Newspaper Page Text
the court house after 12 o’<
Sidewalk Gleanings.
—Elm trees in Perry are bloom
—Just now the prospects for a
fruit crop m Houston are good."
—-Mrs. J. H. Culler is visiting
her siBter, Mrs. R. B. Pollard, at
—With a few more warm days,
there will be many peach treeB
blooming in Perry.
—Judge A. Bryant visited his
brother in Macon county- on last
Sunday and Monday morning.
—Rev. J. W. Simmons will
preach at Andrew Chapel next
[Sunday afternoon at 8 o’oloclc.
’ —Miss Elma House* of Elko is
visiting relatives and friends in
Porry, the guest bf Mrs. L. M.
— Mrs. J. R. Miller visited her
daughter, Mrs. Claud Williams,
at Pihehurst last Sunday and
—Miss Marian Chambers of
Gainsville is visiting friends in
Perry, the guest of Miss Oorinne
—February meeting of Pious-
ton Lodge Nq 85 F. <fe A. M. Fri
day night tliis week. Work in
first degree.
—Ordinary Hurst expects the
pension checks for Houston coun
ty veterans and widows will be in
his hands by next Monday.
—From last Friday afternoon
t”o Sunday morning Mrs. J H.
Houser visited her daughter, Mrs.
J. L. Eubanks, at Eraerioh.
0 —Mr. W. D. Day is engaged in
selling Farmers’ Supplies exclu
sively; entirely new stock. See
announcement in ad. columns.
—Last Saturday the county
board of education held a meet
ing at Perry, and arranged for the
prompt payment of teachers’ sal
aries. /
—All the county commissioners
1 were present at the February ses
sion of the oourt last Tuesday.
Only routine business was trans
—Judge W. 0. Faulk, ordinary
of Twiggs county, came to Perry
Monday night to see His mother,
Mrs. 0. It. Faulk, who was quite
ill at that time.
—Among other business trans
acted in Court of Ordinary last
Monday, the will of the late Mr.
William Avora of Byron was pro
bated in solemn form.
—A local agent of near Byron
told us last Saturdag that he had
already sold to Houston farmers
\ more guano than he sold during
the entire spring season last year.
—The Houston i Teachers’ Asso-
oiation will meet at the college
building at Perry next Saturday
morning. State School Commis
sioner Merritt will attend and
address the association.
—Mr, Brown Riley was in Ma
con two or three days last week
with his daughter, Miss Lizzie,
who had suffered with an attack
of appendicitis. Shy returned
home- with her father Friday,
much improved.
\ —Houston farmers have been
handioapped by unfavorable
weather since Christmas, and
comparatively little preparatory
plowing has been . done. , They
. are patient,, however, and will
put much energy into the work
when the weather permits.
—Ordinary Hurst informs us
that during the winter of 1900-01
there were 800 cases of smallpox
in Houston county—four white
families and the others negroes.
As the disease has again appeared
all citizens Bhould exercise ex
treme “precaution and vaccination
should be thorough. .
—There were indications a fow
days ago that ♦ a subscription
might be started for the pecuni
ary relief of one of our county
commissioners. It is said that on
last Tuesday, (commissioners’
court day) he was withontmoney,.
the roads, too bad for his vehicle
nearly 15 miles from Perry. Fur
ther he remained in Perry until
Wednesday afternoon. Our au
thority for this is a frequenter of
the court house.
Marriage Near Perry:
Last Wednesday afternoon .Jan
uary 28th, a considerable number
of relatives, neighbors and friends
assembled at the home of Mr. and
Mjs. J. M. K. Barfield, about 8
mileB north-east of Perry, to wit
ness a marriage ceremony. The
parlor was pleasingly decorated
with holly and bamboo, and a
large globe lamp diffused a mel
low light throughout the darken
ed room.
The guests stood in a semi-cir
cle, and as Miss Maggie Marr
brought forth from the organ ,the
sweet meledy of a wedding march,
the bride and groom came in the
front door aud stood facing the
minister near the center of the
room. Then Rev. Albert S, Dix
performed the marriage rite in
his usual happy manner; joining
right hands, the bride and groom
pledged‘ k feat[y each to other, and
by authority of ^God and man the
minister pronounced Mr. Albert
Sydney Wellons and Miss Alyce
Barfield man and wife.
Congratulations were cordially
extended, and a short while later
Mr. Wellons and wife went to
Kathleen and thence to Arabi,
their home.
The popularity of the young
bride was attested by many
presents, beautiful and useful.
'The groom id the trusted and
efficient railroad agent aud tele
graph operator at Arabi. He is
well-known in Houston, having
taught school here several years.
The bride is the second daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. K. Bar-
field, attractive alike in feature
and character. For two years or
more she wus a valued teacher in
We join their many friends in
extending cordisl congratulations
and best wishes for their future
happiness and welfare.
Among the guests were the fol
lowing from a distanoe; Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Allen of Cordele, Miss
Nora Woodall of Wayside and
Miss Maggie Marr of Henderson.
—At the oourt house last Satur
day night Prof. Marvin Williams
graphically piotured the “Ameri
can Small boy,” his joys and sor
rows, trials, victories, and char
acteristics. A large number of
Perry people were in attendance,
and all were pleased with the lec
ture. The word pictures were
true to life, and the lecturer prov
ed himself master of the siibjeot.
He is indoed a fluent aud versa
tile speaker and a positive com
pliment iB the fact that his effort
pleased the children as well as
the older people.
—At the home of Mrs. L.. F.
Cater last Tuesday night the
yo\ing ladies of Mr. «^}pter’s Sun
day School class were entertained
by Mrs. Cater at tea. After tea
there was pleasant entertainment
ofmusio and games., Later the
party was enlarged by the appear
ance of several young men invit
ed to join the ladies after tea
The solar scheme adornment was
green and white, producing a very
pretty effect. The guests are con-
fimred in tlieir judgment that Mrs.
Cater is a most ‘pleasing and
graceful hostess, admirably sus
tained by Mr. Cater.
—Last Tuesday evening Mr. J.
N. Tuttle entertained the mem
bers of Perry Chapter R. A. M/at
the Perry Hotel. The occasion
was immediately preceding a reg
ular convocation of the chapter,
and the collation an unembellish
ed oyster supper. The oysters
were primarily of extra fine qual
ity, and in preparing them, stew
ed and fried, Mrs. Jennie Garri
son, matron of the m>tei| proved
herself a culinary artist of decid
ed merit. Mr. Tuttle upheld his
record as an inimitable host..
—Judge S. J. Hose! of the Up
per 14th district, J. H. Grace of
Elko, T. A. Middlebrooks of Per
ry, J. F. Lowe, J. W. Gordon, W.
J. Ingram of near Byron, and
others of Houston county, attend
ed United States district court‘at
Macon last week, aB jurors and
Fine Turkeys For Sale.
A few pairs or trios of “The
Pure White Mammoth Turkeys.”
A large and distinct novel breed.
Apply to Jno. F. Troutman,
Fort Valley, Ga.
Smallpox at Tivola.
Last Tuesday Ordinary Hurst
was notified by Mr. John F, Lo
gan that a negro at Tivola was af
fected with a disease that he be
lieved to be small pox. At the
request of Judge Hurst, Dr. R.
L. Cater went to Tivola to inves
tigate she suspicious case.
We saw Dr. Cater after his re
turn, aud he told us there were
two well defined oases of small
pox at Tivola, both patients being
negroes. He further said he was
satisfied that there had been two
other cases in one of the families,
now recovered. One of these ne
groes is John Jeffries, an employ
ee of the G. S. & F. Railroad at
the water tank, the others fruit
farm hands.
One of the houses in which the
disease has developep is near the
station on the road from Perry,
the others on the east side of the
Prope^’ precaution has been ta
ken to isolate all who have been
in contact with the disease, and
preveut any further contagion.
MissCorinne Baldwin entertain
ed at Hight Tea, Wednesday af
ternoon, January 28th, in honor
of her guest, Miss Marian Cham
bers of Gainesville. She' was as
sisted in receiving by Mrs, L. F.
Cater, Mrs. R. L. Cater, and Mrs.
L. M. Paul.
Mrs. Gilbert’s home is admira
bly adapted to social functions of
this kind. The hall, purlor and
dining room were thrown into one
spacious reception room, with
tasteful decorations.
Miss Baldwin received at the
doo/and conducted each guest to
a bowl of refreshing fruit punch
served by Mrs. R. L. Cater. In
due time they were presented to
the guest of honor and afterwards
invited over to the tea-table to
partake of “the oupthat cheers,
but hot inebriates,” so daintily
poured by Mrs. H. M. Holtzclaw
and Mrs. C. E. Grlbert. Guest.
You kfiow about them, for they are the most widely
known brand of Hosiery in the world,. They are sold
v in almost every city, town, village and hamlet between
the oceans. Yes, we have the real, genuine article,
and you may believe that you’ll find some of the besf:
wearers in Hosiery you have e\er had for your money.
Given Away Free.
The Singer Sewing Machine
Company has removed to new
quarters in Macon and are now
looated at 668 Cherry street.
They will give away a $60 new
Improved Drop Head Sewing Ma
chine on Febraruy 15th.
Every one purchasing 5 cents
worth of Needles, Oil, Belts, or
Attachments is entitled to a
chance for it. They keep Nee
dles and attachments, etc. for at,t.
•—Starks’ Genuine Boy Dixie
castings. Fred M. Houser.
—Black Cat Stockings at
,L. M. Paul’s.
Guardiau’s Sale.
By virtue of au order from the court of
Ordinary of Houston county,|Ga., at the
January term, 1908,1 will sell at public
outcry at the court house door in Perry,
Ga., within the legal hours of sule, on
the 1st Tuesday in Maroh next, (1908)
the following real estate belonging to the
estate of Edwin J. Houser, a minor, to-
wit: The one-twelfth (1-12) undivided
interest in one town lot 140 feet fronting
on Anderson avenue and running jjl50
feet back, in the town of Fort Valley; al
so east half of lot No. 247, less three
aores sold on southeast oorner of said
lot, containing 98 aores more or less. All
of said realty situated; lying and being
in the 9th district of Houston county,Ga,
Feb. 2, ldps. F. C. Ho user, G’d’n.
Will be sold before the court house
loor in the town of Perry, Houston
county, Ga., between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Maroh,
1901, the following property, to-wit:
All that lot or tract of land situate in
the county of Houston,state of Georgia,
described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the right of-way of the South-
Western Railroad 75 feet from the center
of the main line and 898 feet, more or
less, south-west of the Barrel! and Orate
Faotory building, thence measuring
south 47° 241 east 696.5 feet to the Mar-
shallville and Fort Valley road, thenoe
along said road south 88°80 1 . west 262.7
feet, thenoe north 47° 24 *. west 726.4 feet,
thenoe north 40°2I1 east 252.2 feet to
point of beginning; saijijot of land con
taining 4113-1000 aores j.'theexaot metes,
bounds and location of'sarie 1 being fully
shown on map att&ohed^tb'ideed, Central
of Georgia Railway Go.-and- F. W. Gano.
Levied on as the property-qf F. W. Ga
no |;q satisfy a-fl-fa from Houston Coun
ty. Court, returnable to the October
Quarterly term 1902 thereof, in fawor of
The Cherokee Marble Works vs. said F.
W, Gano. Notice given in terms of the
M. L. COOPER, Sheriff.
Feb. 2nd, 1903.
Subscribe for The Home Journal,
Black Cat Children’s Hose, all sizes,
Black Cat Children’s Hose, all sizes,
Black Cat Children’s Hose, all sizes,
Black Cat Ladies’ Hose, plain,
Black Cat Ladies’ Hose, plain,
Black Cat Ladies’ Hose, white feet,
Black Cat Ladies’Hose, plain,
Black Cat. Ladies’ Hose, lace stripe,
Black Cat Men’s Half Hose, heavy gray knitted,
Black Cat Men’s Half Hose, black, white feet,
Blaok Cat Infants’ Hose, plain black, lace stride, red, &o.,
Black Cat Infants’ Hose, fancy drop stitch, white & black,
10c pair
I5o pair
25c pair
10c pair
15c pair
15o pair
25c pair
25c pair
10c pair
25c pair
15o pair
25c pair
A handsome line of 50o and 75c
Ties we have reduced to 85c
A good line for 85o, iu all col
ors and styles, now on the market
for 25c
The best 15c 4-ply Collars in all
styles and heights are to go at 10c
All kinds, dressed and undress
ed Kid Gloves that were $1.50 are
now $1.00
Good Gloves for every day wear
for. 25c and 50c.
Some beautiful colors in stiff
bosom Shirts worth $1.00 & $1.25,
now marked to 76c.
All the 75o ones to be sold at 60c.
We can give you the best values
you can buy in white lauudried
and unlaundried shirts. If you
need one see ours before buying.
A beautiful line of Fancy Half-
Hose. The kind you have always
paid 85c for are now going at 26c.
A good line of black lisle thread
and solid black with white feet 25o
A good line of fancies and solid
blacks at 15o.
It will be highly appreciated.
A new lot of the latest styles in Waist Goods
just received.
“Heavy White Waistings,”
“White Hop Sacking,”
“W'hite Basket Cloth.”
Several patterns of White Pique and other and late Waist
Goods, Figured White Oxfords, eic.
The newest and best selested line of Children’s Caps we
have ever shown.
Also the latest thing in Skirt Goods—Heavy Washable
Linen Mixtures; Green and Light Brown,
A large basket full of Remnants afways on hand, where
you can find some Genuine Bargains.
Provisions, Grain, Hay, Cow Feed,
Farm Produce.
Correct prices. Give me a trial
Cor. Second and Poplar Scs. MACON, G-A
Amerioan, IField. Fence.