due T. S. Mercer &
Bro, Statesboro, are payable.
Ga. Feb. i893.
It .floiie.
The Dyeisburg, (Tenn.) Times
has the following to say on the
death of Gen , liutlcr: ’ ,,
A n act of cpi^Jblood ul dsprav.
jty, which stands alone jin the an¬
nals of civilizhtioo, is .brou'.'h? to
iuind Hy the death of B^n Fotler.
the foh! boast from wi. .sc remora
even the vultures that reek amid a
putrid feast of shame and scaodal
would turn witb|toathing and dis¬
gust. It ia a orime that stand out
on a back-ground of Satanic black
ness in nil of its bideoqs deformi¬
ties—an act of soulless would vidi^ny
that in comparison make
the (bloodstained bauds |of Nero
white and the treasonable names
of Jndas Iscariot, <Benedict Ar
nold and Andrew Johnson less
odious. It wag bis infamous Or¬
der while in command of the Fed¬
eral forces at New Orleans, giving
his brutal underlings a license to
ravish and treat as a common pros¬
titute any }ady of that city who
might by word for or Yankee gesture officers express
contempt In lavgunge of or
soldiers the ab
esteemed contemporary “this or¬
der stands alone in the history of
civilised warfare with nothing to
approach it in blackness.” Its
soulless atrocity filled the nations
with horror. It brought the flag
under which the perpetrator of
t-Uch a crime, was not, under sen¬
tence of court martial, shot like a
dog, the loathing and contempS^of
the civilized world. Yet this aci
of foul depravity was bailed with
applause by the Federal authori¬
ties and a Northern press and Nor¬
thern public gloated in over keeping it in
fiendish glee. It was
with and their the disgraceful Natural outgrowth mode of war¬ oi
the wild phrenzy of a fanatical and
ruffinnly horde that would applaud
any orime that would humiliate a
Southern man or woman. It if*
not strange that the fiends in hu¬
man form who disgraced the sol¬
diers name by makiDg war marked on
women and children and
our beautiful Southland with de¬
vastation and the most cold blood¬
ed atrocities could gloat iu savage
glee over an order to deliver a pure
and noble womanhood as a prey
to the lawless lusts of ruffian brutes
It is not strange that they should
worship the hideous deformities
and glory iu the shame of the foul
beast whose sonl is branded by
one of the moat atrocious ’briqitfs
at which devils langh and acgele
weepi The fact that be died, forgotten
by the accessaries of his crimes n
an eitiunation fbr Ih&m and a jufH 1
retribution for him,
thE Best Blood Balm,
August A. Kludges, .Baitfmore, 810 Md„ St,
Charles street,
writes : “From , my youth I suf¬
fered frem a poisonous taint in
my blood. My. face au:. bolf
was continually affected with
eruptions and sores, 1 am now
43 years of age, and had been
treated both in Germany and
Amerioa, but no remedy over¬
came the trouble until 1 used
Botanic smotii Blood Balm. Myjekiti I
clear, and healthy, and is
consider the poisen blood. permanent!} endorse
driven from my I
it as the best blood remedy.
O ill, AN do, Fla., June 2, l8$2.
Messrs. Lippman Bros.., Propr’s
P. P. P., Saviunah, Ua.
Gentleman:- I feel it my du¬
ty to inform you of the cure your
wonderfui medicine, P. P. P.,
wrought in my base. I have suf¬
fered for malatia two years with dyspep¬
sia and in the worst form,
and was a daily sufferer from
sick heada'che. My bowels did
not act But twice a week; and
sometiihes only once a week. 1
could not retain half Idle and
my 8toffitich was alwaH uhcom
Idrtably hedvy: iilelicines, I tried pills, ail
kinds of biit only found
temporary relief in them. 1
felt despondent and was hoping
to soon find relief in death.
Seeing your P. P. P. advertise¬
ment I decided to try it and re¬
quested Dr. Peak to get me a bot
tle, ahd after taking that bottle I
felt one hundred per cent bettor; I
have taken twB bottles and i wil
Soon get another, and I peverythiHs can now
hat Und in canlf pqaoe sleep p.ndjenjoy like to^>. My
headaches hare ceased and |tfiy
bowels are regular. I would .ad
vise P. all sufferers like myself to £ive
P. P., a trial, and they will
write yon as I have that|P. P. P.
beats any medicine on the mfirliet.
I URTIsi. Yours truly,
Artist Paihfer, CoLLVEK,
Orlando, Fla.
Washington Letter.
Erotn our r'-^ul-r eorrospond'int.
Washington, fi, C.. February 3.
—Hon. Don M. Dickinson* pile is
regarded as President-elect Ul.ive
land’s personal representative, is
in Washington in the interest of
the Andrew# hi* 1 for the rejs'al which of is
the Hhetnian silver law,
tei bt? riiiay Li if eh iip ill the lioUsh Oil
Tin tind Friday next. Mr.
DicKinson is outspoken in favor
of rthiiexstion of Hawaii, alid
iii this he Iii is in Hue with seven
tenths congress, without regard
to politics. The Hawaiian com¬
missioiiers arrived to<lnr and to¬
morrow they will present their pe¬
tition for annexation.
that There would are have so mauy to complications if
he met an
act of congress annexing Hawaii
iB to be passed, and in the course
of the delay, which would necessa¬
rily ensue, might, some foreign govern¬ other
ment by revolution or
means, secure control of the coun¬
try, that it is probnblp that the
outcome will be the adoption of
some quicker method of asserting
American control and warning for¬
eign governments to keep their
hands off. There is no politics in
this it said , simply to his Americanism, credit, Mr. Harrison and, be
has consulted as freely with the
prominent democrats in congress
as with members of his owrf par
ty twithstanding
No . the threats
bled from Loudon as to what Eng
land intended to do, it can be sta
ted without exaggeration that the
intentions of England or any
othe- nation is catting no figure
whatever in this matter. Hawaii
ia going to pass under the control
of the United States. That much
in certain, butYt is not yet decided
just how it is to be done. Another
certainty in the situation is that
Hawaiian sugar producers will not
be paid the bounty of 2 cents it
pound McKinley now paid iaw, Americans under
the which some al¬
lege to ha vs been the cause of tniJ
revolution and application for an
nexatlon. U'hstever lhe cause,
there many good reasons for our
not neglecting the the_ oppyrtunity to
get control of Islands.
Judiciary The majority Committee, report of the House
which in¬
vestigated the Homestead labor
troubled, has attfacted written wide atten¬
tion. It was by RepreSe.n
tive Boatner, of Louisiana, who
therein says that he the finds that.lie
finds nothing in constitution
which authorizes congress to regu¬
late to interfere with, or prohibit
.the employnreht, of Finkerton or
‘other detectitfi's iiy persons or cor¬
porations, iii exopt engaged so iti far as they
jan\}’ be inter-state
comhie-Ffie, “The tFohle at H c lilo
sti'ad beyond c.oiitinued federal the report, - ,Was
jufisdictioii , coptfol or or con
gressioiial interference , To |x*r
mit cy tne federal au¬
thorities, witnout male** deniilnfi of. the the laws which would
control in ..relations States of employer
or employe undePtake fnejust the. authority you Id be
to of
authority the Stale* and to in,terpose federal
ijpon a subject of which
the States iiav^. and ought to havo,
supreme control.. tile
’ The investigation of whiskeV
trust authorized fiv congress will
be conducted ,fiy a sub-committci
compose#! Ipdyvna; <)t Representatives Mis- By¬
num, of Bucii&fjito, Stockdale of
sisippi; Powers; of Voriiiont. of New Jersey,
There \pU a general sUrprise
when the Senate voted down a mo¬
tion made by Senator Sherman to
make the I Nicaragua Canal hill the
“unfinis bed husinesa”[of the Sen
ate, whic ill would have given it the
right of,.way every day after 2 o’¬
clock. There is hardly ona chance
in ten that.this bill can get through
the preseiil tiuil Hofioe, but it has eeen
supposed the Senate intended
to pass it anyway, perhaps after
all it will go tO join tire numerous
other matters that.are stated to be
left over for the Fifty-third Con
grd^s'td Representative wrestle with New
Y’dfk, ift ‘chairman Fellows, of
of tho comhiit
tee that Panama will investigate tho spend¬ the
ing United Canal money in
States. Col. Fellows is a
shrewd lawyer, and as skillful
cross-examiner has few equals.
Furthermore, he is deeply inter
tjated in tho subject, ho is uivest
A11 of which increases the chances
for the exposure of somebody, if
there ia any truth in the charges
that have been from time to time
made, both in this country and
in France, of the bribery of Amer¬
icans of prominence. Ex-Secret sry
Thompson Vv ill be one or the wit¬
nesses here lieaLl. He was pres¬
ident of the AHterican end of the
ooinpanF. which haR only . ,
The Senate,
pessed two of lfikfc .the appropriation that
bills, seems at to realize
it isin a hole., ,B<5gliining today;
it will meet at 11 o’clock.
If tire gold in, the Treasury is
reduced-as.^efi. Se'crqtarv,.Carlisle this month wil! find
last, than lhe $100,000,000, known
as the gold reserve fund, when he
takes charge. , .There, than is now lefts
gold in the Treasury at any
time for many. Years, and of course
what is there Will have to ire paid
out whenever Treasury notes ar**
presented for redemption.
. ■ cou.EG£-.inu«*i6*
ttoms y&ak-Grtxl* wsmiss
OntoM ThMUfSHmt
■£££g£3Sges (b om.dvcwi »o W» Actual Bvm*
Pi Ste4»»U enter nor time. Mend !*r
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Handle Handle Eveyrtlung r.ujr g on WHEELS and Harness ton.
One style of FA AM DESIGNS, ERB Carnage. *
Forty other ■
"wTkeep everything the latest and largegt Ya*
riety of new.
On our “Auburn Steel Axle Wag-i
/ . \ ovis” we will replaco every broken
Jsterl Axle no matter what the load
V ‘might weigh which or what it broke the ciretihitetaiH
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Tlie Most thorough Ktiil practical School in the doiiiitly. FiidOfsoJ
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For full particulars dtc,,
Porter & Anderson
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J©B ditS .■
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jhtni (ift
--OF- 1«SSJ .
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chard A. -McljlrtlT TI^ep.
Cash Assetts
5 w
gid ledsinger
Special A gad.
(j ’■mm.
l e s
e •
& I E s . $pf 5 $£| 3 s?
r *‘*rys *>-*■ 1 im -*" —»r***rs.
t*^)ufipes>'* Tra*
con.dtB as&rkxa&SGSu
i; <jH* 6tries IS Opp
Jj^rcplTOodkl, 4r»». ioto,„vut^ ble not, descrip- free
on. We advise, H nr of'
tft£Z8& of the in foreign lenti cured.
3st same in co , 1
■j>t free. AddresA VI
C-r^ PATrwr ornce, Washing o. C. *
V. %-V^'* *■ ■» *' *r*&
OUCM r » *-igf l
« ■ - ■■4a» M fcte.» • . • ;»? jaam
Spring ftit^es mntrt liiSt!£ Waifeifig itmi ?hick Cultiva¬
tor .hi double!
the cost iii btie tWop.
Spill's SI.W8I buckeye
PBRS ftidjiUj liHd CUiiiViittjr—4 Wbihterful ; 6feas SUC
wplwHBHt: ,bU>or saving
gjtfiilg ISiWfSi‘CiiHiVatdr BUOKeYE
lUifi . with
HarrrSW: the besjfc implement
tne"i tyf fitfrfl market;, film fitjfctbrt \Vrite fdr e*er .pufc^oii
'Hr'dhlarH altd learn it H fit prices ewit a ltd
jilfiiltor* fiiff ogrictimiral say ftbdiit elttb it. iii . Thv old
little, bohglit , South
TiioUsaHHfi iijlFdiltill, uS Hi list’ them
AtKililkaa in Texas;
Hft¥cl add IBfttt Mississippi. Rmd.v Wd
bile car for ileliv
•V: '
Arhisti, Ga
BLDDD DI 5 EA 5 E 5 .
and rbfaicUaf pr«erib* eerier* Ifcwito F. r. P. ft* & apieiKild oami vn anon. edi
graa % satltfartio* Ur tbs earn «/
f»rra* and ittm tt Pri marr, ftaaandary ax* Tertiary
.1 a !: IS
Sy 8or««, f hll!^Sri*m5B-hr. SlcdulM Ba »ta«, Rf»um»llun. acrofifou,
Cfcr.ato Olan thM 5»«IUofi, km rwtiUd »ll *M
8iioIJttMM^SS7cSrt«!rT5r!51J"5«SaS!6ir*S^» w.aiPr^o*, Trito^iifcad, "* ^
—?» P. it m.f>onfii&: Mmia, andac »u., •*. taccLmi, ». spW^
I » AUillokJ
builflu* Uu ____
A-dl«*r')K,Vy* -ap npieiy. ,
, *e« uf ixiwuA »»d whoa* bl»->4 to ta
■ttsjsr* p«cul*rly sssun^xsTTSsssCTBainmiioSS ft V. P. PrkU/ Alt, Boat
P., Pcka
/ERR. Cures dyspepsia — »
LIPPXAN BP.Q9, Piipristara,
****** UlTni^rnovic. fAVAliflAH, Gi.