Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, November 07, 1878, Image 4

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Til ELY TOPICS. Aw t * .. Bovs under sixteen who smoke in the street* of Cobleotz. Saarlouirf ahd Trt* ves are fined or imprisoned. ■* • The Chinese in Nevada are becoming as good stock gamblers as any “ Mali «“ ” n>™l>en. of the fraternity. The Cincinnati . ~1 —"T"** Oomm^rruaf C .n . Hays? “Last year a family of seven persons, living noar Wilmington, Ohio, by actual count consumed 1,165 pies. This is a An exchange states that Ilachette & Co., Paris, is the largest publishing house in the world. It employs five Uiousand persons, turns out a book a day, an<! does a business of £ 1 , 000.000 a year. In a case of robbery tried at Aberdeen, Scotland, recently, the prosecutor identi¬ fied a XI note by the following couplet which hail befcn written by a previous owner on the back of it: This canoe to me in time of need And went away with railway «|»eed. In the “Court News" of an English paper reoently appeared this remarkable item: “ Tlie queen drove two oows yes¬ terday Denmark to visit the Lisburuo king and queen of at the House.” For " two cows,” road “ through Cowes.” Miss Roe, of Dublin, had a wedding cake eight feet high and weighing .‘100 pounds. It was ornamented with the arms of the Roe and Gordon families and six bannerets with arms and mono¬ grams, and strewn with orange blossoms and myrtle. The celebrated “ Keoley motor," which all the scientific journals have pronounced a fraud from the beginning, is now pretty well ascertained to be driven by compressed air, secretly in¬ troduced into strong iron tubes, which are thus “ sensitized ” before the ma¬ chine is shown. Foreign journals state that the total Humber of “recompenses ” of all sorts to bo accorded to the exhibitors in the PariR exhibition is definitely fixed at 20,500. They will comprise 2,600 gold metlals, 6,400 silver, 10,000 bronze, 10 ,- 500 honorable mentions. The number of exhibitors is 53,005. A Persian populace is not like a Euro¬ pean one. Iu Europe a monarch return¬ ing to his people after a lengthy voyage would be reoeivod by loud acclamations of joy and weloome, but when the shah recently lauded iu liis own dominions, on liis return from his European tour, the he people of merely the towns bowed through dowu which passed their heads in silence. _ Harrington, . of Spnugtleld, . . Ohio, *. rftu elojHM , with the pretty dtuigliter of Oolouel Doltz. One of the first per sons they met on tlie tram was Elder Knight, the young man « former pastor in Maysvillc. Prank told the elder that he was looking for a clergyman to marry' him and the clergyman volunteered to do the job then aua there, no, when the oonductor aame along, he was pulltni into the s<vit as a witness, and while the train wa> epeeding tbWy-flT« miles an hour, tlie two were made one. Auburn, Alt’sW IS. i., to aTS Australia, oonsisteil of thirty-three wcmls, and cost S6L98. fol rhe course of the message was as lows : From Auburn to New York ; to Heart’s Content, N. F.; to Valencia; to London ; through Germany, Russia, Siberia, to .Vladiwoodstock, a point on the coast of Mautchooria ; theuoe through the Japau Sea to Nagaski, ou one of the Japan islands ; through the Yellow Sea to Shanghae, China ; theuoe down the coast of Chiua through the C hiua Sea to Saigon, Siam ; to Singa pore, Malay; thence to Batavia, on the coast of Java ; theuoe to St. Darwin, on the northern coast of Australia, aud to Sydney. — - The present German parliament is composed of oue field-marshal, one lieu tenant-general, oue colonel, one ambas sailor, st'veu miuisU'ra, eleven presidents of governments, seven councilors of gov ernmeut, forty-one judges, five crown prosecutors, twentv - four barristers, ' thrav direct, trs of provinces, fifteen laudrathe (directors of circles), thirteen professors, eight burgomasters, four directors of gymuasiums (silunls pre- paratory for the nqiversitie*), five stefens,* thirty^four officer* of various ranks, twenty-fftux clergymen, their incomes twenty six tn«r persons fortunes, living 1 on landed proprietors, or n thirteen authors! nd journalists, thirty four manufactory and merchants, brewer, and one bookseller, one tu. > ,er, one member. one photographer. pong the ar,i ^ oe duke, -winces twenty ttevefi counts, and 120 4 .<ty nobles. Of eight hundred ---\ peV * suddenly the ns submerged iu the river Thanes bv the ™^Tae1r < Ti2rby r, -^SI. the river s is reason is that at that place little better than a mass of sewage. It regularly carries away the liquid refuse of the city of London, and at the instant of the collision there was being ponred into it near the fatal spot the contents of two great cesspools. The immediate effect of immersing a person in sewage, say the chemists, is asphyxia, and the eight hnndred excursionists must have become r numb, and incapable of anv " effort. * mi The L bodies, 1 - when recovered, . undergone strange changes. Identifier# tion was difficult. Clothing had changes! color, and the decomposition had been swift. Everything pointed to the action of some powerful chemical substance. mi The ... telegastrcgrap , . cr „ is . a . hypotht ... t ical invention of startling • novelty. By its aid people can eat and drink at several miles’ distance from food and beverages —at loast they can enjoy whatever deli <«i™ aro aen-ed, and even become ex Ullarated with stimula^ s. I IiO modu-8 operandi is suppooed V ( >e something as follows: A dainty <lisl» witl pluoed iu a re ceptaelo connected ‘ powerful bat tery. Wires are attachti ^orresjiouding to the number of guestt livited, and of sufficient length to rtC/ti their respec tive live abodes aooaes. Al At loe the aitbointed appoiuieu tliuner dinner hour each guest eLlel» places the Wire m Ills mouth, ana nn,l im immediately ra iU the a full f n l| flavor of the dish is transmitted to him. More over, it sense of repletion is experienced proportionate to the quantity of food consumed—or rather the length of time the wires are held in the mouth. Hut. diflooDLeoted unfortuutttely, u» »wn tbe b.ttery, ee the »iree tUe are nom W the remains only a pleasant memory, and guest is as hungry as before the banquet, and ns thirsty as ever. Whether viands and wines are consumed or not in this process is not ou record. Such is the luventor’s dream. Modern playwright* on the watnh for a new sensation could hardly ask one more dramatic or more dire than catastrophe that happened at seu not loner mug ago, iin'ti on on ine the African African iviast ivmsi Two -two dozen boats full of Greek sponge fishers were getting water at Maudrouka, when XS3 irumw oi money money “ml ana kmhI fmStr lor t'he tlm privh pnvi lege. they were dnveu off after a bloody fray, just with their anunuuttiou contraband gone; but then a aellev of powder came on the scene with vessel. The fishermen hurried to hi m> «nd got his promise not to sell p 0 m f er to the Arabs till after their own departure next morning. He gave the pj^ge but then, refleetiug what a gtxnl thing Uo haa lost, broke his word, and hmded a ftnv bftrre i 8 at midnight. The fl.hermeu rushed aboard his vessel, T 0 j nb i e w ith reproaches, and, it is said, t*nc*k him. The enragc<l trader <lrew hi. revolver »mi Ami into his barrels, when a terrible explosion tore to shreds the vessel and all ou board. 01 th " , ‘" v ™ , T Or " ok fi “ hOTm ™ «•?»» fifty-five - the Isle of n^nalied, were from galkis ; the others were mostly Kho diaus and sailors from Calymnos. ,im ----- The sleep of winter and that of night are different in those animals which torpid for months. The bat, the hedge hog, the tawrie, the marmot, the ham s ter, the tortoise, the toad, suukes, mol l U8ca , spiders, bees, flies, bears, badgers, etc., retire to their closed holes, and, iu various degrees, undergo a temporary death for four, five, six and seven mouths of the up* year. They usual Iy roll themselves but bats suspend themselves iu caves. Those who lay up provisions use them before they become torpid, aud ou reviving before they venture abroad. Their temperature lowers; their respiration is less fre queut and at intervals the circulation is reduced ; they lose their feeling, the di Restive organs are iuaetive and they suffer loss of weight. The confined nir in which they shut themselves, added to theoold, is a cause of their torpidity. Facts lead to the belief that some birds hibernate. Mr. John McKeeman of Norristown, P*. has invented a wagon designed to rua without steam, water or horse power, and has made application for a patent. From Arolr lo (;krMl( . i* an e »-y stage in cases of dyspepsia- A slight attack of indigestion especially when more 0 bt,u n ate form of the disease. It is well, therefore, to adopt preventive Stomach measures liittors early. Although Hostettera persisted in, of dyspepsia over comes, if cases of ,on J> {J ^°* other bodily evils, such as disorders of the liver, constipation or undue looseness of the ,^^ to v ne ^ P^ d l j” r < j^!’ b -TP oc b 5?J ri( L” a,B e f p r , t .^“remedied bv the Bitters; but bow much better to check them in their outset with the great alterative, than to wait until they estab fo°thoM in the system, rarely "f »dn*a b.hty of this must be appar ent. M ii ■*;«-«’ Title, ■However varied may lie the opinions con tbe validity of Hayes title to the preei there is not a question m the minds of t j ier pemocrats or Bepublicans upon one important point, viz.: The unquestionable right of Dr. Bierce’s Family Medicines to the title of the Ht&ndard ltemedfcs of the age. Listen to the v<ge of the sovjeignpeople 10th 1878 : ’ ‘ Dk ,, y l*ar .Sir—Your Pleasant Purgative Pellets weem to be particularly adapted to the wants of the people in this warm climate, where bilious affections are particularly prevalent. I {‘®g^ rd the best cathartic I have ever r.eK^’Silo.T'v J ‘ "* , . * Dll n v 1 ' . . . Jkar Sir —Your Golden Medical Discovery has cured my boy of a fever sore of two years’ standing. Please accept gratitude. ' our Yours truly, Henry Whiting. Perfect purity is restored to the circulation when contaminated, if Scovill’s bleod and liver syrup is taken. Scrofnlons, syphilitic and mercurial disorders are completely ‘ vanquished ^ b ‘ J it in h th u f tb rom lv ^ i n **^ . *$$£*** ron i to 1° tCCOmpllah a cure, bmp tions of all kinds, sores, chronic rheumatism, gout, liver complaint and goitre yield to its remedial action, and it not only purifies the Vlt alize« the system. Bold by all KS "* —-——----- - yornpwanisof thirty years Mrs. WINSLOWS ,or ° hU *y the bowels, cares dysentery diarrhcea, whether arising from remedy^a teethu| after causes, An 0,(1 411(3 well-tried bottle. Familiarity is necessity with the to writing^ w^wishes u^Kie great poets a any one thrill to appear well in company. For 10c. send a l>ook of 100 selections from the bear'ful mel ^ Hongn. Desmond & Co. ,1)15 Baoe nt., Phila. A cough or cold taken between now and Christmas _ frequently lasts all winter. This is ( , t , rtHtIllv the case with people who have weak Tll e most convenient, reliable and in expensive remedy is Johnson’s Anodvue Liui mt " U ltil l i , ' ^ int « ,r °» l ' T . , r vcn fjU l0 filul pj k6 ., centennial Salt llhemn 8 alve in your city or village, and will send ns the address of your best druggist, we will put him in a wav to supply yon. J * 3>,KK A Co.. Chelsea, Mass. Hon C. R. ParRons raavorof Kochester was radically cured of Bright's Disease l>y Craig's Kidney Cure. Depot 42 University PI., N. Y Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. f 'i I,ASS H .41.l.H, Traps. At-. Prien list froe. Ad \ X drsns Grsst W«at*rn Gun Work s, Fitts harir. Ps. Q| llAliUv ■ yi|A -Si { h as t<uiar"*-^^ *« s!» 4 iHi-fac<ory V h uilri*M^ p ho«s l of s c, ‘in -America o»ar h'.ouo m u*«—uiariv iDwpmrp^ 'k^S; v i '“ AGtNTS, » acmto READ DC ._ t-lho I HIS! i ..&S *ond«rfui r..i5r:ti£faz£l!“: sS mr*ntk»n*. »> ,ch»f , r < w» y . ‘ ,ul ’ViikR.viAjTSk co.. .Hawfcnii, 3 ii«-b. r RrsL«N ] L STOVE POLISH „ _MORse Bros., Prop'm, Crbiod, Mam THE SMITH 0 RC 1 R CO. First EslaWishttl ! Most StH'cossful! THKlIi 1XSTK1 Mli.YTS have a standard value iu all the LfliixUliN y -g-, . totxt/^* Vjr m IXIA.-tvrk.xij a DtriPTC 1 S OP THE V^ORIiD! Kvoi \ where rrooffiii ' l ns the FINEST i\ tone. OVER 80,000 g^SE**} .......... **-scn.i for a Catalogin', Isa:'. St, ojt WiHiia St. Sostsc, M ““FT** ITaoaan. tor $<) A Addr d*» ■A|Ut« Aekett tO ypr ••II m » Hoamfc m ~ An! Men for one Tear, to begia w* M •iM'i*. Urn lv larjr.Bur, S'uilq.ClW Bu»ui.-n» #mt, <*— X Somet New IT" A I.Ajv* for Agents l»» ATt.O ^ [’ j wanted u»« riU*«o. addro— Boi 7SS, New Yort $ 7 AD AjrenU ovdvmbiqjc for Uio e<r«u.fa« Wlml Tome and Outfit turn Addre*. P. O. VICKP.RY, Aapm, maapt HI 12 kVitn Stencil Outfit*. What ooeU 4 ota RMSeit saill kt .iifllf (or 50ota. Oataloaue fr*+, V.B. 1 1 <f Wa»ti'n 8t.,Bo*»on.Mas*. A ilOMl A«rni» Wanted—3« bent Belling articles m the world; on* Bun pie Am. Addrss* JAY BRONBOK. Detroit. Mich. $10 ti $1IN sas'usunsfsr f^expiainin* •vwrthiM oo..aukm, n aai s.t. A COOD WELL or $80 *» “»*“ *n «n« AWoU Ire™ 4 °°w w. Gil Giles, eI's^LuX »t. Louis, UNIFORMSPEED I ot Kn«lne under L_______I Huns (treat variations. in oil. l^kri(sl> useo Dy O. a. G vernnuoot, etc. f*riV« rs'fursj. Uuntoon Governor <V>.,Lawrenee,M*M. I tO.VIBINATION Dinner, B’kPui nrd Tea V/ Set*. Ivory-hvnd'*- lOfl piece*. •14. S§ Fine F.nftraved Goblets S* 1 attnz. d Table Knives JkH s dc*. House Ll »* fr lln-nford, C'implete. Goods boxsd Institute, free. N. SO-PMte Y. Price «*> Goop-r city. ■ WUn DUATnrOADU "flU I UVinHrn AND NAME ■n 1 dor. cards tor J.> ots.. U dor 50 cts. Send pict ure to ». B. AitClIEK, Troy, M. V. F l\ TRrrn is Micirrvr I \ Profowtr lUrtiass. **• f»«a* MO ftpaswk , 6wt A.d W j»nl, •.!! bf j F \ wall yo«r •(«. k«|tt, coler «f »»J , leek of sxr, wed to you • wffni p»e**r« , (4Fi~ Dt «f your f»»uro or wif*. iacwb of \ .. ood r*mi aumo. (Wo i mo P wbovo you \ f * will flrwl uooM. orwl (Wo 4u*o or uimMt ~ W A4<1 mms, P» .f M \R11 :>u. 4 B*., IWob. Miu. fk- w- ’ $ 10 S $25 iSA'inir??, Novelties gJffiSf* Outfit Free by sppli mvil on lation to j. h. BUFKORD ’8 SONS, Mannfaotnrirg PaMiahw* 1 41 to 147 Franklin street, Boewu, oiaea. Ket*blUhe<t nearly fifty rear*. ----__ I j R»tf L ,DS 1 ■ - - Rm found iU way into high place* the w rid over, and Medical Journal* and Phyaicums Kive it their anproT.l. WOOI.RIOH Jt CO. on every label. MASON & HAMLIN ... „ CABINET . nnn ORGANS, ,,, n vTa A ptl J J ists! ViZ: „ t p AJU s, iw ; viknna, \m-. Santiago, *wnrd*d highest orders »t ad.? such. t>oid tor esah or 1 ^ »- <^Publ m&jsasB c.$unday-$cHool&'Home | exhibitions ;'££$SSK? t e.T. MILLIGAN « 1 A Cures Uyspepsia» Indigestion> Sour Stomach. Sick Headache # 'fv* !-<£■ la th* Old R«liabU ConcsntraUd Ljrs CAQ ' FAMILY CAMII V CHAO SOAP iui/mc MAKING. rHrsotloBs ssynBpiBpyin^ssen ua fvr a*jakin« HsrA IT IB FULL WaiUHT AMD BTRMfTO Fit. Th# Bisrkvt Is tood#d with (so-etilvd) Ooac«n(rBt#4 ty«, wkish is #d«lUr#t#d with salt snd rosin, and wm’i b«vi •#«*. BA TM MOlfET, AMD HUT TRM •T r 2 msd»»tth. PeMeylTaai* Salt Manufg Co., r ame ibfHiA. __ fUi Pnr uliigHiF Qinuimr Srhnnk uuiiUUiu dilU and uliUll rhnirc u> I- O. Emerson's ON W AR0 & o«w book for for binK’.na Schools, fully squsl to any ».v r issued, is tesdv At uss. of 8*c_r pa«es d of M inatructi,»ns, *50 pttit** of Glees, and psjjes n«ic “J.> cents; ^7-«»0 l>er dozen. k.mi rson’s Church Offering, b^ow tor Gb- irs. contains a large and idmirEole collection of Anthem*, which ht perfectly to the F.piscop&j bar vice, but are of the best quality for toy service. Also a number of tin© Cluuit*. 8 1.25; or • I '£ per dozen. Kmersoa'i Sacred Quartettes,. ... (took fortjusrceite Choirs, uss a most musics] collection of new pieces r>y the most popular authors, and pro¬ vides about one new one for every Sabbath in the year. Boards #2.00; Cloth 92.24. Costs'* has Festival Chorus Book 91*25 a tine selection of choruses. convenient W O Perrin collection s KtyUlLM ot hymns and is a for r.«, funeral „ d tunes occasions. Price 50 cents. Send for Catalogues containing the descriptUn* of many other excellent books tor Cadre or Jvo Claeses. Jay Bod mailed poet f ree tor Kt’ai' Prir*. OLIVER DITSON & CO.. Boston. T. H. DITSON A: CO., 843 Broadway, New Y#rk. J. E. DITSON A CO., 922 Chostnat St.. Phila