Newspaper Page Text
The ■ South-East 6e gian.
hi >GSI.AN 1), GEORGIA..
Subscription Price:
One year...... -V^ i
Six months S
Three montli3 g
Advertising Rates:
$1 00 per inch first insert.on; 50 cen‘s each
subsequent insertion. Coiumn rates made
known on application.
S3T* Address all communications to The
South-East Georgian.
Entered at the post office at Kiugs
land as second class matter.
KINGSLAND, Ga. FEB. 8. 1805.
Send us a dollar and get
the Georgian for one year
Onion sets and early rose seed potatoes at
Owens’ Ferry. 37-2t.
Mr, T\. N. King, Jr., of
Owens’ Ferry, was in town
last Tuts Jay.
lledell – King sells calicoes for 5c. that
others sell for 8c.
Miss Dean Wingate of Ever
green. sister, Mrs. Fla., W. is visiting her
H. Peeples.
Goto Bedell – King’s for your rice, 60c
per peek or 4c. per lb.
Bedell and King say that
times are changing, and that
their prices change with the
times. Their advertisements
also change this week.
t hickens, eggs, cow hides, beeswax, tallow
etc., taken in exchange foi goods at Bedell –
Married at the residence of
the bride’s father, Mr. A B.
Brown, Mr. Harry Allen and
Miss Lizzie Brown, liev. S.
W. Brown officiating, We
tender our congratulations.
BigJ Just lining. arrived at Bedell V King’s
tn I,a .ies shoos-75o to
began H its 'i- with Vesuvius,
W onted perform
auces. The darkey decided
the jig was up with that mill
and that in a few moments
the whole tiling would be
blown into kindling wood.
About this time a freight
train came lumbering along,
and running a bright idea struch him ;
out to the track, he,
waved vociferously and plead
-.i ,1 J 1
Wltll tile engineer to come
and see what Was the matter
„,;,L with 1 hIS •__• mill, -i 1 1 but . the , 1 •
paid for engineer
was his work by the
u 1 1 f T P ‘v-BU Cl 1 Cl 11 t Have
time. So tile watchman’s
troubles 11 UllUiea increased llicreasea as -is the tnv old Old
saiety valve continued to : get
iu its blood curdling-‘ work.
Rushing off to the house of
Mr. Jack Peeples, lie aroused
him with the information that
•‘the mill was ’bout, to blow
up.” Mr. Peeples of course,
knew that there was no pros
pect of an immediate explo
sion, so he turned over and
let the other side sleep some.
Guatemala is about to de
cide that discretion is the bet
ter part of valor, and will
not tackle Mexico, the battle
QEORGIA—Camden county 1 .
d ill be sold on the first Tuesday in March,
1895, at the court house in Camden county
within th legal hours of sale, to the
bidder, for cash, the lollowing property, to
wit: Two hundred acres of r ce land, more or
less, lying in Camden county, Ga,, on the
tilhiriv.-r. in the 32ml district, G. M.. ami
bounded as follows: north by lands of Mrs. E.
S. Ryals, east by Mrs. E. S. Ityals, south by
lands of Mrs M. A. Cohen a d west by the
Satilfa rner. Fai 1- nd levi d on as the ]>rn
p rty of A. M. Peeples aud Annie E. Peeples,
to satisfy a mortgage ft fa. issued from
, . u 1.. lot ....... court ot said county in f .v r of . the ,
Aultman-Taylor Machine company. and
against I'ipl... said v.-jf teenies and Annie ''v
the game time aml : place NvliDb-* sol«l
witi! all ......... mem, tiier.m, ,;i^
rict 1 . M., and boundeijjarj, ''follows to wit
Lirth nv lands of-W" L. Ryals; east, ^ by ,
ids of ^td_Kenrv_y I i-:
to satisfy a fi fa. issued from the justice court
7. S
A rm*t r on g .
Also at the same time and place will be sold
that tract of land known as Lot No. 5, in the
division of Kings Kay tract, and bounded
north by Kings Bay river, on the east by lot
No. 4, on the west by lot No. 6, on the south
by la ds of O. S. Willman, containing fifty
acres more or less, levied 'on as the pro-erty of
Georg- A. Isabel, to satisfy a tax ft fa. Issued
by W. it- God toy, Tax Collector of said coun
ty, for the unpaid taxes due the state
C0 " ntyf0TtUeyear 1894.
Also at the same time and placdT'wlll lie soM
th'ee thousand thr^e hundred and twenty-six
acres of land, more'or less, an' bounded a?
follows, to wit: East by the Atlantic ocean.
northby i a11 ,is of the Cumberland Island
company; west by Buck Hill creex, sounh by
lands of >Irs.< arnegie; said lands levied on
Rst j, e nr .perty of-FQrdbain – Hunter, to sit.
isfy a tax 11 fa issued by W, B. Godley,
collector of Camden c unty, for the unpaid
tax es due the State and county for the yiar
1994. This January 28th 1895.
.1 tiv II. BROWN - ,
3lT-4t Sh riff Camden County Georgia.
I Know Tetterine to be a radical cure for
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, anil all Kindred
diseases of the SKin and seal)). I never pre
scribe anything else in all sKin troubles.
M. S. En- liner", m. d.
Sent by mall for 50c, by J, T. Sliuptrir.e
Savannah, Ca
120, BRO . D « AY,
Npw York.
—HAS i ll t’i LaR .FST—
Assuarnce in force, viz : over f932.0 fi,000,
In ome. over . .42,000,000,
Apply Surplus for to 11’ "olicy rations Holders, the ever ’Society’s •. 32,000,000
u of new
mstal rtent policy- Man v wise men say it
the best yet. We stil l write the ol 1 standard
free tonti e policie-', which for young men are
par excellence.
Julius K no,
.'-pecial Agent,
Kingsland Ga.
A *.}U ftl N POLI 1 I (z.\ I -
ami family papfp.
nnM'f DP M4 ff–fU
If you take a newspaper it should-be one hat
not only you. but all jour folks will find
V'easure in reading,
is that’kind of a journal '
15 S ives m re real reading and news mater
than tjio any otliiM paper in the south Ir is not
organ of political cranks or personal fa
voritiD. but of pure democracy ; of low tariff
i "*' 1 8< - ,uml currency, and of 'the oc nomica
.,,.1 E«.
in.lcT> in all thin s, ami does not
i, e ri-rlu.
Daily, t.lis; every day in the (865 n-pers), ?ll; 6
mo 5; 3 months 2.50; 1 month >1.; 1
w ee 25 cents. Daily, without ' u day News’_l
SE#RG,A AM ’ I!i '
The above Bureau is now open for business
in the cou ty of Camden, and will be pleased
to arrange options and make sales of land and
real estate for all parties wishing to dispose
of same. Apply to the undersigned official
B. Atkinson, Waverlv, Ga.
32 •J. A FO'TEH, Satilla Bluff, Ga.
A good investment can be made by buying
a select lot of fruit, trees, grape vines, straw
berries etc., from the under.-igned. Having
taken the local agency of one of the’ oldest,
best and most Tellable nurseries in the United
States, located at-Riehmoud, Va.
- C. McNeill,
White Oak, Ga.-
im – mm,
■ ■Wia.olesalo
Bacon, Grits, Meal. Flour, Canned
Goods, Grain and Staple Groceries.
Adress: Second Street,
to-ly. Fernanchna, Fla.
A Rare Chance
To get Custom made Clothing
near home, such as are usually
soldby B, H. Leu^– Bro., of
Sealed proposals will be received for the
next thirty days by the County Commission
ers at tile Court House in St. Marys, for lay
ing, a two inch pipe and making necessary con
ned ions from the art esian well in St Marys to
the f ourt House for fire and other purposes
for court house and jail. Distance about 300
fe.-t, with two fire plugs. Material will he fui
nished by the county. More definite particu
lars Can be had by applying to D. ,1. Long,
Commissioner, at st. Marys. Address propo
sals to J. .1. Vocvlle, Clerk C. € ■ O C.
32 J. A. Foster, Climn-B. C. 0 C. C.
One brass lined double action Force rump
eight inch stroke, six inch bore, the property
of Camden County. Apply to J. A. I oster,
Chmn. Board C. C,
J. J. Vocelle, Clerk.
St. Marys, Ga , Jan. 8,1895. 33-4t