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Habitual hurry.
‘ No<«Uo when I am old and gr4$tjeaded, O
. tiod, forsake me not
[Rev Trafton, D. in Zion’s Herald.]
I’m frftowing’ old—ro strange it seems;
To-tfcHWow hr* for me no charms;
*But o/bt* uiibidden youth’s sweet dreams,
Oldjft’fenrls I clasp in love’s fend arms!
Not lcy,t still the loved .enfold;
And yfcl l/know I’m growing old. .. % '
“What shall we do, Valentino's
Day, Rob?” said Prod, closing bis
Algebra upon the mastered prob
lems for the morrow.
“The fcumo old story, I suppose,”
answered Cousin Rob; “waste all
our pocket-money on perforated
paper with' gilt eupids and hearts
on it, and get no thanks for it.
All nonsense, I sav.”
•“So do I. I wish we could get
up something different for once—
Hearken, says a “Germantown
Lassie,” in the Germantown, Pa.,
Telegraph, to the advice of a pret
ty woman w ho has had experience:
“I tell you, winning a husband is
only a pleasure to a woman, but
keeping one is a penance. That is
not nicely put, but what I mean is
The number of sudden deaths
which occur every year as a conse
quence of running to railway
trains and ferry boats is not iocon-
The victims arc mostly
Lesson for Young Men.
persons, middle-aged or older, who,
without knowing it. have some dis
ease of the heart.
Ibis kind of over-exertion, how
ever, , 'M‘s lens b
mo« habit of tv
a hurry. A
nervous sytta
sion leads ft'
undue suaqep
in extreme <
ve vital waste
an ’
the Decks for Spring Trade.
For Instance, for Spot Cash, take these few snap shot
prices, and everything else is in proportion :
36 inch Henrietta, black and colors, '23 cents,
others ask 30c.
36 inch Henrietta, black and colors, 20 cents,
others ask 40c.
38 inch all wool Henrietta, black and colors, 48
cents, others ask 65c.
40 inch all wool Henrietta, black, 65 cents,
others ask 00c.
40 inch all wool Henrietta, black and colors, 75
cents, others ask $1.
44 inch all wool Henri- tta, black, 98 cents,
others ask $1.25.
And a full iine of Silk Warp Henriettas and
Novelties in foreign dress goods.
Full line, just received, at prices to surprise
1,600 yards 4-4 Bleach, short length, at 6^c,
regular 10c goods.
2,000 yards Domestic Checks at 5 cents, cheap
at 6 cents.
3,000 yards Athens Checks at 6*4 cents, cheap
at " cents. *
Jeans at 20 cents, worth 30 cents; Jeans at 25
cents, worth 33c, and so on to best Jeans
made, at 40c.
Ladles’ |F:n
'Kid Bntto
Shoes at $i S'
These shoes ar
-worth 25 to! 3
per cent, user
A (
is age? Not to forget
It was Carlyle who said, "tien-
ius is an immense capacity for
taking t ouble,” and George
Eliot gives us the same thought
in other words: “Genius is, at
first, little more than a great ca
pacity for receiving discipline.”
The most successful have always
been the most painsta ing. A
prominent judge, living near g . w
Cincinnati, wishing to have
rough lienee tmfft, sent for a car
penter, and said to him :
“I want this fence mended to
keep out cattle. There are some
unplained boards—use them. It
is out of sight from the house;
so you need not take time to
make it a neat job. | will only
pay you a dollar and a half.”
However, afterward, thejudge,
coming to look at the work,
found that the boards were planed
and the fence finished with ex
ceeding neatness. Supposing the
young man had done it in order
to make a costly job, he said
“I told you this fence was to
tjC covered with vines, I do not
care how it looks.”
“I do,” said the carpenter.
“How much do you charge?”
asked the judge.
“A dollar and a half,” said the
mail, shouldering big tools,
i “Why do >011 spend all that
Men’s Flue! labor 011 the job, if not for the
Shoes, Lace “For the job, sir.”
j “Nobody would have seen the
and Congress: poor work on it »
s «£<* “But I should have known it
V >5 > > ’| was there. No; I’ll take only
the dollar and a half.” And lie
took it and went away.
Ten years afterward the judge
had a contract to give for thel
building of certain magnificent. in
public buildings. There were I tiou
$2.50, #3 and
$4. Unusual
ly nice and
good for the
A U a
frejfi love’s cheering heat;
nit f>rrmiched by fresher tints,
etting suns throw brighter glints.
Age is to life time's finril touch.
A fiSm itng picturcjamiug down.
\vhe^,#G%r thouglWwpme»ou. and much
Of U^lj|flib mystery is found.
ThrU" —
A fad'
The »»t>eal .
A bro^ifcg^liord,
Is there footprints on the sand,
No broken twig to say one passed ?
No h3lf-9^.etchea picture from his hand,
No deed in whicdi his form Is glassed ?
Like yon cjoye'e passage through the air,
I,eavm.E4Ui sign of passing there ?
The surging mass of human kind
Roll., on. Death’s shafts fly thick and fast.
Th y ,TV; et little leave behind—
But h ft nt trail to show they passed;
fto rarely does a good deed sav—
“A friend oi man hath passed this
had tnv share
“Tm growing old
Of good and ill as years rolled by;
I’ve fiadjrw so bright and fair,
With mwhen tempests shook Uie air t
Well ifTuTy say. as ends the strife.
•’His hath not proved a wasted life.”
A Traitor’s Ending.
John Fiske tells the old story
of Benedict Arnold's treason in
an article of fascinating interest
surprise spins one, or plav
jplgs, or jget tip n frolic." .C
f we count only think ftf some
_ |w _ , be frowned
cowfiT Lot’s ask the lit tie moth
er; she always knows.”
Hearing her name spoken, the
little mother looked up across the
heaped mending basket, and
stopped her shining needle on its
way over and under the strands of
yarn that filled a knee-hole - in
Fred’s stout hose. “What is it?”
she said with the quick smile that
kept the little mother so- young,
with all her cares. Presently three
heads were bent very close togeth
er during an eager consultation,
broken by exclamations of, “Oh,
how jolly 1" “Just the thing j”
A heavy fall of snow all Febru
ary 18th robed the earth, like a
fuirj r queen, in sparkling white for
tin? morning of St. Valentine’s
' “ f ymir fflteii
written for the Atlantic. What | jja V
may be new to many readers is I The overworked widow who took
Mr.^Fiske’s statement that all 1 in washing for the college boys had
the ,%«nly traditions goes to ; a genuine surprise when she found
show ihat the last years ot Ben- j wide paths shoveled under her long
■edict Arnold in Loudon were
years of bitter remorse and self-
reproabh. The great name which
he had so gallantly won and so
wretchedly lost left him 110 re-
posefrbv night or day. The iron
frame, which had withstood the
fatigues of so many trying battle-
fieldsandgrill more trying march
es tbr-lvt^’ the wilderness, broke
down at last under the slow tor
ture'of lost friendships and meri
ted disgrace.
Iv t ie last sad days in London,
1801, the family traJi-
s4ys that Arnold’s mind
many applicants among master]kept 1 everting to his old frieud-
a n dj builders; but one face attracted : ship-ifth Washington. He had
' his attention. It was that of the : a!wav.4 carefully preserved the
lunam who had built the fence- w
! “I knew,” said the judge after i on the Jay when he made
j telling the story, “we • should I escape to the Vulture; and now,
clothes-line. But her pleasure
hardly equaled that of the boys,
whose merry and innocent frolic
in the snow, carried out with such
secrecy the night before, had
wrought the wonder.
Early in .the morning old Miss
Young's door-bell rang. Opening
the door, she found no one, but a
large brown paper parcel upon the
mat. The old lady had seen bet
tor days, and now lived lonely,
convinced that the world of busy
life around had no thought for
her. She was becoming sour and
“Some mistake,” she said, but
opened the bundle, and found in
side a basket well wrapped, a pot
of growing, blossoming primrose
with, a card bearing her na
hJbe wore ^written in a round boyi*:’ ha
e his land fhis legend :
husband unr
their outer h
swer frankly
man's fancy.
it, bis heart, is ensnared by a few loon* naturally a miabie '.in •' * t-J r w-'
sweet voice, a pretty hand, bright | formed into petulant and noieV
eyes,beautiful hair,gloaming toeth. scolds.
a cheek like the sunnv side of
. The woman who is a wife and
peach; or a man may be captivat- j mother is peculiarly liable to this
p d by the way a girl walks, talks, habit, she has so much to do and
plays, rides; by her amiability, her so little time in which to do it in
good taste, her generosity, or by ; these days when so many outride
the manner in which she greets, things crowd «]>or.' her'domestic
fascinates, or if he be somewhat of duties. There is r.n doubt that
a eur, by the way she abuses him. hurry claims ten victims where
She may not know how she won ! hard’work kills one.
him, but if she does not know how The man of business suffers in
to keep him, the best thing for her much the same manner. The hur-
to do is to find out. There are
many things we know by intuition:
the rest have to be learned by ex
periment. Conscious of her abili
ties and inabilities as a wife, a | hurry, or in th© spirit generated by
wise woman will learn how to keep ; it. the uncertainties of Ids call-
same manner.
ried breakfast and the hurried
skimming of the meriting paper alfe
but the beginning of a hurried day.
Yet it is unsafe for him to act in a
a husband, just as she learns how : ing make entire self-control
to keep house, to make chicken prime importance.
croquettes, chocolate creams,bread,
lemonade; und if she does not then
some one else will supplant her.
A man likes to see his wife well
dressed; when she goes about in
tatters, with big shoos, untidy
skirts, soiled collar, and a thicket
of curl papers, if he does not look
disgusted and say some words not
agreeable to ears polite, it is be
cause he is an archangel. I do
not believe in the economy of
home toilets. I never take a street
dress that is done for and wear it
in the house. When a gown is
positively shabby, when the life is
gone out of it, it should be eon-
Sehool children are victims of
the same evil. Thev must lie at
school exactly on time. But in
thousands of cases the family ar
rangements are not, such as to
favor punctuality. The child is
allowed to sit up late, and so is
late at breakfast; or the breakfast
itself is late, and the child must
hurry tliroughi t, and then hurry
off, half-fed and fully fretted,
dreading tardiness and the teach
er’s displeasure. Robust children
may work off the effect amid the
sports of the day, but many others
are enjured for life.
Occasional hurry is hardly to lie
avoided, society being what it is;
300 bbls Flour. ‘Coral,’ $8.20; ‘Little Pcirl,’
600 bushels Texas Red Rust-proof Oats,
500 bushels White Milling Corn.
25,000 lbs No. 1 Timothy Hay.
In short my Grocery Department is co
53. 50- “silver King ’ d'atent, $4; ‘Gold Hunter, $4.40.
mtl at tl
Yours Respectfully,
ie lowest prices.
have only good, genuine work
Stoui lmn. I gave him the con
tract and it made a rich man of
lion. Josiah Quincy was at one
time conversing with Daniel
Webster upon the importance of
doing even the smallest thing
thoroughly and well, when the
as, broken in spirit and weary of
life, he felt the 1 st moments
coming, he called for this uni
form and put it on, and decorated
himself wiih the paillettes and
swordknot which Washington
had givenihim after the victory
of Saratoga. ‘ ‘Let me die, ” said
he, “in this old uniform in which
iso.-, sn
f , wi
| great
man related an incident
A ^ |
Wrecktu of High Prices find ShoddyCbthlng.
Arlington Block
concerning a petty insurance case
which was brought to him while
a young lawyer in Portsmouth.
The fee promised was only twen
ty dollar-. Yet, to do his clients
full justice, Webster found he
must journey to Boston and con
sult the law library. This in
volved an expense above the
amount of his fee; but after hesi
tating a little, he decided to go
to Boston and consult the author
ities, let tlie cost be what it
might. He gained the case.
I fought my battles. May God
forgfve me for ever putting on
any other.”
Artless Simplicity.
One of the sweetest incidents
which we have noticed for many
a day—and one which shows tlie
effect > v jQtarly training, assisted
b a pttiand undefiled imagina
tion—has just fallen under our
observation. It is thus related:
A lady visited New York city
and saw on the sidewalk a rag
ged, cold and hungry little girl,
Years after this Webster was j gazing wistfully at some of the
cakes in a shop window. She
passing through the city of New
York. An importa t insurance
case was to be tried that day,
and one of the counsel had been
suddenly prostrated by illness.
Money was no object, and Web
ster was asked to name his terms
and conduct the case.
“It is preposterous,” said he,
“to expect-me to prepare a legal
argument at a few hours’ notice.”
But when they insisted that he
should look at the papers, he
consented. It was liis old twenty
dollar case over again, and liav-
It is a Mistake
shop window,
stopped, and taking the little one
by the hand, led her into the
store. Though she was aware
that bread might be better for
the cold child than cake, yet de
siring to gratify the shivering
and forlorn one, she bought and
gave her the cake she wanted.
She then took her to another
place, whejp she procured her a
shawl and other articles of com
fort. The grateful little creature
looked the benevolent ady full
in Ihe fac.e, and, with artless
simy.citv. S®: “Are you God’s
wifdr’ Did. the
signed to the rag-bag. A lady
should make U duty of nice linen, i but the habit of hurry should be
some laces and genuine house ] guarded against as one ot the sur-
gowns, fresh, not old, finery, and jest promoters of ill-temper and ill-
she should not be too fond of i health. *
rappers. I If necessary, less work should be
TJh*~hsir should be kept as ner.r jdonvry'tsut in' many’ fv, -sWng
the poef’sTbnceptloh of''“fragrant ! is needed but a of
tresses ’ as possible.; the teeth 1 time. Some of the worst victims
Well, I never!” said the old h ] *? od .« r ^ r burry arc men who dally with
- the breath sweet; to insure this their work until time presses them,
last, a physician’s prescription is and then crowd themselves into a
sometimes necessary. Men like to! fever, pitying themselves mean-
preach down extravagance and I while because they are so sadly
style and dress; but the woman j driven,
who bangs or fluffs her hair, pow- j —
ders the shine off her hair, hides a A Good Habit,
scar or blemish under a piece of] In the summer of 1842 Prince
court plaster, who wants pretty j Bismarck won his first medal. It
white gloves and stockings, trim occurred in thiswise:
slippers, perfumes, fancy notions As cavalry officer he was on duty
to increase her attractiveness is | with other officers, and standing
the woman who secures most ad- ] with them on a bridge over a lake,
miration. Tlie long, lean, lank, ] As he was about to give an order,
common-sense woman may go his groom Hildebrand rode one of
about in their wholesome ugliness j the horses to water close by the
and cheap simplicity, but the pro- bridge. Suddenly the horse lost
cession of men who follow is not a : his footing, and Hildebrand elifig-
long one. j ing to the animal, disappeared
lady; and tears of real happiness
filled her eyes. “So it is Valen
tine’s Day? To thjnk anybody
should remember me—an old wo
man like me! But what sights of
them I used to get when I was a
Yielding to a sudden impulse,
she took the primroses over to
share the fragrant bloom with her
next neighbor, a young wife, al
most a stranger. Here she found
the baby very ill, stayed to nurse
it, and made friends that gave new
color to her life. So she told the
little mother, weeks afterward;
and that wonderful woman smiled,
of course, and said, “All the year
is primrose-time.” Afterward, she
was heard to hum softly, as she
rocked the baby:
A thousand years of crime
Are incited tn one drop of honey
In prnnrose-time.
Other happy and merry things
did Fred and Rob on that Febru--
ary 14«and saved from them money
enougli t<> send, each, to his favor
ite girl friend a bunch of lilies*of-
the valley, with'this motto:
Wearing the blossom of a stainless life.
The flowers, being forced for the
day, soon faded; but the words,
often shyly read, helped each little
maid to grow more liko the little
mother, who knew how to plan for
St. Valentine’s Day.—Advocate
and Guardian.
to lielieve all the exaggerated statements
of “ads’ 1 you see iu the newspapers.
ing a remarkable memory, he
had all the authorities in liis! wif3F’ Did 'the most eloquent
mind, and won the suit. The j speaker ever." employ words to
court l*new he had no time for a better advantage?
preparation, and was astonished
at the skill with which lie]
handled the case.
“So you see,” said Webster,
It is a Mistake
to suppose that anybody can sell you two
dollars worth of goods for one dollar.
It is a Mistake
.0 suppose you ctu get the right results
if you buy at the wrong pi ace.
We Say Frankly*
that *ۥ do not attempt to push prees so
low that quality must be sacrifice! We
are anxious hat our goo<u» shad be SAT
ISFACTORY rather than CHEAP. Our
aim is to serve our custnmns so well that
vie shal! retain their trade from year t-
vear. No other hous* DOKS, ever DID.
or ever WILL, se.l sm h STERLING
QUALITIES—1 C»» h —H . s— Fnrn
isutngs—..1 such low prices as we quote
as he concluded, “I was hand
somel ? paid in both fame and
money for that journey to Bos
ton;” aud the moral is that good
work is rewarded in the end,
though, to be sure, one’s own
self-approval should be enough. Home?
Home, a world of strife shut
out; a world of love shut in. The
place where tlie great are some
times small, and the small often
The father’s kingdom, the
children’s paradise, the mother's
Where you are treated best aud
you grumble most.
The comfort youth does not
fully appreciate, which young
men and maidens desire, which
the mi<ld!e£flged generally • pos
sess, wliic tlieo'd rightly value.
I* We are Anxj^us for You to see our Stock before Buying.
In time of trouble there is
something to do more than mere
ly to express sympathy. Nearly
always some real help is possible,
and to discoveovhat that is and
to extend it sinffly and generous
ly is the task of ever)- one who
wishes to be a friend in time of
need. But this takes not only
love aud compassion and good
wishes, but also judgment, dis
crimination, thought and pa
tience. It is largely because
these qualities are so seldom
brought into exercise at such
times that sympathy so often
seems powerless for any efficient
help. Each case must be studied
by itself, its past causes fathomed,
its present grief appreciated, its
probable future effects weighed,
the possible means of relief con
sidered, before true help can be
extended. The habit of thought-
fulness is easy enough when we
are contemplating nil enterprise
why then should it
of our own;
Benefit your friends, that they be put asjde when we approach
may love you still more dearly; so qifficult and so delicate a task
benefit your enemies, t at thev as that of giving real succor and
m >y become your friends. j comfort to others in time of need?
It is a real pleasure to meet a
man who has a sunny disposition,
and whose pleasant good morning
and smile somewhat lifts the bur
den of the trials of life that is be
fore you for the day. You remem
ber that smile and pleasant voice
all day. On the other hand, neith-
r do you forget that man—and he
is numerous—who responds to your
salutations with* a grunt. He
doesn’t say anything but merely
grunts. A hog can do that much.
Life is a burden to such a man,
and he often wonders what he is
hero for, and so do other people
for that matter. It is a pity that
so few of these sunny disposed men
live, for it seems that they not
only enjoy life, but also brighten
the lives of others.—Murphy Scout.
Let this be thy purpose, O
friend: To observe the law of
right, and do it. Then tlie sun
shine and the storm, the night and
the day, the heat and the cold of
life’s discipline will foster and
mature the grain for the garners
in the skv.—N. A. Staples.
To prise everything according to
its real use ought to be the aim of
every reasonable man.
The sweetest messages of God
are those spoken to the inmost
soul alone in his presence.
with it in the water.
A terrible cry resounded. One
Bismarck’s biographers relates
that before the officers had collect
ed their senses, Bismarck had
thrown off liis sword and his
uniform, and had thrown himself
the lake to save his servant.
By great good fortune he seized
him, but the man clung to him so
living in the neighborhood. Doubt-j j? his death-agony that ho
less he noticed something peculiar! M ul U !, d i w b, 1 ‘ for '‘ he omlKl loose
in her wav of receiving the intelli- j hi nisei from him.
lie knew well that the! Blsm *f ck ro *‘ to the surface,
raising the servant with him. and
Making Peace.
Airs. Ritchie, in her reminiscen
ces of Browning, says that she was!
spending tl* summer on the coast <
of Normandy, when she received a !
call from her friend, Mr. Milsand, | “
who was living not far away. He
mentioned almost at once that Mr.
Browning and his sister were also j 1
Brownings and the Thackeravs— , , , , . . ,
Mrs. Ritchie is a daughter of’the hrou « ht . ,u m safe to land in an
great novelist—had long lieen on j
terms of friendly intimacy*. Mr.
Milsand was one who could not lie
contented to see old friends at
odds. Mrs. Ritchie says:
We were walking along the dusty
road when Mr. Milsand suddenly
stood still, and fixing his earnest
look upon me, said:
“Tell me, why is there some re
serve? Is anything wrong lie tween
you and Robert Browning? I see
you are reserved; I see he is also
constrained. What is it?”
I replied, honestly enough, that
I did not know what it was; there
was some constraint between me
unconscious condition.
The next day the servant was as
well as ever. But the little town
that had witnessed the brave rescue
was in great commotion. They pe
titioned the superintendent, who
obtained for the young officer the
medallion “for rescue from danger."
And now, on great occasions, the
well-known Prossiun Safety Medal
may be seen beside the proudest
stars in Christendom on the breast
of the famous creator of l uited
Bismarck, it is said, is prouder
of his first medal than of all the
rest put together.
,, . . , , . . , 1 One day- in the plenitude of Bis-*
and my old friend. I imagined nmn . k ' s power a noble minister
that some one had made mischief. L, )proaehwl „ u . |m . lm „ r . aud with
“But this must dk be,” said!a tinge of satire asked him the
Milsand; “this must lie cleared.” \ meaning of this modest decoration.
I said it was hopeless] it had He at once replied:
lasted for months, and in those “1 am in the habit sometimes of
days I was young enough to imag- ] saving life.”
ine that a mood was eternal. ] The diplomatist lowered his eves
I happened to be alone the next j before the reproving look which
day, and was writing in my bed- j accompanied Bismarck's lightly
room when I chanced to go to the : spoken words,
window, and looked into the old ; ——
walled court. I saw the gates open j Set your self earnestly to see
a little way, and a man’s broad- what you were made to do, and
shouldered figure come through then set yourself earnestly to do it;
them, and then advance, striding and the loftier your purpose is, tlie
across the stones, toward the house, i more sure you will be to make the
. It was Mr, Browning, dress'd all j world richor with every enrich-
in white, with a big white tlmbrella j gent of yourself. •
under his arm. It was the poet 1 „„
himself, and over and beyond this, j T * t , !‘ r « ,s ««*>' £n<i who can take
it was my king, old friend re- °“ r U , v ^ * 111 * U their faulto and
turned, all reserve and coldness 1 to their broken strings ami jun-
Belf-will is so anient and active
that it will break a world to piece*
to make a stool to sit on,
“Verily, verily, T say unto you,
if a man keep my sayings he shall
never see death."
gone, never to trouble or perplex! and bring from them, \VV h*d ev.,1,w the music ot love, joy and i*aoe.
again. We lmd no explanations.
“Don’t ask," he said; “the facts
are not worth remembering or in
quiring into.”
The next day we went to $t.
Auhin, and everything was as it
had lieen in the old times.
A discontented spirit makes the
way of life seem hard and long.
May never another war-drum lie
heard or a flag unfurled 011 uu
j American battle field.