Newspaper Page Text
coring positions, and the proficiency of our
graduates, are strongly endorsed by business
Wms M&ms JtnmMiM*
Perry, Thursday, Februarx 5.
I have five varieties of the best
Eastern Stock Potatoes. They
were grown iii the state of Maine,
and are the potatoes for this sec
tion of country, viz:
Your orders will have prompt at
tention. Respectfully,
W. B. Sims.
Special Men hon—
Mackerel, Gibs in bucket, 85c.
Watches and
We have just put in stock
the most complete line of
Watches we have ever car
ried. We also have a very
nice line of Sterling Sil-
ware and Fancy China for
Wedding Presents. Call
and see us and get prices.
We defy competition. . .
No trouble to show goods.
J. L. Fincher & Son,
Fort Valley. Ga.
Farm Loans
We consider good farm lands the best
security for loans. We oan make suoli
loans promptly and at lowest rates. If
you wish to borrow'let us hear from you.
Security. Loan & Abstract Co
J. J. Cobb,
Thos. B. West,
Sec. and Att’y.
Loans negotiated on improved
forme, at lowest market rates, and on
most liberal terms.
Business of fifteen years standing.
More than three million dollars in
loans ne^tiated. Facilities unsur
Ho. 814 8e»»o4 St..
Tffacon, Ga.
League Literary Meeting.
evening, Jannary 80th,
found a happy crowd of Leagbers
gathered together; and under the
glow of the georgeous red lamp iu
MrB. Frank Cater’s beautiful par
lor, they looked even more smil
ing than ever. The evening was
to be speut in Company with one
of our m6st distinguished and
best loved American poets, H. W.
Longfellow. After the usual pre
liminary meeting consisting of
devotioual exercises, reports of
officers, etc., the meeting was
turned over to the 8rd Vibe Presi
dent, Miss Lula Houser,and quite
well we were entertained by her
program. In answer to the call
many responded with fitting quo
tations from the chosen poet.
Miss Amelia Rogers gave extracts
from Life and Works of Longfel
low. Mrs. Houser vividly por
trayed a storm ait sea iii which
the schooner 'Hesperns was wreck"
ed and her crew totally destroyed.
Mrs. J. W. Simmons sang “The
Rainy Day” with her # usual pa
thos, and we felt like i£ was rain
ing, raining, every where; and that
life was all sad and drear j, and
how glad we were when the sun
shone out, reminding us that be-
hiud all the dark clouds of life,
the sun is still shining, and iiT
spite of their blackness there is a
silver lining. When Miss Corinne
Baldwin gave us “Footsteps of
Angela,” bringing back sweet*
memories of the past, and the
pictures hanging 'upon memory’s
wall were reproduced among
which mingled light foot steps,
gentle touches, sweet tones and
voiceless prayers,then we felt like
the evening was complete.
The instrumental music inter
spersed between these pieces ren
dered by Mi*s. Paul, Hiss Allie
Houser, Miss Mary Davis, was ex
ceptionally fine. On the Whole
all seemed pleased with the exer
cises and more in love with the
poet than ever before. Many
thanks were showered on Mr. and
Mrs. Cater for 1 their hospitality.
Hoping that every Leaguer will oe
willing and anxious to do their
part toward making these meet
ings a success, au<^. that many
more attractive ones will be ar
ranged, we arb, Respectfully,
Honor Roll, Small Academy.
First Grade; Early Cheek, 95;;
Henry Cheek, 95; First Grade
half advanced, Edna Clarke, 92.
Second Grade. Mattie Hose,
98; Brown Riley, 94. A
Fifth Grade. Janie Cheek, 95;
Addie Hose, 94; Lula May Hose,
98; Lucile Cheek, 98.
Sixth Grade. French Perdue,
92; John Willie,Hose, 91.
Seventh Grade. Fannie Pearl
Cheek, : 94; Inez Stone, 94; '.Es
telle Hickson, 91; Marion Hick-
ton, 91; Charlie Harris, 90.
For several years for a case of Piles,
Boils, Outs. Burns, Bruises, Sore and
Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite
or Sting, Ringworm ur Tetter, that Mrs.
Pope’s Mullen Salve would not
cure, but so far we have been agreeably
disappointed. The verdict of all who
have used it" is that it’s the one quick,
absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on
earth like it. Nothing sensational .or
fakey about it. It stands on its merit.
It is put up in a heat and pretty pack
age. Use it. Your money back if you*
are not satisfied. If your druggist does,
not have it in stock,send us 50 cents and
we will send you a large box by mail.
Mbs. Annie M. Pope & Co.,
526 Bismark Place, Jacksonville, Fla
GUARANTEED under reasonable
conditions. Maj deposit money
for tuition' in bank till position is secured, or
give notes, or contract to pay out of salary,
and without security, after course is completed
and position is secured. Our facilities for se-
Thursday Afternoon Club.
Thursday, January 29, the club
ad, guests
members and invited guests were
delightfully entertained by Mrs.
Albert S. Dix at Her home on
fwift street. There was a full at
tendance, fer no one who has the
opportunity of enjoying the hospi-
by of ; Mrs. Dix would think
of denyiug themselves the pleas
ure of being a guest in her home.
This being the time for the re-
election of officers, the meeting
was unusually interesting.
A pleasant discussion resulted
in the election of Mrs. 0. E. Gil
bert for President, Mrs. E, L.
Dennard Vice President, Mrs. L.
S. Tounsley, Secretary. Mrs. Ca
ter,the former President, in a neat
little speech thanked the ladies
for their co-operation duriug the
past year, and with good will and
best wishes she returns to private
Mrs. Cater has made a most ef
ficient officer; shq presided with
dignity and impartiality, and has
been instrumental in making the
club up-to-date in every respect.
Mrs. L. M. Paul, the former
Vice-President, did her duty in a
manner pleasing tO'all.
Mrs. Simmons, the retiring - Sec
retary did her full part, for which
she has the sincere thanks of the^
The newly elected President and
Vtce President, we welcome with
pleasure and good will. Being la
dies of culture and refinerheut,
we trust them' to hold^ the reins
of government iu a judicious man
Mrs. Gilbert’s little speech* of
acceptance, though short, was
spicy and to the point. Miss
Chambers wou the prize in the
game contest. The refreshments
served by lone Smoak and Nellie
Dix were dainty and delicious.
February 12th Mrs.'* E. L. Den
nard will entertain the club, at
her beautiful home near Perry.
C. E.
Since disposing of ray stock of General
Merchandise, 1 have decided to conduct a
(The only business of the kind in Perry, Ga.) and I an now
ready for busineso with a first-class line of
Valentine Party at Hayneville.
—i— — iso-page
catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Ad
dress Drattghon’s College at either place.
To Buyers of Field, Flower and
Garden Seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co.,
successors to Lamar, Qheatham &
Coi, in addition to their regular
Drug business, have just opened
immediately in the rear of and
opening into their Drug Depart
ment, a first-class, up-to-date
Seed Store, where will be found
everything'in the-seed line. We
also handle largely Genuine East-
earn Irish Potatoes and Onion
Sets, Amber and Orange Canp,
German and Cattail Millet, Rocky
Ford Cantaloupe and Watermelon
Seeds. Also carry a full line of
Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Fern Balls
and Platit Foods.. Cabbage, Col-
lard, Radish, Cucumber, Spinach,
Kale, Rope, Turnip Seeds furnish
ed in bulk or in papers. Dou’t
fail to call and see us when need
ing seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co. t
Mulberry and Third Sts.,
Macon, Ga.
An invitation to‘all.
You are most cordially invited
uo attend the “St. Valentine’s”
party given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Gi Fitzgerald Fri
day night February 18th< 1908.,
Bring your valentines with you,
and some one will lfieetyou at the
door to take them. "Then they,
will be. placed in a box;- and after
the gufests have all arrived, some
one will be appointed to read
them aloud. Be sure you have
the names on them to whom they
are to be given. Please let them
be ifespectable, although we do
not object to some comical ones.
Everybody is invited to attend.
Remember the day,February 18th,
ad St. Valentine’s day is on Sat
urday. "All come who can.
From: 7 to 12 o’clock.,
Respectfully, V
Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Fitzgerald.
Hayneville Ga.
Valentines can .be' bought
Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta, Ga. A Pt. Worth, Texas.'
Montgomery, .Ala. w, Galveston, Texas.
Little Rock, Ark. Shreveport, La.
. No Vacation St. Louis, /to. Eater soy time
Most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kina in the world. Author four
text-books ou bookkeeping. Four weeks book,
keeping with us equal to twelve by the old plan.
Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We
expend more money securing positions than al
most any business college lakes in as tuition.
Cheap board;.car fare paid. CATALOG FREE,
PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully
taught by mail or no charges. We
To Cure a Cold in One Uay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W.
Grove’s signature on each box.25c.
—We handle the best Wagon on
wheels. Come and look at it,
even if you do not need one.
Edwards & Marshall.
>r no charges.
I H1 Study Course
, >per cent of th
give by personal
jprlceUst °f Home Study Course.^
Plow Casting is the
F. M. Houser.
The Kind You J1 ave AIways Bought
—We, have everything, that
farmer needs in Houston, and
plough tools and the prices right.
Eewards & MARSHALL.
—New Overalls, New work Pants,
New Work-Shifts, etc.'L. M. Paul.
—Three papers, for, $2;25, the
Home Journal, Atlanta Weekly
Constitution and Sunny South.
Everything a.farmer wants is at
F. M. Houser’s.
“For want of a nail the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe a horse was lost;
For want of a horse a rider was lost.”
A neglect of yours to lay aside
some part of your earnings in our
savings department, may cause
you great inconvenience, possibly
Farmers’ Supplies, Buggies,
Wagons Plows, Etc.,
occupying one of my in Day’s Block.
W. D. DAY,
Exclusive Farmers’ Supplies,,
Buggies, Wagons, Plows, &c.
ZDa-y 7 © ;jBXQ03sJ-
Don’t overlook the important
question of material and mak
Here you find the ftort of
clothes that are right and will
look just what they are. 2$o
danger of disappointment, ^- A.o.KmeonDAUMAco.
cause we nave studied the proportion of supply and de
mand and know what will please.
The Newest of Everything
for Men’s atfd Boys’ Wear.
Benson, Walker & Moore,
The TJp-to-Date Clothiers,
Going Out
j* • Stock has been removed from thp Masonic ^Building to store
) opposite the postoffice.
t i •
..F. C. DAY, Perry, Ga..
« rv >'??
Thos. B; Ayeb, Pres.
Edwin S. Davis, Gen. Mng’r
For want of a decision, the accouNt was
For want of an account, the savings was
For want of the savings,a home was lost.
For want of a home, the family was lost.
Home Savings Bank,
American National Bank Building.
B. A Mebbitt,
Osoab E. Dooley,
Bears the
Planters’ Supply Go.
Mules and all grades of Standard Fertilizers.
We will make it to your interest to consult us before
making your purchases.
451 Poplar Street. MACON, GA.
(Near Warehouse of W. A. Davis & Co.)
EiDWiJsr s. zdj^vys,
(Formerly of W. A. Davis & Co.,
General Manager.