Newspaper Page Text
-«iv,visit, J. K. JOlfnson of iilitchpaid our
on yesterday
-All kinds of fjmits and vegeta
;>!e.>in'soastni at M. T. Hardees
Lucy Hinton, the best Tobacco
in the market, For sale'by M T
The Rev‘Ml’. Patterson preached
an able sermon to a large congre¬
gation at the court house on Thurs
day night, last.
Only a few more of those cheap
htovo,s left eoipG parly and get one.
It. B. Mercer Co.
We learn that work will again
start on the PrimativerfBaptist
gllurch and then it will be* pushed
t o completion.
All kinds publish, of furniture at prices
iK> low to come i n und
sc* B. ]) Mercer <Si Co.
There will bt, a.picnic for the
t^nefit of Irjc Academy given by
jii- ladies qf the cqmrnunjty, on
i. \t Tiiur^d^y.
New lot of mules apd hprsps j usf
received. W. T. Bmiti).
W. fi Allen Populist, has been
.elected United States Senator from
Nebraska. He was elected .bV
e’pmbined vote of the ThitcT Party
and Dainocrats.
full line of Plows and Ploy''Fix¬
tures at J. W. Olliff & Cd’s..v
Tb© Times secoofls tbe liomhia
lion of Hon. It E. Loster Unit
pd Statue Senatdf, to ^paceed g eu -
fttor Colquit. x;‘\
Call in at Meroer’s aoM'- g^jt
tif kin improved White Sfewiti^ Ma
pes, satisfaction puarantead.
JtI'>rfison Olliff, Rulioch’s clever
plerk of ths Buperior (Joarfc, is now
permautjy located in his office in
All kinds of staple, and fancy
groceries, at J. F. Fields.
New lot cf buggies just received
jiy J \V Dlliff & C k!
■f he Times office wjlj soon be
ponnected by wire ndtl} the out
gid ' world. Messrs \ L Thigpen
and II V Jolipsaq afQ preparing
fo pntjap a line.
Robert Waters had narrow hurt
pscape from being seriously
at Davis’ saw mill a few days ago.
While hfoving a slab he accident¬
ally stepped back^jm the belt,
which throwing trippud him hijq <Sn no and the came
near to en
gme. - .
For School Books go to J W 01-
1 ill J (Jo. They have evejything
yo\\ jvant^in that line.
Mr. Lh land' Foss happensd cf his to fin- the
ini«foftune to get three
gt.u*s cut off while working at a saw'
mill a.lew days ago.
V<-u cau find everything you
<1, from a toothpick to a pno
Vagon, from a nurse bottle
to a coffin, at, J W Olliff <fe Oq.
'Lho-grant Alliance meeting that
v iifi to come off last Saturday
: tiled to materialize,
i TiaVe a lot <M unknown
D-.-H-t which I will «ell cheap for
• <vh*„ Drop iii and see them,
E L Smith.
The ladies of the Baptist ehurcli
o-ive"ordered a jnt 'of handsome
;• - -.vs for their church,
Niee line of confect onery for
iu by K L Smith.
J O Jones and 8 S Sasser spent
a few days in Florida since our
i *t st
Try s pound of my Down South
*obaoco It is the best
E L Smith
George Whitfield ha« sold out
,nd left Statesboro He leaves
several friends who will moufn
his irreparable loss
Goto E L Smith for all kinds
of staple and fancy-groceries
Pants cloth loc, per yard, at J
F Phdds.
Tfv nir fine shoes at .fl 25
- J F Fields
Hon D ;H Clark of .Tuscu
lum, spent Tuesday in town
Mr Z T DeLoach, of Bl ^ys, is
in the city today
s Col \V A Aaron sjwmt a few days
in Guyton last week
Chow Speckled Beauty Tobacco,
tor sale only at M T Hardee’s
Air A J Wimberly will open in
a few days A firet-eiass Stock of
general merchandise
There was quite a large crowd
out to Ordinary’s eourton Monday
All kinds qf garden seeds at La
ni uvit Fulcher’s.
The Timrsjj UI he the'official or
gin of Bulloch county from now'
try ray pore Apple Cider, the
V t-vou ever drank. J. F. Fields
Lidia Small, a colored woman
of Savannah fainted, upon seeing
1 he hist load of her furniture car
) it- { off by thaconstable and never
jw -vcred conscience.
f ynii want n gf.Mi fu-.-or l . ,.
wagoi . Ill fii \ <>1! I '•
\r. uiiiir & Gor*
M. E. Grimes has 11 "'moved hie
business/on north main st where
he is more able to accommidatw
his customers and he invites the
public to come and examine his
New lot of dry goods just re¬
ceived. Drop in and mwke your
choice before J they W OUiff are #0 picked
over. o.
Miss Emraw Griner has gone
opt to teach school near Jimps.
All kinds of coffins on band
from a common pine box to the
finest casket casket, at J W Ollift
& Co.
For letter hea^s, note heads,
envelopes or aeytjjing efse in the
printing line, call at the Times of¬
New lot of pants just received
terday at C. W. Ennis & Co.
Dock Undine, Esq., living;
about 8 miles t om town, L»s a
gooso 33 years old. It was given
him by his mother bofore the war.
Call on C. W. jEnnis & Co. and
see their new Fats just received.
Buckwheat alwavs on hand at
H. W. Lee’s.
Pete, the barber, has employed
an assistant, and is now ready to
►serve the public oa short notice.
Will Floyd, njnegro, was lodged
in jail bf Sheriff Watersa fewdays
ago for ‘stealing a horse fiom J»s.
McElveen, Esq.
Always in the lefi.d. When you
come to town call in at oar store.
J. H. Ellis & Co.
The little daughter of Mr. R B.
J # Satton who got burned some
weeks ago, died on Suuday Ja»t.
Nice candy always on band at
H. W. Lee’s:
Try my imported pickles and
yon wjll bpy them S. ftgam. T. Chance.
The best hams can be found at
H. W. Leo’s.
Johnnie Brannen happened to
the pu-katune to get bis grin
knocked tut of joint last week.
When you wapt the best goods
for the least money, go to J. H.
Ellis & Co.
Mr. M. A. Newton, postmaster
at Bam, requests us to state that
be is not authority for in tbe com- Bul¬
tannication, published tbe
loch Banner U»f week, over the
signature of ’‘M. A. N."
NVe sell flour. If you don’t
believe it come to onr store and
see. J. H. Ellis & Co.
Another Grover Cleveland in
ent Bulloch. at the He home is stopping of Mr. at J. pres¬ G.
Brannen day lie weighed arrival. 11 pounds
tbe first of bis
Remember C W Ennis & Co’s
is the place for fiue clothing. Cull
and see them
MrsAnu P, Alderman, of Sam,
called on the Times this week, and
instructed us to send the paper to
her for one year
For fine shoes call ou C W Eu
nis <k Co
J M. M 4 rtin, Enul,;Edward Rii g.
wnld, Areola; John Coiemau
Blitch; J A Martin, Bragg; Bas
siuger Graham and W H Buie.
Laston; r 0 „ M Cummings „ . and a xxt \\ n
Mixon, Statesboro; P B Andemou,
James Stewart and AV H McGee,
Captola, are among the names
added to the Times subscription
list this week.
A baud of gypsies struck tbe
town Monday last.
If you need"* good business
suit, goto G \V Eonis & Co.
J L Rim*8, Jim os; J F Rawls,
Rufus aud ,T S Wilson of Parish,
subscribed to the limes this week.
For children’s shoes go to G W
Ennis & Co.
M M DoDaldRon, Statesboro, F,
B Maues. Zoar, Joiner* U Jimps, u Williams. F A,
Black, M A
Wadkfns ^andersville, Lv?« or¬
dered their names put ou our sub¬
scription lint this week.
Fresh lot of garden seeds receiv¬
ed yesterday by M. T. Hardee.
8. T. Chance bus bought a small
farm in the suburbs of town. *'
Sweet Florida or inges always on
hand and for-side by M, T. Hardee
The jieople of Bulloch county
will lie pleasod to learn .that Home A. >1
Johnson, agent for the New
Sewing Machine, has opened up a
nice little machine office in States¬
boro on East Main street, where lie
will fie pleased to furnish you the
best machine in the world. Call
on him for your needles, belts, off,
shuttles, ete. v Ws would advise
those intending to buv a machine
to see or write him before buying. .
Try a package ol my oat meal.
H. W. Lee.
Try. our $110 shoes. They lead
all Others.' J.F. Fields
Justice court summons**, exrcu
t ton - sud aii other J iiistW- court
lacks a- r.'-ivaf th • Ti an?= office.
Thanks to Mr. D. J. Newton, of
Halcyomlale, for a list of subsori
her# sent to the Times this yook.
Try Hereford's Acid Phosphate
for sale by S A Davis & Co. .
a glance over our columns will
show our readers what we furnish
;V2 times a year for only on 3 del
A. J. Tier, one of Bui loch’s'sub¬
stantial farmers, gave the Times a
pleasant call on Monday la*t
J, J or the next thirty days $e will
3§11 millinery ' at cost. 1
S. A. DnAis & Co,
south 7 he main town street council making are it grading
one <n
the prettiest streets in town.
The best grade of keroaine oil
at. the drug store
Harmon. Davis has just com¬
pleted the fence around tins canpi
.Judge Howard E. Jackson a
staunch Democrat of Tennessee,
has been appointed by President
Harrison to till the vacancy caused
by the death of Judge Lamar.
H. L. Smith, Alliance Lecturer
for the first Congressional District,
peoke jo Statesboro last Baturdav.
There were about a half dozen out
to bear him.
All kinds of Garden Seeds for
sale at the Drug Store,
S. A. Davis & Co,
The best cigers in town at file
drug store. S. A. Davi| A Co,
Messrs I V Simmons, E W
and Hodges, P C Dock Hjtgins Ha^ins, of the W A 48th Waters dis¬
trict, were in town Monday .Those
gentlemen report politics as being
lively in their section
Triple Extracts of natural flow¬
ers for sale by S A Davis & Co
Comiiiuuication frpm Emmet
crowded out of this issue, but will
appear in our next
t have now on hand a fine head of
s p>ck consisting of horses and
mules af my livery stables in
Statesboro, Call on me when you
want stock. W. T. Smith.
Walks out Sunday nijhfcs aqd
sees strange sights.
Dreams in his sleep.
Went to see his best girl and
shiUkept bid nntil he left.
Engaged a young lady’s co«p*
panv a mouth ahead of time
Made Nancy Banks time down
the aisle of the church to catch
bis erit-1 tbe other night.
Weut to see a young lady and
was afraid to speak to the old
Said he was '“loaded for bear”
tbe filled other day. “booze.’J [Be had evidently
op on
Is going to the Baptist church
to get married before always,
Turns Lis head off and laughs
when the collection Lat is present¬
ed to him in church.
Gets religious on Sundays.
Went over the branch to get the
gypsies to tell his fortune, ordinary’s and
made a bee line for tbe
Alter receiving an introduction
said/'T to a youDg lady the other night,
hate to flatter yi u, but
' voa arH the prettiest girl lu the
hoa8e »•
he was goiDg t(J a8k a
* ^ a | )qq dred q-ieationo,
8a g sheriff Waters is a bust
Hit the grit and walked nine
mi’es to pay a tax execution.
Cried because his girl quit
Would give five hundred dollars
to put the editor of this p »per 10
miles from State-iboro, n*d not
let him come buck any more.
That young married couple is
that wont over to the gypsoy camp
this afternoon, mid had their for¬
tunes told
The young lady is that sent her
“4-to” to a young medical student
now in Atlanta, a few days will ago
The young man is who get
married next Thursday
Says that Nattie Olliff looks
natural in the clerk’s office
Is glad to see the official adver¬
tisements in the Times
■ i Ought to subscribe for this pa¬
per, but won’t do it
For Unit.
Nice dwelling on North Main
St., next to court house square.
Terms reasonable. Apply to J.
W. Olliff.
llorse!) and Mules.
I have just received n carload of
mules i^id horses which I will sell
clump. .If you arc ir. need o^stock
give nfe a trial. W. T. Smith.
When you want your shoes
paireit give me a trial. Quality of
work guaranteed. Prices reason
able. Willie M. Barbbk,
at •'LaWjboro Barber Shop.
'ffiv public is hereby notified not
to trade for three lfifci, promisory notes,
dated f?ec. 9th payable to
James Hams and B, Hushing, John F. Alderman. John G. Wil- Said
notes being for one hundred and
tnirtv-eiglit dollars and some 5l| few
cents each, and one loth maturing
Nov. 1893; one the Nov. 1894
and one loth Nov. 2845; all bear¬
ing seven pJr cent interest from
date The consideration of said
notes having totally failed.' This
Fob. 7th 1893. Zaek If. Lee."
A bnitnl I'icnic.
Thursday, 16th inst.’, at Iric
Academy. Dinner, oysters, ic<
cream, furnished by the ladies oi
the community to raise funds for
the benefit ot the school. Enter¬
tainment provided for. the young
folks. All iuvited to come.
Mrs Sarah Boyd, Mrs Gertrude
Brown, Mrs Demi Brannen, Mrs
Hallie llrown, Mrs Susan Bunisedi
Miss Naomi Thorne, Oommittee.
^fOLEN! X/
From my residence on the night
of January 16th, 1893, one largr
bay horse, about 10 years old, ven
small eyes Suitable reward will
be phid for hLs return. Ilorso win
levied on by (me as the property of
Abram Gone. A. D. Sowell
Areola. Ga., .Jim. 17,1893.
^ ( |
Mou , s and I
can now
negotiate 2ad : 1 loans on improved
farms in* I st ‘loch county on favor¬
able tern J, and without mnecos
sary delay,- Apply to $ kr /
H. (L Kjttlks.
Rock^nF^rd, Ga^
It will b« impossible for me to
give my attention to county busi¬
ness on the first Mondays bf each
month, but *i!l bold court on each
first Tuesday for that, purpose,
0. S. Mautin^ f a
Februart 2. 2t.
Attention. IKmiocratMl
Bullock County, G«orgi4.
B. W. H Shmip'.rd has by«n
unanimously selected as the Dem¬
ocratic candidate for Justice of
the Peace in and for »he48th Di*
rrict O. M^ to be held on th*
first Saturday, it being tbe4th day
of March, 1893.
C. B. Milky,
President. D. C. t II. P.
February 2, 1893.
* xotkt:. * ;
All sfroet taxes are now fine and
payable between now and March
l ia You will confer a favor upon
•r.e by paving a* early ns possible
m<\ avoid the rush, ns everybody
will hr* required to settle by the
first of tbe month.
February 2, 1893.
There will bo an election hold
for Jnatioe of tbe Pe »,r*e and rr»n*
stables in the 48ib District G. M.,
ou the first Ha f urdt«y in March,
1893, from 8 o'clock a. rn„ to 3
u. m., od that day.
W. H McLean, J. P, & N. P.
It has been agreed on both sides
that all voters who ar- on the reg¬
istration list, and all who have
paid taxes for 1892, will be end
tied to vote.
February 2,1893,
Jusls ni Sfislll.
Mrp. W. D. McGregor wifi teach
a limited number of scholarR. K»»r
terms aoply to her at Mr. B. I’
Turner’s, South Mafu stret-t.
S^q^esboffo, C^ootfgi^.
Lee lfo(el,
Statesboro, Ga.
Mrs. Mabo.vrbt Lis, - Prop’rss.
Tables supplied with the best
th# market affords. Respectf« Iv
invite my friends from the oouuin
and the public generally to slop
with me, when they come town.
Good board by the month at
reasonable rates.
Change of Schedule
No. 1, leaves Statesboro 9:30.
No. 2, ** 2 : 15 .
Train on D. <k S. railroad will
mat s connection with Central rvil
mad “siiuofiy,’ trains on Wednvs
days before the 2nd and 4th Sun
days of each month. Leave 5 a.
m.; return 9 15 p. :n. Takes wSicc
i-sH.Arv 1. 1893.
GEORGIA— Bulloch County :
To all whom it may concern;
John M. Olliff having, jn proper
form, applied to me for permanent
letters of administration on the
fcstato of Ellen Oil iff, late of said
county, this is to city all and sin¬
gular the creditors and next of kin
of Ellen Olliff, to be and appear
at my office within the time > 1
lowetl bv law, and show causs, if
any they cmij why pHrnmnent ad¬
ministration should not be grant
o Ito John M. tillin'on Ellen Di¬
li ff’s eotate.
Witness my hand a id official
signature, thij» 6tU day of Feb.
1893.. (J MAtmaj, Ordinary,
GEORGIA—Buu.ocn 0 ilintv (
To all whom it may concern;
W .T. Btrickland has in due firm
applied to loiters the undersigned of for i er
manent administration
on the ostuto of Robert Jenks, ate
of said county, deceased, and T
will pass upon sai t appljcatii n on
the first Monday i i Match next.
Given under n y hand myl offi¬
cial signature, 1 ob, 6th 1893.
i . B . Mahtin, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Brimoen Coi Ngvi
Whereas, J.B. Cone, ad in in ifitra
■ or x , late < f said
•ounty, deceased, •3 ‘preeents t ( > the
,'Ourt in jjisj petitionduly filed jipd
entered on record, that he has ful¬
ly administered John Gi-innw estate
This is, therefore, to nito all jior«*uHy
“oncerned, h(>irs and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why
said administrator should not be
edisohatgud from his odifiIn 1 sta¬
tion, and receive letters of dismis¬
sion on the first Monday in May
1893, 0. 8. Martin, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Buimooii County ;
To ail whom it may concern;
Lola M. Proctor, having in proper
form applied to me for permni.eut
letters of adniinistration on the es¬
tate of Benjaiuin F. Proctor, late
of said county j this is to cite all
and singular, the creditors and
next of kin of Benjamin F. Proc¬
tor to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law,
and show cause, if any can,
why p*Tmanent n-lministViltion
should not he grunted fo Loin M,
Proctor on Benjamin F, Pfootbf*?
estate. IVitn 'ss my hand and of.
ficinl■signature, this 6th dav of
Feb. 1333. ' C. 8. Marlin,
UitlMtfiifie. «!*<•> hi'
Will lw sold in the t< wn
Stateslroro, Bulloch comity, Ga.
the first Tuesday’ in March
between the legal hours of sale,
one M. lot of land lying in the 47ih
G. Dist of said county, and
bounded on north, by lands, of
Nelus Moore and Thus. Uranium,
oast and south by lands of estate
of Allen Mikell and west by waters
of Black creek, Containing 110
acres, L'-vied on by virtue of r,
Superior court fl fa in 1 vor
Mary Dukes vs J. T. Bowen and
Daniel Alderman, Tim above levy
made by ejuBheriff Williupis and
handed me for advertisement. Le¬
gal notice given Daniel Al bumo..
This Feb 3, 1893.
W, H. Waters, Sheriff.
GEORGiA—B ulloch County ;
Under a ft, fa issued from tin
Superior court of said comity in fa¬
vor of M. M, McCord, vs J. A Wil¬
liam-;, Thomas Thorne, James
Thorne aie* S. A Williams A Co.
1 will, on foe firat Tuesday door of tin i:
March i'- , 93, Iwl'oie the
i-« > urt Inane in s-xi'd county sidl lei
t-ndi to the higUest bidder, tv.<
eopi>r*r stills I'.nd fixtures thereto
attached. Levied on as the pro| -
-119y of the altrve named ilofeiu:
iiuts, to satisfy aid ft fa, Said stills
and fixtures now in possession sold tiny ; .f
odddeftMulanls to he as
now r-taud, hear the residence of
..iid defend,infs <m their t"; n
tlne lanns in 1 lie 47th district of
-aid i ounty. This Fob. (>, 1892.
\V. H. Watkss. Slterif.
Gioikua— Buli< ch County:
1 will s<dl at Statesboro, Ga. on
the first Tuesday in March ti'xi.
In tween <h’> legal hours of sale, >n
tract of land, lying in the 44th an*
l;)4l)th districts of said county,
containing eight hundred and fif¬
teen acres, moifi* or less, hounded
no rth by lands of Ediuond Ander
Min mid C. A. Anderson, east by
lands oi Ira Dickerson, David N< •
smith uiul Elias Martin, south by
land* of John W. Martin and Jas¬
per Anderson and west by lauds ut
Samuel llelmuth. D'vied on t<>
satisfy two Justice court fi fa's is¬
sued from tin* justice court of the
44tli dir... in favor of J. G. Moore
aguinsl Wuii L '.vis, the dcleiidunt,
in iKiAsci.sioii.
\\\ II. Wateks, Sheri if.
Will bo sold on the first Tues¬
day in March next, ;.t the court
house in said county within the
legal hours of sale, to fclje lii^hc.-t
bidder for cash, the following prop
*■> "'it: Qae tract of land h -
ingin said county; eorimiirtHerfour
hvimlred and fifty-two (452) acres
more or loss, stiid bounded on tlwi
north by hinds of F, A, Thompson,
on the east by hinds of (*, \V. Wilt
liams, aii the smith by lands of G,
W. Mike'll and R. Groover, oi$
the west by lands of L. W. Lee,
Said land levied on as the proper*
ty of James M Merritt, to satisfy
an execution issued from the Jus*
tice’s court of the 48th district BlftchiA yd
si*jd pnunty in favor of
Norton, ngaiftfit said J. M. Merritt,
This Feb, 7, 1893.
4V. H, Watkjo*. Sheri tL
Will iie sold .on the first Tuesday
in March next, at the court house
in said county, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, the followir.g property to
w(t; Ope tract of land lyii g in
the 48tli G, M. district of said
county, on the waterg of the Ogee
ehee river, adjoining lands i^f
ra Dmightorv oh tlin on the
Beasley easf, W.iiJ. Black*
burn on the west, and smith by the
Baiulersville road, containing ont>
hundred and thirteen (113) acres
mores if lass. Levied 011 tho
property of Van BaasJcy to satis
fy an execution i.-sued from the
(ipperior \V. court of-said Blitch again county, r.-said, ii\
<avor of H.
an Beasley a d Frank Dali ;htery,
\V. H. Vatriis, Sheriff
UEOPvGTA-— Boi.i.ocn County :
By vkjviy M, of Martin the power \o uns iq
mo by J, in a certain
deed of mortgage executed by ilm
said J. M, Mgrtin to me on the 7th
day of Maruh, 1392, fur the. pur¬
pose of securing t^io payniostt of
thn-e proniisofy notes dated,mi said
7th day of March 1899, and linn on
Stvjd tint first day ,of May the therein n-r of
notch being for sum
♦88.38 each, making tfin sum tjjtai
dudon said mortgage ami ‘i»<>tcs on
the 1st day of AJny twohun
tfKed apd fifty dbllitrS, w*ith 8 per
end. interest from " maturity t »
March 1st 189,3 tl)- 1 ...further - im
of 114.94. The.,undersigned will
soil before the court-house door in.
the {own of Statesboro in said
county, on tin first Tiwd' y in
March next for cash to the,highest;
bid<l*!r, the following traenwf land
to wit; • All that truer or parcel of
lapd situ it«*d lying Ru»l being in
the 1- 4 )tli district G. M.Gif tlH*
enmity and stafo afori'said, b'*un«
vied on the north 1 y lands of J.
Martin, east by lands of WM 1
tin, so'iitTPrtifndsTl^ i
West by lands of E. K
Coulaining “03 acres mo|
This Jamtnry ;.‘y. 1893.
Pa ! y< an i
rannon, .V f, y
i A thoroughly tested Remedy
Thi. Ruodard r.ww>y for hM b««i* m«t,
I *nd not (quod piiybinUn, w.Ptliiic, wbu forty baa J.*r» uaed by ft
. an eminent aocf suoceaafor all
’ wttb e.rtaln which unvarying in recommended, ft
i dlMaeea for It
nav.r fall* to benefit from the Ural detse,
I quickly and effectually tbe driving tbroush out ail
. aliiease aerms from ayKtent klq.
' the medium of tbe unpleaaant akin, liver luinriona and
i ' neya without any result of or ienoranee
nVM eta. It la not the founded
I or auperstition, but St is upon
I , common sense medical and « thorough knowledge effectually
of modern science. It
i ’ purifies and enriches tbe blood and bring# tonJq
health to th* sufferer. and As in a Its general analysis Of
I It Is without a rival, prooerties it is absolutely
’ health-giving hayond comparison with any remedy ever
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