Newspaper Page Text
Somebody A
Opposite Court House Come between 12noonand 1 p. m. Saturday, December 23rd. OnBradford Si,
Gainesville, Gn., Decoriibor 14, 1922.
Council met in regular.session. Mayor
•Howard'Thompson presiding. The fol
lowing councilman were'present:
0. P. Lathcm, E. E. Mincey, B, H.
MOore, K. E. Greenway, E. T. Parks.
The following resolution was road and
adopted by unanimous yoto of- council:
Whereas, it. appearing that thorp is
jjo proper burial ground in Gainesville
foivtbe ex-service men of the late Worlfj-
War, and, f/. •: .'•}
Whereas, it appearing that it is the
duty of all municipalities to properly
care for, honr and respect the bodies
of those who served their country dur
ing the saijl/worlilw ar,
Therefore, be ii resolved, in open and
A place of comfort ami,beauty where you’ll always find coht >ul m< i,- and- I'-'st..
Furnish it with KLdt? and care so tli£r«Youv homo-will be a plaee of refuge from strife and
toil of the clay—gratifying to your .physical ami aesthetic senaes. •" ,
Then see how you’ll enjoy it—how you’lilovo to spend your leisure moments there. '
Consider the money you spend each year for clubs, dances, theatres, etc.,
the bdnefit and pleasure you derive from sudh aipusemetits with lasting joy. of an attractive
HOME. . . -
SO,25; Election Managers $5.00, B. F.
Roberta $5.00, E. F, Quilliah $3.00.
Bills for first reading, read and re
ferred: '
W. V. Hopkins $5.00, Perry and Son
$5.30/ T. A. Alooro . $4;55, The Hoi’ald
$60^0, W. A. Miller $3.05, Hftrdio and
Son* $70.50; J. R. Logan |tiid 'Co. $2,65,
Iiosch Btos.^Co. $1.50,' Compbell Cycle
‘Co. $0.3", Mrs. ®; A. Strickland, $2;4J,
Woslcy Memorial Hospital, acct; Hi P.
Stricklnhd $123.50, B. P. Rood , $1.50,
B. IV Sued I§14;80, The Texas Co.$2i;89,
H. M Cochran $8.00, Consumers Oil On.
$22.50, C. J. Conner, and Sous $.7.30,
Richardson Bros, and Tucker $26.05,
Richardson Bros, and Tucker $16.50, H.
L Gaines $3.85, John B, Daniel $10.62
Farmery Cash- Store $3.25, D. D. Jaclt-
t on $5.S0, Palmour Hardware Co. $17.-
75, Sto ic Moore and West $7.50; Stone,
Moofe and West Co. $14.00, Stone,
Moore and West$35.00, Armour Fcrti-
Rzor vork.v $134;60j Grinnoll Co. Pack
ing $11.11, Ga. Railway and/Powcr Co.
$772.10, E. U. Kimbrough -$51.20.
Bits-for second reading, road and or
dered- paid::
Barron? Shoe Shop $1.50, Standard
o -m:' Pipe Co. $220.06, Hosch Bros Co,
$11.50. 1 / .
BLEClUra HAMiEB >*,•»«'t,
Comfort Plus Appearance From This
When your Choicest gift comes up for decision, lie it for
son, brother, husband, 'sweetheart, 6r friend, \ye offer you
here a suitable gift 'by- which you can permanently and de
lightfully remind him of your appreciation of what he really
means to you;
Such'gifts as will, in after years,. be ; the most cherished,
the sweetest memory of the friendship and relationship estab
It will cost so little now. It will mean so much then. Call
and $ee today what we can offer you in this.line.
If you like to look at beautiful things let us show you!
Gcorglr, Hall" cou
} C;|yo f mncsville.
f Yw671rl ......
' 0 the Hon. Mayor and Gentlemen of
the City Council:
Wo, yourl ;duly ; ehokino aiut sworn
Managers oftliis days oloction for three
commissioners for ‘the* Cityf of 'Gaines
ville, beg to make, the fblldwfrig'fdport
of said election: ' ’ .. .
H. rl Doan, First. - Jffwd, jecei,vod
255 voire:/ .
W. G. Mealor, Second Ward, receiv
ed 231 votes. ' .
M.B. Carter, Third ard, roepived
,232. voles. • . •
Total number of votes, 256^.
Roape-tfully submitted by': F. L. Co
wer, Manager First Ward;-B. F. Hob-
Crts, MiOiagor Second Ward; Ed QuiKl-
Mrnagor Third Ward. .. r
^ Attest: Jas. H. White. • \
The matter of W. T. Shaw’s tax was
reported by Fiuaucc Oommitteo that
books beeleared of excess tax, and ord
ered ,clerk to clear same froin books.
Chairman recommended that Excess
asoessmento f 7Q0be refunded to L.-,®.’
Geffrey audorderod clerk to refund ex,-
eess tax. - ' •’
Oil* motion, Council voted to pay
Downey 'Hospital $75.00 for liill rend-,
ered/for operation on H. F. Strickland.
The matter of assessment on Wat-
£•0.1 property was on motion Referred to
A.'aoesors and Courieil to act. on thoir
rchomn.emlation. ’
There hoing no further business,
Miieil adjourned.
, Howard Thompson Mayor.
Jni H. White, Clerk.
Good workmanship and quality materials arc surely apparent in these.' pieces. The
frames m*e of a picked grade* of mahogany, all pices have removable spring seat4 covered in
■ -
f two: tone velour. Best quality of cane is'used in sides and backs. • One distinctive • -feature
about this suite, is the graceful curve of the arms. f
Room Furniture Should
ress Individuality
, One’s Dining Rohm Suite may show as. much individuality
; • ’•''V . ■" ' .
True they follow the styles, hut what a scope'lor selection,
of finishes and treatments arc lie re for your choice.
There are over.sixty suites for you to select from.
as one’s clothes! , 1
Period designs in a Variety
Eskimo Not Dainty Feeder.
The Eskimo is nbt particular- about
the cut of his meat. He eats every-,
thing physically possible of a reindeer
or flsli or polar bear (and what- lie
does not eat lie wears or makes Into
houses or tools). Particularly does
he seem to relish the frozen stomach
of the reifuleer. This stomach, full of
finely chewed reindeer moss, he
freezes solid and stows hway; accord
ing to Doctor Marquis, until lie Is vl-
tamlne-hungry, when a piece Is sliced
off, thawed out and eaten as u rare
Fortune Told by tho Panfy.
The streaks on the ponay are sap-
liooed to foretell destiny. If the petal
plucked is marked with four 4aes, it
Mgnlfles hope; five, hope sprung from
fear; loaning toward the left, a life of
trouble: leaning toward tbe right, pros
perity unto tho end; If the center one
Is longest, Sunday will be the wedding
day 1 ; eight lines denote fickleness;
nine, a changing heart; ten on one
petal foretells riches; eleven a Urge
Ber ns teinJBr other s
(Wholesale q,nd Retail)
Broad St
Athens, €a
Toad’s Hsarty Appotlto,
Tbe tond rnu^i catch hown meale.
He scorna civnq food. He must eee h
move to be sure It has not slipped the
bonds of life and begun to spoil. Jjcf s
day and a night lu* captures enough
to stuff bis aioiinacli frt!1 four tlmea,
■(though if ba.liHd to h» could exist
wfthont estfing; longer than any other
cresturo.—Fepdlsr Science Monthly.
Explaining Meteoric Stone*.
Though there is some uncertainty a8
t® the origin of meteoric stones or
meteorite*, they probably lire the mb
nine frogmans of the prluilttvo solar
nebula that failed to he awept up orig
inally in r».o formation of- the larger
members »if (ho system mat which
finally chuv < J Co he trapped hy the
earth’s ali-iosphere.
Kill Toq Many Swordfish.
The swordfish Is good food for man,
and man hunt* this fish with a har
poon. Fishermen hunt -him evea
though, he i* v e strong and dangerous
fighter- The slaughter of so many
swordfish Is disturbing the balance of
w ’«» said, and allowing the
shark* to multiply without tho#> rw
strict Ions which swordfish Impose,
B. H. MERCK, Wholesale Distributor
Gainesville, Georgia