Newspaper Page Text
town akd ooMt
—Next. Saturday is designated
on DeVoe’s weather calendar as a
“storm period.”
—Mrs. W. W. Howard returned
home several days ago from a vie-
it to relatives at Cordele.
—The heavy rain prevented re
ligious services at the perry
churches last Sunday morning.
Frost and ice Wednesday
morning,eight days later than the
last weather of that kind laBt
—The candidates are becoming
active and persuasive. They are
constantly on the look-out for
Road Work In Houston.
Houston Baptist Union
—When the ground becomes
dry enough, corn planting will be
the general order of farm work in
—Mrs. Ophelia Jargenson and
daughter of Macon are visiting
her sister, Mrs. Garrison, at the
Perry Hotel.
—Some damage to roads and
fields was caused by the heavy
rain last Saturday night and Sun
day morning. N
—Mrs. J. V. Wallaoe, nee Miss
Annie Wei Ions, of Charleston, S.
0., is in Perry visiting the family
of her mother.
—MrB. S. J. Neil of near Fort
Valley was in Perry last week vis
iting the family of her brother,
• Judge dam T. Hurst.
—Seed sweet potatoes may be
soarce and high. Several farm
ers have told us that their pota
toes rotted in^the “banks.”
—Full moon next Sunday, and
that date is regarded by many as
probably the last danger period
for the fruit crop this spring.
—Mbjs Mattie Miller, who is
teaching school at Red Level,near
Fort Valley, spent last Saturday
and Sunday with home folks in
—Mrs. F. E. Norwood invites
the public in Perry and vicinity
to visit lior Millinery Parlor anc.
inspect all the new effects for
Easter on Wednesday, March 28.
—One year ago last week
Chapter of Daughters of the Con
federaoy was organized in Perry
and now the ladies of that organ
izafcion have taken the prelimina
ry steps for the observance oi:
the next memorial day.
—Old veterans who desire cross
es of honor, to be delivered on
Memorial day, are requested to
make immediate application to
Mrs. F. M. King, president Hous
ton Chapter Daughters of the
Confederacy, Perry, Ga.
—fthe monthly social and busi
ness meeting of the Perry Ep-
worbh League will be held Friday
night, March 21st, at the home
| of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Braselton.
An especially entertaining pro
gram is promised, and a full at
tendance is earnestly desired. .
—In addition to his growing
mill business, Mr. A. J. Houser
of Eva, is agent for D. M. Os
born’s Harvesting Machinery, and
Harrows. Already a carload of
machines has been reoeived, and
he is ready to exhibit and sell.
. See the advertisement in this pa-
—Rev. Dr. Taylor, agent of the
Georgia Baptist Orphan’s Home
at Hapeville, Ga.., was in Perry
last Sunday and Monday »morn
ing, the guest of Judge 0. C. Dun-
oan. He.preaohed a very ^interest
ing sermon at the Baptist church
Sunday night, and was given a
fair donation for the Home.
—Much apprehension concern
ing the fruit crop was caused by
the high wind last Monday night
and the ice and frozen ground
Tuesday morning. However, it is
declared that peaohes are rarely
killed when in full bloom, or in
the partly opened bud. All the
peaohes being in one condition or
the other, those who ought to
know from careful observation,
are very hopeful that' compara
tively small damage to the crop
will result from this freeze. More
over, it is believed the blooming
has been sufficiently checked to
fore-stall “tiny futner cold that
may come about the full moon
period. There are other opinions,
* however, and this writer don’t
know which is correct. , 1 ,
;■■■■■ . • v
Day by day evidence is accu
mulating that the present method
of working the public roads of the
County will not prove satisfac
tory to the farmers, and upon the
farmers the entire burden rests.
Conditions that render imme
diate road work imperative, also
makes urgent the need of work on
the farms. If the roads are not
worked promptly, the thorough
fares are in bad condition, and
those who must use them suffer
inconvenience and discomfort. If
the necessary work on the roads is
done without intermission, the
farms suffer for the lack of work.
Scarcely at any time during the
year can any farm do well with
out work 6 consecutive days when
the weather is suitable for farm
work, and generally the time
choBen to work the roads is the
time when work is urgently need
ed on the farms.
The Commissioners say, we are
informed, that the law leaves
them without discretion, and
money cannot be accepted in place
of work.
That the county roads were
greatly benefited by the oliaiu-
gang work is a fact known to all.
The question of expense is a dif
ferent thing, though we are frank
to say we believe the improvement
is worth its coBt.
The chain-gang cannot again be
used until May 1908, as all Hous
ton convicts are hired by contract
until that time.
The alternative road law can be
re-established by the next grand
jury, if they so desire.' Let the
jurors investigate the situation,
and the provisions of the law.
Program for meeting of Hous
ton County Baptist Union, to be
held with Houston Factory Bap
tist church, 5th Saturday and
Sunday in March,
Saturday Morning:
9:80, Devotional Exercises, Led
by Bro. J. D. Martin.
9:50, Organization.
10—Subject for discussion—
Secret of Efficient Services for
God. Led by Dr. J. M. Brittain.
11. Sermon -hy pastor, Rev.
Albert S. Dix.
12. Dinner on church grounds.
1:80. Devotional Exercises—
Led by Bro. Bassett of Hattie,Ga.
1:60. Reports from churches,
and general discussion of the
Adjourn *at will.
Sunday Morning
9:80. Devotional Exercises,
Led by Bro. C. J. DuPree, of Fort
9:50. The Sunday schools as a
factor in Christian development,
Led by Bro. A. L. Perdue and
followed by general discussion.
11. Sertnon, by Dr. J. M. Brit
12. Dinner on church grqunds.
1:80. Devotional Exercises, led
by Bro. P. D. McCarty of Elko.
1:50. Closing services at pleas
ure of Meeting.
All are cordially invited to be
present and especially do we urge
the brethern who are interested in
the development of our county
on Christian lines to come.
Perry Municipal Election.
The voters of the town of Perry
are hereby officially notified that
the annual election of a Mayor
and six Aldermen, to serve during
the ensuing year, will be held on
Saturday, the 12th day of April,
1002 Jno. H. Hodges, Mayor.
T. M. Killen, Clerk.
Death at Fort Valley.
Mr. Roy Peddioord, second sou
of Postmaster W. Peddicord, died
last Thusday at the home of his
father in Fort Valley.
He had been ill with pneumo
nia nine days.
He was a most exemplary young
mail, about 19 years of age, and
at the time of his death was as
sistant postmaster at Fort Valley.
Prior to the removal to Fort
Valley from near Perry, Roy Ped
dicord was a printer in the Home
Journal office nearly two years
We found him, ever trust-worthy,
faithful to duty, intelligent, ener-
getio and correct in his deport
About a week prior to the death
of this worthy young m,an, his
step-mother died from the same
This bereavement is doubly
sore to father, brothers and sis
rers, following so closely the oth
er, and the sinoere sympathy of
their friends is with them-.
Of the condition ot Tlio Perry Loan &
Savings Bank, located at Perry, Ga.
at the close of Business February
25th, 1002.
Missionary Ralley Day. .
Each Service (next Sunday at
the Perry Methodist ohurch will
bear upon the great mission work
beginning with the Sunday School
Epworth League and Church , ser
vioes. Sunday night quite a num*
ber of readings and recitations
will be rendered by the young peo
The publio cordially invited to
attend. Pastor.
The Spinsters Olub.
A very enjoyable meeting of the
Spinsters was held at the home
of Miss Clara Dasher on Friday
afternoon, March 7th,
Miss Clara is a charming hos
tess, and it is always pleasant
meet at her home.
. Miss May Belle Dasher will en
tertain the Club on Saturdaday
afternoon of this week,at the usu-
al hour. Club Editor.
Some of the New, Nobby Pat
terns in Men’s Hats Just reoeived
All sizes and qualities of Mens
and Boy’s Staple Hats, and Boy’
Caps, at L. M. Paul’s.
Syrup cheap by the barrell.
Fred. M. Houser’s.
Call and see those 25,o and 50c
Sailor Hats at
at Perry Post-office.
The prettiest assortment of
Percales, and Madras at 10c and
12£ is at L. M. Paul’s.
-Some nice Home-cured Hams
Fred M. Housir’s.
ialfcy at |§
and Bui
a spec-
Democratic Mass Meeting.
The Democratic voters of Hous
ton county are hereby called to
assemble in Mass meeting at Jibe
Court house at noon on the first
Monday in April next, 7th clay,
for the purpose of electing a new
executive committee,and to trans
act such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.
C. C. Duncan, Ch’rn’n,
Dem. Ex Com. H. 0.
L. L. Brown, Secretary.
A Good Farm For Sale.
The Marchman Home place,
365 acres, with good dwelling,
out-houses, etc., on Perry branch
railroad, adjoining Standard
Fruit Farm. Apply at once,
R. L. Marchman,
tml5 Perry, Ga,
THE; _
Standard Poultry Farm,
Offers eggs for hatching from the
following breeds:
Light BralimHS, Golden and Silver Se
bright and Buff CooUin Bantams, Buffi
Qpchind, Pit Games, While and Cornish
Indian Games, Golden Penciled and Sil
ver Spangled Hamburgs, B on dans, Black
Langshans, White, Brown and Buff Leg
horns, Black Minorcas, Buff Orpingtons,
White Crested Black Polish, White and
Barred Plymouth Rocks, Single and
Bose Comb Rhode Island Beds, White
Faced Black Spanish and Pekin Ducks-.
Our stuck is thorough and standard
bred. Write for list of prizes and prices
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Loans anti Discounts,
Banking House, Furniture & |ixturJJ
Duo from Banks atul Bankers in this
Duo 8 from Banks anti Bankers in other
Gold. , „ .
Silver, Nickles and Ponnios,
Chocks and Cash Items,
Interest paid,
Warning Notice.
George Slappey and his son
Reuben, are under contract with
me for 1902. All parties are warn
ed not to employ nor give them a
house during said year.
D. P. McCorvey.
This March 4th, 1902.
Learn to write weil[
for 2 5 Cents
A small mechanical device just in
vented by a Professor ill Heidelberg,
Germany, makes the poorest penman
a splendid writer in a few days.
Endorsed by prominet College pres
idents and educators generally, in Eu
rope and America. Sent postpaid on
receipt of 25 cents in coin or stamps.
State whether for man, woman or
child. Agents warned on ealnry and
Educational Mfg Go.
119 S. 4th St, Philadelphia, Pit.
Dep»t. P87.
Will grind at the Gordon Mill
every Saturday. Meal to exchange
during week. B. P. Starbuck.
—Best Seed Irish Potatoes at
Fred M. Houser’s.
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office in store of J. D. Martin, Jr.
Capital Stock, Paid in.
~ plus Fund,
undivided Froilts, less 'Curront
Expenses and Taxes FaUl, L724.71
Individual Deposits, Subject to Chock, 28,428.20
Time Cortiiioatos,
STATE OF GEORGIA,—Houston County.
lloforo mo oame-L. F. Cater, cashier of Perry
Loan and Savings Bank, who, being duly sworn,
sayB that tlio above and foregoing statement is
a true condition of said Bank as shown by tho
books of file in said Bank.
L. F. CATER, Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed to before mo, this 18th
day of March, 1001.
II. r. Houser, N.P,,H. C.
Fred. M. Houser’s.
Isaacs’ Cafe,
413 Third Street,
Regular Meals 25c.
Rill of Fare to Order
Prompt and Efficient Service
Subscribe for the Home Journal-
wnfennr- jxatmnstxnntmm
has returned from .
New York, where he bought my Spuing Stock
Some of our SPRING GOODS
have arrived and are ready for
your inspection. A special close
price on Bleached Homespun.
, Out line of
Lawns, Dimities, etc., is complete
From 5c. to 50c., and some good
values, too.
* *
is simply beautiful, and is selling
fast. The beauty of it is, when
you buy a Tie from us you don’t
run the risk of everybody having
a tie like yours, for no two ties
are alike.
Some nice, fresh Country Hams
at 12£c per pound.
* *
Plenty of Guano Distributors and
Cotton Planters.
ft -A*
All shapes, kinds and sizes of
Plows and Plow Goods.
Remember, I have a 2-Horse Wag
on I am offering at a bargain—
Hoping to have the pleasure of
serving you soon, I am,
Yours respectfully,
Fred. M. Houser.
' • -■■XV uv - •
or Goods, and in a short time I will he in posi
tion to show as large and well selected stock of
goods as was ever seen in Perry, and at
Prices to Suit Everybody,
little or big, young or old. I am in the business
to do business, and to give satisfaction to all cus
You may look out for NEW GOODS pretty
soon, when we will be in position to serve you*
All are earnestly invited.
W. id. DAT,
Mr. J. Henry King
is with
Miimws, (m. e
Where he will be pleased to see and serve
his Houston friends.
Mail Orders will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
557 Cherry Street. v
Hardware, - Harness, - Saddlery.
Full line Agricultural Implements.
Harness Repairs a speciality.
463-465 Third St.
".r. V**;.i* -«•**;;«