Newspaper Page Text
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NO. 29.
“The male , human needs more
I food than the female, not only on
Ifeccount of his larger stature but
also because he is the more kata-
bolio of the two. The man tends
to expend energy and the woman
to store it up in the form of fat;
he burns the faster. This sexual
difference shows itself in the very
blood; the man lias a larger per
centage of chromocytes than the
woman, showing that he needs a
proportionately larger quantity of
oxygen in order to maintain his
[mere active combustion—a fact
which one may associate with his
comparative freedom from chloro-
is; moreover, weight for weight,
his pulmonary capacity is greater
than that of the woman whose
smaller respiratory need is furth
er shown by the facility with
which she can without discomfort
diminish her breathing power by
means of the corset. The great
contrast between the metabolic
activity of the two sexes was for
cibly brought home to me by a
military display given by a troupe
of dusky amazons, with whom
were also a few female warriors.
The women, in spite of their daily
exertions, were all rounded and
plump, some very much so, no
single muscle showing through
the skin, and it was noticed that
.■-their movements, though full of
I grace, lacked energy and ‘go
The men, on the other hand,
were spare, their muscles stand
ing out plainly under the shiny
skin, and they, in further con
trast with the women, displayed
a truly amazing agility, bounding
about and whirling round in a
most astounding fashion; the
women in short, were essentially
If anabolic and the men were keta-
^bolic. I may here draw attention
to the fact that men are apt to be
larger meat-eaters than women,
just as they are, possibly in con
-sequence of this very fact, more
’ prone to drink alcohol and to
smoke tobacco.”—London Lan
According to their Behaviour.
Culture Should Underlie
London Faee Press.
When we see the boys on the
street and public places we often
wonder if they know that the
business men'are watching them.
In .every bank, store and office
there will Boon be a place for a
boy to fill. Those who have the
management of the affairs of the
business houses will select a boy
in whom they have confidence.
When they select one of the boys
they will not select him from his
ability to swear, use slang, smoke
cigarettes, or tap a beer keg.
These men may have a- few of
■these habits themselves, but they
are looking for boys who are near
gentlemen in every sense of word
as they can find, and they are
able to give the character of every
boy in the city. They are not
looking for rowdies. When a boy
applies for one of these places
and is refused they may not tell
him the reason why they do not
want him, but the boy can depend
upon it that he has been rated ac
cording to his behavior. Boys
oannot afford to adop/ the habits
and conversation of the loafers
and rowdies, if they ever want to
be called to responsible positions.
Boy Who Deoived His Teacher.
It is announced that, & revised
system of spelling will be official
ly promulgated in Germany, Aus
tiia and Switzerland on April 1st
1908. The new system, omits all
useless letters and adopts a spell
ing in accordance with a real
grammatical significance. The
movement in favor of a revised
spelling of the German language
was commenced something like
forty years,ago. It is already in
use in some of the newspaper of
fices. It is expected that the in
troduction of the new system will
be comparatively easy, owing to
the official support it will receive.
The English language might be
much improved by the elimina
tion of useless letters.
The boy who^used to boast of
getting the best of his teacher
has been heard from. The same
traits of character which tempted
him tc deceive his teacher into
believing that he had solved his
problems and completed his task
himself, led him to cheat his em
ployer, to idle whenever his bafck
wds turned, and to slip, his day’s
work until he finally lost'his po
His lack of education—the re
sult of cheating his teacher—has
proved a perpetual hancjicap, and
has lost him many a good situa
tion. His dishonesty, which
started in the sohool room, has
grown until nobody will trust
him and he has no credit or stand
ing in his community.
As a boy, he thought himself
vhry clever in being able to dodge
his" lessons and impose upon his
teacher; but he realizes now that
the person cheated was himself
In those precious days of youth,
he robbed himself of pearls of
great value which he will never
be able to recover,
The thief of time and opportu
nity often thinks he is enriching
himself, but he awakes one day
to the truth that he is poorer and
meaner for the theft.—Success.
Don’t Fail To Try Tills.
Whenever an honest trial is giv
en to Electric! Bitters for any
trouble it is recommended for a
permanent cure will surely be ef
fected. It never fails to tone the
stomach, regulate the kidneys and
bowels, stimulate the liver, invig
orate the nerves and purify the
blood. It’s a wonderful tonic for
run-down systems. Electric Bit
ters positively cures Kidney and
Liver Troubles-, Stomach Disor
ders, .Nervousness, Sleeplesness,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, -and' ex
pels Malaria. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Holtzclaw’s ' drugstore.
Only 50 cents.
“Industrial education is good,
but it is not all,” says the Chris
tian Educator. “The foundation
must be laid in sound, elemental
ry training. . The man behind the
hand muse be developed.
The Best Linimeut For Strains,
Mr. P-. H. Wells, the merchant
at Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y.
says: “I always recommend
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm as the
best liniment for strains. I used
it last winter for severe lameness
in the side, resulting from _
strain, and greatly pleased with
the quick relief and cure it effect
ed.” For sale by all dealers
Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron
The Crown Prince of Siam is to
visit the United States next fall
and arrangements have been made
for his reception by the President
Since Siamese is one of the lan
guages that the President does
nob speak,- it would doubtless be
worth going miles to see how the
Prince hears the story of the bat
tie of San Juan through an intei*
SI The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure
,„is Smith’s.Sure Kidney Cure. Your drug
gist will refund your money if after tak
ing one bottle yon are not satisfied with
results. 50 cents at Oater’s Drugstore.
This medicine is guaranteed to cure
all cases of Nervous Prostration caused
by overwork: Jt is a true Nerve Tonic
and restores Nervous Vitality or Loss of
Manhood. It will not only relieve these
nervous troubles and weaknesses, but
will restore them to full vigor and man
hood. Guaranteed. Sold by Dr. R. L
It is evident, says the Biblical
Recorder, that the South will of
fer great opportunities for half a
century or more to come, to young
men who are trained for practi
cal • employments. Every day
now alluring opportunities are of
fered to young men who were
trained in offices of workers,
while their fellows were at col
leges. Whether in manufacture,
farrnpg or commerce, the young
man who brings himself intelli
gently and earnestly to his tasks
will reap richer harvests than
have yet been reaped in the South.
Many a boy nob meant to be
preacher or teacher of lawyer
should prepare none the less ear
nestly to be manufacturer, build
er or railroad man with full con
fidence of serving his day effectu
ally and reaching a worthy re
But in his preparation, wheth
er in school or office or shop, he
should not forget the mania him.
He should not sacrifice the man
in hip upon the altar of the me
chanic. Let him neither sacrifice
the mechanic. The true man
will save them both in himself.
Of course parents and young
men are impatient of the schools,
and of God’s tedious ways l They
cannot spend the time necessary
to acquiring both a general and a
special, preparation. The boy
must be making money. Made
in the image of God as he is 1 To
be sure the argument is'a com
pelling one with some, and we
recognize its absolute fofbe. And
yet it is a pity to put a handicap
upon one’s whole ’ life forever
merely for lack of time early in
life. Granted that the boy ought
to prepare for an industrial ca
reer—and we not only grant but
urge it,—the truth remains nev
ertheless that lie deserves more
than to be trained to work and
make money. There are the in
comparably larger concerns of his
mind, tastes, spirit and relations
as citizen, neighbor and father,
never to be forgotten.
And so while we would encour
age industrial education -as it is
called; we would also abate not
one jot. of the ..old time emphasis
upon, general culture.
Whether the canal goes by the
Panama or the Nicaragua route,
the name of Senator Morgan of
Alabama will be permanently
identified with the great work.
In season and out of season, for
years and years, he has consist
ently and persistently advocated
the building of a canal across the
isthmus. The Brooklyn Eagle has
referred to the Congressional Rec
ord and found that during the
progress of the debate on the ca
nal bill Senator Morgan made
eight speeches filling 172 columns
of the Record—more than four
times the space filled by any oth-
dr senator. And it is a pretty
safe assertion that he knew about
four times as much about the
subject as the majority of those
who spoke.
Cut this out and take it to your
drugstore and get a box of Cham
berlain’s stomach & Liver Tab
lets. The best physic. They also
correct disorders
Price 25 cents.
of the stdmach
For sale by all
dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe
Unmarried women of Michigan
are to petition the legislature for
exemption from taxation on es
tates less than $5,000.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have
Subscribe for the Home Journal.
Bears the
Signature of
Southern Agent for Waiting’s
Fine Correspondence Paper.
I ‘ I 'll III. . •
Men’s Oxfords,
Ladies’ Oxfords,
Boys’ Oxfords,
Misses Sandals,
•/ ,
Child’s Sandals,.
Infants’ Sandals,
|2.00 to $5.50
1.00 “ 3.50
1.25 “
80c. I
50c. “
We have these Oxfords in all leathers
and we can please you.
408 3rd Street.
Men’s Spring and
Summer Suits.
Our Suits are garments' of surpassing excellence,
well worthy of a place in any lean’s wardrobe. ;
They are made of the most fashionable fabrics by '
skilled tailors, producing stylish suits which fit
and look welL at
prices from |y Wmirfl
110 Third Street.
"Weber, Brown, Bussell and Thornhill Wagons cheaper
than you ever bought them before, to make room and re
duce storage and insurance.
A m