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Hornets And Hornettes
On Winning Streaks
Donnie ‘DC’ Cockrell
Shortly after Westfield
had been infested with
football fever, playoff
style, the roundballs
starting bouncing and
Coach Percy Hardy
hopes both of his
basketball teams will go
as far or beyond. Hardy is
in his second year
coaching both teams and
he does not mind the
extra work. This extra
time has already paid
small dividends as both
the girls and boys have
winning records at the
time of this writing. Both
teams battled River
North in a 3-AA region
contest Tuesday evening.
The Hornettes have
compiled 4 wins with
their only loss being at
the hands of Monroe in
the second game of the
season. These young
ladies like to run as 65, 75,
and 72 point games in
dicate. They are a
pressing, fast breaking
bunch even though Hardy
noted that "our break is
not nearly what it could
be. We still have a ways
to go.”
Coach Hardy certainly
has the time to improve
his squad because four of
the five starters, ex
cluding senior Lynn
Davidson, are amazingly
sophomores. But Lynn is
the catalyst, the leader of
this young team with an
18 point scoring average
which includes a 30-point
eruption against Beech
wood. “Lynn makes a big
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Lynn Davidson
....Drives Around Defender
difference in our squad,
she has matured so much
since last year” com
plimented Hardy. Lynn
can also pass, and she
does most of her passing
in the post area to
sophomore Marion
Davidson. Marion works
well in the middle with a
good shooting touch and a
13 point per game
average. Hardy men
tioned that both Lynn and
Marion have the skills to
do most everything on the
But other good team
players surround this
tandem such as
sophomore guard Pam
Woodard who Hardy
described as “the best
defensive player on the
team and a great
hustler.” Dana Hancock
is a sophomore forward
who “lacks a little on
defense but is coming
around.” The fourth part
of this sophomore
dominated starting
lineup is guard Terri
Grimes, the hardest
worker on the team who
is said to practice such
rituals not normally
exercised by many
female high school
players such as learning
to dribble and shoot with
either hand comfortably.
Junior Dawn Daniels
comes off the bench with
great potential to become
an all-around player.
“Any of the skills that
Pam and Terri have she
is close to equal,” Hardy
remarked. Gay Thomson
suffered knee injury and
when healthy she will be
a welcome addition to the
This is the first year the
girls have concentrated
on a fast-break type of
game and turnovers are a
constant problem. The
answer is experience,
which the sophomore
members will have
plenty of by the time they
are seniors. Regardless
of what happens this
year, this team has a
The Hornets were
soundly beaten in their
first two games by 19 and
13 points but have
regrouped and are now
riding a three game
winning streak with wins
over Beechwood,
Brentwood, and West
wood. Unlike the girls,
every member of the
starting lineup is a senior
with four other players
coming off the bench to
get substantial playing
time. “We have many
players who are close or
equal in ability. The
competition is very in
tense and I like it,”
beamed Hardy. The
Hornets do not rely on a
star player but the closest
coming to that
description would be
Ricky Johnson, a 6'2”
senior center who came
Plays In
Both Westfield
basketball squads are
participating in a
Christmas tournament to
be played this Wed
nesdasy, Thursday and-
Friday nights. At
Fullington Academy in
Pinehurst, Georgia. The
Hornettes tip-off the
action Wednesday night
at 7:00 against Southland
while the boys also play
Southland at 8:30 in the
nightcap. If they advance
they play either Beech
wood or Fullington
Friday night for the
championship. All foes
are non-region opponents
and not much is known
about them except that
both Westfield teams
defeated Beechwood in
the third game of the
from Sprayberry High in
Marietta. He is the
leading scorer and
rebounder for the Hor
nets. "Ricky has good
basketball; sense but he
is a little scary when he
gets the ball with the
ability to shoot outside or
drive to the basket,”
Hardy noted. The only
other member who has
averaged in double
figures is Perry Stanley,
a 5’11” guard who is the
best ballhandler on the
team. “If he could slow
down his individual
tempo, it would help his
consistency. He has the
ability to score or record
an assist every time he
touches the ball,” said
Hardy. The other guard is
dimunitive but quick
Dale Thompson, who at
5’5” was born to play
point guard. When Hardy
needs ballhandling and
Westfield’s Pam Jones
....Battles For Rebound Against Westwood
/ 979-80 Westfield Hornets
The 1979-80 Westfield Hornets are pictured
above. Standing (L-R): Coach Hardy, Alan
Brown, Reid Meyer, Rodney Simpson, Ricky
Johnson, Howard McWhorter, Matt Jerles, Lee
. v at . / - & •;: 'jfi* '■ \-s~i ' *<»-
The 1979-80 Westfield Hornettes are pictured
above (L-R): Kay Bloodworth, Terri Grimes,
Dawn Daniel, Gay Thompson, Lynn Davidson,
Dana Hancock, Pam Jones, Marion Davidson,
spark depending on the
circumstances, he goes to
guards Tommy Miller
and Cater Pierce. Their
hustling style of play off
the bench is considered
luxurious and valuable
for any coach to have.
The starting forwards
/ 979-80 Westfield Homettes
at this point are 6’2” Reid
Meyer and STI” Matt
Jerles. Meyer has all of
the tools needed but has
been described by his
coach as lacking
aggressiveness and
confidence. An increase
in these two ingredients
Baase, Manager Joey Goodroe. Sitting (L-R):
Tim Thompson, Lee Culpepper, Tommy Miller,
Perry Stanley, Cater Pierce, Dale Thompson
and Len Register. (Photos by Harvey Gilbert)
Pam Woodard, Shawnah Nelson, Claire Bledsoe,
Kathryn Buice. Above: Marshall, Coach Percy
Hardy and Debra Kennedy.
would surely help. Matt
Jerles has a surplus of
desire but he has the
tendency to press too
hard to keep his spot
which is understandable
because the backup
forwards are equal in
talent. They are 6’o”
seniors Alan Brown and
L STARTS FRI. DEC. 14f/i |
SAT. & SUN. 2:15 4:30 6:45 9:00
MON. - FBI. 6:45 9:00
©<••* C'*» S«U0<0» INC *ll •.GHts «(S(NV(O L*~J
SAT. & SUN. 2:10 4:25 6:40 8:55
MON. - FRI. 6:40 8:55
Howard McWhorter, who
along with Pierce and (
Miller could start for the
Hornets in just a matter
of a few good per
formances. This team is
competitive not only
outside but within.
Chances are this will
prove to be a blessing.