Newspaper Page Text
1 *ut>lif4|i«d every 'I'hnnal«y,
Elackshear, Georgia.
E. Z. BYKI>,
THURSDAY .IAN. 0, 1879.
Bla< k 1 II ka it > %* i Ell, No. 0.
Meet# on !i e second 1 u -day in each month
at 10 o’clock, a. in. W. F. PARKER,
I). Y. PATH i N\ llitjh Prifst
,v / « i f i/.
The grinding and boiling of sugar
is about over, Tue raising of
and other < j < rations aim subsid
worth a cent.
The telegraph otlice at this place lias
been closed, Irom what cause
we have not learned, unless it was for
w ant ot an operator.
Since the election and holidays have
there is a considerable calm pre¬
vailing in our eomt unity.
We are just in receipt ofaneftt little
sheet publisln •! by Whitfield it Co.,
lave Oak, Fla., under the head of
r. wanuee Observer. We suppose this
ta es (heplae of'iiu* Florida Expositor
.»I ieh has been consumed hv a reeem
lire. W e gladlv jilaec it on our e.v
eliange list
At an « -* 1 *)ii held last Saturday
for Mthrmen, the following named
v.o c circled without any
“Ppositiou :
.1 W Sir *kland, l> H Burney,
Allen Brown, I) W Brinson.
Owing (<> a smash up of the passen¬
t* in last Monday morning here near
No. 10 , the train did not arrive
(ill late in tii evening, lisappointing
several passengers Ili;.t e .jH*'ited to a
board her, here, for their re jurlive
homes in Savannah. We know noth¬
ing of the particulars, but Imw heard
nothing serious from the accident.
Moving. ‘ Wo notice a good deal
moving around iti town since the com¬
ing in ut the New Year. The moon
changes at in r regular seasons, hut the
(*ulu' lias to change the first of even
(ill n live.- 'I h«* woman that was
•nibly bcatmi some lime ago is still
t> but iu a less condition. She
i* good medi al attention but her con
vale.ieence is n t perceivable.
Extrcmciy cold.—The first of this
w ek b:i> la en imusually cold, more so
Bum it it. 1 bivii for mauv years
* *
Though moderating, Ins left many
wild violent eold and coughs
The reeular siot s (>t Fierce Supe
rior Courts will be held on the fii>t
Monday in April tud October.
Some of the defeated candidates
lameu ing over their loses, and say
the} dub ; liave a fair drag or they
would have com, *u! more than
There is e< in buying the best
j* el * f“ a e extent: but you will
deceived .. you will buy De Le¬
nt L'ert r /ers, of J. NY. Stri k
t at this place.
t H Pliau-wes bb w ed
tiou to their alms
b*ti \
r a bell ?
Still without a Jeweler.
We regret that our worthy town*
man ami jeweler w still dt-baned lrotn
attending to his duties by a prolonged
illness. It is distressing to see the
young so fraught with ill-' and we sit>
eerely hope ere long* > s e our esteem
ed friend hilly rec«r, d and able owe
again to hattim r on o u time-keepers.
“Til?: Snow." The b .u.tih l hxow.
Th<* i::; bita.t, native of this
part of Georgia, *i a ft r collect seeing
stieb a sig: i as t< up •*: our vision oil
waking last Sund; tuorniug. Early
in the nig) "1 S. riurd.iy it c numeric d
snoiving v< rv tly, on Sunday mor¬
ning it fell .hick aud fist. Soon the
ground Was c veri d and the t*>ps ol
the house <•! filed in the >ft drapery
of whii *. It was a beautiful si Jit in
Hoed; ditferenl from oilier places.
Where the trees already denuded
of their foliage and winter has stripped
ihem of their verdure lu re the contrast
between the evergreen oak still liend
ing beneatli its weight of foliage and
the verdant pine with its garment of
green, and the beautiful white of the
Hiiow presented a contrast agreeable
and beautiful and (‘specially was lovely
when the clouds began to roll back
their dark curtains, and at old sol with
iti- ruddy beams, turn tin* whole scene
into beauty, giving to each Heating
snow Hake it flashingMsparkling
beauty, cbryst’di/i ig av it were the
scone And as ine green oaks and lof_
t v jiiiu - moved their tops and swayed
in the gentle moving breeze, each seem,
ed to vie with each other in a display
of their dress of pearls.
jt was a sight long to he remember
< d. Old and * young, grave and gay,
seemed to tak , in . the , beautiful ... , scene
and Sabbat U tie nigh i' was, couldn’t re
fain from snow balling. Our old hat
w r> smashed in ?>y the swiit snowball
• ---well. -t ghaut i . but , . suffice .. it
Ol¬ \ve say,
io say, die was pretty from and inno¬
cent from* ruled 1 h nir.
Gome again beautiful snow—conic
a .am. \Yc had < in* accident, Joseph
Stum aud some little colored boys
were snowballing, when one turned up
on him, (Joseph) aud gave iilui a stab,
with a knife but Dot serious, though
woWicv,: Oh! Israel: l„ w
you 40 and, stain with red blood the
bcnuiiiui -now. Israel was taken to
jail but being a small fellow, and hard
ly H'spoDsible, he was let out
St. Pa a pv'a’king to Timothy, said
souk thing about a “little wine for the
stomachs sake." lie was no', acquaint¬
'd with “11 1 Ltu-rs Iduers." “‘*Yolfs
Schnapps.' and deer we suppose.
In charily your light hand oughtn't
to know what your left baud doeth.
the old Style. Now all ban Is ought to
know it, vi urs and every body vises.
* * *
Loe at 3 lone wall’s Grave.
A line picture f the lamented Gen
Let. standing beside the flow er strewn
«r -.-r. M A
JilctUlA* for every s .mtheru ;.<»{ne. Mze
7 I x t> inehc'. on heavy plate paper J
\ sample eepv '■ v ; ill be H 4n St T by ,,K ‘ l1 U
\x . *
a roller, post paid, on receipt ol . oOeis.,
in currency or pontage stamps. Agents
wanted to >ell this and other pviptilai*
pictures. No money wanted until th?
pictures eire m e sold, Send stamp for our
tlar and terms. Address Robt
Ban <w o. Co.. Pubs, Bristol, Tenn.
General Sup-rinL ndent’s Offic.',
Savannah, Nov 30, 1878.
On and after Sunday, Nov. the #>, ’. avenger
Tram* ou this Road will run as follow*:
Leaves Savanuah daily at 4:45 p u:
Arrive at riesap oally at 7:15 p m
at Black-hear, t>:02 p in
„ Thoina-vine G: VI
at „ „ a in
„ Bain bridge at «:45
at a in
, 10:15
at Albany :• ., 2:25 a m
at ! ive « »ak 3 „ u m
at Tall tUa*-.-v« „ „ 5:01 u m
at .1 ..-k i-iiKr „ „ 5:00 a in
„ G:-.0
Leas e T da - — co p in
Jaek«o> vilie „ „ G:.>0 p in
,, Live Oak „ - a in
Albany „ - 4:45 p m
„ 4:10,1
„ itaiiib.u.lire , „ in
Thcmasviile „ ^:’.0 p m
„ a:5s
„ ii a* k-bcur, 7:45 a in
„ Jesup „ „ 10:15 atu
Arrive at savannah „ am
So change ol e r de;vvii>)n tavaunah ana
Jacksonville, and Nivnuab and Albany.
bleeping can run tinongh u> nml lioin ba
vatinah am! A baity.
Passenger ; fr ai isi.nnaali for Fyrmutdiua
Gaine-ville an; Cedar iveys, take this train.
Passi-ngeif 1 aving Macon at 7:15 a m (daily)
except Sunday) connect at Jesup fc with this
I ruin for Florida. t
Passengers fr >m Fiori in by rain eon
m et at Jesup with cxeeikjsuuday. t/jn arrivi M.ieon at
tkiifi p m daily for Bruit wick
Passengers fmm Savannah
and Darien ake Ibis lain, arriving at Bruns¬
wick 7:00 a m
Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savan¬
nah 10:15 a ill
No chang*. of ears between Montgomery and
Pullman Palace sleeping cars run through to
and from Savannah ami Jacksonville; also
through sleepers from Atlanta, Ga , and Mon¬
tgomery, Ala., to ;u ksmn iile, Fla.
Counod. at Alba :y witii Passenger trains
both ways on southwestern Railroad to and
from Macon, Eufiula, Montgomery, Mobile,
New Orleans etc
A mail steam r leaves Liainbridge for Apalae
lmeola every Monday at d:> d a in. For Coluin
bus, every Wednesday Jacksonville at 9:00 a m. daily,
Close connection at ex¬
cept Sundays, for Green Cove springs, St. Au¬
gustine, Palutka, Enterprise, uml all landings
on Si, John’s River.
Trains on 11. amt A R. R, leave junction go¬
ing west Monday, Wednesday md Friday at
11:14 a, m,
For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat¬
urday at 4.40 j>, in,
Leuvu Suvunah, Suuduys excephnl at 7:00 a m
Arrive at Meltosh „ - ut 41:45 am
|t m jesup „ z 1*10 m
» p^ n ' t ,lcar " ; ; 7*eo p m
Leave DuPont „ s 4:-*5 am
„ Blacksheur ,, o.o» a ir
„ Jesup 3 „ ll'.SGaui
„ McIntosh 1 „ 1:47 pm
Arrive »t Savauueh „ „ 4 : 5 u p in
Leave DuPont at 5:40 a ir.
„ Valdosta at 8:v5 a m
„ Quiuuau at 10:35 a m
Arrive at Thomasville at 1*. • 5 p 1 x 1
Leave Thoimisvilu at 2:00 p m
„ C ttuilla ut 4:40 p m
Arrive at Albany at 0:50 }> m
Leave \lb my at 5:10 a m
„ Camilla at 7:40 a m
Arriveat Thoinusvllle^at 10:55 a m
“ 11:20 p m
1:35 p tu
« Valdosta at 3:10 p m
Arrive at Du Pout at 5:45 p iu
J. S. Tison, Master of Transportation,
:iov,0-tf General Superiuteudent,
B & A, Railroad
Brunswick & Albany Rail Road
Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 7 187o
*n and alter Tuesday Jan. flic 1-1 iM5, pas
M)..i trains ou this Road w iO run us folluws
Fa eng<*r Train leivcs i* i*i•>.*,* • .V[.*nliy
YVt duodays and it *ys at........ ?.f)0 a in
Arrive- f‘f. beauvi:lc A . 1 . L K Itghiam
Lc: es 1 . • auv,;*..* A vV 7. 11. Ii. .-.l li'.ri :i 111
Arrive ut Ail»a ;\*......... .. ........7:'. pm
' Albany Ttusdn Thursdays and Su;
• ive .
urd : vs at............ A: Jam
Arrives at TeUeauvilPj 4*LK> p Ill
Leaves Tebeauville at 4:2ti p ui
Arrives at Brunswick. 8:20 p in
Trains from Albany make close connection
at Tcixauvile wish A. & G. passenger train
f Florida. *
Trains from Rruu'Wiek eouuect at Pebeau
'ii. with do d.m W r train off the A A G.
R. u., whiJi leaves Tebeauville for Florida
at ...................1:35 p m.
Charles L. Schlatter,
General Superintendent.
. isorted iu th.^ News 10c Hue.
at a
Opposite the Rail Iload orossin
waycross, ga.
He is constantly receiving Bacon, Dry
Corn, i'lotir aud
Goods, Gtoceri s and
Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hat*, etc.,
whichhv is selling cheap tor Cash or
Baiter. 9 26 3m
--- —
sum »i man mb.
M viufacturer of
At great iy re !uo<* > prices ; also Wooden an 1
Willow Ware.
P trtit ‘5 in want of a good cook stove should
purchase the “TIMES” or “iOUTJHERJf
BAKKK” tic bes, stove for the money now iu v
177 Congress street, opposite the Market,
Attorney at Law,
Baxley, Appling Co., Ga.
Wil practice in the Brunswick Circuit, and
Telsair county of the Oconee Circuit, mar.39 )v
Painter and Paper Hanger,
Blacksiiea,---Geo OJA.
Work warrauled and satisfaction guarran
ecd. Oct 18 ly.
Blabkshkak, Georgia.
Is prepared to do all kind of Dental work in
the most approved style to the art. Terms re
-onable and sate faction guaranteed, aprd ly
Attorneys at Law.
Brunswick, Georgia.
Practice regularly in the counties of Glynn.
Ware, Wavin', Cuiuden, Coffee, Appling aue
Pierce of the Brunswick Circuit and Telfair o.
the Oeouec cireutt. 94 **
Surgeon Dentist,
Baxley,...... ........Ga.
Offers his professional services to the citizens’
of Appling aud adjoining counties.
Gold Fillings .... $3,50 to $5,00. f
Amalgam Fillings ,$t,50 to $2,50.
Extra charge for treating nerves .,Jggl
Artificial teeth inserted at reasonable prices
Work warr&ute i, and satisfaction guaranteed
in all eases. oct 9 12m.
Practicing Physician,
Blacksheaii. GIJOKGIA.
Offers his prof wjninl services to the people
of Pierce and .idluiuing i'ounties. A share of
ptaronugc solkited. Charges reasonable.
uov 7 12m.
Attorney at Law,
Blackshear, Georgia.
r,,u,„,Vi,,!,, co,,,
the Brunswick Cireui*, aud ui (he District
<*t ihe Lniteri States at Sax
or ;he SoUtiicru Ul ' tnct ox may? : ,