Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, November 14, 1878, Image 4

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“MAMA, MAMA !w» H IT A PEOPLE.” As Afrlcon Kmnerar’i I’m * 1 Jofw* the Ri> plover Nunley |h ¥art«j n |8 If* As top. take* sit W hat l|r Nee*. A young HsvHpre ha* arrival in Paris from Edward Africa, to join Mr. (Stanley, Journal, write* Kmg ui tbe Boston and I nave had the pleasure of presenta¬ tion to the swarthy youth, who in a no¬ ble in far Uganda, whenoe be came. mm - a page of the Emperor Mteaa, allowed to accompany Mr. Stanley on htaadeentnroua journey arrows Africa. M'eaa oonaented with much alarmty to the request that Kado ought go, beeauae be understood that the Tad would be a kind of diplomatic thia agent, who could tell him what atraugr white mao waa op to. The African ib thoroughly devoted to (Stanley, and anv one who double the ♦ iplorer'a knowl in Uganda she old hear him oonvsrw ng with Kadu for boon together. tilled The vowels. language ia ■oft. mimical, with When Master Kadu to excited in oonveraation he opena a wide month, whieh to filled with beantifnl white teeth, and lets the words flow out as if it were impossible for him to check them. He ia more in telligent than Kalulu, the boy whom Stanley rescued from a slave drover ami brought to England and America with him some years since. Kadu has been a mouth coming from Zanzibar to Lon¬ don by steamer, and during that time he has learned a great deal of English. The sailors and cabin-boys pronounced the words for him, and lie wrote them down phonetically in Arabic, wbioh he knows how to write. It is inexpressibly bring comical to hear him trying to out theso words and re-establish their oor rect pronunciation from his phonetic notes. He does it in time, ana should he remain some time in Europe, will prove an apt scholar. Wo were com¬ pelled had taken to laugh down when such we words found as “high,” that he “ horse ” and “ hair,” without their pre¬ liminary aspirate, because he had learned their sound from sailors who disdain the “ h.” Katin is, I believe, the first, native of Uganda who has ever set foot upon European soil. “Wal¬ lah ! ” ho said the other night to Mr, Stanley, “ Wallah l master, but these white war.” people Then he are described always preparing the fortifica¬ for tions of “Moo-alta,” os he calls Malta. He assured Stanley, after he had onught a Paris glimpse of London that and he considered had been the in white for a day, and men gods not men. “At least, master,” he said, “they must be spirits.” The young man has singularly ploasaut features. He is not in any sense a repulsive type, but, on the he con¬ had trary, one would imagine that been for a long time in contact with civilization unless he were assured of the coutrury. His eyes are astonishingly soft and expressive, and his face lights up so that it is quite delightful to ob¬ serve when he is pleased. He is black as black can be. Kadu is a Mussulman, having become oue during his travels, and is quite enthusiastic over his new¬ found religion. Stanley asked him quietly the other day what he would do if Emperor Mtcaa, who is not a Mussul¬ man, should ask him to give up his re¬ ligion. He answered that ho could not do it. “ Well, but suppose Mates should kill you?” “ Bank.” enough, answered Kadu, meaniug, let him kill, then. There is no danger that Mtesa will do any such thing, luckily. Kadu will take back to Uganda a tale which will make the African emperor open his eyeB wider than ever before. When the youth the Tnilleries saw the day balloon after hovering his arrival, above he a refused to believe that there were men in it. He was assured of the fact that forty or fifty persons were then in the balloon basket, when he broke out with his usual exclamation of surprise, “Ma¬ ma, mama, what a people 1 ” The thing which chiefly confounded Kadu was Stanley’s ’Vis this answer when he asked him your country, then ? ” “No M #as the response ; “ my country is still far away, across another great sea.” “Mama! Mama!” said Kadu again, with a certain accent of despair. An art caritio, going into a gallery in a state of mild inebriation, to criticise some pictures, sees himself in a glass, and follows: taking out his note book, writes as “First room; head of a drunkard, no signature ; has a great deal of character ; red nose, remarkable truthful. Must be a portrait from life ; think IV seen that face somewhere. In Great Britain 852,438 farmers own less than an acre each. • & -£>.4 J !::tATr;i>-_ \<S SALVE A M lifc RELIEF you THk' -1 FFKJUtB. * W~n A 3 v ■’ll ills teiTN' ' V A ^XWSV’^ifu^V"V uraSn" *KS^iaVi5S jm»«' army t «g*-n<*v w mwi *bowj >a<y. anSwmrr marird i. r «u wh-,knewki ,/ . ^ < TRFH njtoH worrrr*. r*<&mx i.wm. tcu.r hhf.vm, r Hiu».«iv«, K--UK HHt.AHT. »>HK UDi, KHVAlVVI.aH, R1MJWOHHH, raixisv-, wai.u mvam, cnarntb hands. urns*. vaschm, rtcLnsfi, w-aijw. U) ttM, thCKH*, WOCMM, KTlMWi, f MtlVOLCT, RKHTKBM, VSKAK, / f STIRS, VIlElKUCa, nuts, AfUKHS, A' BI S IONS, M-KAINS, HOllJi, BITKS, rl'TH, , | WHIThOWH, W*RTH, Hl.tHTKRSjp TA!», nwvi.Ktt, COBSH, KTTj|» H,' acVKVT, m*H, INOUoWINd NAIM. 1* n-«tr, MO»<4t-ITO A.N11 ruu, HITS*. udCH 8 TI.VUH, And all cutaneous dlaei qviI vmptlons generally. PRICK 2T. OKNTS A BOp l(! BY K.V1I. S3 CENTS. Three do*»*n lloxrs I grosN), will be sent TO l'KI)I)l.EltNX t < ^OUEKEKPERN, l>RU< JOINTS, (expri-.M -S paid), on receipt ol 84.00—about eleveit 'nt* u box. PREPARED BT 8 ETH W. FOWLE A SONS, 86 HARRISON AVKNUK, BOSTON, MASS. | beaut if ul rniniat ure designs for Scroll Hawing sent free to any person who ' has a saw. Address with ft amp, A. 11 POMEROY, Ha rtford , Oonn. mik^. Thousands of Infanta are sl-.wly starving beesusmof the inabiiity jo of mothers to furnish proper nourishment Do not fall use Ridge's Food. Well Mineral Driilmg! Froopecting & Quarrying Boring, Toolm. pictorial Highest sward at Centennial Exhibition. Bend tag catalogue and price list, fres. Agents wanted, per day guaranteed. Hand, bonders, WELL and roek VATOR ^hanfll-d. OO., 4 YOB Addresa, Kim Avs., PIICRUK Philadelphia, Penx. KXOA T> Pictorial AGENTS WANTED FOR THE' A It oontainv HISTORYoftheWORLD BT '£ fine histories) large double-column and engravings is the and 12110 History of the World pages, most complete hend for ever published. It sells at sight, Address, specimen NATIONAL pages and stri-a terms to Agents. __Philadelphia. PUBLISHINO CO ' _ Pa. k ^ ^0B5»gg Mto^ T t h rlSf ha* ,d ^a?* \bELEBRATEDl!»ii provon f T*v J’ Wfrn Impovet* ff y n l'Urs or KjsJ ■■ 8 ' 1 * Jf' _ m ifiL «itthrd ~ ula, Uheumatis.n. lilood, as Serc.A PI * rerous Sorts, Wbito Rwellinirs, Invaluable Syphilitic No.Its. llo:io Diseases, etc. In tienernl Debility end iliseaeiR » debility of the aired. A ri -h syrup, ontiunir ; no injurious ingrediPiits. Noot ier Remedy har re -eired such eueomiunis. Sold by all Vruxt’ktr.. BOSTOK TBiHSCBlPT, Daily and Weekly, Quarto, BOSTON, MASS. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Family Newepape* In New England. Edited with special reference to the varied tastes and requirement* ot the home circle, A 11 the foreign and local news published promptly. Daily Transcript, * IO per ” annum in advanoe. Weekly “ 8 * M " (6 copies to one address,) 87.50 per annum, in advanoe. SEND FOB SAMPLE COPY. / PEias \ 13.50 to * 6 , 000 ? SETH THOMAS CLOCKS / kjswxll wsaswill. Vkeepgoob \ / time. / k -^^•c5teM?5ScnS! o Y « s, .JE^RO_ru>c.R r 4 tot^kii, tM> •KMdiatfmu »to ,,* *. :X Iligj^^A^JSS^JJSSZT PIANOS ----- 8I2'I to _- *400—factory price* h!«n*HM honors—Mathuaek’s seal* for squar finest up. lghts in SSJgSHJaSSSS. BU-OtT, “ O. . » K. tab $ 10 ? $ 25 ffi,A, k.‘.‘a« Noveltiei Outfit Free by *pplio*tion mil or V i. m. mummy* sows. Macateouumg Publisher BteMteikM 141 M 141 Franklin Street, Boston. Mm* peer It fifty year* — WATERS PIMOS AND ORGANS beet made—warranted for 6 years; *nd will be griaf thia month at lower prices for cash or on MW than ever before offered. wanted. IllnWraUift '‘ttilngnnn muM HCRA )K WATERS A SOlHI. Mannttct litersand Dealer-,4u rimst U’h 8 t.,N Y. AUk> MMmral AfmU for SHONINOKR’S C*!~hrat«d OROAlfO. wh'ch ractirad to. TRIUMPHANT j|IDAI. of AWARD at th» PARIS KXPO-SITION. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. » Hr* ‘ iM i M<n.i-nu.l*7t>; Paris, l(f7S; and Obanu Swxoum i.iui Mkhal. 1WS. Only Amenoan Organa erar •w.rd-al higfamj honor, at any anoh. Sold for cMh or inat-i m*-nta. Illdbtbatvd CaTiXOOCVS and Ciron la-a wi'b new atyle. and price*. *«nt free. M A^ON A iiAM M.N ORGAN OO , Boston, New York or Ohi-ago Dr.CRACaS KI®EY CUKE THE CREXT REMEDY FOR ALL KIDNEY DISEASES n, i u Bucks Go.. Pa. ; Jolm L. Roper, Ksq., Norfolk, Vh . Dr, J. H. White, 417 Fourth Ave., New York; l*i. • A’ Dean, Charlotte, N. Y.; Hon. 0. R. Parsons, pres¬ ent Mayor of Rochester, N. Y. Ask your druggist. Send for pamphlet, ri.ACK, and address Dr. CltAlU. 42 UNI FKItNITY NKW VOHK. •*v fiJILkOF f ,*» • 1 lYIAGNESIA Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestiou Sour Stomach, Sick Headache. THE LUST OF &»«/•*» YOUR CATARRH SCJ f .Th£S^Sl | cure Ulcerated any ordinary Nasal case, Catarrh. and t«o packages any case of or I cured myself with thia remedy, that I after suffering fifteen years, and was so bad was not fit to go m company. 1 tried many other remedies, It without benefit, and at last discovered this. is simple and harmless to the most delicate consti¬ tution. Ooe or two applications will give relief, and sweeten the worst foul breath. Bent by mail to any address, BKNDKR. on receipt Beaver of price. Address ohun*^* JONAH BITTKN Valley, C ’ Jo., Pa. W. SCORSETS rvcelvi-d tliA' dal Ulthe rprcul PARI!!. .IsKl K HfSITIONy aver sit HR' M ■ -WMU*-w _ Tljr.V W PI4CXIRLK ST (1*0 Bosch' f flu with notto perfeciB i-rvelRj-wn », end OV-TtUc l* vi» I:ip. BANTKD COBC'\ Their HEALTH wi.h it* inr proved Bust, Their I* now NUrA|G A yatt-rfavor,’t. CORSET ir v ver. tb e dell cht of every motHHr WARNER For BROS., •» 1 « by *11 35 leedln k merchants. N.Y. ! BroAdwar. MAKE HENS LAY. An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist now travelling in in this this country, country, says says that that most most of of the the l and Cattle Powders sold here are worthless trash. He says that Sheridan's Condition Powders are absolutely pure and immensely valuable. Nothing on earth will make hens lay like 8 beridan'« Condition Powders. Dose one teaspoonful to one pint food Sold everywhere or tent by mail for eight letter atampa. I. S. JOHNSON A CO., Bangor, Maine. THE LICHT RUNNING NEW HOME (s the Heat, Latent Improved, u..u most Thor Sewing Machine ever luvented. It is NOlHEI.Eriri, and has more POINT?* combined. of EX¬ CELLENCE than all other Machines nr At; ENTS WANTED in localities where we are not represented. JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, Orange, .Hass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, III., _ Hi. Louis, Mo.___ HE V 8 Bit 8 J. ESTEY & CO. BRAT TLEBOR O, VT. 13F Send far Illustrated Catalogie* lo. y tJ A d 6f\ Ruckey* 'f’f’w <’•.. QQQflAA TEAR. H«wt. Mnk - »«.y ^ — Sftpn Jtil!lll f .noNTH-A»roi» *rti«l«« injh«* world; ^8 (pVvUj.Tlrs-s >u« Mm .* 7 1 H--- JAY Br.OSsON, Detroit. Mn - ^ ®7 ■» V"' j | tel Y to A.«.Dia FTSSaSv. iian -014 >«• in-«t ' nTST 1 S,-,.„Ob,«bC BIG ferASSifl■”* V.-Wiu, £ 2 ££ Z£z Somethim; w4ntod every*f\‘*ge. New address for Bos Agents 788. NwwYorfc. w ”»"J >n uLllIlL CCPDCT*£* I WA3TII for Secret Betectire Service. »-~-*.'vRrwvV* ##’ Pay liberal. Address, with stamp, Am.* E.Secret Service Co., Cincinnati,O. OPIUM OUniiifi; Tkvf ud« cnml. IcwurtPriM l>onr>tfi,.i to write. Dr.F.E Marsh,Quincy. Mich. \jf V VU fit I 1 fSf I* V* t ' *4 1 C. F* !M It* earn u ~ Sk<<» to M |CO % ■ m-miL-. om.l - ,i..r> wa.leie-rm u -t.. .. ’tut. a eht-i - ddr-e» H .V*sininio-, V 1 -n- vi I. .Vt ■», ----- ------ HRSHIHBI Sure relief cu.aiSI icyTrirt u.ild. KIIUIFR'S PARTII 1 FS l*rice 35 * $1“ to $1000 inveateu in Wail St. brocks make, fortunes every month. Book sent Addr-s- BAXTER free GO,. explaining Banker*, everything. ? W*lIVt.,N.Y A 1 i *O.H HI NATION lliniier, H’kPat and Tea \j Seta, HW piece,, 14. Fine P.ngraved Goblete 81 a Fnrnighlng dot. Ivory-nandled Table Knive*. a dot. House .... complete. Goods boxed free, fid-page Prioe ..... AGENTS, We READ THIS! will pay Agent* a Salary of $100 per month and txpenaes, And or allow a large commission to sell our new wonderful inventions. H'e mean what we tay. ---SHERMAN Ac AO., Marshall, Mich. . Cheapest Toy Lantern to Best Btereopticon .MAG^antcrn Great _ Catalogue Fkek! Outfits Wanted! Musical Needham { ( THEO. J. HARBACH, Marvel. 809 Filbert St., Philada., Pa. CURED FREE! I 1 An infallible and unexcelled remedy fer 1 1 File, Epilepsy or Fulling Nicknrss warrai-ted l^r ft to effre^t a speedy an 1 PEK “A free bottle” of my ■ 8 renowned specific and a val ■ uable Treatise sent to any —^— ■ ■ B m 8 sufferer sending me his Post-office and Kxpress _ Db. H. RO address. G. O T, 1 HU Pearl Street. New York, j N YNU 44 r - t IT’S A IlISUKAt E m j For inga she can any with woman darn bole* them to in wear them as rapidly stock- when as she can sew up a seam on her sewing machine. The darner can be ordered of any machine Agent,costs only 81. Address R. M. ROSE, Room 4. Sun Building, New York. s Blood, Parsons’ will Pnraative Pills make Ne# Rioh and completely oaange the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks maybe restored to sonad health if such a thing flatter be possible. Sold every¬ where or tent by mail for eigh atampa. L 8 . JOHNSON A CO., _Bangor, Maine. SAPONIFIED If tlif Old XflUblf Oo&Mntratfd Lyv FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions accompanying each eaa for making Hvi Soft and Toilet Soap quickly. IT IS FULL WMI9BT AMD 8TMMM0TM. The market ia flooded with (so-called) Oonocntrated Lye, which la adulterated with salt and rosin, <amd atohetomp. rm MOMMT, AMD BUT SA TBB «w.€v . >v • ■ MADE BY TH1 FonnfylvArua 8 alt Mar.ufg Co., Established 1833. iv£E3i= : LOi-a:^.jsr r r”s Gargling Oil Liniment Yellow Wrapper for Animal and White for Human Flesh. IS GOOD FOR Chapped l Hands, Foundered Feet, rut W ounds, R* U p ,n Poultry, Estern*. 1 . Poison*. Cracked Heels. ^.ir.d Ooi.s of Cracks, Epizootic, ali kinds. Lame Back, o it >7vr’ i? R'Ufbone, Hemorrhoid* or Pilas, Swellings, V1 * ~ Tumor*, Toothache, RheuraaUsm, Cracked Garget m Cows, Spavins, Sweeney, Callous, Teats, Fistula, Mange, Horn Distemper, Laments*, Caked Breast-, Sore Nipples Lrownscab, Foul Ulcers, Quitter, Curb, Old So A Ik ess of the Farcy, Udder, Corns, Cramps, Whitlow^. BoUs, dwelled Legs, Weakness of the Joints inrush, Conti-cuoaof Muscles. Ssrchant’* Gargling Oil is the standard Liniment of the United States. Large sire ♦ i; medium, soc. small, 35c. Small size for use, 35c. Manufactured at Lock port, Yi by Merchant's Garering Oil Company. BODGE,