Newspaper Page Text
.TOnrr H. HOBSEs, p.-, pr . DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS', PROGRESS AND CULTURE. @1.00 I Year ia Adva „ M .
NO. 3.
Five Foremost World Benefactors. 1 Largest Imports of Coffee.
New York World.
The most original disposition
of a millionair’s fortune made
last year was undoubtedly that of
the $8,400,000 amassed by Alfred
Bernhard Nobel, the Swedish in
ventor and manufacturer of dyna
mite, the income whereof is to be
distributed annually in five prizes
to certain pre-eminent servants of
These prizes, amounting to $40,-
424 oaah, were awarded on Dec.
10 last by a committee of the
Norwegian Storthing. The awards
have wide human interest,because
they name six citizens of the
Vorld of foremost rank—judged
by Alfred Nobel’s standard of
highest service to the human race.
The prize for the most impor
tant discovery or invention in
physical science went to William
Rontgen, discoverer of famous
“rays.” The prize for the great
est contribution to chemistry was
given to Dr. J. H. Vau’t Hoff, of
Berlin, for his valuable investiga
tions of molecular phenomena.
For the most valuable medical
discovery the prize was alloted to
Dr. Emil Behring, of Marburg,
Germany, the discoverer of anti
toxin for diphtheria. The prize
for the most distinguished contri
bution to literature was awarded
to the poet, Armand Sully-Prud-
honnne, one of the' Forty Immor
tals of france. The fifth prize —
for the best work done to bring
about the abolition of war and
universal peace—was divid e d
equally between Dr. Henry Dun
ant, the Swiss physician, and
Frederic Passy, of France, found
er of the Universal Peace Union.
Every year these five prizes will
be awarded—a unique, perpetual
memorial of Alfred Noble’s broad
ly human sympathies. It is con
ceivable that if his examble
should be followed by other mil
lionaires, the substantial rewards
of labor .for science,literature,art,
and above all for tbe world’s
peace, may some day be much
greater than those that now stim
ulate men to seek military and
political fame or mere “commer
cial results.”
New Year’s Dividends.
New York World.
In January, 1902, there will be
disbursed as dividends and inter
est in four American cities—New
York, Boston, Philadelphia and
These will be record-breaking
dividend disbursements. And
$210,000,000 is nearly one-half
the total expenditures of the Uni
ted States government.
In New York city alone divi
dends and interests aggregating
$150,000,000 will be paid this
month—-nearly $2 per capita for
the entire population of the coun
try. As the prelude to another
year of prosperity this will do
very well indeed.
St. Louis Republic. '
The coffee importation of the
United States will in the calen
dar year 1901, be the largest in
the history of our import
trade. Eleven months’ figures of
the Treasury Bureau of Statistics
show that the importation of cof
fee amounted to 967,909,585. lbs
in the eleven months ending with
November, against 707,490,152 in
the corresponding months of 1900;
817,228,877 in the corresponding
months of 1899; 744,910,179 in
the corresponding months of 1998;
726,119,996 in 1897, and 567,729,-
817 in 1896.)
These figures indicate not only
that the coffee importation of
1901 will he larger than those of
any preceding, year but they will
for the first time exceed one bil
lion pounds. The value of the
coffee imports of the year will
reach about $70,000,000, While
the quantity imported will exceed
by more tin 200,000,000 pounds
that of any preceding year, the
cost will be less than the average
during the years from 1890 to
1997, when the cost per pound
was materially higher than at
Brazil furnishes, of course, by
far the largest proportion of the
coffee importations of the United
States. Iu the eleven months
ending with November the coffee
imports from Brazil amounted,
adCTding to the Treasury Bureau
of Statistics, to 762,158,514
pounds, while the next quanity
came f ro\n other South American
countries, 91,296,714 pounds;
Central America, 64,544,400; and
Mexico, 21, 594,482.
Thus of this largest single im
portation in the entire list of our
imports, sugar excepted, nearly
all comes from American coun
tries south of the United States,
and this is equally true of sugar
excepting that share which is
drawn from the Hawaiian Is
lands. ^ |
Chance For Healthy Democracy.
Washington Post.
The record of parties since 1878
and the present conditions of
both the great organizations af
ford ground for the impression
entertained by some of the most
sagacious Republicans in Con
gresss, that their party, which
has won the last four contests for
the control of the house, has not
a hopeful outlook for a fifth con
secutive victory. Existing differ
ences among Republicans upon
some of the great and pressing
questions render it highly proba
ble that the end of this session of
Cougress will find the Democrats
equipped with so large a supply
of effective political ammunition
that they will control the next
House. “The darkest day, live
till to-morrow, will have imssed
How’s This! ;
We offer Ooe Hundred Dollars
Reward for afty case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca
tarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.
Toledo, G.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe him perfectly bonora
ble in ill business transactions and
financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
' Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Ouje is taken in
lernally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all druggists. Testimoni
als free.
Hall b Family Pills are the beet.
Blown To Atoms.
The old idea that the body some
times needs a powerful, drastic
purgative pill has beeen exploded
for Dr. King’s New Life Pills
which are perfectly harmless, gen
tly stimulate liver and bowels to
expel poisonous matter, cleanse
tbe system and absolutely cure
Constipation and Sick Headachee
Only 25c at Holtzolaw’s drugsfeor
More than 8,000 women are em
ployed in the various government
offices in Washington, 2,044 o*
whom-have entered the service af
ter competive examination. Nine
hundred of them are paid salaries
ranging from $1,000 to $1,800
year, the others being paid the
compensation of ordinary clerks—
$600 to $900 a year.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin
sweetens the breath. Sold by
Plain, Ordinary, Proud Democrat.
Chilliootlie Mo. Constitution.
There is but one kind of Demo
crat. He is the man who stands
squarely on the party platforms,
supports and sustains the Demo
cratic organization', precinct, city,
county, state and national. There
is no appropriate qualification to
his title. He is neither a silver
nor a gold Democrat, neither a
Cleveland nor a Bryan Democrat.
He wears no handle. He is wil
ling to be bound always by the
grill of a majority of his party
He has confidence in the wisdom
of that majority. The. platform
may not always suit him in toto,
but he supports it with the assur
ance that it is i always the best
that can be had for the money.
Pie aids the Democratic organiza
tion and administration of every
grade to the best of his ability.
He knows what he wants, and
takes what he gets and does not
kick. He is willing to sacrifice a
personal whim for the general
good. What fighting he does is
directed against the iniquity of
the Republican camp, and not
against his party and the uphold
ers of his party organization. He
is, in short, a plain, ordinary
Democrat, proud of the name
without any frills, flounces or
Democrats And The Presidency.
Datroit Free Press.
Democratic boomers should be
chopped off short in their efforts
to boom men like Schley and
Miles for a presidential candidacy
in 1904. Dewey suffered at the
hands of this same clas3„ of mis
taken enthusiasts, and the lesson
taught in his case should be heed
ed by the principals in this latest
movement. Regardless of wheth
er Schley has suffered an injustice
or Miles has been rebuked with a
bitterness deyond his desserts,the
the movement by their misguided
friends is a most foolish one. The
presidency of the United States is
not a consolation prize. The po
sition is not maintained for the
purpose of vindicating a popular
favorite or in any" way usurp
ing the functions of the judici
ary. The interests of the nation
cannot be saci’ifieed for the carry
ing on of a quarrel, many features
of which are so petty as to excite
contempt. It would be a base
prostitution of the high office and
a treacherous menace to the per
manency of our institutions.
• - ■ ■
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a large number of
poor .sufferers whose lungs are
sore and racked with coughs are
urged to go to another climate.
But this is costly and not always
sure. Don’t be an exile when Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption will cure you at home
It’s the must infallible medicine
for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat
and Lung diseases on earth. The
first dose brings relief. Astound
ing cures result from persistent
use. Trial bottles free at Holtz
olaw’s drugstore. Price 50c> and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed
Between 40,000 and 50,000 wo
men pass annually through the
prisons of England and Wales
Taking the figures of last year it
appears that 72 per cent, had
been previously convicted, 42 per
cent, five times and more, and 15
per cent.—about 7 t 000—20 times
or more.
Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, ere. Hand
some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools.
Repairing of Guns. Bicycles, Etc.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Wedding' Presents,
Holiday Presents,
X Fancy Goods,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in'splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye-
Glasses. My line of goods is choice in style and quality, and
prices are right.
Repair Work to suit all customers.
You may go farther and fare worse. Give me a Trial. ®
Ne matter how exacting he may be, our new Fall
Suits will come up to his expectations. Our prices
range from
$7.50 to $25.00
and we feel assured that we can save you from
$2.50 to $5.00 on your suit.
■crisrxozLT cLdOTimra co.
40 Thirdl Street.
U'. \.J « i :;7
To get a new suit of
Clothes. OI course you are
counting how many dollars
you’ll have to spend.
We fully appreciate
all the conditions and will
meet you accordingly. Come ,
I and let us talk the matter
over. We can soon settle .
the price question.
The Cp-to-Date Clothiers,
420 Third Strete. MACON,
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