Newspaper Page Text
Wttf$'M@nm /aMMi
Perry, Thursday, March 5.
I have 800 pounds
, of the best
Country Cured Shoulders
and will guarantee
every one to be per
fect and give satis
Your orders solicited.
W. B. Sims;
“For want of a nail the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe a horse was lost;
For want of a horse a rider was lost.”
A neglect of yours to l&y aside
some part of your earnings in our
savings department, may cause
you great inconvenience, possibly
For want of a decision, the aocouNt was
lost. /
For want of an account, the saviugs was
For want of the savings,a home was lost.
For want of a home, the family was lost.
Home Savings Bank,
American National Bank Building.
Oscar E. Dooley,
Loans negotiated on improved farms
at lowest market rates, and on most lib
eral terms.
Business of fifteen years' standing.
More than three million dollars in loans
negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed.
No. 814 Second St., Maoon, Ga
Farm Loans
We consider good farm lands the best
security for loans. We can make suoh
loans promptly and at lowest rates. If
you wish to borrow let us hear from you.
Security Loan & Abstract Co.
Taros. B. West,
Sec. and Att’y.
Information for Teachers.
Negro Killed His
a recent letter of informa- ^ Last Saturday night a negro
suggestion from State woman, Annie Glover,was shot and
School Commissioner Merritt to ; killed by a Winchester rifle in the
County School Commissioners, house of her husband, John Glov
er. Slip lived several hours, and
made a statement as to the kill
Tuesday Coroner Schilling and
Deputy Sheriff Riley went to the
farm of Mr. H. S. Feagin, near
Wellston where the killing occurr
ed, and held an inquest over the
dead body.
No one other than the hus
band and wife was present when
the shooting occurred, and the
testimony was conflicting.
In the ante-mortem statement,
in the presenoe of Messrs. Rob
ert Feagin and C. A. Evans, she
said that she was trying to take
the gun from her husband and
that the shooting was accidental.
To anegro, [.several witnesses say,
she said her husband shot her.
There was oiroumstantial evidence
of a fuss between them.
The coroner’s jury declared the
killing mttu-slaughter, and Glover
was brought to Perry and placed
in jail that night by Deputy Sher
iff Riley.
Elko Etchings.
there is much of importance to
such teachers as may again apply
for license. Commissioner Smith
requests us to publish the follow
ing concerning the basis of the
questions to be embraced in the
next examination;
You may announce that the
following books, which are already
in the hands of nearly all the
teachers, w.ill be used as basis for
some of the questions in the next
examination of applicants for
teacher’s license:
Applicants who desire to secure
a third grade license should study:
1. The Common School Branches.
2. Manual of Methods for
Georgia Teachers.
8. Page’s Theory and Practice
of Teaching, (Branson’s or any
Applicant’s who desire to secure
second grade license should
1 The Common School Branches.
2. Manual of Methods for|Goor-
gia Teachers,
8. Page’s Theory and Practice
of Teaching, Branson’s, or any
4. Roark’s Methods in Educa
Applicants for first grade li
cense should study the above lists,
as only one set of questions will
be prepared; but the questions
yrill be so graded that two or
three questions on each subject
will be more difficult than the
others. By this nJeans, while not
lowering the standard of third
and second grade licenses, I hope
to raise the standard for a first
grade license and for a perma
nent state license.
If the applicants for first grade
licenses expect to send their ex
amination papers to this depart
ment and make application for
permanent state licenses, it would
be well for them to review care
fully the following books or sub
jects in addition to the above
1. Include Civios with History.
2. Spencer’s Essays on Educa
tion. Several editions, ranging
from 10 cents to $ 1.25.
8. History and Philosophy
4. Psychology.
5. Include English and Amer
ican Literature with Reading and
6. Include Elementary Phys
ics and Physioal Geography with
Common School Geography.
Youis very truly,
W. B. Merritt.
State School Commissioner.
Thursday Afternoon Olub.
\ 1
On February 12th, the Thurs
day Afternoon Club was euter-
tained by Mrs. E, L. Dennard at
her beautiful home near Perry.
There was a uui... attendance,
only a few being unavoidably de
tained at home. President took
the chair and oalled the meetiug
to order. Then usual business
came before the club. The fol
lowing committee was appointed
to draw up constitution aud by
laws: Mrs. L. F. Cater, Mrs. R.
L. Cater, and Mrs. L. S. Touns-
Business being disposed of the
meeting adjourned to enjoy the
social feature of the afternoon
Mrs, Dennard is a charming
hostess uuassuming, oordial, and
attentive; her guests felt her greet
ing of welcome was genuine.
The refreshments were exquis
ite, abundant and daintily served.
Miss Hughes, the guest of hon
or, is a dainty little lady whose
charming personality makes
friends wherever she goes.
Mrs. H. T. Gilbert will enter
tain the Club Maroh 5th, from 8
to 5 p. m. ♦ 0. E.
For several years for a case of Piles ;
Boils, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sore and
Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect. Bite
or Sting, Ringworm or Tetter, that Mrs*
Pope’s Mullen Salve would not
cure, but so far we have been agreeably
disappointed. The verdict of all who
have used it is that it’s the one quick
absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on
earth like it. Nothing sensational or
fakey about it. It stands on its merit.
It is put up in a neat and pretty pack
age. Use it. Your money back if yon
are not satisfied. If your druggist does
•not have it in stock,send us 50 cents and
we will send you a large box by mail.
Mrs. Annie M. Pope & Co.,
526 Bismark Place, Jacksonville, Fla
DflQITIflNC GUARANTEEDunder reasonable
rUuUIUltu conditions. Maj deposit money
fortnitionin bank till position is secured, or
give notes, or contract to pay out of salary,
and without security, after course is completed
and position is secured. Our facilities for se
curing positions, and the proficiency of onr
graduates, are strongly endorsed by business
men from Maine to California. Our 150-page
catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Ad
dress Draughon’s College at either place.
. \
Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta, Ga. A Ft. Worth, Texas*
Montgomery, Ala. Galveston, Texas.
jLiitle P.ock, Ark. Shreveport, La.
No Vacation St. Louis, Ho. Enter any time
Host thorough, practical and progressive
schools cf the kind in the world. Author four
text-beolcs on bookkeeping. Pour weeks book-
keepin ;r with us equal to twelve by the old plan.
Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We
expend more money securing positions than al
most any business college takes in aB tuition.
Cheap hoard; car fare paid. CATALOG FREE.
HOME STUDY 188“™."®:
PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully
taught by mail or no charges. We
give better Home Study Coarse than
\ per cent of the business colleges
—A new case of small pox has
been reported at Tharp,' in the
tenth district, in a white family,
and the Lake View school has been
suspended. There are several oth
er cases west of Perry, but in the
some locality of previous cases.
It is also reported that for two
weeks or more the disease has: pre
vailed at Byron, and that there
are nqw several cases in white
families. The eases at Byron are
all said to be light, and many of
that town and vicinity do not be
lieve the disease is small pox.
—On February 16th, the wind
very nearly demolished the dwell
ing house of Mr. J. T. Wells, four
miles west of Perry. Considera
ble work by a large number of
hands was necessary to repair the
damage. On the Standard fruit
farm the smoke house- was blown
down, and many deadened pine
trees were uprooted.
—All members of the board of
County Commissioners attended
the monthly court last Tuesday,
and in addition to the routine
business they adopted regulations
concerning the . supervision of
small pox in the county, and took
under consideration a petition to
open a new public road in the
Lower 14th district.
By Big San dy
After spending several weeks
with relatives here, Miss Maude
Rogers has returned to her home
at Mt Vernon, Ga, She added
very muoh to society while here.
Mrs. J. O. Mann and little
daughter, Augustus, are visiting
Mrs. James Hamilton of Vienna.
Miss Sarah Tounsley of Perry
spent several days with Mrs. J.
H. Coffee last week.
Miss Fleetwood Brown of Ma
oon, who has been visiting Mrs.
H. J. Brown, has returned home.
Mr. Smith Deemard’s little boy
happened tq quite a bad accident
one day last week. While play-
iug around the fire, his clothes
caught and he was severely burn
ed. We are glad to know that he
is improving.
Mr. J. D. Means returned to
Jacksonville, Fla., to-day.
Prof. J. A. Green visited Una-
dilla Saturday.
Mr. Horu&r Shipp of Cordele
was a visitor to our city Sunday.
Miss Echsah Webb of Sycamore
if Visiting relatives here.
Messrs. Ed Marr and J. W.
Hoege, Jr., of Henderson were
visitois to our city last Sunday
Miss Mamie Brown spent Sat
urday and Suuday with home
folks here.
Miss Maude Rogers, Messrs. J.
A. Greene, F. T. Eubanks, Mr.
and Mrs. 0. E. Eubanks visited
Henderson Sunday afternoon.
Miss Emmie Means' is visiting
relatives in Vienna.
Mrs. C. G. Hardeman returned
to her home in Miaoon last week.
Mrs. J. F. Houser is visiting in
Macon, the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. 0. G. Hardeman.
Mr. R. B. Means visited Gro-
vania Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Maude Collier has return
ed to her home in Meansville.
mother we will ever feel grateful
for their untiring attention to her
during her long illness, and for
their many kind words of sympa
thy and assistance rendered us.
W. 0. Faulk,
Mrs.\0. F. Cooper,
Mrs. Mary Brunbon.
—Some more of the New Bar
rett Stoves. Bee them at
Edwards & Marshall’s.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen,
From Baskins’.Branch, one Log
Chain and one new Carpenter’s
Hammer. A reward offered for
their return to the owner.
J. D. Martin, Jr., Perry, Ga
—Landreth’s famous Vegeta
ble and Flower Seeds are true to
name and sure to grow. Sold by
measure at
Holtzclaw’s Drugstore.
—We can sell you cotton seed
Hulls and Meal cheap.
Edwards & Marshall.
—Cotton Planters and Guano
Distributors. F. M. Houser.
—All Houston farmers with
whom we have talked are heartily
in favor gof a county fair and a
county exhibit at the state fair
next fall.
Scrapes, Scooters and Shovels.
F. M. Houser.
Cured of Rheumatism Alter Spend
ing $3,000 in Vain.
Mrs. G. L. Thaxfcer, of Ashland, Cal.
writes: “I had been long afflicted with
inflammatory lihenmatism and was con
fined to my bed six months. I had tried
every known remedy; spending $3,000 to
no effect. I used three bottles of URIC-
SOL, and found permanent relief.”
UBIOSOL, never fails to cure diseases
incident to disorders of$the Kidneys and
Bladder wh&r caused by uric acid,
Druggists sell t at $1.00 per bottle, or
six bottles for $5.00.
Bears the
Death of Mr. Oscar Wildes.
At his home in Fort, Valley on
February 25th,1908, Mr. W. Oscar
Wilder died. The interment was
in the fajnily burial ground pi
Crawford county.
He was a son-in-law of Mrs. S.
H. Gates, of near Perry, jand
brother-in-law of Mr. R. L. March-
man of Perry. He was about 85
years old, had .been a railroad em
ployee the greater portion of his
life, t and was held in the highest
esteem by all who knew him.
Of his immediate family, a de
voted wife and four children sur-
vivehim; with these and relatives
many friends sincerely sympa
thise in their bereavement.
-O’ o
To Buyers of Field, Flower and
Garden Seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co.,
successors to Lamar, Cheatham &
Co., in addition to their regular
Drug business, have just opened
immediately in the rear of and
opening into their Drug Depart
ment, a first-class, up-to-date
Seed Store, where will be found
everything in the seed line. We
, also handle largely Genuine East-
| earn Irish Potatoes and Onion
, Sets, Amber and Orange Cane,
German and Cattail Millet, Rocky
To the many friends of our dear I Ford Cantaloupe and Watermelon
Card of Thanks.
—Flour and Syrup oheap by the
barrel. F. M. Houser.
Seeds. Also oarry a full lino of
Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Fern Balls
and Plant Foods. Cabbage, Col-
lard, Radish, Cucumber, Spinach,
Kale, Rope, Turnip SeedH furnish
ed in bulk or in papers. Dou’t
fail to call and see us when need
ing seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co. t
Mulberry and Third Sts.,
Maoon, Ga.
Silkateen in the popular Shades
6/ spool. Diamond Crochet Silk
also at 6/ Bpool. L. M. Paul’s.
Since disposing of ray stock of General
Merchandise, I have decided to conduct a
(The only business of the kind in Perry, Ga.) and I an now
ready for business with a first-class line of
■ ! ' ■ < ' .
Farmers’ Supplies, Buggies,
Wagons Plows, Etc.,
occupying one of my stores in Day’s Block.
W. D. DAY,
Exclusive Farmers’ Supplies,
Buggies, Wagons, Plows, &c.
ZDsl-st’s Bloc lx.
2Pex:rsr„ Q-st.
Largest Manufacturers of
Importers of
In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estab
lished reputation and hib’u grade, but fa buy where
We are in positior-. vdi our unparalleled facilities and our many plants
located all over tb* tesri- , to furnish all classes of .goods and in such
quantities as buyers desire. When you buy of us, with our immense
capacity, you know you can get the goods., and all you want of them.
See our nearest agent to you, or write us direct.
-Send for .the Virglnla-Carolina Almanac, free for the asking.
. , V 'I