Newspaper Page Text
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Published Every Thursday Horning.
Jno m Itonc+ns. «dttor and Publisher
Perky, Thursday, January 28.
Progressive prosperity plentifully
pleasos people. .
• - • - *-• -+
A. new street railroad is being con
structed in Macon.
It is said Col. Terrell will an
nounce for governor this week.
Our people cannot afford to per
mit politics to interfere with their
Grumbling about conditions is not
in any degree an element of progress
or prosperity.
*♦ o-’*
Georgia farmers can, if they will,
determine who shall be the next
governor of Georgia.
► O -4- . • -
Five companies of Georgia state
troops will be dibanded, and seven
others are on probation.
■* * -•
Rumor says Boykin Wright of
Augusta will bo appointed attorney
general when Terroll roBigns.
► -«
* It is said President Roosevelt and
the U. S. Sonate are not "making
love” either to other just now.
The congressional campaign is on
in (ho tenth district, Hardwick of
Wilkes vs, Fleming of Richmond.
► d ^
An earthquake in Mexico last
Thursday killed 800 people, injured
many others and destroyed much
<C •+
J*he political campaign has open
ed in Macon county, and live candi
dates for office have placed their an
nouncements in the Montezuma Rec
- ►-* t ''
At Savannah two former U. S.
senators are now judges—Judge
Pope Barrow of the superior court,
and Judge T. M. Norwood of the
city court.
In Bibb Superior court last week
a five of $100 was imposed upon
Molly Buvgamy, keeper of a disrep
utable house, for selling liquor with
out license.
Another big trust has been or
ganized. In New York the United
States Oigar Manufacturers’ Compa
ny was incorporated last week, with
a capital of $7,000,000.
It is reported from Loudon that
Kruger and other Boer leaders are
willing to make terms of peace in
South Africa upon terms other than
complete Boer independence.
- - -
Tiie southerners in congress cor
rectly pvotest against the proposed
bill to permit the admission of .Con
federate veterans of army and navy
into the homes for federal veterans.
• -«•
The first volume of The Common
er, Hon. W. J. Bryan’s paper, will
be condensod and bound in book
form and subscribers can get the
condensed volume o,ud The Com
moner one year for $1.25.
The survey of the Albany & North
ern railroad line has been completed
from Oordele to Hawkinsvillo, and
the business men of Hawkinsville are
again talking about building the
road from that city to Grovania, in
Houston county.
Hon. Walter E. Steed of Taylor
county will be a candidate for speak
er of the Georgia Houso of Repre
sentatives if he returns to the legis
lature to represent his county. Mr.
Steed has served ably and faithfully
in both House and Senate, and
would admirably fill the position he
Mr. Schwab, president of the steel
trust, is in Europe, and has felt con
strained to deny t)ae reports that he
recently indulged in sensational gam Monte Uarlo,the most noto
rious gambling resort iu the world.
The reports of his gambling for largo
stakes were widely published, and
whether true in detail or not, he is
well fitted for the role, as he is the
president of a gigantic corporation
that is continually gambling with
the confidence and money of other
people unjustly obtained.
The New Labor Contract Law.
There was enacted at the last ses
sion of the Georgia legislature a la
bor contract law intended to remedy
the evils consequent upon the lack
of system prevailing in hiring farm
laborers, etc.
There was ft law against the vio
lation of contracts by laborers, ten
ants and cropperB, but its evasion
was so easy that the law was practi
cally without force or benefit.
The new law is specific, and if ad
hered to strictly in written contracts
the confusion aud trouble heretofore
existing may be avoided.
The law contain^ four sections,
and several paragraphs.
For the benefit of our farmer read
ers we give below the salient points
of the law:
Section 1st provides that it shall
be unlawful for any person to em
ploy, furnish lands for cropping or
rent lands to any other person who
had already contracted to another
for either purpose, unless written
consent is obtained from the em
ployer, landlord or landowner, as the
case may be, with whom the first
contract was made.
Section 2nd provides that any
person violating a contract as above
outlined can be prosecuted for a
misdemeanor by the person alleging
to have been injured, and upon con
viction punished as provided in sec
tion 1089 of the penal codo of Geor
gia. Or ho may be held liable for
damages in a civil suit. In case of
employer and employe, tho damages
shall not be less than double the
amount of wages agreed upon. Iu
case of landlord and tenant, or crop
per, the damage shall not be Igsb
than doublo the rental of the land
rented or cropped.
In defense, the person hiring or
contracting with a party already un
der contract, may be relieved from
penalty or civil liability by showing
that the employe, tenant or cropper
lmd forsakou his first contract for
legal cause. Or tho defense will bo
good if the employe, tenant or crop
per, prior to making the contract in
question, makes a written affidavit
before a qualified .officer that he was
not at tho time specified under con
tract with any other person for a
liko purpose.
In case tho laborer, tenant cr
cropper makes a false affidavit that
he \yas hot under contract, then he
must bo discharged, or displaced,
awl it will bo unlawful for any per
son whatever, other than tho person
first contracted with, to give him
employment, or make any farm con
tract with him.
All the provisions of this law are
bused upon a written contract duly
attested, setting forth in specific
terms the purposes of the agreement.
—- ■■■■■ ■ ■
The State Normal School
At Athens begins^ its new session
Tuesday, February 4th. Courses in
Academic and Professional Subjects
Domestic Arts ard Sciences, Art Ed
ucation, Manual Training and the
Handcrafts, Phys ; ological and School
Hygigne. Two additional teachers in
tho faculty for tho new year.
Tuition-free. Dormitory expenses
$20 per term of ten weeks, payable
in advance. Dormitory room limit
ed to 200. It is well to apply at onoe.
E. C. Branson, President.
► — --
The United States government
will be officially represented at the
coronation of King Edward of Eng
land as follows: Whitelaw Reid, of
New York, special ambassador; Gen.
J. H. Wilson, representative of the'
army; Capt. O. E. Clark, of the Ore
gon, representative of the navy.
There will be three secretaries, J, P,
Morgan, Jr., and E. L. Baylies, of
New York, Win. Wetmore, of Rhode
Island. The selections were made
at a cabinet meeting on the 14th
The Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlan
ta, Ga., has inaugurated an agents’
contest for the months of January
and February, 1902. They are go
ing to divide among their agents
§100 in cash to be paid on the first
of March, $50 being the first prize.-
In December they gave $100 to fif
teen agents. For terms and infor
mation address The Semi-Weekly
Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
For The Soldiers’ Home.
it has been ascertained that there
is not enough money available to re
build the Georgia Soldiers’ Home at
Atlanta with brick, It is" desirable
that tho new structure shall, be of
brick, and the trustees have deter
mined to raise the necessary amount
by popular subscription, and $500
from each congressional district is
asked for.
Capt. J. H. Martin, of Hawkins-
ville, trustee for the third congres
sional district,, has requested the ed
itor of the Home Journal to receive
subscriptions in Houston county.
Therefore, we are ready to accept
dud forward all subscriptions from
Houston people who are inclined to
assist in rebuilding the Georgia Sol
diers’ Home.
A record will be kept and the
trustees will publish officially the
names of all subscribers, and the
amounts subscribed.
Houston’s pro rata share fof the
amount desired would be about $50,
if all tho other counties in the 3rd
district pay in like proportion.
All subscriptions received at the
Home Journal office in person or by
letter will be duly acknowledged.
The recent failure of G. H. Phil
ips, the "Grain Monarch” of Chica
go, for $60,000, again illustrates the
fact that the buying and selling of
futures is tbq most reprehensible
kind of gambling. The sale of fic
titious commodities'should be pro
hibited by law.
Low Kate Excursion Tickets.
Mardi Gras, New Orleans, Mobile
and Pensacola, via Central of Geor
gia Railway. Tickets on sale- Feb
ruary 4tk-10tk inclusive. For fur
ther information apply to nearest
agent or representative of this com
Excursion Rates to Charleston, S. C.,
via Central of Georgia Railway.
The Central of Georgia Railway will
sell low rate excursion tickets to the
South Carolina Interstate and West
ludian Exposition at Charleston, S.
O., and return from all coupon tick
et stations on its lines from Decem
ber 1st, 1901, to May 31st, 1902
Superior schedules, sleeping and
parlor car service are offered via Sa
vannah'and Plant System.
For full particulars apply to your
nearest agent or representalive of
this company.
A Deep Mystery.
It is a mystery why women en
dure backache, headache, nervous
ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, faint
ing and dizzy spells when thousands
have provod that Electric Bitters will
quickly cure such troublos, "I suf
fered for years with kidney trouble,”
writes Mrs. Pliobo Charley, of Peter
son, la., "and a lame back pained me
so I could -not dress myself, but Elec
tric Bittors wholly cured me, and, al
though 73 years old, I am now able
to do all my housework.” It over
comes constipation, improves appe
tite, gives perfect health. Cnly 60c
at Holtzclasv’s Drugstore.
“ScnnGthiug Now Otitlor
the .ami.”
All doctors h-. vetri-sl to mire Catdrrli
by tho use of powder*, acid giuos, mind
ers ami drags ,.u p.imo form. Their pow
ders dry up the mnedns membranes,
oausuiffijMu to ofnek open mid bleed.
The powerful no ds ue^d in the inhalers
have entirely oaten away the .,ame mem
branes that their makers hays aimed to
cure, while tho pastes and ointments can
not reach the disease. An old and expe
rienced practitioner who has for many
years made a close study mid specialty
of the treatment of C'ataruu. has at last
perfected a treatment which, when faith
fully u.-ed, not billy relieves once, but
permanently cures Catarrh, by remov
ing the cause, stopping the discharges
and curing all iuflammatiou. It is the
only remedy known to science that ac
tually reaches the afflicted parts. This
wonderful remedy is known as “Shu4'~
fleisthe Guairauteeil CutiirrliCliire”
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal aud external mediciue sufficient
for a full month’s treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"Snuffles” is the only perfect Ca
tarrh Cure ever made and is now rec
ognized as the only safe and positive
euro lor that annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all inflammation quick
ly and permanently, aud is also wonder
fully quick to relieve Hay Fever or
Cold iu the Head.
Catarrh when neglected often leads to
Consumption—"S si iiftflcs” will save you
if you use it at ouce. It is nolordiuary
remedy, but a complete treatment which
is positively guaranteed to cure Catarrh
iu any form or stage if used according
to the directions which accompany each
package. Don’t delay, but seud for it at
ouce, and write full particulars as to
your condition, and you will receive spe
cial advieo from the discoverer of this
wonderful remedy regarding your case
without cost to you beyond the regular
price of "Snaffles” the “CUiamii-
Seetl Catarrh Cure.”
Seut prepaid to auy address in the
United States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dept. C478, Edwin
B. Giles"* Company, 2330 and 2332 Mar
ket Street, Philadelphia
Subscribe for the Home Journal.
Cash Contest for Agents
January 1st to April 10, 1902.
Splendid Offer for First Quarter of the New Year.
We want 20,000 active subscription agents from Virginia to Texas* We
want these men to work carefully every locality and to push the circula
tion or The Atlanta Constitution beyond any point it has yet reached.
The regular commission is always allowed. Each subscription carries Its
own pay and it is a cash transaction in every case. We have no ‘•\vrUe-me-
a-letter-from-lumio" oflpfrs, no endless chain to catch the unwary!*but a
bona fide sum to be paid for your list, accotding to the position‘it has in the
We allow agents an estimate in whatever premium contest we may have,
one for each yearly subscription according to the terms of the, offer.
This Ssthe Great Offer..
niiaw—inmnnns»• • »•'»«ngMwrw*»»i.fwrwonVA>»mima»rTrnM»iigrw»ii
1st. For the highest list from any agent from January 1 to April 10,
1902' $4G0
2nd. For the next highest list from any agent for the name period.:..' 200
3rd. For the next highest list from any ngbnt.... .. ICO
4th. For the next highest list 75
5lh. For the next highest list .... 60
6th. For the next highest list (after the above are awarded) from each
state, viz: Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida. Alabama. Mississippi. Louisiana. Texas, Arkansas,
Tennessee, and Indian Territory and Oklahoma (these last two
being considered as one), $29 each, by 12 240
19th. For the ten next highest lisle, $10 each, by 10 j,... IOO
29th. For the twelve next highest lists, $5 each, by 12 GO
41st. For division among all agents riot securing nny of the above
prizes, who send 20 or more names, pro rata according to the
lists they may send 250
Total $ ,500
This offer thus guarantees a prize to every agent who sends a list of 20
or more names, ranging from tho pro rata amounts of the distributive prize
to $100.00, guarantees a prize of at least $20.00 to every southern state, and
offers a full and free competition to every one, everywhere. No restrictions
are placed upon commissions or club offers, and free privilege to enter the
premium contest for every yearly subscriber you may furnish. We have
never made a fairer proposition'a nd we always carry out to the letter
every otter we make.
We want every postmaster In the south to put in for these prizes. We
want good agents everywhere who will get out among the people and hustle
for new business, and yet who will look aftei all renewals fot us.
If you lose a man off your club get <two more. to take his place, losing
ono occasionally will thus help you to build up your list.
Many who have to go over'their own and adjoining counties on their busi
ness can take The Atlanta Constitution along as the best side line. Tax
collectors, rurul route mail carriers, nurserymen, country doctors, farmers,
cr any other well-informed, reputable citizen who has a wide acquaintance
in ills locality could take prizes from this list and make their customary
commission besides.
Special-Combination Offer.
All combination subscriptions received for The Atlanta Constitution and
The Sunny Soutli iclll miinf /«•«. in H1I3 contest. , One'for each paper. This
does not apply to Sunny Amth'subscriptions received alone,* but only to
subscriptions for both import- to be sent upon one order. This is done to em
phasize the clubbing offer with the south's great Literary Weekly and to
place The Sunny South in every home covered by the genial sunshine tjjat
suggests Its name.
Our otters are in cash. Wo do,not include any sewing machines, bicy
cles, pianos. Jewelry or any other article at a high valuation. Everybody
knows what the money is worth and the prizes will be paid promptly. They
know Tho Constitution and want and will take It almost for the asking.
You aslc them and see.
If you-have not already an agent’s outfit, send for one. We furnish sam
ple copies and blank stationery free, The time Is short. Tho news of_the
period coveted by th* contest will bo of greatest Interest, and we want you
to go to work. .It is possible for you to make $400.00. $300.00, $100.00 or $50.00
besides your commission. Write for agent’s outfit with full particulars.
Address all orders to
The Atlanta Constitution,
Atlanta, Ga.
lioiiBlon CGumj Mimm
AVg strive to make the paper, a. welcome visitor to every
household, thereby deserving’ patronage.
Subscription Price $1.50 a Year.
Liberal reduction for cash one
year in advance. Subscribe now.
I Editor and PubFr.
1 ■—- Perry. Ga. *