Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, November 14, 1878, Image 2

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8LACKSHEAR NEWS, Published every l lmrsdaf, —AT Hiackshcar, Georgia. —J.v— v Z. 1 « - V! D, EDITOR AND FKOFIG TOR Tiiri:si).\v7N<>v. 1 1, f<7h. ANNOUNCEMENTS ft We Ink** the Utterly 1<> i m»om»< • *b»* until* of . M. Mo* ,** :»* i <aielld. ii f«jf M- o n t> die of » J«t1a «t Hie en*iio>g .1 mu rv «*1 (ton. run* solicits a !.iisip" ,? t' 1 t**'* ( *t tion. >n t 1», js.''. Vi ANY Vo I Bits W oiKc tl*i- itiflliod ■>! him loa n 4 ti <• n iii.f of' Byrd . a eandi'J <t*- :or 1 «•!* 1 >/>u to t! <■ ■ of Hjt ’.WI ut .In r-nMiitig J inn <ry dec ti. U «<ill< ’ttrf a tit. rat ^t.p or: in h)» ul« ion. • it*, l-'.H. Cn zi;ns. I be iidoignct revpectfully antmiutm. him M'll u (li.lnlc linn* election to Iti- « • lll< «* ot Tax Hm civcr unit CoikvPir o{ I’.i o e c*»iinty, atj.l solicit- ill • ~jpj : >■) In I'f.j'/w i ili/,« ii at Uu* cii^tiing Jan. election, septetub. r V*'*, J, Vi. I'uun M Tin* 'UuleRijrni it ri 8|*i*i ilfull> Inf mis ch« vu |i*rn til I’irtct Ikuntiy, hf 1 * a * uml <l.Kc l"i flu* oftlrc of Tn* Receiver mid *7«i!a*r|i»r sil lilt* 1 i.8»i|,<r Juutiaiy «:u •lion, aint nmmiy .‘oHcit*» the support til luany voter*. Belli. tf*», *7S Blu«‘K h<-ur, (I t. J. J. SMITH. ! n -pr cliJiiilv JllUlouno* III . o U m i can ti <lnt<- li»t 1 he I'MlVc <>f Tu\ Ki*< « iv<*r ami < 'ol . • lor liu ilic 1 i nly ■ < l’i* m* ut lie* i i'.'Uiiig »L'ii nary vie* lion itid c*»ll<ot- llu* Mipport <•( no Ifllow el i/a n.v U< t. -J, Jl>7S. .1 ah MeVnion 'flic, nil’ef-igte’d to-i»eelli.lly inf. itii a I! 1 *• voter* of Pieiee tliat In* is a candidate at llu* dinning el* a** !■ >m I >*• <Ii:Ia oflhe com t and no lleils u support in las election Nov i-p*. Jo-r.rii A Uaui i h. die' 1111 '■'hi.’ii 1 re.-peellully JiiIoiihh I) j * voiiis of 1 1 otic, 'lull tie i- a eaitili Is*Ifor eoun l\ |'n .isun r at *1 e ensuing elicit .hi and r< epectfully lAolletts the support of Ids ledow I'll i/l'lis, H. i» Bins Nov 2, ISIS. 11 ,v. We rc.a < tliilly Mihiuit the mtimt ot A. L nniiveijriie 10 the voters ..»t I'irreefiei asivtidl K ite |or 1 h< otllce ot t.'ounty Treasurer at the ensulm, election and solicits the support ot his fellow liluens. Nov. 7tli IV.S Many Fiiiknhs. Those ih siritpr a first class cook dove will do well to consult Mr. I). 11. Burney, before buying elsewhere. He ts acting as agent for the sale of the best stove that we ever have seen, that is to com j'are with .1 in price ami qual¬ ity. You get every thing in the way of cooking utensils all complete. You can secure any kind «>f a stove that you want through Mr. B. and at extraor¬ dinary low prices. See his card 111 an other column. “There is joy yet in the old dcmoc rAcv F\ e: \ boilv in our midst seems * * « to be rejoiced at the election of Gol. ,lohn G. Nieholls; and to to oitr asion islum nt the Ooloreil folks in town ha. * turne*! out to serenaditig around of nights and hollowing, “Hurrah for Nieholls." B. lb Brandy lias ju'l cotnpitled a large shelter over at his farm, soemingiy that he is living up a winter resort for his stock. “There is policy in wisdom," p:irtix*u::ulv in time of war. Pierce County ~ . ’ Oranges. r\ ! \,. \\ w« r*> shown , , to dav * > some very e iUe sweet oranges raised ,* upon one of 1 »v I Brantiv s.[daces , • .! this • eountv. I i*. * m , Th..,- ». w in,,. Ura.. sxv.rt on.u WS . wi'V.n, l,, v ..r»l,lva,i..,i B . a ,,ail ! , tl,« n..ri.ia orawjra. The v tu ,. . ot . . , i. lias a crop some «>uo orangi > u}>- * on it. ’ ( v iUi ry —Could not the orange business \utii .* mile trouble be made profitable in * ietve? * rom lacks known to us we think il worthy of a trial. nd hi vcuir on l is f.-r j a s l \< ur advert.Sv - / fCeifanjaaicntcd.} Editor News. I I take my pen iurVind ifVi 6 to give you a few items gut here* iBp a trip up the country thinking ji**Mmps they might he «,} intiTCht to Vutir \ ad IS. I shall not detain you vt itii an ^fcoutit of llie various places pas- d tlua V h on mv journey or of the incide nt > i s on the cars. 1 u* will atop a IiilyAat ,1a y.elliurst M, ** 1;. 1 a'. R. I lmveh : or got¬ ten the mint : of the station, there 1 ivinuitu <1 sev v*d da\s and enjoy 1 mv eif finely, ila/.clhurst, for a piny woods v i i I :i in any pleasan t fam ilicH ia it, an < i * genuine hospitality is hard to hen Jt church on Subbadi there was a v rv l arge congregation and om* could in t but b • struck with the ninny very fine and noble counten¬ ances the hul I . ..rty robust appt aiance of Hie young m ;i and tie- beauty of the young ladies w r * notab!<*, giving evi¬ dent* of lie* '.. alilifulni s of tiie coun¬ try, no 1 tin* 1 . lent behaviorjp 'haj^pxist j A(* 1 V idenee oflhe refinement in the We commuml had a pleasant v. liiiv^iiere ft taking the train we 1* IJazoftedr.-d and in dm* t ime art i. i. * at tin: ^*®pitol of tin* >tatE% Vtlant i Vigen U'y 5 j,pisv grow¬ ing Atlanta, ! ere we fiies^l a larg * e i oud ol’people from alLprts oflhe slate some in aM. ndenee upon the syn od ol Georgia and a great many visi tors to the Fair, held under the atispi ces of the Xorlh ('in. I'air Association. dthinta is a live place, everything seems to catch 1 he principle of vigor and rush which seems to predominate here, it is growing rapidly every day. and-bids to become a business centre of not only our state of south, she through the enterprise and vim of her merchants is already drawing much custom from all parts of the state and when she places her manufacturing interests in better hands sin* will succeed there. Atlanta is bound to become also a great manufacturing centre. 1 asked some¬ thin*' about the < ’ajiitol, Imt could hear nothing difinite.—The eye ol the At lantese hath not seen nor hath it entered yet into his heart what kind of a build¬ ing he is going to erect for Georgia. Perhaps when the Legislators shall as¬ semble in solem 0 mi lave they mav stir * ** cm up and being there t<> a lively re tncmhrance of their pledges and proin isos on the subject. The Fair at Atlanta and the slate fair »t Macon (I speak ot them both at once because when you see one Fair you see nil) wore successes, large crowds were in attendance and the display :tl both line, Iti tin* deportment of machinery M i cou a little a-luad. In the deportment of Agriculture ° both disolavs 1 of the • pvoduets oi.Georgia , . crcibt * were wry J m the deportment 1 of Articuluti on the siio»v was wry fine ievdeed, and to * **«' Hu'*!R.H<ii«oiw O’frail. Apples lean, VMU * vari *’ tU ' s i! > ' *«">'* "■•O.’ «wf.d |> of oar na tive state 'i he display of her agi icul tura! mineral and manufacturing resaur s weiv peculi *.riy gratifying to x»ne l who looks forward to the day whet) * will an i tan truly appreci¬ ate the go*»Tv heritage that God has given tlR-ni. ami will' emLavor ti. irn ' pi*i\e tic* pn\ihges ami us • iiioadvan iag > plant'd in .* . •if cauds for the good * **i slat**, iier glogv and her honor. The* Stock show at Macon, and At¬ lanta loth [daces were very fine. Cattle, hoga, sheep, goats, of the host varieties we saw some jersey cows go fu l for milk, not as much valued for it > quantity as its butter making quali¬ ties that we think would suit l'>r wire gi :e*» region. Th » hog called “E'Sei. .black) we think would suit us here, id to b * very hardy, of quick growth and ea- y fattened, (>ur farmers in t Its a ( .,c oil would do well to to got up a sp’ri .»f rivalry .and competition with one another ordthese matters old Pierce would come out v/onderfu’ly, if we would but try, and improve in this di ri *tiou. 1 *Tse Fairs .m good when they keep in pi'utn the logitimate ends and aims fojrwhich they were inaugurated to-wit & uphuilding of the material interests yf the state. Hut we fear very mueh that theve wilLgrad'.tallv^creep racing, into them too much V >rse wheels of fortune, side shows of, many characters and useless varieties, vanity fairs, de¬ moralizing in their influences and ten¬ dency, lottery games d:c., to met it tin* continued patronage and support, el 1 lie good. We hope these I'm tunes will not be allowed to predominate but w ill hereafter be made to give way to displays of true merit and value. But I have already perhaps wearied you so 1 shall stop and perhaps come again next week, Weiidna KROOSI* 1 Bi.acksukak Oneot our News, exchanges says: “The which succeeds the Lmtee Gem, came to us this week quite don’t respectable in size, PgewJfc but, Byrd, we like the idea of a Bro. of the “quill,” hovf 1 ^ ^ ^ ° U like the idea of P. I.? j a • ’ t— • ! _____ > V. ; % .............IS. J5»=* "t * Tin* tartest and licet cook stove how iff uso, sold nil complete am! realty for tire. Cili and examine ;hese stoves before buying elsewhere. For eale by D H. Burney, ; Blaekshcar, Ga. DR. C.T. LATIMER, Practicing Physician,’ksheah, Georgia. Oilers his ]»rofe8si adj< iuiug mi;v! services to <h« people of Bierce and eommes. A share of plaronage nolieileil. Charges 0 reasonable. 7 “ m ‘ For Sals. \ Printing otliee lu*8 been placed in our of hee (at owners risk.) for sale at low figures, elslor” The outfit consist of A novelty “Ext pre-s, r.i x T* in. iu-iiU* of ehage, (work b» foot or hand) 5 novelty lob eases, l composing stick ! !!>. of .cads, 3 feet brass rule, (aid' ;ent a&sor tmetit and lengths) 4 feel wood rule, ^cut up) brass dashes, li iuetl : e da-has, i eu. “Bought of,” ditto (Ufice of,” ditto “ >io: eombinatiou ter A: pessd,” ditto “UiJ'’ditto ;> lbs bar dor* 14 small fonts job Type suitable to do any kiu-l of caul, label, ticket s, baud bills, opes, lugs or any thing 1 f the like kind. > d<l at low figures, in past or whole. Apply at once io E. Z. !1tud. Bi ar, Ga. 03HEJSS J a*.]F ,> CASH STORE, Opposite the Rail Road crossiug WVYCROSS, GA. GOMF A SEE B. SWEAT He is constantly receiving Corn, Flour and bacon, ’ Drv Gooiis, , , ( , . anil iroi enes Hardwire, Boots. Shoes, Hats. etc. •< U aeUing ehea r lor Cash or tjarler. 9 2(i 3 m LOCAL NOTICES i • > f . in th * News 10c a !igc. A.&G ,'JR General { .iperintendent’s ATI.fxTIC ASD GCLF RAIL S axnar, July 19 , 1878 . - - On and aftflFaoduy, duty the 13, I’ftseengar Trams uu thiy. luad ^ill£ua as follows: Leaves Havana \ >HTV\XPIiE83. ' daily t 2:35 p ta n ' Arrive at Jeeapt i2aaii*f a *-> o:23 p m „ »t ThomasnC Blacks!^ \ \ C:U-> T:i 9 a P m m „ a: Bambridg\, „ „ „ at „ M » *U at Albany „ s IfcaO a m „ Oak 12:40 „ at Live „ s a ci ,, at Tallahassee „ s 0:30 a m „ at Jacksonville „ „ 6:35 a in Leave Tallahassee „ .. 5:00 p tn Jacksonville „ \ „ 5:00 p ui „ 10:40 „ Live Oak S c pm „ Albany 5 2 2:30 P m „ BuiubaiJge 5 c » 2:45 p m „ Thcmasviile s 5:45 p m „ Biacksbear, 4 ; 27 a m „ Jesup „ „ 6:25 a in Arrive at savannah „ 9:15 am No change «f car.-, detwuon Savannah and Jacksonville, -nd avnuah and Albany. S:v- , ft'* bleeping car - run through to aad from I vuniiah ;it> 1 .» bany. % Btsseii si-> r.un Savannah for Feni'audina Gainesvii. an t Cedar &>.*yo, take this train. Pa -sen:. ng Macon ut 7:45 a m (dally) except for Mut Fioti iny) connect at Jesup,with this train a. iv-ietigers from FlmIda by this tiaiu eon met at J» up with train arriving in Maeon at 5:1 • p in daily exc *pt »* uuday. for Brunswick ' L Passenger.* fr« m Savannuii and Darien mke this tain, arriving at Bruns¬ wick 7:00 a tn Pa--, ng *rs from Bntnsvvlck arrive at Pavan - :sah 9;l“* a tu *.MCwt’/ruaery No eh in^<* of cars between «u;i Jackro sville. Pullman Pa’acr* sleeping cars run through to ami from tsuvnunali au.l ^acksimvilic; also through sleepers from Atlanta, (Pi, and Mon rgetnery, Ala., (o lacks .avide, pi.u Connec* at Albany with Passenger 'trains both ways on southwestern Railroad to ami from Maeon, Eufaula, Montgomery, Mobi’e, New Orleans etc. A mail steamer leaves Buiubridge for Apaluc hueola every Monday at 'J: » a in. For C alum bus, Close every Wednesday at 9:»tG a m. connection «t Jacksonville daily, ex¬ cept Sundays, for Green (Jove springs, St. Au ¬ gustine, Palatka, Enterpri.-e, and all^ landings on St, John’s River. Trains on B. and A K. R, leave junction go¬ ing west Monday, Wednesday and Friday at il :I l a, in, For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat¬ urday sC 4:40 p, in, MACON rua GH r-PASSENG2K COACH ATTACHFO. Leave H ivarm ah, Sunday excepted, ut 5:4op m ........—-m.—4^. a0~pa a..8 >» at Macon , „ at 6:35 a in Le ivc Macon daily at 7:30 p m „ .»esu,> daily at’ 4:45 tn Afivy savuiiuah daily except Sunday S;5J5a m ACCOMM IDA TION T HA 1 N — E ASTEKN DIA ’ ISION . t™ cave Savnuah. Sundays excepted at 7:00 a ass > l-rivo at Me!tosh „ 11 at y;30 a 1 . at Jesup ,, „ 12:00 „ at Blaekshear „ „ cl asaaaafe „ atDuPout 11 11 7:05 =s Leave DuPont 11 11 5:i5 - „ D lacks hear ».ft 9:25 - ,, Jesup McIntosh 11 11 c, Arrive „ „ 11 a at Saviumck „ 11 a, WESTER DIVISION. DAILY, sUNDVY EXCEPTED. r r>„i> rtn , ... -, vA ‘ a m ’’ y . , b: 1 0 a m cguitm-m at 9:37 am Arrive at Thomasville at l»:45am Leave Thomasviie at g:Oo p ut „ Camilla at 5:03 pm Arrive at Albany at 7:10 pm Leave Albany at 6:00 am „ Camilla at !• :35 a m „ at Thomasville at 11:15 am 1 , Thomasville at 1 ;.»i* p m „ Quitman at 3.45 p m „ Valdoota at 5:15 pm Arrive at DuPont at 7;3<J p m J. S. Ti$ox, Master■ of Transportation, H. rt. Haines, General Superintendent. - Dr. ALLEN BROWN. Dentist, liLAIiKSHEAU...... ......Georgia. Is prepared to do all kind of Dental work in 'he Lio-t anprevixt style to the art. Terms re suiiable and sail faction guarranteed. apra ly. Dr B. H. PATTERSON, ^2 Surgeon Dentist, Bax lev',...... ........Ga. Offers his professional services to the citizens ****??«‘ Gold Fillings..............?’?. , “*' *■) to *V‘b. Amalgam Fii.itigs.........^1,50 to £2,50. $Eg'Extra charge for treating ncrves.Nf^ Artificial teeth inserted at reasonable prices. Work warrauteJ, ..nd catisfaetion guaranteed in all eases. oet y 12in. ^STJUB PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED at this OFFICE.