Newspaper Page Text
'j'ho Christmas eatcrtaiiiindii of the j s m ,
Methodist Sunday. School will Bo iu
; t tho church next Sunday night, w. ]•;.
It v.i’.l consist of n number of- pleasing r n .„
jeciurc.-. ■ • ,, .- J ’
The first part- Of tho evening’s outer- .for
p, which will start at 7:30 o
bridges Away
The unusually heavy ruins have
washed several bridges away in tlftj
county this week. Ono across the stream
jumping . ii to-the Chest a uo river, known
gfethe Robertson bridge,'on Aural route j
-so. 7: : nd one across the Wauoo ibe-
iween.thc Whelchek.plnce and the John
Hulsey place on rural route No. 11.
< 11J; r i. i;d geS i halo been damaged and j
^^iedf^why. ..The Chattahoochee, sit
New, Efr^lgo, 3 1-2 nriles from (litines-
viily, overflowed,'the .approach afud^ till,
Tub did no serious damage td the (ill.
.Ssjturdnv,night_ it mined’practically all
ditght, and streams'throughout this'sj?8p
Mon roije beyond: the banks. The re
cent rains' liaVe been the heaviest since
last, springy the entire fall having been-
unusually dryi \,
MORNINCv. The American Legion here is ->u a
Sundae morning about ti o’clock the boom. 1 ^ \
‘d'-ey grocery and fruit-store of Mr.I At a meeting of the Post Friday
• * : ' I,! ith-wns-totally destroyed by night 7.7 members word present, the
building Being gutted', largest attendance recorded for the past
^_„sn going on year. ‘ 'b.-, ‘ . ‘ • V .
The’meofing was an enthusiastic one.
j New. officers .ware elected for tho
coming year as follows: "•&»
E. B. Dunlap, couunancler, p-p,
W. P. Wholeliel, vice-eommaniicr.
• H. (h.JIoscli, adjutant.,. :-t.
A. B. C. Dorsey, finimelal officer.
IV. J. Phillips,* sergcant;-ht-arms.
E. :E., Kinibrougii, Jr.,..historian.- y
L. P, Fuller, chaplain. • It
The Legion will at . an early date or
ganize a drum • and bugle corp? and
■make a drive for now members. ft
The citycouncil hiis donated tfc.
Post four lots,hi Alta Vista cometcry
for a burial ground for‘those who ser v
ed their country in. the worjd war. . _
The lot will be fenced wit)i grani.tb
and evergreens planted' oh the bop
deri. ' 1 ; • ■ ( ' %
The Women’s-Auxiiiary'of the Amerl-
eau Legion has sent invitations to the
members of Paul ‘E. Bolding Post VO
Miss Annette Harbor of Coma the guest of Miss Mary Mi
Harbor at her beautiful home on G
street tide weejj.. ;j' s
the entire ]
A terrific rainstorm liad bee
. -- more than two -hours, and the lire -
^ . p' as ,;0 t d*scoyeVod before it had gainotfl
ill be a Christmas pageant given tri mendous headway. The.'origin of the
main auditorium of the church ‘ the is. net known, but it is thought to j
incnibeis of tlic Delta 1 Alpha i liavo % c*uiigh^ from lightning':
,| ^ 1 ’- ^mith. who is chief of the lire
mediately ^following this, those djt*j»j.rt^Jl>nt, estimates liis : toss at
will adjourn to ‘the Sunday -'>.000. partially covered by insurance!
The ;01arice Hat Shop, next door, be
longing to Mrs. C; W. McDonald,.
j Miss-Mkry Dillard Harbor retara«i
. Sunday./from a very delightful trip te
’ {] " ' Pity, after visiting relative?
; and friends. ’
I ’ ■ -i . - \ * * * ’
j Mr.. Gluts; .Martin, Jri, of the Ua.iv«jsy
. : -ri>y of Grorgiaj is sending the h'didb,v<
wiih his parents, Mir. auu Mrs. Chas, E-.
Mufti-., ’ ’| ' ,N
-i|P dainagcd by smoke and water, the
less:being estimated -at $2^00.00.^1
Primary and ' Junior Departments,
gr, mid a beautifully deco rate il and
lighted Hoe." from Which gifts'will bo
distributed to .the little folks of the
Berliners’ and Primary departments.
Tho concluding part qf tho- program
wii he the Christmas offerings .of all.
tl... chi.-ses for tho poor of the city
which-ha* hcefa an'animal event for
many years. ■
On Cliristmas!'.: these gifts will
he (ihe.ributed by a large eon mi t of
v.-i-hh -Mr. Ralplb.Hos.h i*,-.;:.
Mrs. .Toe Baldwin of Atlanta with
spend the holidays with her paresis.
Hr. Vied Mrs. W, J. Porter. Mr. Bsdsfc-
Thursday, Dec. 21: Rudolph Valen-
tino and \Vntida Hawley in ‘‘The
Ypunji; Kajah.” Also. Buster Keaton
toyredy. f
F-.iday. Dee. 22: Helen Chadwick'‘n
‘.Th. D” ' Aldo a coniedy.
- tS.'mnJf.yj Decree' .lone, Novak and
'Roy' • tttlwnrt in ^ ‘ ShoWshoe TinH.”
a., o n Geniedy. >
A series of dances are being jdanned
lor tho Xmas Holidays, tho'first boing
Friday evening’; -December 22, at the
I’air Biiduingi The Blue Bird Orches
tra with fife -very latest ipusie will play
lor the dances. Monday night, Dee.
25. a maiqoerajle ball is being planned,
and it- is expected that this dance with
the others will be-largely attended, and
a line clean dancing time enjoyed.
n:h. i .lames on i'oilmving dates: Dec.
-Slii, .Tan. 1st and..Tan. 4th. The bnild-
ing^ comfortable and neatly dee
orated. . 1 ' ;
"A ' ,v. ‘ CLOSES -
The Bank Of Oillsville close.d- its
(Mure upon order of the State'Superiii:
lende'nt of’*banks Friday. • ., ^
How niuch its assets and. liabilities
* -• ; ,' .■ py .Vp 1 ,’ - f'SwesSg
^Jis-s AHie'Lou Evans, admsrustRtiiv.s
(Officer at the TJ. S.. Veterans' BuKeut
jYoeati.onnl School at Pascagoula. Misis.,
pv spendi'ng the Christmas holidays wiik
r aiint Mrs. .T. Barnes, and Inn-
cousin's Hr. arid Mrs..Hnyiie ^abhovn'
. nrp we do not know.' but it is" stated
i that its depositors WH1 lose nothing.
, Th.- i-lc.-iiig of 1lf ’’Mil; is sincerely
j-,-cgrettf,il hv the peopl.e of, the vicinity
'{•iand seetTon.’ / *-t. i v. : .f.ii
A '■ ev. $2,1 - -1:0 gilt or pen for 11
eityf'with all spnitan - methods <?f
slaughter,>posed and'will be com
pleted near the lirst of the year. This
is a fine proposiiion nnfKshouhl make
tile meat Hues in the city- all the more
up-to-date. j* *'-•
end Mrs. Sam G. Smith, of Ri>-V
nioipl, jVa.. have beeh guests of rW..
foriner’s parents, Mr. and M:>. J. VT.
Smitli o'*. Green street for a few daysL
John i an old Gainesville boy and hr-:
frientb ate glad to know of his sne-
'■•'•'S in his adopted home.
Viie im u of Riverside .Military Acad
emy or the past season have just be.-.t
k-.-'iert'.! a, dinner by C.ok'nel Sandy
Rj-iu-iy piesideut ,of tlie coiicge, in the:
ac:.iicmy (lining room here. Thirty cad-’
at and officers'wore seated at the ban
quet tabiC.
After the dinner, short speeches were
rede by. Col. Beaver, Captain Canning-
1 an ant 1 . Captain Craig. Sweaters, -lot
tery and stare were awarded to the
t'v< aty-e:ght lucky cadets.
la the elcctifn for captain of the
’lik'd ik” en, Charles Widen, of Sa van-
ash, . and Mutt Riddle, of Coubnbus,
lied iu the voting, with.the result that
it was decided to let the hitu-r-iuou<
who return-in - September elect their
iaptain/ 4 ’ ■ $ ^ | ejESjk
Basketball practice lias Ikumi st.uffa
hv the- cadets. Advisory Coach Cunt
Biughaftt is asshsted in this work by
C'ptain R.'L. Bowen, a. letter man iron
tib irniversity of South Carolina. It
w hoped to thin out candidates during
practice hpfore Christmas so that in
tensive work can start early iu January
in prepyration for. the tournament of
th.- G. i. A. A. in Macon the last of
Februaiv.. j .' , VV-V"
The Eiyeka Lit.ejrhry; Society of Oft It-
Ajooil High School, will give its annual
-All the eliurehes in the city are plan
ning a (.'liristmns program Suaday ev
ening l'o, tfe Yuletide. Tlie ju-ograun
for ■ the past'tyyars have been greatly
enjoyed,, and the public is looking for-
-vard to tbeso firip programs, t
Mrs. Caff Barrett and'little- dtiught-
ter and Miss Sue Purcell went w-
Carnesvjila. a few days ago>to visit tte
family of their parents. Tho latter will
remain through tho Holidays, but Mws.
Barret 1 v.ill return today and later wriS
Mr. Marvin Bell returned Monday?
from Hot Springs, Ark., wkore he haa
bei n fur several weeks recupetratiMk-
from a severe attack of rheiniuitisBt.
His friends are glad to know h* «t
much improved, and arc glad to aoet-
him at home again.
debate Friday evening at eight o’clock,
/ Mrs. Dewey AVilbanks of Tifton, .is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and T.fvs.
J. T. Ciiiimblee, for the Christinas holi
days.'-{'Mr. Wilbanks, will motor'up the
last of the week. - ' ; b'f
|j At the school ynuditorinm. ' p ■ ’ . •*
The subject: ‘.‘Resolved that Caps-
j .tal Punishment Should hi- Abolished,’
Speakt-Ts—Affirmative, Bonnie Tan
j acr, Hovt Crow, Scott'Stnwart.
Negative, Garner Reed, Ernest Wal-
in. J. Bryson Tanner.
An invitation is extended to all.
Mr. William- Styles, who is attending
M-ho,'! at Auburn, is at honi-i fpr ilo-
holidays. Hi's many friends regret lo
hear .fhat-he l^as been sick here for a
few days, but are, grateful to learn that
he is feeling bettor and able to be out
again, ,'. -riv-i -i'b .. . ••
P'MPp DAYS Those represented were conunitteesj
’Brenau and Riverside and the public; from The v \im*rirau Legion. Rotary
schools have closed for the. hoildrys.! Mt-sonic Orders. The Relief Com- ,
Many Brenau and Riverside students miifcc „f the City, Daughters of the
!»a% gene j homo for Christmas to re- American Revolution, First Baptise
nu n at the opening in January. Sov-! t-'.ureh. First '.Methodist church, "First ‘
ijral. tear hers in tho. public schools have l-resbyt-^a'n cjiure.h and, tho. Episcopal^.'
gone to their homes for the holidays ehurcli. ' ^
which th- boys and girls are preparing The fcllowiitg 'committees were ap- ’
Charlie i
Hisses Elizabeth and Annti Cox en
tertained cin Thursday evening at a mis-!
c-eliatieous shower compHmeiiting Miss |
Louie Wofford, whose marriage to Mr.
Lewis Whitehead will take place during j
tin l-oliutys. ' - : • '
The -rooms where the -guests were
entertained were profusely decorated j
with a:isi letoe, holly and blooming cue- i
•«", with softly shaded lights of red
tani green and candlesticks holding un
shaded burning tapers of tho saute col
I'be eontegt prize was won by Miss
Samli Rogers tuid presented, to the
hrulii-eleet. Bantu Claus presented tho
charming brido-eloet during the even
ing some of the most elaborate and
handsome gifts^ • bringing them in a
huge stick.
•idiss Wofford wore n beautiful dress
of dark bluo Canton crepe with trim*
Mings of silv,
Andrew Parks.!Jones, Jr., age li. died
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .A. V. Jones, Monday.
Funeral services were conducted by
Rev. Hue: of Floweiy Bnine.h at Oak
Grove church. . Internient was in Alfa
Vista cemeteiy.
grocery supplies consists of: C. J. Webb, 1
Lake Terrell, E. R. Dent.
The ei'oniiitieeTor the solicitation of j
wearing apparel consists of E. I). Kon- i
von. \\'. .1. Phillips and L. E. Wisdom.}
The commit tee for the distribution';
Of the nriicles eonaiata of:.Prof. Pit-.;
bird, tV. A. Robert's, C. R, Allen aud JV j
Xtiss Rennie .Tnrell Propes, daughter
of Mrs. B. H. Propos : of Flat Creelt dis-
Irit-t, was struck by lightning Saturday
iiighr ami .lu-d Siiudu;. mnriiing. Miss
Prcpes vill bed with two other chil
dren w|ien y the, ‘ lightning struck her
Nc :, lier ot the other children were hurt.
Funeral service-* were, lield at Flat
Creek ehtirch, Rev. If-ullaml offieiating.
und interment there.
The committee in chargo of the ]>aek-
ages will be appointed at. the next
meeting of the central committee.
There will be a general meeting hW
the committees Thursday,'December 21,
at ten o'clock at the Community House.
Every committee of every organiza-
titjn to be present atid Toady with a
-ompleto report from their organizsv-
ox cloth. Miss Anuti Cox
tvas becoming in a mode! of blue poiret
f'-vill and Miss Elizabct 1; Cox wore grey
Canton cropc, A
Thoso invited were: Misses Mary
Twitty, Nell Allen, Kathleen Terrell,
M: "y N. Quattleb auni, l!eo Wilhoit,
Annellv Bagwell,. Audrey Qdcll, Resale
und Sarah Rogers, Pearl and Ruby
fh.-ens, lAnnio and May Roper, Ruth
Goforth, Mnntine Rogers, Leone Rog-
Cm , Zona Abhott, Lounette Wofford,
Mrs. Green, Mrs. Ira Mitchell, Mrs. J.
L Meeks.
All people -who are in need of food,
riotiiing nt fuel, please send yonv nnino
iu to the chairman of "the committee
from ymu respeetiyo ward at once.
Alt people dialling to contribute
either in goods or in money will please
notify the Central Committee of-Re
lief at Post Office Box No. 1, ns to the
amount of money you desire to con
tribute or the goods von desire to oon-
Mr. T^onins A. McCrary died at his
home in*Anierieus, Saturday night, af-
•ter a brief illness of flu, which later
developer' into pneumonia. He was «3
yeea-s of age and had lived in Ameri
cas about 13 years, moving there from
Gainesville. Mr. McCrary WHS a line
ehristinii gentlemnn aj**l his innny
trionds an tl>e city and county regret
to learn of his death. The bq^y was
brottghl to Gnines.ville Monday and U-
xea to T,lie home of Mrs. ,T. (*. Allen,
his sisti r-pi-hiw. later funeral and in-
teimenr vdis at Snidis church. Rev. Hen-
, y Ward offieiating. Hp is survived by
l,i:< Vife who before her .marriage was
Miss Id* Chastain of this routity. and
! severed children. The remuius were ac-
companifti to Gainesville by his Two
oldest sons. Mrs. McCrary being nm
able to" eonre on account of other sic.k-
I *v,n fnmilv and bad weather.
Don’t fail to see Santa at our store on Friday ant
Saturday. December 22 and 23. Come here to ge
your toys, we have the biggest stock in town ant
prices are right. . -
In the ad of Dr. R; 1>. Grigg, drug-
fii'tt, iu our lust issue, a mistake was
loucio in saying thnt a 25c 1 Kit tie of
t r 'RR’s Bpeedv Relief wreihl be given
4w «y "'ith the ad. It should have road
btat “With this pd and one dollar OUT*
datse a i.ottle of Speedy Relief will be
? l vcn f.-ee! ’> Wo gladly make this cor-
•S'tron and call your attteatiun to tire
5l * this issue. .
Miss Chmdin Xiao .Smith is the gim-t
of Airs. Poilevaiit and daughters, Afftry
and Januhi Poitevant, at tlieir beniiti-
fui apartment on Sycamore street.
Mr.. Dave McKee of Vmdtrie, On.,
u formei citizen of l)av.sou county,
weir-known in Gainesville, was here
Thurwloy on a short visit to friends.
He is an active leader iu the civic nf-
j fairs of his adopted town of Moultrie.
Santa Claus Headquarters
Phone 14
26 S. Bradford St