Newspaper Page Text
iFbe Bulloch Times.
c ^ .
Published Thursdays.
On.- Year $
Six Months O
Three Months
Advertising Rates on Applica
1 R. Mil LER, Editor and Pub.
Statesboro, («a., March, 30 1893
GIVE I:» A »4\K.
There is nothing that
lend to advance the interest
Statesboro and Bulloch
more than a good local bank
t, 1 in this town. Why is it
,ve are so far behind other
,f less importance than
]-Y. insianee take our neighbors.
The town of Milldn, a town with
far less commercial advantages
than we have, and with
no county to back it up.* They
have just completed one of the
hand omest bank buildings to lie
•ioeii in a-y country town in the
•state. It seems to be that our cit
izciih who have money, are either
■not possessed with that kind of a
■public spirit and enterprise ndceS
-arv to the upbuilding of this com
inunii v nr that they are disposed
iii throw cold water on all efforts to
start up a ba \k here for their own
private interest and gain, 'thus
hhecking off the progress of States¬
boro. There is no question about
money invested in bank stock
her'being a paying piece of prop¬
erty; this our business men all ad¬
mit. &o vre hope to soon see th*
day come when this town will have
a first-class bank. Thus inspiring
■ife and push into all linos of bus¬
iness in our midst.
“Xew” S‘o<(i«Micci Rule».
A funny p-ostmaster recently
- lit, ‘o the ]io:-ifcollicd department a
new et >f postoffice rules. They
«( s rc:
A pair of onions will go for two
Ink I ot.tles must be corked when
sent by mail. lick
Persons are compelled id
theh‘ (>wn postage stamps and en¬
velopes; the postmaster cannot be
compelled to do earnestly this.
Persons send jure cards with requested
Dot. to postal mou¬
sy orders inelcsad, as large mine
lire lost in that way;
Nitro-glychrine the must sen’icr. he foward
i‘d at risk c*f the If it
should blow up in the pos masters
hand h* cannot be held responsi¬
ble. ,
Wiisu letters are received bear¬
ing no direction intended the person for
whom they are will please
that signify tho fact to the postmaster
they may at once be fowarded.
As all postmasters are o.ypert
linguist the address iiidy be writ¬
ten in Chinese or Choctaw.
It is unsafe to mail apple or
fruit trees with the fruit on them.
It is earnestly requested that
over* writing to their- girls will
please confine their gushing rhap¬
sodies to the inside of the, envel
Ducks cunn t he emit through
the mail wher’ alive. The quack¬
ing would disturb the slumbers of
the clerks on the postal car, ;
When watches are sent through
the mail, if the sender will put a
in ico on the outside, the postmas¬
ters will wind and keep it in run
nii g order.
John Smith gets bis mail from
’'71,279 postoffices, hencp a letter
directed to John Smith’, United
States will roa di him.
hen you send a money ireter
y.t a letter, always write .full and
expl oit directions in the tame let¬
ter, so that-any person gefctin r the
left *r can draw the money. ,
j Alligators over tan fee in
. ‘ligth art* not allowed to be trans¬
mitted by mail.
'The placing of stamps upside
v is
down prohibited. Several post
piasters have recently been sen ms*
ty injuied while trying to stand uii
their heads to, cancel stamps
placed n this manner.—Mo uing
5 Reports show that the l nited
3tates Treasure is rappidly fill ng
ip under Cleveland’s nduiii istrn
iou.this shows th At the people
lavs cor.tideuc** iu Mr. Oleve'amL
Tuancial policy.----- -
; Hon, Thomas Watson las at
last been generous to. acknowledge
that the democratic party is Ml the
peojile need. A * long <s the
lamp continues to burn the ■ nner
may return.
Secetary Gresham has anuoun
y,(l that only good aud sui id aril
.Democrats can stand in his de¬
partment it is now in order that
rome of thp so called democratic
news papers who were so hasty in
denouncing his appointment to
get off and kick themeselvei for
Speaking too, hasty.
Georgia in Excelslg.
There’s a string of Georgia crack¬
From the white house to the sea,
They are coming by the thousand
In their wild, exultant glee:
They will each one grab jubilee, an office
Or they’ll smash the marching
When they come
Hinkie dinkie, Hokeylnlia:
Pinkie dinkie, Hokeylnlia;
Pinkie dinkie, Hokeylnlia;
When they come marching
They are leaving wives and chid
They are pushing to the fore,
They are sleeping on the side¬
They are eating or the floor:
They are moving on the breast¬
Fix hundred thousml more,
As they come marching on;
They are blowing then.- own
They are whooping Up their
claims, They
are begging for each
They are queering us with
names, at lie bfee
They are straining
They are bursting through the
hames, marching .
A s they como on.
They have laid aside dieir
They have knocked off selling
They are coming from the
cities, neighborhoods
’And from rustic
And Olb«r . B d l.i, rn'iine ,
Have taken (he moods, ,
As they come inarching on, j
Atlanta. Ga: March 12.— In an
interview today with Thomas E.
Winn the peoples ihs Ninth party ex-c, Georgia OU¬
gropsman from
district, he said that there is no
room for only two groat parties
and says that if the democrats
carry out in good faith their plat¬
form the peoples party will give
them full credit and act accord¬
ingly Thomas E. yratwon the most
notable third party loader in G a
take* the same position saying
that if the pledges made by this
Democratic party in their national
platform oil which the party won
are carried out the peoplo ought
to be satisfied. Tho announce
EOjent ’ ?ws is roceiv
ed wi interest here
indicating that the third party in
the South will rapidly go to pieces
if the Democratic party stands
squarely on its platform.
Near Mill Ray at the residence
of the brides father Mr. Joseph
Duttons, on tho evening of March
23rd. Mr. W. H. Sharpe led to the
Hyundai alter the beautiful Miss
Ida Dutton, where the ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. D.
McGregor, ill the presence of the
family and a few guest After the
ceremony and the usual congratu¬
lations, all present were led to the
diningroom, where a table beauti¬
fully decorated grand beneath its
load of good things. It is useless
to say that all did ample justice to
the rich repast. At the conclu¬ the
sion of supper all repaired to
parlor where several hours passed
pleasantly in social chit chat, in¬
terspersed fair with bn music le. and The singing preach¬
to her, the
er then read a portion of scripture
and conducted them to a rich
throne of divine grace, praying the
blessings of licaven to de mend up
on all present. After v hieh the
guests all left for the j homes,
feeling that they had attended a
religous marriage, hum! y typical
of what they all hope to enjoy in
the future at lamb. the great marriage
feast of the Als< trusting
that their prayers might be answer¬
ed in the future happiness of the
bride and groom.
Spring ShoVel Walki'ig Cultiva¬
tor saves iu labor and st ick double
the cost in one crop. Shovel BUCKEYE
Riding Cultivator—A :n*as SUC¬
CESS and wonderful labor saviug
implement. 15UJKEYE
Spring Shovel Cult’vatov with
side Harrow, the best implement
for corn and cotton ever put on
the market. Write ft r prices and
circulars and learn What our own
planters sav about i . The old
est agricultural club an South
Carolina have bon dit t hem
Thousands are in us** in 'l
Arkansas and Missi; -ippi. \Y<
have one car load rea iy for deliv
Augusta, Ga
Dr. J. S. Dusenbury
fficeat Harris Hob). All
ro rnptly answered.
St^t cs ^ 0±?0 »
To the 1 dies of Stafeshoro ant
vicinity, I am looatrd at the rrs
dence of }dr. S L. .Moore, on a rmt
Main street, ami «m prepare ft
lit !|i Jfrfo
dresses and do all other work i
that line Satisfaction mid
i\\m hU ccc Cams
1(1^11)0 Si
Lodging, Restaurant and Par
0‘i/stops in everq style
Foreign and domestic wines an:
liquors. The finest brands of
34 West Broad Street. Savannah
8ULTER is LYNCH, Prop’s. Ijojel
matesuoro, ajh.
Mrs. Margaret'Lee, - Prop’rss.
Tabies supplied with the best
the market affords. Respectfully
invite mv f'iends from the country
and the public generally fo stop
TRi; , m heu th v 'c come town
bourj by .be no.til at
reasona ble ri *b-‘S.
,D. \ i- AY RTT 1
Wholesale and Retail Mr. ni
i acfnrer oland Dealer in
Volknv Piqe
M’lien ydu want a bid of. lumber
get my guaranteed. figures. Both’, qiiahty and
Buy the Best.
--(o)-- ,
I desire to call the attention > p of
pinners to the only genuine DAVl'
Sea-Island Cotton Gins manufac
‘ured and for sale by
Statesboro, Ga.
207 Congress St.
Sqvqipqqli, Cpcougiq.
Dealer in§country produce’!*if’ all
kind. Highest market prices
|fJF“Eggs and chickens a specialty
Will be sold Jit Hie late repidence e
Williaui W.Oliill’,deceased, on Friday,
the 7th day oj April next, within the
Iegwl hours of sale, the lie low nc; per¬
sonal i:ro[i(*rty,belonging- to said de¬
ceased. to-wit •
6 to.1C head of mules and horses.
800 to 900 head of sheej)
50 to 00 head of cattle,
10 head of stock hogs
500 bushels of corn,
2,000 pounds fodder-.
, 10 new buggies, ;i new one-horse
wagons, 1 new two-herse wagon. 2 or 8
old wagons, second hand. One steam
engine and boiler, 12 horse. 1 cotton
press and chains; l lot iron piping
for water tgnk. 1 rubber hose for ex¬
tinguishing (ire in gin horse. 2 En¬
glish gins. 2 old Sea-Island gins. 1
sixty saw gin. I lot rubber beltin'* - .
1 pair cotton scales.
Ti>e sheep will be sold to be delis
eml at shearing time. Those to be
penned at Wm, Lewis - wall be s - id ii
two separate lots. Those fo be penmu
at the following places at shearing
time, sold as a single lot a
each plact ;
Win. Lewis, 2 lots, equally divided,
L. P. Beasley,,1 lot.
John IV, William*, 1 Jot.
W, W. 01 lilt's l lot.
George IJ/cwton’s 1 lot,
Edmond Barrow, 1 lot.
J. H. Wilkinson. 1 lot.
Henrj Holland. I lot.
TEKA18 OF SALK: On* Cu o t
Nov. 1st. 1898, with small notes and
two approved Securities.
The sale will continue from daj ti
day until allot’said property is sold.
This March 27, 1898.
J AS. F. Ol.T.U-U,
John \V. Oli.ii i .
^Temporary Adiuiiiistrur-e W. W. - .* of
endors* P. V. P. as a ipwfh'j aocubin atkn.
and forms prescribe and tl with ©f h grttit Primary rati tofectio* for the cutrun of all
•tuges j Seoondrtr y an 4 Tartterv
bu» M&j ^ we “1388 0m
B WJmP* tvi
SjpHlHlo I' UoaraatuKt- H&S&b Sorofoloca triecr- ar.d
S?**re«, Glandular UUcra Swallingi, hnro Rheainathm, MubvH<j*‘d
Cbr»nlff that resisted all treatinw;*, Catarrh,
Hi M ri
»H8l 9E3t ywn
1 Jiliiv! I>UcToT^St-^-ia, L V-wnate
Chmi JlT.’
©r.rlkl Poison, P. Tetter, ixnrorfui 8«d4 etc., etc. exec-llont
P. P. ia a tonic, end an ap^ctv-tr,
s$mM m TS! W if EKE m $•** b» sgg
budding up wb««e Ute system rftpttwy. poisoned and whose blood U fe>
Ladles tviteovs are
an |«r ; ;>.;rit_con<litiim, to ny< nstnwvi IrreyuU rlttet, aro
j% T7k LI j§J K'l gr ‘■Malaria CURES S
@13 t; :•
i bVLefitoU .v.'ndorSH 1 "^ 1 ” 1 " rmTT.n/od
cleaning fH-.-MUxly properties of by P. Uni i P. P., Prickly Ash, J?oVe Root
and potMeuwn.
Mi K® SI
■■ •'
ft n> llIMlL&lil
XJFP2£AH BSCS., Proprlatera,
Druggists, Lfppman’s Block, SAYillTHAB, ©A,
- -
. 5
a Removal sa
WHI now be found at their
New Repository 1
(Formerly occupied by M. Holey & SON.)
Larger Quarters. ——- As
Better Location.- - , we shall
Lower Prices.— - the largest
NeW Styles.- — most complete
in the South, of--—
warn it ms,"
Specialties—' Auburn Steel Axle
Georgia blade Oak Tanned
—- ,f Nanoy Hanks” Buggies
Officers | CHAS. MAX LEE HOY RODIN BRANT, MYERS, SON, Supt. See. Preat. A Trees
Largest Vehicle and Harness Dealers
\ JM i\7
s?' i •
d a a W
i IA
Mi * ^•D 4A
* SSSi zJV' -
m si o. IU CO M n: a m; fe. irt & 5S- *Br
-I t* i* i ti
^Sobsciibe for this paper.
JEJIlis & OuilaiuTs caiporium.
The most carefully selfcted stock of Ladies Press Oeo j evof
,ght to Statesboro. Such as Persian mills, China ‘silks, Coupe
an endless variety ofj spring goods pertaining
ladies wear.
The latest styles of ciothing ever shown iu tbis town <Ha be found
cur store now. Everything iu our stock is Fresh no LE AD 8 l OCK
ought over from last season. Consequently we are prepared to of
&Jl®§8 it
We ate now prepared to offer, you any kind of a shoe at fany kind of
price respectively. Say from 25c. to four dollar*. Cali and Fee u9
Fori/you makcjyour purchase, wo will gave you money.
V c i<y 1] espe { f i j liy ,
m it ■ y\ •?!. M -X
m (| ■ c \ f r •? ;y
I j
111 ii
to undersell every house in
Statesboro until
■ ynp. ■i
> Juli _ a xr.
SO do not rail t o see mv 44 A ^ >t4
Try my 1.25 shoes, • ■M sloes
not beat anything in this sinVtti
then 1 wfll give them to' you
have reduced everything
Lome stud be convinced.
Very resB-ectfuliv,
1 ? 1JTT7T IMF
«) m , _CJU U I. ■ O
m I
mmmm U 1
src3 TO ■I
i)« il
n n i CLm)
■ X
i to the . House that supply t hem.: YYe ii to se Peop
Wf| eeominglv dressed, and ?>• icou-so 'AND <*<hi b ttr, an! t i, : i than
j can. are THE J.ARGEt T f.E \D1NG DEALERS id
uid our prices me always the i.owkst» Yy> ship C. ft. it. to any
express office with^irivelege of examination b» h> c - j>ay ng. ruits for
Jltrgymen, Railroad men and all others requiring special style.-; or de
sig 6. Write for rules for self-me: ■ ment and Catalog
159 Congress Si *. • C A¥AHMH. GA.
i J r