Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, November 07, 1878, Image 2

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BLACKS HEAR NEWS, Publinh'’<t ovpry Thu i. ;«v. -AT Elackbhcar, Gc or” Lv —m — i (.’ j* V /j. liVJtl , r.D«*r r and PHOHii; Tf r.. Till 1“ HA i\ N'ol. 7. IH7*. DEMOCRATIC NO UN .JI l >hC )« -UES' Ficui First District, ImON, j, */, j g (2. f 2? 1C ii(f j .. IS i • ELECTION^ TiteBday, November i>, 1873. WNOKXCI'MH'nTS, Wi- liike lli<‘ !jltCtrl v 1<» i nimtiiK r »t*e H.iee* 4*f A Nt i to On* little,' el tiiU i*l lie - eu-utttj, .i imi ii v efee tiuii, met Mtiieit* h Itiiutoi «W|»|.,*rt in IiIh elce tiell. IM l ’.i, . HTS, \! AS V Vm i;i:v We tiiki tfib meijnat <>f .in m in-' 11 • ■ tintuQ el !•> '/, l*uU «** ,i i tiHild il ' lor n eluKoii to 11k .‘Hu e nl >!ic,rill ul iIn- ensiitut; .I.u.u.ny el<*o lim., u i.i Miii. a lib rut f upi'Utt h, Ue* ait <•- 10*14. Oil j'.s. i IT r.KNS. - „ I In iinitoigticil , r<*-j»i*ellully , tiiitemtiei liiiu M • i .• < mi ildii'ie tor i< i‘iv< ti'oi t<» On- < uii <* nt *l •<.!„ (1 .,1 J„, teiioiv , ,M nt Hi, *nMiii,g .i .u.<-leHum. s, r c ’s. •I. M. l't ’him m. 'l i mull i >■**j•**«•*itnIfy inl- i iiii itu* vo tf i ,.f I'u-ns tNaiii'v, tfiat !,« i , t.iii.j o, f,,r <» I'm lte.'.-ivci in i thiie '*t> r a On * .! iliUt f V C?rrM<»f» t lUDl *%U fit *1 ly M> i» jM iii.u |>,< mj.j II'I el Iiiany Vein*. Se|e. :;f»,’ 7 ^ kf'h “« ,,t - 1 1 I i(‘'•jiectilutty unimiei' >■ my hcIIiih u cm li iluit* f,H Ihcv nllicc ol I :,x lic»*i ivrr ami (' >ihse, tm* J'oi lb' cminl.v ~i i i* rcc al tie cCMtiii^; .Ian u rv < Uviinii uml KoliciiK ttie support <>i my lcllow oi i/eme Oct. 2H, l v 7s. Jam. McYiuuii Thc iimlorGiinf*i ri aiH-ciliiliy inform* v< u i> oflVmHlmt lie U a pindhlato at the i*i i^tiuig elee*lull IVm* i let k of Hut court and so n, s’„ A. II a ul'.. it 't umfciHlyiuHl rc^|»ccilnlly ml,mn* r ic tiu; In < f * ui 1’niiu 'hat in* i* a iTm*ii‘lanvfor <'umi* 1\ I I'linui 11 ia iLc ciihiilnp election un.l re ri>. lully -oticiU the support of IiIm lelluw cilzciiA, tSl.s. It J) JIjianti Y* n,»v '1'lie hnnan \usoeiauoii has about 150 volumes of good reading books now in their l.ibrary, besides, other magazines and newspaper periodicals. I'wo more new candidates this wo k base presented us with their announce¬ ments for publication. That is not off i i-ivclons atal for the more candi¬ dal ihcic uv. the more interest there 'in 1 • I HU in b'ctioneering, and the I.* : i ickets w e w ill h ive to print. Stock t';;:siug is getting to be quite a success in i m low u. I togs arc fine and vlitto to id' cattle and so tone they wul s’cidou tlie side walk and ht you w a'k ar.nsnd tb«*m. ! hcce came near neing a si rituis dif fi -uitv at Itickson’s Mill l ist Saturdav. c have not heard the general pur, ports of tlu* tracas, and w ill h>sist fur l-her remarks Hon Daniel F. Fattersoii left last Tuesdav morning for \Uunta where the hegislatons ' assrmhlo l on vestei\la\' • • the fust weduesdav in Noveinlur in*t. Sonic bodv s:»\s to us Why tloiit ' * « you • mod locals' How in •‘ilma oei can we have locals when nothin « ^ tr,vi»pn\ oaring tlie week, but fights^ and f we were to say any thing about »t we wa ukl lu* assa-sinaud and brought e\i*r the coals in less than tw o da\s Col. Simon Hh Hitch lelurned home hast Sunday night from North. Georgia. The Colonel looks ns if the uppei part vf the 8uno ague*, with him better tha t «dd Pierce J es. We have a lot oljoo work « r . lo. 7* anted ‘to Rci t v )i w mure buj.uiit l am. I. «.vv. fltj b*am in I, i«4 -Bui Th* re , % rrrh a Ik r, t . r« rJHh* j . . fr u t f t that •% a;r re. .ad »o O le * fn i f jfct , s •' 1 *^^i : i< r ' to •» * to a nous r, l%- * i " . , ,J ; to ton *S oil*# vl^«- d bah , .» dfcnr.a , bcul'* t <•;. arc to, than twenty fbur hour , tank * n ! lb ,1 It n is wou' l r*-ut lu re»{; nv time and at ;ul times. This i ih; first, and greatest iea v on that immigration do*** not flow* our little f'-vui from o to quarters, knowing that there is 1,0 a o in lat i [ way of plea?ant re. sort. There are vacant lots here, n good steam saw mill and planing mill within tlie limits of the incorporation, * f'Ood . . . Ulld , . Work IlleutlitniCS, tnetl wanting ul j ow hY \ vvs 7 material for making ^ the - best of brick rite in tow n, and tin* eao- 1 Uai t‘ no oxcum 1 . and f the uall< lo J, nt u hoUS{ ‘- PdmUKir Jms aheadv been noted for its «rih t’linens, good society, eliarit.;®H ness . l tiling . . , tends ti^Htakm an every lr at it the “garden snot" 1 ofSouth® (h*m". j*ia. Idaiksiiearatlordstheil^^faeili- il^Rlurn ties lor the advancement of cause that we know The watt r is Mijieiior. A well can™' driv en tiny w in re that ih dished; the soil is an good as any other place in South east Georgia. Fanning i,iteresl is well CUIVu i ior, , tno ? l uncjft , (f^tock ^ , 4 IH Ifoou, uUCK »>•«> I'"‘° i» Hiu‘ij,ial,',l. a nmrki't lor every thing raised for home eonsumptum . and , die best one among shipping points on thoGnlI road. 'The colored people are all quiet and neaea ^ * ami ................ own biisim s., anairs, have their own Schools, Church os, and secret societies Ac., and are en ergotically promoting the various cans os oi their orders, 'file while and col ored have politically eousentrated tfiein Helves and party ism is hardly known. \c W ft c (.lioulil t|| go , to work . anil i bu.1,1 i •, i oiu town by talking it up abroad ami wot king nt home;invite iniL.ratiou, and encourage inquirers, and among every thing else tiuiis tiet'dfull iti the pros¬ perity of our town is u> patronize w your (bumlv 1 a per ‘ ,n< l contribute to its columns even thing that will be of interest to its vend vis, fora town never can stieeed wilh out i he use of printers ink to a great extent. Another thing to avoid,— u en strangers come here dotit tell ihi in that they have made a mistake in coming here to make a living, tor this is ; a hard place to live, well it is a hard place lik* all others, hut it’ thev wiH "'»»rk there is a living here for them. M tI , , :n that they are we’combed in ulli ‘ coniniunttv rani th.*u ti cv have * • made a judicious choice in selecting a home for their future health, happiness and prosperity, for w here health pre¬ vails. li.ipj iuess will follow, There is work . 5 h -re . ior , body, , , and . all class- , ewrv cs, an 1 ^4 ages ns good as any w here else in Georgia; tanning, carpentering. And sawmi.ling, turpentining, railroad¬ ing, stoekraising or any thing that is u . ally carried on in a pine timbered ’.miry, in which such are adapted. Y\ e ha\ e a It Uer from “Werdna i a ooui for publication, 1 at it is unavoid ably crowded out but will be published -• ext week. KegreL Mr S war* F. Gray kit lost Modi/ m. hi \i.t, i * nger ‘.rain for Tittus v ;:U\ V,,luti;, • miU Florida. where he <-ont< rm i* - making his home ‘.or the tntum. Mr. Dray came among Us >a 1*7 ; • ed in om U vu where he . la WO* 1 y . * Vi* ltd.- m i an utboan i <1 n pa i HI. We nii rogreted very ram li !* him .cH\>: a* we know th li , loh*' (;ie of her best eUi/etiH. V, h under e v obligations to 1?io-e flue ha*.’** n*■ } ! their sub^erip tion to dat<. .«t i*l then tore will eh a ge them a, I. one "... year's subscription to the, mi1es.s otherwise instructed ororder^to d’e<*oj;tiuue their paper j j* you iMn ~ et to pay tor it. and want \w toj ped drop us a care and vve will >m •. oi 5 -,. ■ \v M eob , * for ,i ' W>, w*s ■ *s* ’k **!st «.<! * )-*n.l»*-r ul tl|no 'fliis refers To to thim* that have for not paid i p to the eoiniueucemcnt ol the Xi:\vs. Dr. 1*baser has rein »ved m the Drow n linin' . CASH STORE, Oppn he the uni’ Goad crossing WVUROSS, oa. COMKifc SHE L!. SWIiAT, He is constant'v receiving Corn, Flour and Bacon, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., whiuhhe is selling cheap for Cash or 1 Jailer. i ^ t II. J. SMIl 1 call N l Belling him, Goods it at bottom'll h, ai see cost lo 1" k through—Hoots.-Shoes, JlD*. * r <>ods himcsfii.^ Notions, \> ^ uit> hite ^ "j*’ * V ” i ® stv e8 THE DRUG V anrt r , T?or OCERY , T , T?V DEPARTMENT . is full and varied, ( all and sec him (he m*ds money) and secure bargains. ,mu ° oln * Notice. Fanii*s wanting syrup barrels will do well to call on us before having else tvhorc. They are new cypress mid put up t*v the best cooper and well bound. nnd su ong heads can be supplied at any time. Dickson’s Mill, Ga., Oct, 21, 1878.—1m Dickson Bvin>. YvAi. AltMITAGE 5 DO:) Ctn;ra :toi, Builder & Manufacturer of Flea inti, Ceiling & Dressed Lumber. - —■'-.v 5 ?}( a^r— ^biigles, Barrel Staves, Fence Piek ets, ihisteriug L:uli*, Fruit and Veg etablq J’ \ Stuff, Headings, Wiudow* and IV'oi Frame*, brackets. Baluster# and ai kinds oi w ork usually done in a PLANING MILL. PKKKS. Fimuuvi;, per lOoO ih SI2 00. (df lNG. }>er 1000 ft. 8= 1 >. 00. N\ Math eh Boakding, ) •>2 k* wide dressed, r sio oo. M^i first I'lass. S 2 50. ,. second class, 8 *2 00 . i-JerKt Heads, SravKS, S 18 4 7 50. 00. P; GTKuiNo Laths, 8 1 50. E timates on Building given on j iication, and orders solicit* d. further information call on, or oldness V m. ARMITAGE, llv . v - y Black shear, Ga. HAtis Id hereby gi® tut I have claims ot Dr. J.u Tuigpm for tion and will Iiom the by re j idst until the 5, onAy, before gtied, and t n >t paid by Ht d * v'-Il )* e > n j»i to jut them in i.i that live with in thi- 1250, DUBa. an l nonresidents will s> sued m respective district, wht r<- there is a .J*t i re of the Peace or a Notary Public, Imnt forget the time and save c *st. Di kans Mill, Oct. 15, 1878. A■ J. Dickson .i. P. LOOSC HEEE! Ciieaper Than Ever' AT IV A N. SMITH’S Cash Store, OH South siis of ths 17. R. 2nd door East of Depot, A^KSHEAR • • • • r,,\ ^ • -- T’hc atten’i >n of tin* <it i/.eiis of li v* and the public generally is invited to mv extremely low* piloes. 1 buy iny Goods direct from ti; ,{ bands in 'sew York Pity, and have consam !y on hand a full and wtll selectt ! stock of General Merchandise, ouHisting of Dry Goods, No thu s, Clo th iny Boots and Shoes, SacJJSery, Hardware, GROCEHIES.TOBA 0 AND 02:€3-^3Fl.fS» lam prepared to offer the same at such prices as wdl be beyond competi- 1 lu!l ^ ’ "hen l l K * ait :l ^ V*. ^ ie I would quality, be an( you visit town glad stock. lo have By you call in and examine my close attention to busi ness, and selling good Goods nt low pi ici s. I mean to merit ‘he continuance of ] ast p:\lronage. Not by favi.r but by merit will maiiit.dn my reputation A. N. SMITH. m o 2b I v. (t (j , u , m . v A. J. CKO VAT r. M lit RV it CRilVATT, 1 Attorneys at Law. 1 Ji.l' N - " I' Iv. Gf.OROI V. Pr-iciic r.gici’v in the comities of (ilynn. NV ire, V»'.iyn«“, Cm i<u, CoC 'i, .* pj ’in_*'m-l f n :ice m':.'»•• U'"';. -w :.*’. f;ir* ai! ami T**lla»r ol tile Ocouce ciri u;t. y 1 Iv. A. £. COCHRAN, •A tt o x lie y rt 5 Iyaw, Blue',.:'cur. Ge.yrjia. Pr.i ilci* r,-sn\ irlv hi ,1.. c,.;n;i. - • inpcsoig the Krui)»w*:cii Ci hi :i» -.-tri- * uxt Ciix-ult ceurta i-M . ■, tud StaUf t Suva i.*»ti for tiit' >ouUic*ru Di-tiict oflic'i’i'c >• m. v- id. G I. HOLTON, Attorney a t L a w , Bax'!eg. Appling Cc.. Ga. W H pr idSce itt Ot * tiruuswick Clrc.Gf, anil TfJsair county ; o' j Oconee Circui;. ir.»r.St* Iv KXOLES HOUSE. NIf.als 50c. Loihjixos 50c. Board S’2 00, per day: ro a iuciudei Mrs. B. E. K.NOLE3, Proprietress, Bids. Be. :r. Georgia. Wagorfc will lake your baggage ;o aad from * ~ the unto. mar. 12, uL