Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, November 07, 1878, Image 3

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HRiy authorized collect to tak«S for rwa, and to receipt for the same. j£j> RB submit the uatue of A. L. he voters ot Pierce as a randi Icc of County Treasurer at the >n and solicits the support of ens. Nov. 7lh 1878. Many FRIENDS. ■ NoVfcMl.UK 5t' reports ha\ ing r «« v\ \<> A\ Boated (and to what extent l really n<>t know) leflecting upon my ofl conduct it is due to myself and my ■hands that should make jmhlicthe tacts and communications in citation of them. In regard to Taxes eolhvU d and }-aid into of Georgia, I will state that on account of 1877 I collected £250,00, on account of 1878, <o 1st iust. £235.00, for all of which I have W. L. Goldsmith’s vouchers, which can be seen by any courteously apply¬ ing at my office. Any statements to the ‘contrary are untrue, as the following letters signify. Comptroller General's Office i Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 2, 1878. J. M. Purdom, Blackshear, Ga. JDfar Sir; You may rest assured my opiniou of you can not be changed as long as you do your duty and so far, you have done so, and that Iu a uiau tier entirely acceptable to Uhia office. Yours, W. L. Goldsmith, Con. Gcueral. Comptroller Gen 1 ral’s Office, i Atlanta, Ga., M’cli 6, 1878. J. M, Purdom, Blackshear, Ga 1 Dear Sir; Find your receipt in full for account of 1877. Let me thank you for your uniform courtesy aud promptness aud business like mauucr that you have displayed in carrying out the i n struction- from this office, iu the collection ot Taxes of 1877, and hope our relations for 1878 will be as pleasant. Yours, W. L. Goldsmith, Com. General. The following is in acknowledge¬ ment ofthe digest fov 1878. Comptroller General’s Office, I Atlanta, Ga., July 6, 1878. J. M. Purdom, Blackshear, Ga. I)tar Sir; Your digest received examined and found correct, and let nr thank you for the pains dis¬ played by you in the getting up of same aud say it is one of the neatest digest ever scut to this office. Have made the corrections reques¬ ted iu the digest for 1877. Yours, W. L. Goldsmith, Com. General. In my official conduct I have en¬ deavored to discharge what I conceived to be iny duty impartially by all. If I have failed it has been an error of J judgement. In conclusion I will merely state that during my term of office mv settlements (have bee A satisfactory to the State, the County and my securities, and so long as they continue so, outside parties need not be sorely exorcised over them, My Rooks, receipts Ac. are always convenient. Very Bespeetiuilv J. M. Purdom. Many thanks to enterprising . . our mere chant Mr. J. W. Strickland for the watermelon he presented us with on Tuesday evening last J. W., it was nice and cool. Mr. S. U. Way has resumed the jew eli y business at Gray’s old stand at J. W. ?ti ickiand's cheap cash store on Rail road street. * J! you want cheap t abasco cal l on Seward Smith. 2is. Mr. Geo. W. Carter ot' the 1250th lialitia district brought in a cart load if water melons last Tuesday is the la ist. How cold they were. m\ ast Tuesday was the day ot the election for to Congress, and the following is the of the vote of Pierce County, to wit: NicliolU. Corker. Blackshear proeinct, ....266 59 Pa Hereon precinct 28 Dickson’s Mill precinct.... ST oo Schlatterville precinct 79 39 406 121 Total............... 520 Majority for NicholD 2S4 The Gulf road has given up one of her best engineer’s on the road which we are pained to chronicle in to day's paper, by the death of old uncle Sol. Mindly (as he is generally called.) llis death taken place at his home in Sa¬ vannah last Sunday night at 12 oclock, if we have been corrcfcj su(J|eu, )’ mfortiMMl. fie II is death was verry after attack. Killed Instantly. Yesterday morning (Wednesday, Nov. 6th) at Mess. Pike, Johnson, it Co’s, mill, a train hand on the Gull Road while attempting to couple two loaded tints and was caught between the ends of the lumber projecting be¬ yond the floor of the flats- He is a colored man and is said to have been ono among the best hands on the road. Baptist Church. In addition to the fine bell aud communion set given to the Baptist Church; Who wil give the church a large Chandelier? Who will give a fine pulpit Bible? Who will give a sofa for the pulpit? Who will give a fine seU^^iuirs? c^^Bkr Who will give a fine the rostrum? Who Who will give a tine c^^^Hfor (he table? will give a line for the S. S library.? - rural A gentleman districts of traveler a cwuty through f days one of since, the a w rode up to a fartn-homse and thus acco-ted a curly hea led urchin who was seated on the top of a gate-post: “Buddy, where’s your pa?” the youngster replied, “He’s jest gone * down there beyond the cow sh< d to bury wur old dog Towser, the darned old fool killed hisself a barkiu at candidates lor Sheriff'. Be you one?” Our friend rode on. [ For the N ews.] A pleasant trip and profitable results. Last Saturday evening I left home for a visit to Burbage’s mill and other places in the vi¬ cinity. I first stopped at Schlatterville, where I met with very kind hospitality from Capt. Lee and Lady. At Burbage’s I met with a cordial reception from Mr. Burbage and his accom¬ plished Lady, and all tlu* people about the v.11 age seemed to vie with each other with each other to see who could do the most for my comfort. 1 visited Capt. McKinnon at Hobo¬ ken aud was kindly treated by him and his people. I went as far down as Capt. Shaw’s. 1 met friend Acock aud Gu-. Fruuklinand many others, upon the whole my visit Was very pleasant, aud the good people iu this neigh¬ borhood contributed the handsome sum of 182,00,’towards our church building with a promise of more. I must say for their kind¬ ness they have my heartiest thanks W. D. Adkinson. Dr. ALLEN BROWN. Dentist, Blabksheab, Georgia. Is prepared to do all kind of Dentil wi.rk in the most approved style to the art. Terms re- 6uDable and 8ati ' i ^ ti » n ktiarranteed. apri ly. Dr. B. H. PATTERSON, un Surgeon Dentist, Baxley, Ga. of Offer- his professional services to the citizens Appling aud adjoining counties. Gold Fillings .... #2, >0 to #'.,?H). Am tlgum Fillings .$l,50to Extra charge for treating nerves Artificial teeth inserted at > usonabie prices. 5'drlt warrantej, n-i Batiata.tion guaranteed in .Ui cases. oet 9 J2ui. A. & G. KAIL KOAD, General Sup-riii tendent’s Ojflce, ATLANTIC ANP GCI.F It VU *f > U>. s* vaskaii, July 19, Imp. On and after Sunday, July the folios: IS,Xt& senger Trains on this Rood will ruu ;us NIGHT EXPRRBS/f Leaves Savannah daily at t 2:25 p n» Arrive at 4e*up daily 5:2) p tu at Th Hua+ville „ 6:0 * a tu „ BainbriJge Jfv S: V% at „ Ef at a m at Albany * : MB a nt „ Live Oak g 1-40 m at •* = a „ Tallahassee »*:«» at „ s a m „ Jacksonville 6:15am „ at ,, : Leave Tallahassee „ • *k00 p in Jacksonville „ „ 5:iH) p m „ Oak *0:40 Live S „ p tu „ Albany '■*■'*> «* „ ; „ P Bain bat dgc s „ 2:15 pm „ Thcmasville 5:45 : „ p ui Jesup „ „ b:2<» a ui „ 9:11 Arrive A savannah „ ,• am No chwue of ears del woon Savaftnah aud Juck'onvVc, and Savimah and Albany. feleepin*'ar> run through to and from Sa¬ vannah l\issengi-Mfr<>m uti^^i baity. Savannah for Fernandiua Guinesvillu Ad slaving Cedar Keys, take this train. Passciigci Macou at 7:4-1 a m (dully) except Sunday) connect at Je»up with this train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this train con¬ nect at Jestip with train arriving in Macon at 5:15 p m daily except Sunday. Brunswick Passengers from Savauinh for and Darien take ttiis tiiu, arriving at Bruns¬ wick 7:00 a in x Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savan¬ nah 9,15 a tu Montgomery and No change of cars k -tween Jacksonville. >k and Pullman from Savannah I’a’ace sleeping and .lael^Hvillc; cur^wi through also t.» through sleepers Ala., to lrom hu ksnnvi'.J^B Atkiiitu^Kt, , 'ltt. and .Vlou tgotuery, Albany with ^■sengcr trains Cot:neet. at ^Hroad both ways mi southwestern to ami New front Macon, Orleans etc. Kutaula, Mout^Biery, Wf Mobile, A mail steamer leaves Balnbrldgo for Apalac hacola every Monday at 9:00 a tu. For Colum bu-*, every Wednesday at 9:00 a m Close eouucetion at Jacksonville daily, ex¬ cept Sundays, for Green Cove springs, landings St. Au gustiue, Palatka, Enterprise, and all on St, John s River. Trains on B, and A R. R, leave junction go¬ ing west Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 :14 a, in, For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat¬ urday at 4:40 p, in, MACON KKEKIHT -I’ASSENQEK COACH ATTACHED. Leave Savannah, Sunday excepted, at 5:4"»p in Arrive at Jesup 1» 2 at 9: 40 p m a t Macon „ - at 6:”5 a m Leave Macon daily at 7:15) p in „ .lesUp daily at 4:4.1am Arrive Buvannnh daily except Sunday 8;25 a m ACCOMM ) DAT ION TRAIN —EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savnnuh, Sundays excepted at 7.00 a m Arrive at Mel tosh „ n at 9:50 a in 11 at Jesup 11 M 12:00 ui 11 at Blackshear „ „ 5:10 p m ,, at Du Pout 11 11 7:(’5 p ill Leave DuPont 11 11 5:» 5 a m 2 Blackshear 11 9:25 a m Jesup 11 12:55 p ui .V Melutosh 11 5:00 p m Arrive at Savanneh „ 1» 5:45 p in WESTER DIVISION. DAILY, BUNDVY EXCBl’TED. Leave DuPont at 5;A0 a in n Valdosta at 8:15 a m „ Quitman at t , :.17 a in Arrive at Thom isville at 1 1 :45 a in Leave Thotnasviie at 2:06 p ui ,, C .mill:, at 5:02 j» in Arrive at Albany at 7:10 p m Leave Albany at 6:00 a m „ Camilla at * :.'ia a in „ at Thomasville at 11:15 a iu „ Thomasville at 1: >0 p m „ Quitman at 8:15 p m „ Valdosta at 5:15 p iu Arrive at DuPont at 7;b0 j* in J: S. Tison, Master of Transportation. H. A. Haines, General Superintendent. Brunswick & Albany Rail Road. CHANGE of SCllEL>ri.K. Superintendent s Office, 1 Brunswick A Albany Rail Road f Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 7 1875 On and after Tuesday Jan. the 1-1 1*75, pas¬ senger trains on this Hood wi I ran as fellows; Passenger Train letvea Brunswick Mctidayn Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:00 a m A Hives at Tebeauville A. A »4. d. R. 10:59 am Leaves Tcb«uuville A <k <i. R K. at 1 *:14 a m Arrive at Albany 7:00 p m RETURNING. Leave Albany Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat urdays at............ ,8:c0 a ra Arrives at lebeauville 4 08 p Ill Leaves Tebr iuviileat 4: 26 p m Arrives at Brunswick. 8:20 p ui Traiu : from Albany make clo-<* eonneclion at Telieauvlk with A. A G. pa-i-* ng-r train from bavansah, aud wuli hut lew hours dc[ay at for Tebeativills, Florida. with A. & G. passenger traiu Trains d fron Brunswick eonneet at Tebean v iil«- with da- dasseuger train off ihe A. & K. K., whiih leaves Tibeauville for Florida at .. .......1:85 p m Charles L. Tchmttek, General Superintendent. PLANTERS’ ilJrEL. SWANN A. II, GA. Comfortable Rocms and First* Class Table. RATES: S2.00 Per Day. l TRIAL SOLICITED, ui This Hotel has recently tindcrgaunu thor¬ ough repair, aud beeu Newer Furnished and made complete in all its appointments. JOHN BRKsNAN, Manager tf. M. L. Harnett, Clerk. aug aa B. 1). BRANTLEY, —DEALER IN— Dry Goods & Groceries, Hardware, Queensware BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AN D CAV**p DRUGS, MEDICINES, NOTIONS AND General assortment ot Goods* usually kept in a first-class country store. mar29tf. BLACKSHEAR, Ga. THOMAS M. HURT, Painter and Paper Hanger, Ri.acksiikar, ---Gkouoia. Work warranted and satisfaction g uarrnn eed. Oct *.8 ly. Legal Advertisements Administrators Sale. GEORGIA,—I'niKCK Cohort. Agreeable to an order granted by the Ilotu able, tin* Court of Ordinary ol said county, w, ho hoIU to the highest bidder before the Court Mouse door-in the town of HU kflicar in mid county between tho legal hours of sale, (Ml flu* llrst Tuesday in December next. Two hundred anti i wo acres, of Lot oflutid. No. 188 in the ttli District of said county Including all im¬ provements, It being the entire ical estate, belonging to the estate of Kielmrd Altman, de¬ ceased. Sold for th j benefit of the Heirs, aud Creditors, ol sai l deceased. Terms cash, l’ur cbaser paying for Titles. This November 4(h 18)8. Hknky Administrator. J. Strickland, w4w Administrators Salo, Agreeable to an order ofthe Honorable court of ordinary of Here* county, i will offer for rale to flic highest bidder ar je bile outcry be¬ fore ihc court iiou-ic door in tin*, town of Black shear on the first Tuesday iu December, next; between the legal hours of sale, the Real Bstate of Mrs. Miry g Hathaway, deeeisud, consisting ot several Town cots with improvements in said town of ntacksbear. rropeity sold for the benefit of tlm li -irs aud creditors of said estate. This oet. 21st 1878. W’ H. AVKIlKTT, tds Adiuiuinirutor. For Sale. A Printing office has been placed in our of fiee (at owners risk.) for gale at low tlguies. Thu outfit consist of it novelty “Excelsior” press, 6J x 7J in. Inside of chase, (work b . foot or hand}5 novelty ,ol>, 1 composing stick 1 lli. of lead*, J feet brass rule, wood (uitfi rent uasor tinent and lengths) 4 feel rule, (cut up) 2 brass dashes, b mettle diu-hes, l cut “Bought of,” ditto Office of," ditto “ dorter X pessel,” ditto “187" ditto ■'* lbs combination bor¬ der’ 14 small fonts job Type Mutable to do uuy kind of card, label, tickets, hand billH, on l opes, papar bags or any Uiing of the like 1 bold at low figures, iu pait or whole. Apply at once to E. Z. Byrd. Blackshear, Ga. The target and heat cook atove now In nxe, sold all complete and re.uiy for lire. Cali and examine ihewe siove# Iieforc bu>ing elsewhere. For sale by D. H. Burney, Black,he.r, Ga. Bargain ; iu shoes. [LO jK OUT.] Brogaus, $0,00. I j Fine shoes, #0,00,0 ChiPu slices 0. Hoy shoes, f, 0. At K. W. CAKPENTER’b DR. C.T. LATIMER, Practicing Physician, Blackshear ■ Georgia. Offers his professional services to the people of Fierce aud adj auuig counties. A stiare >( ptarouage solicited. Charges reasonable, uov 7 12m. LOCAL NOTICES Ins -rt*d in the News at 10c a line. ---------- —----- - Our tuark-t report cfow«iod oat uus wecK.