Newspaper Page Text
if the word REGULATOR is not on a m
Fully restored tu
a short time. One
box tablets $1-
Three boxes
; $2.'0. By mall.
■ ’S'O *■ X?' v - UU “ K B « 1 tv
a » ® Wrlteior parti e- ^2 .. ] Iff
*8 g outers to 8g ill/
•2®® HAGGARD’S »a, fftt*.
•5*^ SPECIFIC GO* w® itfUL? .
w Atlanta, Ga. \
They cure all Kidney, Bladder,
Uterine, Prostatic and Urethral
Affections; impart vigor and over
come effects of excess and indis
cretion. Containing remedies that
act as a tonic to all mncons and
gland secretions.
r Forty years ago G. M. McDow-
j ell, now a resident of Madison
county, was one of the most prom
inent young men of Yancey county
rand was known as * ‘the Zeb Vance
orator” of that section. He loved
and wooed a young lady of Yancey
who was accounted the belle of
i that part of western North Caro
lina/ True love ran smoothly
with the young couple themselves,
but a barrier existed in the person
of .an objecting father, whose
wrath was kindled against the I
idea of marriage, and a decree
was literally written in blood, it is
said, that they^should not wed. I
About this time a second young
A northern syndicate has been
organized with ample capital to
take hold of southern
“Before tha people knew as
much about bicycles as they do
now,” said the man who had lived
pretty much all over the civilized
world, “there were some funny
things happened. I’ll never for
ge twhat occurred while I was vis
iting a friend of mine running a
ranch up in North Dakota. A
young college boy on a vacation
a wheel,
properties for the. purposes of de
velopment and operation. The
enterprise has been worked quietly
from Atlanta and the syndicate
be active in business.
Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has
been put up by any one except
will soon
It is not a stock jobbing or Wall
street scheme, but is going in for
legitimate profits. In two or
three weeks the general scope of
the project will be publicly an
nounced. All kinds of properties
will be handled, with gold as the
preference, because the gold field
offers greater inducements than
any other mineral.
Four very rich strikes in gold
ore have been made recently in
Georgia. The Pope Bros., in Cher
okee, are taking out exceedingly
rich ore. The Hamburg mine, in
White, is working in $300 ore..
And it can be easily told by?their Trade Mark-
I, they Impart
vigor to all of the organs and
healthy action to all of the func
tions of the system,,and to build
up the entire organism. In other
words, they help every function
and impart vigor and health to
the entire man. On this principle
they cure when all other remedies
have failed. !
Absolutely Pure
came through there on
the first one the cowboys had
seen. Their comments on the ma
chine were amusing.
“ ‘Wonder if the durned thing
bucks?’ asked one. ‘Rope a steer
The New Tenants of the White
The first and only pictures Mnj
McKinley has had taken in ten
years appear- in the October num
ber of The Ladies’ Home Journal.
They form part of a series of new
and unpublished photographs of
the new o'ccupants of the White
House. Mrs. McKinley wore for
her picture her inaugural ball
dress of silyer and white brocade,
at the special request of the Presi
dent, who thought it particularly
tat an old Cannon Wrapped
with Wire will Do.
er, ‘an he d throw you so far
you’d never know where you lit.’
‘Wouldn’t be much good in Injun
ffghtin’, declared an old timer, and
a trim looking young fellow that
was the dude of that ranch an
nounced disdainfully that he
could go farther in a day on his
broncho than Hie young fellow
could on his wheel in a week.
“ ‘Tell you what I’ll do, Dick, I
said to the boaster. ‘I’ll bet a
hundred that he can cover fifty
miles on his bike in less time than
I was
at Willet’s
tome years ago.
nt, New York, Captain King,
the United States army, made
interesting experiment. He
k an old gun sixteen feet in
»I Warren, who,, won. fame as a
U humorist in Georgia. Several in
ti teres ting stories were told of him,
> but the following appears in print
' I for. the first time.
I When he was editing a country
newspaper a subscriber whom he
- had offended with criticism .sent
him a challenge for a fight with
I He told the bearer to be seated,
when he asked him the price of
I “Thirty cents a pound,” was
the reply.
I “Now,” said !
der selling at?”
“Sixty cents,
Then he turned his pockets in
side out-?—fished up a bunch of
keys and several due bills, looked
(them over thoughtfully, then
I wrote this reply to his challenger:
“Dear Jim: Yours received. I
would be glad to accommodate
you, but your friend tells me that
shot is thirty cents a pound and
powder sixty. And I can’Muvest
that much money in ’em these
hard times. If, however, you will
[ lend me ninety cents I-willsecure
you by a mortgage on the paper,
and accommodate you with a few
loads in the region you may sug
gest. I believe, however, it would
taka three pounds of buckshot to
kill you. Send on the money and
make your will.”
The letter was duly delivered,
Endorsed by Dr. A. G. Thomas.
I have carefully examined the
formula of Haggard’s Specific Tab
lets, and take pleasure in saying
that I find it chemically correct,
and that I can cordially recom
mend their use to the, profession.
A. G. Thomas, M. D.,
Professor of Chemistry.
Dr. Thomas is President of the I
Faculty of the “Georgia College;
of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery,”
and the distinguished Professor
of Chemistry in that institution.
Dr. W.-C. Smith, Specialist, At
lanta, Ga., says: “I take pleasure
in Stating that I have used and
tested, yoqr Specific Tablets with
splendid results. Their effect on I
becoming. Tjie excellent portrait
of Mr. McKinley in his office was
taken in June. The other pictures
in the series show the many
changes in the arrangements and
furnishings of the. rooms and
grounds, made by the President
and Mrs. McKinley.
[bridle in Yancey county. Shortly
[after the fairest girl of all that
county joined hands with a Mr.
[Presswood, the successful suiter,
and they started as one along life’s
Young McDowell rode away on
his mettled charger and by and by
he wooed and won another, and
for more than thirty years they I
fought life’s battles together.
About fifteeD years ago Mr. Press-]
'wood died, and a few years ago
Mr. McDowell’s life partner died.
The decree written in blood hav
ing passed away with the death of
the objecting father, two hearts
that years ago had beaten so close
together again turned to each oth
er. The lovers plighted their troth J
you can on your pony,
snapped on every hand,v even my
friend expressing a willingness to
tap my pile on that same proposi
tion. I accommodated them all,
as far as possible, and the race
was like a Fourth of July celebra
tion. A flying start was made
over a straightway eourse, on 4 a
well-known trail, twenty-fivemiles
and return. Dick was in his gay
est attire, and when my fried!
gave the racers the word there.
^active power. The cannon ball
pit once whistled from its mouth
SW, by an irresistible force,
saped towards it. The iron and
seel that it used to repel were
|w enticed. In short, Captain
lug found that the disused gun
|s the most powerful magnet in
|e world.
Etfsoon became one of the sights
I see can u on balls, which no man
mid lift, rise from the ground
I the muzzle of the magnet, and
[did not take long to find out
[at this wonderful magnet had a
twenty-two tons..
This is the day of anti-this, and anti-
that, btit what people need most now
adays is, the anti-bilions medicine, Sim-
Liver Regulator, the King of
what is
mons J _ ■
Liver Medicines, and better than pills.
“I have nsed no other anti-bilious rem
edy for six years and know from ex
perience that for ladies of a constipated
habit nothing equals it.”—Laura V.
Craig, Ellenbury, Fla.
‘George Williams 1
the wife, with suppressed emotion r
“I saw you leaving a saloon to
day.” “Was anyone with me?”
inquired the derelict husband,
complacently. ‘ ‘There was not,”
snapped the wife, biting her lips'
to control herself. “Then I hope
the vein. A shot with a quarter
of- a stick of dynamite threw out
ore containing $4,60U- , in gold.
The find created great excitement.
A guard with a shot gun was
placed on the dump. A twenty-
stamp mill was ordered The
Mountain Sentinel says that there
was $20,000 in gold in sight the
day after the discovery.
If ting power o
I One of the most interesting ex-
primeuts was to place a soldier
pout a foot from the muzzle of
pegun, and then turn on the cur-
lot. Great iron spikes would
bmp from the ground and attach
pemselves to the silent Boldier,
[ho bristled with them all over
[ke a melalic porcupine. Even
[reat cannon balls would leap up
hd hang upon him. There he
rould etand r holding up a much
reater weight than he could ever
lossibly lift, and all with no con-
fcious expenditure of strength,
’hie, which was the natural,
and by agreement Mrs.
[Presswood became Mrs. McDowell
forty years to the day from the
j date on which the release was
signed. The marriage occurred
only, a few days ago and Mr. and
Mrs. McDowell are living over
again the sweet days of old.—
Asheville Gazette.
saw my favorite coming on his
wheel as though an electric motor
was supplying the power. I^e was
a humped up scorcher and no mis
take. - There was a strong disposi
tion to question his claim of hav
ing gone every inch of the route,
but when Dick came m, his mount
in a complete state'of collapse And
Dick with both hands in the air
above his head the crowd wilted
gracefully, and I had enough to
buy a half interest in the ranch.”
—Detroit Free Press.
Pa’s Prayers.
Once upon a time sickness came
to the family of the poorly paid
pastor of a country ehurch, says
the Omaha World-Herald. It was
winter and the pastor was in finan
cial straits. A number of his
flock decided to meet It his bouse
and- offer prayers for the speedy
recovery of the sick ones and for
material blessings upon the pas
tor’s family. While one of the
deacons was offering a fervent
prayer for blessings upon the pas
tor’s household there was a loud
knock at the door. When the
door, was opened a stout farmer
boy was seen, wrapped up com
“What .do you want, boy?”
asked one of the elders.
“I’ve brought pa’s prayers,” re
plied the boy.
“Brought pa’s prayers? What
do you mean?”
“Yep; brought his prayers, an’
they’re out in the wagon. Just,
help me an’ we’ll get ’em iu.,”..
Investigation disclosed the fact
that “pa’s prayers” consisted of
potatoes, flour, bacon, corn meal,
turnips, apples,^ warm clothing
and a lot of jellies for the sick
ones. The prayer meeting ad
journed in short order.
and that ended the
“Wants me ter lend him money
ter buy shot to'kill me with,” ex
claimed the challenger. “Durned
ef I’ll do it! ”—Atlanta Constitu
Material For Reflection.
[ “My good man,” said the severe
lady, “have you ever stopped to
think how much money is wasted
each year in tobacco and rum ?”
“No* mum, I haven’t,” answer
ed the object. “It’s a-taking up
all my time jist now to figger out
' Ta^lilfsBEBa-sir i Safe Speedy aad FetiUnCm
The Saffest, Beat BLISTER over used. Takes
the place of all liniments for mild or severe action.
Removes all Bunches or Blemishes from Horae#
OS FIRING. Impossible to produce scar or btemUh.
Every bottle sold-is Warranted to give satisfaction
Price St.SO per bottle. Sold by drnsadsts, or
sent by express, charges paid, with fall directions
for its use. Send for descriptive circulars.
Casearets stimulate liver, kidneys
and bowels. Never sicken, weaken
or gripe. 10 cents.
hqw many families could be sup
ported on the price of the extra
material women put. in their
sleeves.'”—Ex. , ' .
Women are not Taken Seriously.
“They won’t take us seriously,”
she said with a sigh, “they” re
ferring, of course, to men. “No
matter how seriously we take our
selves, nor how we endeavor to
impress them with our seriousness,
it is of no use. Only the other
evening I was arguing with a man
about something or other, just
what I don’t remember now, but
I know it was a subject that I
knew far more about than he did
and that I had much the best of
the argument. At first he deigned
to answer me with some sort of
respect, not at all as though I was
his equal, of coprse, but-splTwith
a cerfaSi amount of consideration.
But aethe conversation progre
and he began to see that I
getting" the better iff him, be just;
laughed aud pqohvpoohed and pre
tended to be amused. I could
have borne even this, though, but
just as I was putting the yery tas
sel- to I the cap of the argumenta
tive climax he leaned forward and
said: ‘Don’tpucker ypur-forehekd
like that; it isn’t becoming.’ ”
; No use losing sleep and walking the
floor with baby at night because it has
colie. A dose .of Dr. Yiehenor’s Anti
septic (diluted and sweetened) will re
lieve it in a few minutes. Yery pleas
ant taste and odor, free from opiates
and perfectly harmless. Worth a gold
$ but yonr druggist will sell yon a botr
tie fora silver half $.
Maxims to Guide Young Men.
Make few promises.
[Keep your own secrets.
[Always speak the truth.
iLive within your income.
iMakeho haste to be rich.
;Live up to all engagements.
Sfever speak evil of any one.
■Keep good company or none.
[Poison blood before principles.
gEarn money before spending it.
|Haye very few intimate friends.
Blood character is above all
“I take pleasure in recommendr
ing Haggard’s Specific Tablets. I'
have used them with great, success
in several cases of - painful " and
suppressed menstruation and acute
cystitis. J. L. HulLj M. D.”
Finally, in offering the tablets
to the public, we claim for them
that they are superior to all known
War and accomplish results
All madeofBest'Ma- ' |pjjj§j
witirBesiTYovk-' fSgafegg
- , < ’ j ^ manship. in Best Malt-
ncr. Most, economical
fi in use ok faeT,^ splendid
steamers,- end. most free
Jt-'-J?-' from sparks. -MoreUBP-
throUgaout Uio .bob tie than any other make. > Range in c
up; All about these engines in new pamphlet “D,” c<
aiid any further information desired, furnished free on apj
; A -dittlei four-year-old went to
Sunday school for the first time
and hegrd the children singing
“Once I was blind, but now I can
see.” That afternoon her sister
‘One side was
heard her singing,
blind, but now it can see.
unknown to medical science. On
this point we challenge investiga
tion, and will be glad to have the
medical profession* test their mer
its, and give the public the benefit
of results. If - these remedies are
pot on sale in your locality, order
direct f rom Haggard Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
The Way She Saw Europe.
The friends of a girl just home
from Europe were surprised to find
when they questioned her about
it the other day that there was a
great deal she had left undone; “No,
it was too much trouble to go to
all those out-of-the-way holeB,”
she said, “and as for sightrseeing,
I never did care for it, any «ray, so
I soon made up my mind that I
wasn’t to wear myself to death for
all the old castles and art galleries
that ever lived. But I had a good
timej oh! perfectly splend id 1 just
the very best" in my whole, life.
Why, I couldn’t help but .have it.
Didn’t I spend all my money?”
Gold Hollar Monument*
“It is due you and a me to recommend your Tetter*
ine. Truly, it is an infallible remedy and cure for tetter. My wife
has been annoyed 4 bj same for about twelve years, and after using
the Tetterine for five days it disappeared entirely, to her great relief.
She is ready to sing : your praise, and I am prepared to contribute
my gold dollar in erecting a monument to your name. ”
Yours, etc., A. M. HAYGOQD, Evelyn, Ga.
lever borrow if you can possibly
>id it.
lever listen tc loose infidel con-
sation. a
Vhea sneaking to a person look
Be Kind to Your Dishwashers.
If you keep a restaurant, be kind
to your dishwasher. Then you
may possibly become a countess
with a fortune. This is what hap
pened to Mrs. Tillie Nelson of
Boston. She kept a restaurant.
She was kind to a man who applied
for a job as dishwasher. He turned
out to be a bona fide count, and
has just come into a fortune of
$46,000, and he immediately asked
his patroness to share his fortunes,
which she immediately did.
A lady _ taking tea at a small
company, being very fond of Hot
rolls, was asked to have another.
“Really I cannot,” she modest
ly ; replied. : -*T don ’t know how
many I’ve eaten already.”
■ “I dpi” unexpectedly exclaimed
a juvenile upstart, whose mother
allowed him a seat at the table.
“You’ve eaten eight. I’ve been
>ften think of the personal Re
ntability toGod.
Character is not essentially in-
id except by one’s own acts.
asy to Take
aisy to Operate
res peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small in
less, efficient, thorough. As one man
The giraffe is the only animal
who is really dumb-—unable to ex
press itself by any sound what
If you are afflicted, swap 50 cents for a box.
It will be the best trade of your life. •
At all Drug Stores, or by mail --
Upon receipt of 50 cents in cash or stamps.
. . ‘ J. T. SHUPTRINE, Savannah, Ga.
Is in Gainesville bv Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co' M. C. Brown &
Dr. Tiehenor’s Antiseptic is guaran
teed not to cure everything- and any
thing. As a dressing for. wonnds and
aiTa cure for Colic, for man or beast, it
is O. K. and “don’t you forget it.”
It takes eight times the strength
to go upstairs that it requires t<3
accomplish the same distance on a