Newspaper Page Text
NO. 2.
Expanding America.
Savannah News.
The London Daily News discus
ses very frankly Mr. William T.
Steed’s pamphlet on the “Ameri
canization of the World.” It is
remarkable that an Englishman,
; in a'little more than a century af
ter the separation of the Ameri
can colonies from England,should
publish a pamphlet to show that
not only will the United States
dominate the world so far as com
merce is concerned, but that
Great Britain will become a part
of the American Union, and that
a leading English paper should
admit the commercial prominence
of the United States, and should
deem it necessary to point out the
improbability of Great Britain
becoming merged in the United
There is no doubt of course
that the United States have be
come the leading commercial na
tion. Their prominence in this
respect, however, is by no means
as great as it will be in |he very
near future. It is so great now
that it is alarming to all other
commercial nations. The London
Daily news points out that it is
impossible to foresee what the re
sult; would be if the United States
were to take down their tariff bar
rier and offer their immense and
ever-increasing markets free to
the colonies of Great Britain. It
mignt have the effect of bringing
about the very disasters to Great
Britain that would force her to
seek admission into the American
It may be said that a long pe
riod must elapse before Great
Britain would be unable to main
tain her place among the nations
of the world even if her decline in
power should begin at once, but
the length of the period would de
pend upon the rapidity of her de
cline. It is admitted' of course
that we are now taking her com
merce from her, though not very
rapid as yet, but the indications
are that the rate at which we shall
take it will steadily increase.
As a matter of fact, however, it
is doubtful if there is any senti
ment in this country that favors
a closer alliance with Great Brit
ain than exiss at presept. She ia
, 'nr best customer, and we would
rather retain her as such than
have her as a part of our country.
Mr. Steed’s pamphlet,no doubt,
has considerable foundation for
the views expressed in it, and • it
will attract wide attention, but
it will not set the wise ones iu
tjfis country and England to spec
mating as to how long it will he
.before we shall annex Great Brit
In Mississippi the other day a
house was set on fire by an icicle.
The icicle, a big one, fell into an
open barrel of unslacked lime.
The chemical aqtion that was set
up generated sufficient heat to set
the barrel on fire, and thus the
house was burned.—Ex.
The Insurance Press makes the
staggering statement that during
the past twenty-five years proper
ty of the value of $2,800,000,000
has been destroyed by fire in this
. : —
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a large number of
poor sufferers whose lungs are
sore and racked with coughs are
urged to go to another climate.
But this is costly and not always
sure. Don’t be an exile when Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption will cure you at home.
It’s the most infallible medicine
for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat
and Lung diseases on earth, The
first dose brings relief. Astound
ing cures result. from persistent
use. Trial bottles free at Holtz-
claw’s drugstore. Price 60c and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed.
A Woman, and A Position.
Pen Picture Of Hope.
Atlanta Constitution.
Mrs. Shaw, wife of the new cab-
inent member,is.going to be heard j
from during her husband’s term
of office. She has been telling the
newspaper correspondents what
she thinks| and it may be said for
bfx that she “thinks in a straight
line.” She has let it be known
that Governor Shaw did not agree
to accept the treasury portfolio
until he had consulted her, and
when the governor said he did not
want to go anywhere his wife and
children could not go with honor
and comfort. Mrs. Shaw says she
realized it was too great an honor
to decline, and so decided he
should accept.
Governor Shaw is said' to be'
worth but $850,000, and when
Mrs. ShaAV was told that Secreta
ry Gage spent $100,000 more than
hissalery, she said:
I’ve always done my best where-
ever I’ve been and I’m not at all
frightened. I know they say Mr.
Gale spent $100,000 more than
hisjsalary, owing to the demands
of ^ociet} T , but that seems to me
needless and a trifle foolish. Mr.
SluijW told me Senator Allison as
sured him we would be able to go
out in society all that is necessary
on |5,000. a year more than his
salary, and I guess maybe we can
stand that for a few years. I
don’t want to make Mr. Shaw
ham up, and shall not, but you
khoiv I’ve always borne my share
of society work and I expect I
shaljl in Washington. They say
it pearly wrecked Mrs. Gage’s
health, but I shall pot be alarmed
on that account, as I’m so Svell
and! strong.”
That is the way for a woman to
talk. The chances are that Gov
ernor Shaw owes as much of his
sucbess to his wife as h<5 owes, to
his own abilities. She must be a
regular steam-tug of energy.There
is nothing that boosts a man along
in this world more than a loyal,
sensible wife,who “is not at all
frightened,” who is ready to do
the best she can, who cheers him
oiji, and when opportunity offers
tells him to “go in and win.”
i The Twentieth Century has al
most a free field in medicine. Al
though much has been accom
plished in ohe treatment of dis
ease, the science is still largely
Experimental and there is room
for a host of discoveries. Perhaps
by the time this century is ended
there will be a lymph or an an
titoxin or some sort of treatment
for every ill the flesh is heir to, so
that a few vaccinations and other
treatments will guarantee immu
nity for a long period. Then cen
tenarians will be as common as
blackberries and a man will be
young at 80.—Philadelphia In
«*•*<*» —‘
Twenty million dollars for the
Philippine Islands, $85,000,000
for maintaining an army in the
Philippines one year, $60,000,000
Spanish war claims. Being a
“world power” makes a beautiful
topic for an after-dinner speech,
but it is a little expensive.
A few years ago the cost of fir
mg the largest gun made was not
more than a few dollars. Now it
costs $827 to fire a single shot
from a 16-inch riflle.or more than
enough to pay the wages of a pri
vate soldier in the regular army
for fire long years.
Blown To Atoms.
The old idea that the body some
times needs a powerful, drastic,
purgative pill has beeen exploded;
for Dr. King’s New Life Pills,
which are perfectly harmless, gen
tly stimulate liver and bowels to
expel poisonous matter, cleanse
the system and absolutely cure
Constipation and Sick Headachee
Only 25c at Holtzolaw’a drugstor.
Beyond this beautiful and rip
pling stream, just over the edge
of the grassy knoll,there blossoms
a rare and richly tinted flower.
They tell us that it is so rarely
beautiful that it may have blushed
to life at the touch of an angel’s
kiss, and caught its rosy push
from a burning star.
Beyond the pathless mountains
that lift their blue peaks in the
fading distance they tell us there
is a charming valley that drinks
the diamond dew of morning and
bathes in the liquid sunbeams,
clad in a verdure of everlasting
green and dotted all over with
flowers of every hue and shade.
Beyond the blue waves of the
pathless ocean they tell us there
is a clime from which the mellow
sunlight of spring never departs,,
that it is "laden with the songs of
birds of note and plumago, and
peace, ease and plenty rule the
lives of people that never heard of
war or pestilence. *
Beyond the curtains of darkness
that hangs over the gloomy night
theie dwells a picture of morning,
a picture of fresh, new life—that
seems to wake and move and
breathe away the mists, and they
tell us its foreground is hope and
its background is pleasure. .
Beyond the aches and struggles,
the fears, the disappointments,
the bitter trials and the wearying
labors of Time we are taught is au
Eternity whose higher possibili
ties give promise to calmer hours
and sweeter rest.—Ex.
Masonic Affairs in’Georgia.
From advance sheets of the offi
cial proceedings of the Grand
Lodge of Masons of Georgia some
very interesting statistics of the
order appear. Under the admin
istration of Grand Master Max
Mayerhart, there was an increase
in membership during the past
year of about 1,600, the first sub
stantial increase in several years.
There are now 21,000 Masons in
Georgia. The financial condition
of the Grand Lodge is the best in
its history. It is estimated that
there will be surplus in the treas
ury at the opening of the next
communication of between$l 1,000
and $12,000. Eleven new lodges
were chartered during the past
year. The -trustees of the pro
posed Masonic Home, of which
Grand Master Meyerhardt is
chairman, have available about
$8,000. They hope to raise an ad
ditional $2,000 within the next
few months, when the contrat for
the home will be let. The location
has not yet been decided on.
How’s This?
We offer O ae Hundred Dollars
Reward tor any case of Catarrh
that cauiiot be cured by Hall’s Ca
tarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 tears,
and believe him perieclly honora
ble iu *11 baHineaa^trmi.-n.oHons and
financially able to carry out any
obligations made by tluif firm.
West & I'iiuax,
Wholesale Druggists, T<>b do, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting direelly upon the
blood ami mucous surfaces of the
system. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all druggists. Testimoni
als free.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
For Infants and Children.
Tbs Kind Yea Han Always BougM
Boars the
QO0 l QOQ>CgQ (?(SO€>Q^C©C5 l (»g5 l ®<3 l (a.<3'0<<50C?eK
Presents. '
Holiday Presents,
Fancy Goods,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye-
Glasses. My line of goods is choice in style'and quality, and
prices are right. 4 "
Repair Work to suit all customers.
You may go farther and fare worse. Give me a Trial.
■a mtamtlm mOma mEmbJmN WinaMaiknlniaV^
Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, etc. Hand
some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools.
Repairing of Guns. Bicycles, Etc.
T T>T T? 25 OTF
-X Tills JV Ju JLiJLli tp Ja-a
Ne matter how exacting he may be, our new Fall?
Suits will come up to his expectations. Our price®
range from
$7.50 -to $25.00
■ and we feel assured that we can save you from
$2.50 to $5.00 on your suit.
40 Third Street.
Farmers’ Trade a Specialty.
We carry a full line of all staple articles, and we are i»
a position to make very close prices. Try us an l i con
vinced. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Consignments of Farm Products Solicit ed.
For HOLIDAYS and all other days. Mail or
ders promptly filled,
! |3E5ooltseller and Stationer*,
808 Second Street, MACON, ©At