The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, September 11, 1897, Image 4

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— II private home, one seized the lady &t the house, the other went through the bureau and secured abontr$30. i; The trails escaped. Railroad Engineer Crops are looking fine. Cotton is extra good, andM-.'J. H. Free man has been picking this week, . : , ■ x-'_ • • Messrs. M. T. Merck and J. T. Patterson yisited the McCluskey gold mine last Sunday. Mi'^ N”br* ; V*» wl'n has f Mi.- An old man named Bobo pass ed through the village Saturday last. ■ H*- is. I‘f Uvi'r t' •* re; d a com H most critical pe- riod of her life. WESR- Becoming ^ a i mother should be I a source i°y i * mm to aU ’ ^ ut t ^ ie • * ' * * suffering and danger of the ordeal make its. anticipation one of misery. ter and afterward poisoning her. There, is talk of violence _to him if he returns to his old hcmel been visitlng tne iaiuiij Philip Bird the past two weeks, has returned home to Candler. Humor has it that one* of our young men will marry a young lady of Candler at an early date. Mr. W. B. Hubbard has the fin- l - -eat corn crop seen by The Cracker ■ correspondent this year. i . - •, : I Mr. R. Spain and wife were , visiting friends and relatives here , last Sunday. Success to The Cracker. termed the poise of church bells. We have never experienced annoy* ance of that character. Rathe* do such sounds seem ineffable music. The bells speak of a mat suied. Work has begun and some $1000 or $1,200 has been subscribed. The handsome edifice will cost about $1,500. It will similatinglheTocdi is file remedy which relieves women Of the great pain and .suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger ia. re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s Frimd. lit is a blessing to woman. *1.00 PEBBOTTLE at all Drue Stores, or seat by express on receipt ot price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of core interest to all women, will be sent ratt to any address, upon application, by Tk» BBADHELD BE6ULAT0B CO., Atlanta. 6a. AllllEEB is no more responsible position 9 on earth than that of a railroad engin- eer. On his steady nerves, clear brain, bright eye and perfect self command, de pend the safety of the train and the lives of its passengers. Dr. Miles’ Nervine and other remedies are especially adapted to keeping the nerves steady, the brain clear and the mental faculties unimpaired. Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323 Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing at 3411 Humboldt St., Denver, writes that he “suffered for years from constipation, caus ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles’ Nerve & Liver Pills. I heartily recommend Dr. Miles’ Remedies.’’ - Dr. Miles’ Remedies ||S^D : ,7 r%z&ji are sold by aU flfrug-BS. gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle ^flsnietfSSSgg benefits or money re-fe Restore ^5 funded. Book oh dis-K^. u eases of the heart and^S^/W©altn^^g nerves free. Address, ■BMUikHHS town. All druggists Dr^yieaf P»ia g|Ha. PENDERGRASS. Great crowds attended the Ma- sonic'-picnic that was held here Saturday, Fifteen hundred peo ple is the estiuatbinca t ten da n ee. At tiieffimi&f hour the immense throng.gathered around the long tables fotiie^beautifiil grQve in the center 61 town and r . enjoyed the rich hospitality of the 'people of Peuidsigrasi. The addresses of Cols. J. E. Redwine of Gaines ville, and Jno. N. Jeffer son were both eloquent and ear nest appeals for -masonic princi ples, and were enjoyed by every one. ' ' Misff STellie Getzen is on an ex tended visit to relatives in Ala bama. ■'- r Miss Annie Braselton one of our mbit popula* young ladies has closedhuer fobootm !ffail s eoiai&ty And retofriied home fp? her vaca tion. 'I • Miss Gussie Jackson returned Stands at the Head; Aug. j. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: “Dr. King’s New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is thebest seller I have.” J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saffold, Ariz., writes: “Dr. King’s New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a surehure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enongh for its merits.” Dr. 'King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a cen tury, and to-day stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at M. C. Brown & Co. ’s drug store. floweby branch. Mis3 Flora Wilson and Miss Williams of Buford, are visiting friends here this week. Messrs. W. W. Cooper and J. A. Mooney haye their new cottages -about hulled in. Mr. H. H. Towery from G&ines- -yille is doing some tin work here on Cooper’s house. Mra. Avendell, who has been very sick, is now improving. Mrs. Julia Harrison of Atlanta, visited relatives and friends here last week; Watermelons are very plentiful and cheap. New buildings are going up in many parts of the town. Prof. N. A. Moss who has been teacher at the school at this plaoe for something like fifteen years in all has resigned. We learn he has accepted the institute at Gills* ville. Mr. Tot Walker of your city is now at the telegrap office here. Rev. J. T. Gibson has returned from a visit through Middle Georgia. * • Dr. Jones has been laid up for some days with a crippled ankle. It was at first thought to be brok en. f Mr. Heury Porter is in the vil lage for a visit of a few days. Pretty little Miss Nina Price is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hancock, on Main street The public school will close next Friday. Editor E. K. Smith, of the Ros well Banner, was among old friends here this week. He may coine back to Flowery Branch and rim the Mr. J. Moon is’ just back with his team from Dahlonega. A bold robbery oceurecf some miles south of here near Roswell last week. Two tramps entered a | course an interesting feature. The boys then engaged in a fine game of base ball. After they were tired of playing, all were called to the Academy, and listened to an excellent decla mation. “Our Southern Heroes and Heroines,” by Mr. Frank S. Price, a brilliant young man of Dahlonega. Addresses of interest were then delivered by Profs. T. H. Robertson, J. O. Adams, J. W. Kytle, B. P. Gilliard, and Hon. J. B. Estes. They were all highly enjoyed and appreciated by all present. This school has prospered under the efficient management of Prof. B. F. Parks, the principal. He is an excellent teacher. Hake the Hortof YooneU. It is the duty of every man to make I the most of himself. Whatever his capacities, may be, he is sure to find some place where he can be useful to himself and toothers. Bnt he cannot reach his highest usefulness without [good health and he cannot have good ! health without pure .blood. The blood circulates to every organ and tissue and when it is pure, rich and healthy it carries health to the entire system, but if it is impure it scatters "disease wherever it flows. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier. It cures salt rheum, scrofula, catarrh, dyspepsia and rheumatism because these diseases have their origin in the blood. home Saturday from a several weeks visit in Harmony Grove. Mrs. E. C. ShoeklejTdf Gaines ville was fa m ily. of Mr. C* Tv TOitobead, the. first of this week. - Mr. Emory MpB^annon of Winder, accompanied by his charming sister, Miaa Oni0,' spent last Sunday in Pendergrass. . Dr. J. H. Txqnt and family visi ted Tallulah Falls last week. Miss Mary Lou Appleby is spending 'this week iq finder the . 931 a . 1003 a . 1035 a . 1100 a . 1122 a . 1128 a . 1154 a 1280m . 1248 p Better have a good medicine and not need it than to need it and not have it. See? Then, just before you get hurt, buy a bottle of Dr. Tiehenor’s Anti septic. It is a record breaker for wounds, burns, bruises, scalds, etc., for man and beast. 53c. a bottle. At THE OLD CHURCH BELL. *? For The Cracker. The old church bell,the sounds of which Rise slowly in the air, And call alike the poor and rich To worship at the bier! Of hopes long flown,andgather strength To enter life anew! And live for God, and trust on Him, '■ Who strengthens as the dew. Oh! what,hallowed thoughts around thee cling, Which angels might implore; Thy sounds celestial voices ring Around the old chur ih door. No sounds are purer, none so sweet, As those which strike the ear On Sabbath morn, and come to greet The suppliants with their cheer. In guileless hours, when nature smiles, And all is bright and clear! The"call of church bells,ringing whiles, To singing and to prayer, Gives tone to thoughts iii after days, - And makes the thoughtless think Of prayers,first taught by mother’s ways When pausing on the brink. Then let the chnreh bell’s ringingsonnd Be heard o’er land and sea! To teach, the storm-hound mariner • ' Of God and of eternity. ~ —Wm. W. Habersham. Gainesville, Sept. 4, 1897. CANDtEB. A supposed mad dog created quite a scare in this community Saturday. The two children of Mr. Joseph Allen, a little son of Mr. Thomas Harmon At. Richmond Ar. Washington.. " Baltm’ePRR M Philadelphia. ” New York... the little girl of Mr. John Eden, a son of Dr. W. B. McAfee, and Mr. Wal ter Floyd were all bitten by the dog, and are suffering from the effect. Some of the folks here think the brute was rabid, but it is not known as a certainty. The dog, after biting all these people escaped, and is at large. There is uo telling how many other dogs, and animals were bitten, and the people of this neighborhood are cautions about allowing their Mrs. W. B. Ward is proprietor of an undertaking establishment in San Jose, CaL She has a" thoroughly equipped house act is up to date in all branches of her extensive business, which she has successfully managed for years. colie. A dose of Dr. ^ichenor’s Anti septic (diluted and sweetened) will re lieve i’t in a few minutes. Very pleas ant taste and odor, free from Opiates and perfectly harmless. Worth a gold $ but your druggist will sell yon a bot tle for a silver half $. PRICE The pupils of Price Academy were in their glory on last Friday. It was a day tKatlbey will remem ber—a notable event in their lives. ATA4TIOGH. Camp-meeting at Antioch will begin soon, and will comprise the fourth Sunday in this month. ones to leave home. Those who were bitten are in suspense, await ing developments of the poison. We have a saw mill ; n full blast, and a cotton gin being put in place, right in our town. The school at this place /has closed the fall term. ed a picnic, '/lib# ^Ih ' Rtf enter- tainment that charmed, all who pfo^£r-^d'J there was' a goodly nmnber : pf visitors, and pa- trofcs oftfee school. Quito ariomber ofdedamations and recitations wefo delivered by the pupils^abd program fod dered was indeed interesting Practice Economy In buying medicine as in other matters. It is economy to get Hood’s Sarsapa- i rill a because there is more medicinal value in Hood’s Sarsaparilla than in any other. Every bottle of Hood’s Sar saparilla contains 100 doses and .will average, taken according,tp directions, to last a month, while others last but a fortnight. HOOD’S PILLS are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. LAUREL. HILL. - Preaching Sunday afternoon a^, 4 o’clock. iieiiiNS PHIS' SWAVNE’S OINTMENT ABSOLUTELY OUB3S. SY Alt'TOAIS—3io!*tnr^ { Intfme LteBfns —if eMnginc; moat atnlabt.? worse bj scratch In ir. If i:II»vrcd to continue tnsuora form and protrude. often Meta auil nlwedei Iieeomlne Terr ptf&SWAYSESatAZXES’l'jSoiv. i«eJt!ng end h loading, absorbsthafooior^. Soid bjdrosgtrtsorbv jcoilfor adeti. Prepared by Pj^S*ya.txr& Son,Philadelphia. The simple appUcatioa of ~ .jmmswAYfm of Vhe late Samuel F. Smith, D. D., au thor of the national anthem “America, ” celebrated her ninety-first birthday on March 17 at her home in Boxbury, Mara. Fop several years Mrs. Parker has been unable to leave her home, but with mental forces unabated she keeps POPLAR SPRINGS. MrT Joseph M. Bell has gotten his syrup mill in good shape and is ready for business. Mr. A. Hash has been very sick but at this time he is some better. Religions services were held at Popular Springs last Sunday at 3 r.Sj vithont sny interns!^ /j*, ntodieinft.’ c6n>* ter, ecz^iaa. itch.ill* |I7«rUl*S«ioa »si /* hsndi. n we. Ac., leavics theskinelear, v.Liteand hli *»t».or n-oe br m«U Informed in regard to "all matters of public interest Bore in Boston and liv ing here during all her many years, she' has witnessed the wonderful growth of education ahadd reform movements cra- dled in this-city. She has been a gener ous contributor to many good causes, but the education of the colored race seems to lead all others. During the past year she has made over 300 gar ments for the children of a mission school in Georgia.—Boston Letter; Pointed Paragraphs. To err is masculine; to forgive is feminine. V Jealously is the key that opens many wedlocks. A snort horse Qccasionally wins in the long run. It is easy to bear the aches of another man’s corns. Give a man an inch and he wants a tumbler full. Troubles are like babies; they grow large by nursing. A fair exchange is no robbery— unless it is a church fair. Life is full of trials—and the lawyers are thankful for it. The man who wants the earth invariably gots it—when he dies. re have heard of Ctf* E 20 years’ staad£» mi cured . Jhim. B» % mm publishes* valcac.* ■ I work c* I ■ this d!«; ing actm# toad&2 i The bladder was ereated for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for. the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im- ! perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treat ment of other diseases. ' ‘ CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unheaithv kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. situated back of and very dose to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the bladder or urinary pas-} sage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort-. The error is easily made and may be easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours: a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trou- :iAT!0N, ANTeE FUND LIFE The Member’s Guarantee Fund Deposit of $46.59 returned in addition to above. Connecticut .is keeping up the agitation for good roads. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator eyer made. The difference between a jour nalist and a newspaper man is. that the first prints a lot more than he knows, and the second knows a lot more than he prints —New York Press. DYICAMARTIt ble. The mild and the extraordinarv eifect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great kidnet*. and bladder remerD- -- IS soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drucr* gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail. Mention The Georgia Cracker and send your ad dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this pa per guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. Invested Assets, $13,790 in State Bonds.- Every death claim has been paid in full ana before due. Agents Wanted fer choice territory. Address, lands ivnnnTH^v^ all IIDRUGGISTS ;of coaEtipatior. Cucarete are the Ideal Lax*, i ar £rfpe. but ensue easy natural resalts. Sam- Chicago, Montreal. Cam., orKew York. an Nos 539 to 545 Equitable Building*, Atlanta, Ga Ini an is /Children .-V< (j moinlK^oItl J5 Doses - J3C1 nts