Newspaper Page Text
——• —
r Wtfce $1.50 A Year.
JPnbliahod Every Thursday Morning
Official Organ of Houston County
Thursday, Not. 1.
ajFEKY good citizen o f Houston
«aSDsant.y who is alive to his own
v3Sw*sfcinterest will lend encourage-
It) efforts for its dcvclop-
along legitimate lines.
— —1> 1 —
, ’SbocAL public interest in the de*
-^r«l«pment of the mineral re
-iSfi»*rces in this section has by no
' mtinrxB subsided and tlierc are
orany rumors heard on thd streets
■IE*, regard to projects soon to be
etc, but without confirmation.
’There were 4,032 bales of cot
Tata* ginned in Houston County
the crop of 1923 prior to
'October 18th 1923 as compared
0.320 bales ginned to Octob
er ftfth 1922. Keen observers of
nutrop conditions estimato that ap
^®sr(ncimately eiglity per cent ,of the
109*3 orop has bee* ginned.
Slight earth tremors were felt
-sat; Rome, Ga., and other points in
TSorth West foorgia and at Mein-
.Tjptiji, Tenn. Vlouday but no dam-
tdifljfe Ss reported, except the freight
<«*f the populace.
Over 052,000 acres of legumes
">arere plowed under for green ma-
■■wnto in 1922 by farmers following
Ttlhe advice of agricultural oxten -
-fssrow. workers on methods of build-
Snff up soil fertility, according to
■ woporls to the United States De-
; jjpacfcment of Bgriculluro.
Prosperity breeds Content.
Where Industries provide steady
mployment and maintain equit
able working conditions radicalism
can gain no foothold. Every com
munity should do its utmost to
encourage the establishment of
Permanent Factories, Plants and
Moultrie—Large tobacco ware
house to be erected.
Thomasville —Contract to be let
for erection of new school build
ing to cost $155,000.
Macon $100,000 to be spent
for improvement *of hard-surface
bridge over Swift Creek on Rig
gins Mill road.
" aycross—Work on Dixie high
way south of town nearing com
Thomasville—V o t e s $ 16,000
An English wo
man recently
wrote to new s-
paper that she
began life as A.
Mann (Alice
Mann'/. She mar
ried a Mr. Hus
band and so be-
became A. Husband.
He died and she mar
ried again, this time,
a Mr. Maiden Becom
ing a widow for the
second time, she con
cludes that tho born
.A Mann, she will die
Jazz is dying,,say the musical
hounds. But it won’t be entirely
motionless until all the fox-trot
bonds for municipal improvements records and saxaphoues are broken
A cotton mill development, in-
Women alwas care too little, or
too much, or at the wrong time,
Loose talk is the result of looser
thinking, thinks Bill,
voicing $2,000,000 will be erected
at, Dalton by American Thread
Company lb plans to erect a
modern mill community. First
unit will bo a 30,000 to 40,000
spindle mill.
Savannah—Local banks total
$23,947,849 in savings deposits.
Pelham -Construction of Geor
gia Yam-Curing Company’s local
plant nearing completion. , T , , .
Waycross-New tobacco ware-! No news is good news except to
house to bo constructed. J;he «J®P who 18 expecting a check
Savannah Plans completed for by raa “*
Bill says it’s more entertaining
todiave a lot of things to talk
about than to talk' a lot about
I things you havent got.
Mr W T Anderson of the Ma-
- M'ran.'Telograph has been appointed
member of the State Highway
^Commission by Governor Walker,
'Mr Audorson isanjenthusiastioarl-
•'woeatoof permanent highways in
"tfJecwgia and a close student of
- .state highway problems;' His ap
pointment to the • commission is
-"gratiling to friends, of good roads
:stiii this section,
Finding that the fields in which
"4J*oy desired to plant legumes had
-uaeid soil, some 48,000 farmers in
; TL922followed the recommendation
* of their county agent to apply
’ irmo on those fields They used
'ulTor this purpose, according to re-
qporfts'fco the United Stales Depart
ment of Agriculture, about 627,-
. -f OD0 tons of lime or limesiene.
" A-total of 20,530 miles of Fed-
roads was completed by
- Jfvne 30,1923, according to the
T United States Department of Ag-
.»isrwmlfcure. Somo 8,820 miles of
‘"^toieral-aid higliwaysof different
i ^ynies wero constructed during the
year ending on that date.
' "Ow projects under construction
sat the eloso of the year totaled
'J9L&772 miles and were estimated
L.SSS 55 per ,ceu.t complete.
' '’TBbx.t good roads leading into and
jessing through a town or city
.tssassiwialuable assets, is conclusively
i^pruwen by the village of Kilbourn,
-a population of 1,200 people
■'Siisaaled at the entrance to the
of Wisconsin.” It has dc-
jssarasueli a system for keeping a com-
record through its banks,
and business houses of the
r«a*»aey -spent there in 1922 by
-which amounted to more
«Ss»sa«iri;00tK©00. Good roads at-
T?^r*et\i;o.uiuSts and tourists always
^EWSF»s they go. futhermore, they
^,gpe»erally spend liberally. X
construction of new office building
to eost $461,000,
Louiseville& Nashville Railroad
lias spent or authorized for ad
ditions and betterments since end
of federal control $88,000,000.
Brunswick—St. Simon highway
project under way.
Sylvester—Two electric pumps
and electric air compressor for
waterworks purchased at cost of
Red Rock—Now cheese factory
to be installed and ready for busi
ness by November 1;
Wayoro88 Building permits for
this year double those of 1922.
Macon Central of Georgia Rail
way to make improvements on
terminal station property at this-
Quitman—Atlantic Coast Line
Railroad to run tracks on level at
this point.
Carrollton—2600 bales of cotton
marketed this season from this
county, a marked increase over
last year-
Macon -Contract to be Jet for
repairing Spring street bridge.
Sparta—Construction of high
way across Hancock county being
rushed to completion.
Atlanta —Gulf Refining Com
pany opens new service station at
Bellwood avenue and Ashby street
Quitman—Pecan crop in Brooks
county is of best quality and one
of largest grown in recent years.
West Point—Lanett Cotton
Mills and West Point Manufactur
ing Company to merge, combined
capitalization, $7,200,000.
Most important to the main
tenance of prosperity is a fair
day’s work-.
Steel rail mili^ of the country,
with one exception, are booked to
capacity until next June. Rail
roads ate expectod to pi ce be
tween 20,000 and 25,000 ears and
considerable tonnages of track
Statistics show that 26.000.000
Amertcans.nearly ono-fourth ofthe
nation’s population, have savings
accounts in state and national
I take exception to the
of speaking of Europe as
says Bill, to which Pat
New shipment or Art Squares and small Rugs. §
Some very beautiful eesigns. §
New line of grass rugs “Art Supreme” best o
quality ever handled. c
Wood finished iron beds, very popular at this §
time, Good line of Mattresses that will please |
everyone. |
You are invited to look over these goods. |
jj W. B. SIMS, |
8 Nipht Phone No. 22. Day Rhone No. H g
n O
g Perry CtA- o
FOR YEAR 1923.
Mother uses cold cream.
Father uses lather,
My girl uses power
At least that’s what I gatherl
Stable profits come only from a
well-groomed business, opines Bill
There was a horse in town the
other day says Bill, brilliantly.
Commissionors fonrt m Roads and Revenue of Houston County raetln regular
raniif>s ‘ monthly se?si"n Oetober 9th. 1923, with all the memqers of tho Court present.' 1
w , - V * ’ The tax receiver having filed his digest for the year 1928, the court proceeded
well, it the meie matter of chang- j,, nv y a county tux for the venr 1923.
ing its sex will help any, let’s do The aggregate value of the taxab e property on the digest of 1923 is $5,900,-
954 Thie Court was officially informed that the grand jury of Houston Superior
Court, in session at the time of making litis levy, had passed a resolution recom
mending the building of a new jail for Houston County.
It was thereupon ordered that a tax of four-tenths of one per cent, or f®ur
f mills, tie levied upon all I he taxable property of Houston County, on the digest
and not on the digest, for abroad fund to be used for working and maintaining the
public roads of Houston County,
It was futther ordered that an additional tax of thirteen and one-half mills
be levied upon all the taxable P'operty of Houston County, on the digest and not
on the dig'st, for all the oiher several county purposes for whieh the law
authorizes and directs county authorities 1o levy taxes, said tax of 13^ mills to be
levied for and divid among the several county purposes as fol'ows:
1 To pay the legal indebtedness of the
county, due and to become due and past due.... $2.60 per$l,00o or2.50 Mills
2. To Build and repair courthouses and
jails bridges and ferries, and other public
improvement ••• ■ • ■ " *.•••••
3. To pay sheriffs, jailers and other officers fees
that, they may be legally entiled to out of the
county ..
4. To pay coroners all fees I hat may be due
them for holding inquests
6. To pay the expenses of the county for bailiffs
nt. court, non-resident witnesses in criminal cases
fuel, servant hire, stationary and the like,
0, To pay jurors a perdiem compensation
7. T" pay expenses incurred in supporting the
poor of the county, and ns otherwise prescribed
bv th<‘ Code
8. To pay any of lawful charge against the
E'oquence: The
Sound Over Sense.
Triumph of
Famous Wattering Places
Coley Island
The Hydrant
Grandfather's well.
Our Old oaken bucket.
The tub in the barn lot.
You can’t injure an enemy
hating him, but you can play hell
with your own liver, in theopinkn
of Bill.
$8.00 per $1,000 or 8 Mills
.75 per $1,000 or .75 Mills
.05 per $1,000 or .05 MillsS
,75 per $1,000 or .75
.50 per $1,000 or .50
What’3 the use of talking about
stable conditions, says Bill when
everybody is looking for' the
Opportunity knocks but once—
but' (hat one knock is often a
Want Adz We Never See
Lost —Lost somewhere between
my trip from Sadie to her father
to ask her hand, my nerve, —M.
1’. Head.
The Alps come pretiy high—
but they are worth it, thinks Bill.
We are not a vegetarian, but
we have been squashed on in
numerable occasions
Hollars are like cobblestones:
if thrown aside carelessly, they
block the road Success; if carefoi
ly placed, they make a good pave
meufc to travel on.
The Last Degree
500 Koreans Slain By Jap Vigilante. I T “o • • ■>
Toltlo.—iviore than til hiaiW X'.spjv- bo you jMned a secret
Koreans residing ill Japan wero vjc-[ s ? CI6 ^ 11 they make you ride
time of vigjiautes, reservist", and otk-, 4 * 10
ers in the days immediately follow
ins the earthquake which destroyed
Yokohama, according to reports pub
lished here. These reports previous
ly have not been published because \
of thJ censorship enforced here. The
massacre is aanuiueu to exaggerated
kune: i of outrages alleged to have
been committed by Koreans after the <
earthquake. These rumors spread rap-1
idly over the evdastated area. i “Does your sweet mama know
|anything about automobiles? I
‘should say not. She asked me last
night if I cooled the engine by
Gaspei—“No, the Chief Exalted
marie me l ido for two hours in a
flivver I sold him a year ago.
Helping mother with the dishes
is hard work compared with danc
ing 24 hours at a stretch.
His Girl Is A Duhbdoea
.50 per $1,000 or ,50 Milid
.45 per $1,000 or .45 Mills
Total, $13.50 per$1,000 or 13 5n Mills
Tlie Board of Fdueution of Houston County having recommended the follow
ing tax for n public sr hool fund for Ihe year 1923:
It was odrered Ih'at a tax of five-tenths of one per cent, or five mills, be levied
upon all tuxable property of Houston Couuty,on the digest and not. on the digest,
ou 1 8itle the corporate limits of Perry and Fort Valley, to supplement the public
school fund apportioned to all of Houston County, except said corporate limits of
Perry and Fort V»ujy.
The Board of Trustees of Byron Consolidated School District having reeommend-
the following tax far a public school fund for said district fo tlie y :ar 1023:
It w«s ordered that a special tax of four-tenths of one per reat. or four mills,
be levied upon all the taxable piopeity of the Byron Consolidated School District
nf Houston County to pa interest ana to provide a sinking fund to pay $29,000.00,
of sellool bonds for said <?i>trict.
Georgia, Houston C'unty.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and ci.Trect except
from the Minutes of the Commissioners of Uoads and Revenue of HousLon County
in session October fltli. 192^.
Witness niv hand and official sigrntwre this 9th day of October, 1923.
C. E. BRUNSON Clerk of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Houston
County, Georgia.
Woman Weds For Fourteenth Time
East St. Louis, 111.—Mrs. Cora
Yates, who was divorced for her
thirteenth husband recently, was mar
ried for the fourteenth time to Henry
Laforge, of this city. The marriage
was performed at Belleville, near
stripping tlie gears.
—Next Friday night
will all be out.
the Goblins
For Fairs and Expositions, Fall 1923
Fare and one-half round trip, minimum 50 cents will apply on
account of the following Fairs and Expositions. Tickets will be sold
on suitable dates and ample final limit will be allowed on tickets. Ap
ply to any Ticket Agent for total fares, dates of sale, limits, et«.
Atlanta, Ga-, —Southeastern Fair,October 6*13,1923. Tickets
on sale from all points in Georgia and Alabama.
Columbus, Ga.,—Chattahoochee Valley Fair Association, Octo
ber 15 20, 1923, Tickets on sale from Newnan; Macon, Perry. Al
bany. Outhbert, Dawson, Ga., Eufaula, Andalusia. Montgomery, Al
exander City, Roanoke, Ala,, and all stations intermediate to Colum
bus, (la.
Macon Ga., Georgia State Exposition, October 22-27, 1S23.
Tickets on sale from all stations in Georgia.
Savannah, Ga..—Savannah Tri-State Exposition, October 27 to
November 3, 1923. Tickets on sale from all points in Georgia, except
north of Cedar town. ’ .
Subscribe for the HOME JOURNAL and
keep up with the affairs of the county.