Newspaper Page Text
Filial Piety
Mr. Peixto, lodge keeper at
Girard College, prides himself
on hs intimate knowledge of
the regulations- of the institution,
says the Philadelphia Times. The
other day a bright looking* young
hoodlum of sorr e seven years of age,
carrying a telescope bag and with a
cigarette jauntily poised in his
mouth, entered the lodge.
“Say, I want to come to this
school,” said the visitor.
“You can’t come here if you
smoke that thing,” answered Peixto.
“Well, I’ll throw it away,” was
the ready reply.
“Is your father living?” asked the
lodge keeper.
“’Course he is,” said the boy.
“We don’t admit pupils whoso
fathers are not dead, only orphans.”
“Gee!” was the response. “Then
to get in I’ve got to kill the old
man. Dat’s tough.”
A Story of bishop Whipple.
When called to take up the new
mission of the Holy Commission,
Chicago, he found busy railway
yards close to his chapels, says The
Century. He asked the chief engin
eer how to reach railway operatives.
“Read Lardner’s ‘Railway Econo
my’ until you are able to ask a ques
tion of an engineer and he not think
you a fool.” So instructed, he drop
ped in, one day, on a group cleaning
an engine, and ventured a question:
“Which do you like the better, in
side or outside connections?” A tor
rent of discussion followed on con
nections, steam heaters, exhausts;
and at the end of a half-hour ho re
marked, in leaving: * Boys, I have
a free church in Metropolitan Hall,
where I should be glad to see you.”
The next Sunday every man was
For the Complexion.
The complexion always suffers from
biliousness or constipation. Unless
the bowels are kept open the impu.
rities from the body appear in the
form of unsightly eruptions. De-
Witt’s Little Early Risers keep the
liver and bowels in healthy condition
and remove the cause of such troub
les. C. E. Hooper of Albany, Ga.,
says; “I took DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers for biliousness, They were just
what I needed. I am feeling better
now than in years.” Never gripe or
distress. Safe, thorough and gentle.
The very best pills. Holtzclaw’o
The soft answer that turneth away
wrath, even when it concerns a re
jected manuscript; is good. But
the hard truth that saves the litera
ry beginner from making mistakes
and wasting time is better.—Ladies
Home Journal.
The Macon 'Telegraph.
Published every day and Sunday
and Twice-a-Week, by The Macon
Telegraph Publishing Co.
Subscription Daily and Sunday
$7.00 per annum. Daily except
Sunday, .$5.00 per annum. Twice
a-Weeic, $1.00 per annum.
Best advertising medium in the
city. Rates furnished on appli
Stubbisfisld Haase
Mulberry St., MACON, GA.,
Next to Academy of Music,
It iB my purpose to conduct a hotel that
will be home-like and satisfying to all
guests. It is specially suitable for ladies
or others visiting Macon for a day or
We Strive to Piease.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Huivni; KUIlt UU1
invention is probably pi , ,
ttons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securlngjpatenta.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. .reoelve
special notice, without charge, In the
iMfi Mmlm,
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any soientlflo Journal. Terms, 83 a
Educational Facts and Figures.
Southern Education Notes.
In 1900 the ten states south of
the Potomac and the Ohio and east
of the Mississippi, including Louisi
ana, had 22 per cent of the total
population of the United States, and
25 per cent of the school population;
yet only per cent of the total ex
penditures fjr public schools was
made in these states, and only 4.1
per cent of the $538,623,736 of pub
lic Bchool property was in these
The per capita expenditure for
public schools varied from 50 cents
in Alabama and 51 cents in North
Carolina to $4.93 in Massachusetts
and $5.30 in Nevada. The average
for the whole country was $2.83; for
these ten states only 86 cents. The
average per capita for these ten
states was less than one-third the
average for the whole country and
only a little more than one-fifth tho
average for the North Atlantic and
Western states. The av'erago salary
paid teachers for the entire school
year varied from $87 for males and
$76 for females in North Carolina to
$1290 for males and $496 for fe
males in Massachusetts. The aver
age for the whole country, exclusive
of these ten states, was $465.02 for
males and $312.22 for females; for
these ten states $175 for males and
$160 for females. The average num
ber of days of schooling for each
child of school ago varied from 22
in North Carolina to 107 in Massa
chusetts. For the North Atlantic
states it was 87, for the North Uen-
tral states 82, for the "Smstern states
80, for these ten Southern states 43.
It should be remembered also that
only 164,000 of the 5,645,164 chil
dren of school age in these ten
states were reported as enrolled in
private schools, primury and second
The total school fund of these ten
states was only one million dollars
more than the school fund of Ohio,
and tho total value of their public
school property was only one-half
the value of the public school prop
erty of Ohio.
A generation has passed since the
close of the war between the states,
and busiuos men in the prime of life
whoso children are now in the
schools never heard the noise of bat
tle or saw a wounded soldier sent to
the rear. These states are rich be
yond comparison in natural resourc
es. They are peopled by a brave and
noble race. Is it creditable to us
that such comparisons as the above
show such relative conditions as to
Increasing Gold Production.
- Macoh Telegraph.
In spite of the gloomy predictions
to the contrary by silver enthusiasts
a few years ago, the production of
gold continues and increases, keep
ing pace with all the demands of
expanding industry and the increas
ed use of gold in the arts.
An increased production is report
ed for Australia by Consul Bray of
Melbourne. The total in 190i was
4,333,681 ounces, which is nearly
up to that of 1899, when the output
was 4,438,140 ounces. Western Aus
tralia, which a few years ago was
considered a barren waste of vast
area but worthless for want of rain,
now leads the continent in gold
mining, producing last year 1,881,-
756 ounces, against the 816,692
ounces produced in Queensland,
790,050 ounces in Viotorta, 455,559
ounces in New Zealand and lesser
amounts in the other colonies. Both
Western Australia and New Zealand
increase their production rapidly,
thus more than offsetting a small de
cline in some of the other colonies;
Australia is not the only example
of increased production. A general
increase of the world’s gold produot
is confidently expected during the
next decade. The Klondike and
Alaska fields are becoming steady
producers. A reoent dispatch from
the former states that in digging
deeper into a claim that he was
about to abandon, a miner took out
$15,000 in a single day. The gold
mines in British Columbia, like
those of the United Stales, are in
creasingly aotive and productive;
new sources of supply are opening
in Ashanti, in northern Manchuria
and Rhodesia, while Johannesberg,
which now produces at the rate of
about $20,000,000 a year, will after
a few months be producing twice or
three limes as much. Moreover, the
Anglo-Japanese alliance, by assuring
peace in the far east, will aid to
speed the development of the rich
gold fields of eastern Siberia.
Sausage While You Wait.
A small boy, a clog and a rabbit
led to the discovery in Kentucky
the other day of what is believed to
be a very rich zinc mine. The dog
chased tho rabbit into a hollow in
the Bide of a hill. The boy, eager
to bag his game, proceeded to dig
the rabbit out. In excavating he
found lumps of a queer-looking
mineral. These he put into his
pocket and carried home. They
proved to be lump3 of “turkey fat”
zinc, almost 95 por cent pure. Min
ing is now going on in tie boy’s
rabbit hole.
Practicaly Starving*.
After using a few bottles of Ko-
dol Dyspepsia Cure my wife re
ceived perfect and permanent re
lief from a severe and chronic
case of stomach trouble, “says J.
R. Holly, real estate, insurance
and loan agent, of Macomb, 111.
“Before using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure she could not eat an ordina
ry meal without intense suffering.
She is now entirely cured. Sev
eral physicians and many reme-r
dies had failed to give relief.”
You don’t have to diet, Eat any
good food you want, but don’t
overload the ’ stomch. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will always digest
it for you. IToltzclaw’s Drugstore,
“Another new waiter has come
and gone,” said the vetertfn of the
15-cent rostaurant as he deposited a
beef stow in front of his favorite
customer, says the Philadelphia Rec
ord. “What was the matter with
him?” asked the favorite customer.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly his fault,”
explained the veteran. “You see,
the second day he was here a cus
tomer comes in and asks for a brace
of Frankfurters. ‘Sausage is all out,’
says the new waiter, ‘but if you wait
awhile I think I can get you some.’
He was so eager to be obliging that
he was going to send across the
street for ’em, Well, sir, as he went
through the door into the. kitchen
he happened to tread on the dog’s
tail. The dog set up a howl, and
the customer yelled: ‘Hey, there!
Never mind that sausage. I guess I
don’t want itl* Then he puts on his
hat and goes out. The boss saw the
whole thing, and that night the new
waiter was paid off, and quit. Pret
ty tough, wasn’t it?”
If Thomas Jefferson, the great
democratic statesman, were alive to
day, he might well say, as he did in
the early days of the republic,
“Above all things I hope the educa
tion of the common people will be
attended to.” There is no other
way to power, prosperity and prog
You will never wish to take an
other dose of pills'if you . once try
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
T.ihM.s. • They are easier to take
and more pleasant in effect. They
cleanse the stomach and regulate
the bowels. Fojc sale by all deal
ers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, By
Danger of Colds and LaGrlppe.
, The greatest danger from colds
and lagrippe is their resulting in
pneumonia. If reasonable care is
used, however, and Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy taken, all danger
will be avoided. Among the tens
of thousands who have used this
remedy for these diseases, we have
yet to learn of a single case hav
ing resulted in pneumonia, which
shows conclusively that it is a
certaiu preventive. of that dan
gerous malady. It will cure a
cold or an attack of la grippe ip
less time than any other treat
ment. It is pleasant and safe to
take. For sale by all dealers in
Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron Ga.
The rumor that Mr. Alfred Lyt
telton, M. P., is to succeed Lord
Pauncefote as ambassador at Wash
ington is interesting. Mr. Lyttelton
is one of the most noted athletes in
England. He was a foot ball player
at college and has been a leading
light in a number of athletic clubs.
As a boxer he is said to be very
clever. John Bull has evidently
been taking note of the strenuous
life in Washington and determined
to send over a representative able to
hold his own whatever the game
may be.—Savannah News.
Stops tlie Cough and Works oil
the Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
cures a cold in one day. No cure,
No pay. Price, 25 cents,
For HOLIDAYS and a«l other days. Mail or
ders promptly filled.
* JBooltsseller and Stationer,
808 Second Street, MACON, GA
Tlw above is a cut of the
The best Steel Plow on the market. Sold by
M. C. BALKCOM, -A®., M# Ok.
AVfcgetable Preparation, for As
similating Ike food andlicgula-
ling liieStowui'lis aurl BoWels of
3 '1
Promotes DS^esUon,Cheerful
ness andRestCor.taUis neillier
Opium,Moiptune nor ‘Mineral.
KfifeiBarg otic . \
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Jli C.trvmuil. ,i;^£
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Ciiut/i'ed Si r nr
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A periVcl Remedy for Cent. Ra
tion, Sour, Diarrhoea
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Yae Sanila Signature oP
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Haw
. ins Hraghi !
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order to give tho Consumer the benefit of tho largo profit# of Dealor and
Middlemen, wo bavo decided to now soil direct to tho Consumer our Most
With every quart bottle of our famous 10 vear old Queen ClftrClub PnreBye
and one box of our Juetly celebrated gimifno Cuban Hend-Mado 10o c!oar|
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