Newspaper Page Text
tVashin|;lon Letter
From our Kevlar Correapon deal.
Washington, D,’C. March 24—93
Piesident Cleveland {has done
no more popular thing since he
aasumed his high- ,office than
when lie jumped on to use abit of
exprsiseive slang the head of the
slimy serpent nepotism which had
started to wriggling around entire
too promiscously. distinguished He first took
occasion to inform a
southern Senator who had appoin¬
ted his son to be clerk of the Sen¬
ate committee of which he was
lately made chairman that in con¬
sequence of that appointment in¬
dication had been much weakind
Next he took a Western congres
iuan breath away when as a clinch
ingaugurmeht in faVor of the and ap¬ of
pointment to an ofTce of
his constiuuefits he Baid and he
is a relative of yours* Mr. Provi¬
dent, by saying "that Betties it."
No relative of mine shall be ap
pointpd to Office by m 8 .” He then
gave that Congressman a shor;
but comprehensive ie?sdtl on the
evils of nepotism which it is safe
to say he will never forget if he
lives a cbntury, It is also safe
to say. that the herid of the afore¬
said slimy serpent will hot be rear¬
ed in any of the executive depart¬
ment of the government for four
years to bortb fell Of which is a de¬
cided gain for the coiihtry.
The executive demooratit department" basis ard
being put upon posible a
as rapidly tpiaiy as as posioie a a \d ta republi¬ repuDii '
can chiefs of burediix. and* divii ’
ions are bhih^ fsticcefededby heads demo
brats as fast as the of the
department Crtn select the new of¬
ficials. Democratic ecohemy is
also being FbTlbwiug ptttinto practical oper¬ Mor¬
ation. pfrihr diaini.®siii§ Sectary dll of
ton’s employes the
suporfluoiis.. of the de¬
partment of SecetEry agriculture Carlisle comes in
Order frem to
the division chiefs of the Treas
are departmeht ordering the iim¬
mediate dismisal of every employe
hot absolutely Essential to keep The up
democratic the work ot the administration department. wk
voted iutti phwer expenditures to reduce, hf the
extravagant the
government and «*erv member
of it is fully determined that the
Avishes of the Voters shall be car
ried out.te thh le.ttef. Postmaster
Fourth. Assistant
fecneral Maxwell the gentleman
who will wield the ihade famous
by dock Vice ahd president Stevenson hafd 1* work on
Thete are. several thousand reslna
tions hail'd of fohrth-class . postmasters
bn and these Will be disused
of before he begin's the PoVtm wor k of
removing republican Wasters, asters. M.
^peakingpf. pc- P.
U\ Bissell stated to a delegation the
of Afissouris Cougrebs that pol¬
ing icy <A apftpinteieli^ the department kad .bge _ concern¬ misr«p
reted lij^cer'taith the first cins? place . of it news- had
v apers. stater?by these,
been newspapers
that the reconiendation of cpn
< r re 8 Smap would.count for nothing
As a refutat-on of statenent
the fact was. pointed out .that not
a*single postmaster had yet been
appointed who did not liave the
endorserhenf of his congressman.
While not disposed to ignore the
Congressman, Mr. Bisaell said
that the question, if who sfiquld
be postmaster should’in a meas¬
ure {4g at The hpast Do decided by the peo
of locality who were more
directly interested than .any one
else and that the wishes of the
people when expresod would cer¬
tainly bs considered in making
(lie nobody,, be
ignored what . .
wants is-itheco-oporation of. both
the people and the congressmen
in the Selection of Inch postmas
ters as wi]l increase the efficiency
Of the postal.service. Mr. Bissejl
also denouheed as false the'states
t .ent that women dnd editors are
to be dieerinfinated against in the
selection 0/ postinastsm:
. The number of noml’natfnps
sent to the Senate this wsok is
, ipnaiderably ahead of any other
'single week. ponio Them have disappoint- unecessar*
iiy been pe -sQUal
uu nts, but, .with the exception of
tho nomiuarioas c f BurK« and
Hawkins tq.hp U. S. Attorney and
Marshal for IndisfnU'a, over which
there was a little flurry, no adversa
criticisms havnbee^ made of any
of them by democrats.
0 caucus
to elect tlfe ofli f - a, ’ a of the Senate
at the present extra, session, and
nominated ex-Congressman E. M.
K. Cox, of North ..Carolina, for
Secretory; Richard J. Bright, of
findiahha, for Sergeant-atrAcms,
*nJ Rev. X£. II. Mil burn, tho blind
preacher House wfio for has. several beqn Chaplain
of tiie terms, for
Chaplain. The republicans
threaten to riJgoft to fillibustering
to prevent an election of these ofli
iyrs, but >t. is believed that they
%re only making a bluff t? enable
them to keep as manv republicans
Mmbh -
Senator Harris, of Tonnese* «,
haa been elected president pm
«mpore of tha Ssnate, but as
Vico’ Pm Wont Stevenson gives
evidonoo of hia intention to atick
mort'closely to hia duties tl»an hia
iredecessora have usually don«
le will not bo called on (o presido
over the Senate very often. Ho
he will enjoy the honor which is
fully deserved, without having \to
do much extra work. There is
no truth in the report tim* Sena¬
tor Harris ind the President had
q barreled.
MHRfUlP SAlflf
GEORGIA-*Bujxoch County:
j will expose for sa rd public
outcry t efote the oourt house door
in States boro* between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday land
in April irext, tha following
to wit! f 8 acres of lend lying in
the skid 1340th lUKtiiat, G. M. of the
County, bnUhded north by
lahde of Jo)tft fi. IKesihitii, 5?elr south
by; lands ef <3» w« uverj Cast
atid whit by lands of J allies W.
Denmark IftlVied bn by viftuB bf
an$ fa’s to MtiSfy fayof.bfV- Justice Ollifi cmirt
fi ih W; W 3
G: hjb Mkftihj brttifi 1940th ilfitiing district 1 lorii the
Jditifeb G. M
of the KbhHtvafcJfeaaid ilbllrt and cue
fi jil f 8 r e^itie lh fat hr of W.
\V: JCfliit agaiiiS, Denmwk G. .Lev'fid , 3Vf Martin
and Jim. on a*
thb property of W, U. It t M. Waters Martin.
Ley made Hy con
stab hhiifeS e and returned to hie; Writ
deffehdiiit teil lli giteh poiesilbh. G; M. Mat tin
ALSOj itt of land ialriS ii$e l$40th i nd district, blnoa
10(1 acres in
G. M,, of the sidd of county bounded
north by by lands of Afalicb fe. >. Parrish,
eolith libdrf J: Newmans,
and east by whfefe vacant Tj jan Denmark ts, beiiig
tbfe placS tievied E:
now JiigHbe resides, on to satisfy
two feburt 1^4dtn fi fa’a from the
Justiceddtirt OUiif dlsiilct,in fa¬
vor of W; W, Letietl against T. E.
Denmark. 11. bn asfhe 1 » 0 P
erty of In T. Denmark, the defeu
dant poustabte, fjb’ksesslon, by W . R. Wa
tore, and returned to
me. Written defendant police given T. E.
Denmark; the in poseeB
aion, V?. Bt. WaI'eub,
„ Sheriff.
ffEORGl A^Btbioeff fa County:
Will be sol d Statesboro, Bui
loch Couhiv, Gal, on the first Tues¬
day in April bf aaie, next, between the le¬
gal hoars one tract < i anr
lying in the 1820th G M district, oi
aeid bounty. pfjoati Ifiigjgs, Bounded north by
•and east by lands
of John Jasper Aldermin, C south by lands
of bundled Deal, containing two
acres, more oj less. Lev¬
ied on as the property of Ann F.
Alderman to satisfy two, Justice
court fi fa's issued from the l320tb
district in favor of J C Deal vi
Anh P Aldermau. Legal notice
given A»d P Alderman, This 7tb
dy ofNlarch. 1893.
\V H Waters, Sheriff.
EORGIA— Bulloch County:
Will be sold on the first Taes
day in apri .1 next, boty een the le
gal hours of salo. he foliowiug
property to wit. One lot of land,
lying and being in the 45th dist
G m of. said county and in the town
of Excelsior, containing one 8 th of
one ebre more or less, bounded on
the ncWh by lands of W W Olliff
J east A by Pinkston Aultmans and estate, west by south Henry by
of Parish,^ Hap^on Levied Bland. on as Jo the property
justice fifa in satisfy one
court favur of Dryfus
Bros vs-Hanson Bland, legal no¬
tice given defendant this if aye h 7th
1893. W H W aterr sFerrifi.
Notice—Debtors and Creditors.
• All persons : having demands a
gainst the estate of Francis Akins
late,of Bulloch County fio uveeaed, are
hfireby nofiifftd render in their
demands to the unde^oig’md accor¬
ding to law; And all p« rsons in¬
debted to said estate are required
to make immediate pry man t,
Fel ?oth 1893.
W. R. Aaiu
Adm’r Francis Akins doecd.
o?.td and
When you visit Savacnab glop with
jlLis.. 3^. jKcnhxie,
216 Broad, Congress Street, will Corner find weill- West
where you
furninbed rooms and taHe supplied
with the best the market affords.
Board $1 per day. m Js 25 cts..
beds 25 cents.
Change of !->cb,±3ule
Dover estate"P r Ro r p.
No'. 1 , leaves Stute Lw.o 9-:30,
No. 2 2:15
** Train on D. & S. ruilhud will
ftiaks connection irith em 'al mil
road -‘shoofly.’ trains on 'Ye^ne -
daye before the 2 id t d -ith Sun¬
days of each monvii. ^ uiuave 5 ».
¥ .bruary" 1,’1893^J ,
Corqm^ciql Iqsfitwte
Oposite Post office,
m Qeopgiq.
Book keeping,
Short Typewriting hand,
U Penmanship,
English Branches.
P resident & Wljitaksr&ts* P
C. S. RICHMOND, Principal
n/\ i
>r~-- -?/«■- iU ~ y
Buy a Good Gash ’Register.'
# tHE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. #
Used and endorsed jby nearly IO 3 OOO progressive Merchahts.
nexdiid in Eviav sitah stbax.
t ft ht<M the latest Improved combination
lock. . .
It is the erulckost register to operate.
It records tmnsactiong in the order made.
It records money paid out and reoeived
on account.
It shows who does the work.
It educates you in correct methods.
fii;‘S£iSiiBag£': JWC^MANU^kt^UREM
PNGlNESl Hr BOILERS Powar Stit|i^ry|ortible UPEIOHT upward asi 4SeiBi-P®ftj HOEIZONTAi. .sr —
specially adapted and unexcaUad iftLbS for
Driving ‘"°4So6te»o&L COTTQNGINS ig
Oat 4«r Tfe* Panaphlat and UtobraM an ffMtjw
GEORGIA— i —1 Bulloch • 11 Couuty: ill . v
J ' ' T ’ > • ;
■ ,
To all whom it may concern;
D.,Rb Groover having applied
for guardianship oi the property
of Ben. Cliffot’d K„ Frank B., William A.,
and .Groover; minor chil¬
dren pf Sapiuei E. Groover, lata of
said county, .deceased. Notice is
given tj?at said application
heard,,at my office at 10 o’clock, a
m. on This the first Nfarch Monday;in 189*3. Apail
next. 6 .
C. S. Maatin, Ordinary.
GEORGIA— -Bulloch County :
Whereas, J, B. Cone, administra¬
tor of John Grimes, late of, said
county, deceased, represents to tho
couri in his petition duly filed and
entered on ^record, that he has ful¬
ly administered John Grimes estate
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, heirs and creditors, to
show ca,, if any they can, why
said administrator shouhl not bo
discharged from his. administra¬
tion, and receive letters of dismis¬
sion on the first Monday in May
1893. C S. Martin, Ordinary.
Georgia.;. BullncJi.Connty. it ;•
To all whom may concefn.
Mitchel. Dixon, (fe Peter I Ida way.
having in proper form applied to
me for permanent letters of Admin¬
istration an the estate of Andy.
Holloway, all late of said cqiinty the this
is to cite and singular cre¬
ditors and next of kin of Andy,
lobe and appear at my
office -within the time allowed by
law, and show cause if any they
can why permanent Administra¬
tion should not be granted to
Mitchel. Dixon. & Peter Holaway.
on Andy Holaways hand estate. and official
Witness my
signature [this 16th S. dav Martin of Feb.
1893. C.
GEORGIA—BUllooh County
Whereas, R. H. Cone
guardian for Paul H., Eliza, Nee
Florence; Maiy and Lillie J'Cone
and also trustee for a distributive
share from the estate of Barber
Gone to the heirs of Attosso Cone
represents to in 3 that he hasufully
discharged said trust. 'T-tis i>
theiefore to cite all part:er con¬
cerned to show cau?e before m« on
the first Monday in May next why
sahl R. H. Cone should not be
discharged and received the uaual
letters of dismission. G : tsu tmder
my hahd and ofliici&l eiguature
ThisM.rch 2 W th -1893.
0 S.iMHrtim '
fit »-0 »»»-*-,* •*« . Ordirury.
1 1 'nw'*!
Georgia. Bill loch County..
To vll whom it may con¬
cern; All persons interested are
hereby notified that if ho reason
be shown to the contrary, an order
will b ) granted by,.the undersigned
011 th • ^ irst Tuesday in April 1893
estabid ’ ing road marked
a new as
out. by tii,o road that qommisioners ap¬
pointed for purpose.,, of rij com¬ Foy
mencing at the depot E
manufacturing Co logging road,"at
or near,the turpintine stilts of said’
firm, in said County, nndfrmining; and
in a due southerly direction, the !
by the residence and through;•
lands of E E Donaldson, Foy Mfg- Co. W S'
Finch. R F W|P Jones
Miss Elisabeth, Womack. ) Heudi;ix. W, W,
Minoy. F M T p Ban'is.
David Bell. W. Pfidgeon. fiH
Moore. J W Hodges, aud and iutorsoe- tV
ting the Lake church no.
road about 4 - of a mile north of
t hp-resideivce of Milts Brinnoii.
said road being recomended as one
of public utiliiy to the traveling
public. 1 Martin.
Feb. 16th 1893 C. M.
m r rmn i— mmnm m ®m i
tcfi wa } Cfacks mt5
M. E. Grimes,
Practicai Watchmaker. Jew¬
eler and Wire Artist.
CostG'inFy ou batxl a eornpVe
assortment sdectarles, of watches, clocks, jew¬
elry, etc. i
Prompt •dtf'n.ion given to all
fine watch repairs. Gold aDd sil¬
ver mounting.
JSend 50 cent*, and have your
name written «t4eiHi<m up in gold wire;
Prax ifi given to all
orders by mail.
Statesboro, f a.
All pei’sons having s’emaeda
against the estate, of Samuel E
Groover, deceased, Ore notified
to present themjpfroperly verified
for payment, anol all persons in- !
debted to said estate are request¬
ed to make immediate settlement,
with the undersigned.
D R Groover & 8 C Groover,
Ex ecu tom of Sam’l E Groove.
The A3?3?$3L reliable & f>£L °Pri«©
strictly v ne
Desire to call the attention of the public generally in this vicinty, tha
they are open and in full blast with one of the largest and most com
plete lines of Pall Clothing for men, boys and children, over
Before Exhibited in art/ Southern Gity,
And at a price guaranteed lower than any other house in the S mth
Plveiy>rticle in ohr House marked in perfectly phiin figures, on*
price to all and that pride the Very lowest.
Outline and hats of gents be furnishing goods
cannot surjmswd^y
where for elegance, style an®
,vV T e are sole agents for tile celebrated Dr. Jeager’s fianilary goods
tecommended by every leading Physician in Ihe world.-v-Catalbgne.
mailed on application. returning COD if ordets arejsoheited with priMlfego of
-xamination and not satisfactory. 8CRAUL
\ doe price Clothiobtt and Haberdashers, 159 Bronghton 8 tre*
^?heouly Strictly reliable bne pride blothiers in Savanuah.
I’-L1 ,' i r __!ljT ‘*7 **"a
In order before to reduce taking my large invej^toiyT sfock of^Dry have cut gooits; prices Shoes, Hats, e|erj.ypiecd Cloth
!g, etc,, an on
f goods in my store. r *
I have the best and radst carefully selected stock tver shown to tbd
people of Bulloch county. t
Shoes, Hats aftd Clothing;
* My line complete, ahytkihg ♦atit', at jpffcbd witillil the tieacli
is you
>f ajh 7
5$? ir* ioae a trial and be convinced-.
i|cs^Gb^f t\lir;
5 . 9 . ssmaiiisa $
We have' EfjS in 4 bbw JPMjVTB-fi-S Htl? tl’f
started year PL&T&SS* 1 - s
Farming Iniplninunrs. Fundtui b •
$ooti£ feairjlet^ domestics,. matting, notions, rugs, slices sires*'
of Clothing every styleahd and price. furnishing
flour, gents hams,
goods; goods, pickles, bacon chd,iv*choA\; canned glas^.
ware, crockery ««re; ill fac*t.
eterytiiiilg Oulf refutation you need for low or want. prices
and add faiiy ^ill dealing maintain js established,
tie s i at all
hazards. Thanking you for past
fa^obs, ive arc, yours tr III / t 5
m w. j OLLIFF & CO.,si
Biateshorii; Ga.
||s flatlif lift jpifgpt
NEW yOftK.
Richard A. McCurdy, President
Assets 17^5,0 bojlOG. 4 !
The largest finaneiai iugUtotion In the world. Purely matuii-^
Every doliar-of the moaey fleloaggekclaaively to the policy holders.
i i* The ASSET® INCREASED 17,600,030 1N 1892.
. .
See the how policies written t)V tbi« great Company beffore taking
IasoMuifw Elsewhere. It ’Will bp to Your Advantage.