The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 06, 1897, Image 1

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In»»m msSL JOHN DORSEY HURT, j IN MEMORIAL, he has paid for some .property at White Path and some in Hall county. The latest reports from _ the Gold Hill mine near Flowery Branch, in Hall county, continues The Constitution, is that the tun nel has been driven twelve feet across a gold bearing ore body of quartz and schist, and it is not cut through yeti A letter from the mine says: “The. whole hill appears to be good milling ore. Everything carries gold. We have been cross-cutting quartz reefs al most from the mouth. The ore body we are cutting now, if sloped, would keep ten stamps going.” The tunnel has not yet reached the part of the hill which devel opments on top indicate cpntains the best ore. Action of Bellmont church in memory of our brother, J. J. Lan caster, who departed this life, Augusts, 1897/ . / -- One of our most faithful co- workers in the cause of Christ, one of our most esteemed fellow citi zens, a beloved husband and fath er, and a good man was taken from among us, when brother j. J. Lancaster was called Mr. John Dorsey of Gainesville, was^pretty-badly hprfc,ini the street, railway wreck in- Atlanta Satur day. He was standing on the front platform of the car going to, town and was knocked .from, the car just before theyy^cfashed to^ get her. His face .and left arm and side were badly bruised and scarred, and other injuries, were sustained. to mpihers of large families whose work is never done, and many of whom suffer and suffer for lack of intelligent aid. To women, young or old, rich or poor, Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Massr; wlL extends her invita- lion of free ad- vice. Oh, women! do not let your vMmrrnftWm.f lives be sac- ' % W /MbkwtS rificed when a word from Mrs. at is the original“ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” which has been in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty i. LOOK CAREFULLY the wrapper and see that it is on the wrap- use my name ex- Absoluteiy Pure from his earthly labor to his reward on high for the deeds done in the body. In our human weakness we are made to wonder why on© upon whom his loved ones coult lean with so much confidence, should be cut down while in the prime of life, yet we must ac knowledge the wisdom of our Heavenly Father in all things that he does, and bowing in bum ble submission, say, “Thy will be done.” As humble followers of the Son we must submit to the will of the Father, yet we can but feel the sore bereavement that, is our brother He came home Satur day night; and remained several days before returning to the Uni versity. He was_ assistant mana ger of the team, and remained at the park later; than he would have done otherwise. When he was knocked from; the car he was picked up m an unconscious con dition, but was brought around all right in a few minutes by friends who went to his assistance. Mr. Ed Herrin,“who was also badly hurt in tlf|L wreck, is well known in Gainesville. He is a and has the signature of per. No one has authority from me to cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. & Fletcher i President ^ March 8,1897. Q&**~l**z. —^*,z> Do Not Be Deceived. Do. not endanger the life of your child by ncceptiito a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF^ the first approach bf weakness, may fill your future years with healthy joy. Mas. A. C. Buhler, 1123 North Al bany' avenue, near Humboldt .Park, Chicago, HL, says: fifty-one years old andhave had twelve children, and my youngest is eight years old. X have been suffering for some time with a terribleweakness; that hearing-down feeling was dreadful, and I could not walk any distance. X began the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash and they have cared me. I cannot praise your medicine' enough.” FROM CAPTAIN MAYNE, Reported That He Will Return to Georgia Soon, Gold mining men. without ex ception, heartily approve Senator Bacon’s purpose of attempting to get the government to send' some experts to Georgia to study the ores in the Btate. There are mil lions and millions of gold in Georgia. The only question is to save it. Edison has devised a process for treating low g**ade iron ores. If some one will only get up an inexpensive A Lively Letter Addressed to Editor of Dahlonega Nnggct.—Mayne Says “All is Well” With Him—Some Mining Notes. Captain Eugene Gustave May Mayne, according to the Atlanta Constitution of Sunday, writes from London that he will be in Georgia soon. He says: “All is going well;” Captain Mayne sent to a number of Georgians, aiming them Governor f kiiisoii. a copy of a lively letter which he ad dressed to the editor of The Dah- lonega Nugget. It appears that The Nugget pub lished an article a few weeks ago entitled, “The Captain Mayne Boom.” It must have been a warm ai.icle, judging from the reply. Mayne suspects that some- hod v in the mining country insti gated tl writeup which The Nils- get gave him He says 1.. answer to ’ he NuggM ejiff or: “A copv o’ 3 r our newspaper habeen forwarded to me by somebody, whose writing I am perfectly w«*i acquainted with.” Mr. Mayne goes on to say that be has always objected to a boom. He declares that he did not keep fine liquors on ice on Caomder’s creek. “It may be quite possible that in my absence some of my friends have indulged—it may have been Scotch whiskey or moonshine.” He remarks that if he owed a man $5 and paid back $5 it was his own business and also his own money. 4 ‘At present my company is as much alive as from the day it was born, and it is going to continue in the same strain.” In closing, Mr. Mayne says: “I reserve all legal rights against you in this matter, and m conclu sion beg to state that I have too many friends in Georgia to let the matter rest, and we are coming.” Messrs. King & Spalding, coun sel for Mr. Mayne, say they under stand that he has sent over some large sums of money in payment for gold lands in this state. When he left Atlanta last spring for London he stated that he would be back in six weeks. It has often been reported that he was about to sail. He is liable to ap pear at any time well staked. The Ellijay Courier says that was amputated ipesfc abpye the wristy and he received ©their inju ries. ; " "' "■ \ - Both Mr./Dorsey’and Mr. Her rin have many friends who /egret to know they |were hurt. upon from his accustomed'pew, and we miss his counsel and his social in- which we so much struction process treating refractory ores, Georgia’s jjfierished gold properties will become great ’ His lov producers. The chlorination pro- unspeakal cess is the best known for Georgia not recall sulphides, but there may be some- rest to wl thing cheaper and better. believe hf Much in Little Is especially true of Hood’s Pills, for iu> medi cine eyer contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine It now turnabout th at the negro Loftin was not shot Save The Children. When children are attacked with cough, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will prove a quick and sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker, Blandon, Pa., writes: “We have used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for cough, cold and croup, and found it the best cough medicine and cure for these affections. We never run out of it, but always keep it on hand.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Insist on having it. 8100 Reward. 8100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure Th all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. - Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The. proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, at all, but that he simply worked a trick to which the keep the place from fourth assistant postmaster gene ral was about to fire him. 'He wanted to excite republican sym pathy so worked the. assassination racket and retained his job. and friends, who, as did he, place their faith in Christ, and serve the Lord. Let us not bow down our heads in sorrow but lift them up and be happy in the blessed assur ance that we can go to be with him where there is no parting, no sorrow, no tears. Resolved, first, That while we give expression to our sadness over the untimely death of our brother, we do not forget his taking away is a dispensation of ; Him who loved us, and who in this sad in stance doubtless hadfa wise and beneficent purpose in view. Resolved, second, That to the broken hearted wife and children, who are of our church, we offer our deepest condolence. At the same time we implore them to look beyond the dark cloud of grief that overshadows them, to that bright, golden promise of a never ending life of glory beyond the grave. Resolved, third, That a page in our church minutes be suitably inscribed in memory of ohr de ceased brother, that this tribute be transcribed upon the records of the church, and a copy be sent to the family of the deceased. Also, that the Christian Index and The Georgia Cracker be requested to publish the same. chest,' always ready, > al- ,«^. B — — ways efficient, always sat- P/jp ■ I I a isfactory; prevent a cold - gg^ gg B I or fever, cure allliver ifis, V™ '• “ * sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only Pllts to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Dr. T. J Watts, Barnesville, Ga., Dear Sir:—-I take pleasure in stating that one box of Watts’ Eczema Oint ment cured me of an eruption caused by poison oak, removing it entirely m three days. Yours, - CHA8. M. BBaTtADT, ' Student Mercer University. Barnesville, Ga., Sept/9, 1897. Bucklen’s Arnica' Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, conns, and- all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no :pay re quired. It is guaranteeed .to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by M. C. Brown & Go. A Dangerous Precedent. ~ In Pennsylvania the other day a poet committed suicide because he was hungry. If that were a valid excuse for self destruction, American poetry of the present day would be! practically wiped out.—Chicago Times-Herald. For Superior Dens Grintlinfc and Excellency in the Manufacture of 'Spcct aelc.3 and Eye Glasses. Sold in lljBOG Cities Towns ia tlio Xl. S. Most Popular Glasses in the o. ,3-. „ l - EBTABUSHSO 1STO. flfl [If U'fjffil Ktcse -Famous Glasbbb wHU I H15 BI A;::: Neves Peddled. These famous glasses for sale by M. C. Brown & Co. . F. J. CHENEY & CO. ledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. TEACHERS WANTED The farmer’s salvation lies in making himself as independent as possible, by. raising the things he is now forced to buy, says the Macon Telegraph. It is the same old story, but it is just as true as when it was first spoken. The farmers know it—oh, that they would put it into practise! Guard against Yellow Jaek-by—keep ing the system thoroughly clean and free from germ bleeding matter. Cas- carets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and kill all contagious disease germs. Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La., .New York, N. Y., Washington, I)’. C , San Francisco, Cal., Chicago, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to be filled during the school term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies during the past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in, every part of the United and Canada, as over 95 per cgnfc. of those who registered before August secured positions. One fee-registers in 9 offices. ADDRESS FOR APPLICATIONS TO PITTSBURG, PA. i^SWAYNE’S mi OINTMENT. P. G. Ware of Wilkes county, Ga., has discovered what is be lieved to be a new variety of cot ton. Each stalk contained from 75 to 100 bolls, and it is estimated by experienced cotton raisers that it would make at least four bales to the acre. Mr. Ware has two acres of this cotton. It was de veloped from a single stalk of cotton grown on his place .about two years ago. It is thought that Mr. Ware will make a fortune of his discovery. Free tuition. We give one or more free schol arships in every county in the U. S. Write us. O* - i- Will accept notes for tuition - OSittOnS. » » or ca n deposit money in bank O j - V_» ; until position is secured. Car Guarantee a fare paid. No vacation. En- Under reasona ble ter at anytime. Open for both conditions. . . . sexes. Cheap board. Sendfor — free illustrated catalogue. Address J. F, Dratjghou, Pres’t, at either place. Draughon’s Practical...., Business.... NASHVILLE, TENN., AND TEXARKANA,-TEXAS. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, TypewrlGng. etc. The most thorough, practical sraA progressive' schools of the kind in-the world, and-the best patronized ones in the-South. Indorsed by banKv era, merchant^ ministers and' others. Four weeks . in bookkeeping ydth us are equal to twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draughon, President, is author of Draughon’s new system of bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.” Home study. We have prepared for home study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and shorthand. Write for price list ‘ ‘Home Study.’ ’ Extract. *‘PitbF. Deadghon—I learned book keeping at home from your books, while holding a position as night telegraph operator,”—C. E- bEF king well, Boolikeeper for Gerber & Ficks, The Coming Woman Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well, as the good old fashioned woman who looks after her home will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sieep- The Will give three boxes of their Specific Tablets, worth $2.50 v to any one who may have used as . much , as one b6x of their tablets without debided benefit. We have never heard of 5- V All made of Best'Ma- 'gS ^ ■ if ' - • "'rial, vyitli Best Work- B mansliipfin Best Man- ^ : ' her.' - Most economical nse splendid - • sfaiamers. and most -freeljjfe: from sparks. IMoreDEF- A - throughout the -South than .any other make. Range up All about these engmes in new pamphlet “D, a single case where the tablets have failed to give satisfactory results, and if there is a person to be found who has used them without benefit ^ve want,to know who he is and where to. find; him. They never fail to cure kidney and. bladder troubles and affections of the genital organs and overcome all debility and weakness in both men and. women* They improve the. appetite, aid diges- overeome lessness, fainting or dizzy spells, most wonderful remedy for these wo men is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from lame back, and weak kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved , by the. use of Electric Bitters. Delicate women should keep, this remedy on .hand to build up the system. Only fifty' cents per bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co., Gainesville. INSTANTLY REUEV INFANTILE COUGH, COLD, CROUP OR CRAMP. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, JAIWSES LEFFEL & CO. tion and assimilation and constipation. They have vital effect on all of the secretory organs and es tablish a healthy .condition of. the mu cous and gland secretions in every part It took $20,000 to try a man up Chicago for making sausage eat of his wife, and the ease suited in a mistrial. Think of te amount of sausage $20,000 of the body; overcome all torpid eondi-' tions of the capillaries and secure per fect circulation of the Blood, so that every organ is supplied and every funer tion is normal and healthy. Being the only remedy ever compounded: that fully meets the logical physiological conditions of the human system,-it is no wonder, that they give results un known to medical science. No matter if the doctors and all remedies have failed, try the Tablets and be convinced that they are superior to all known remedies. Their effect on the nerve centres is a complete surprise to phy sicians who have used them. Cases thathave baffled the skill of best phy sicians and no remedies seemed to ben efit, have been promptly controlled and permanently cured by the Tablets. Cases where injections|jof morphine haye been resorted to as the only means of temporary relief have been promptly controlled by the Tablets and the trou ble completely overcome by their use. Price, one bo^ $1; three boxes §2.50. If not on sale in your locality, order direct from Haggard Specific Co., At- “It ie due you and a pleasure to me to reeommei ine. Truly, it is an infallible remedy and cure for has been annoyed by same for about twelve years, the Tetterine for five days i|disappeared entirely, to She is ready to sing your praiseT and I am prepar my gold dollar in erecting a monument 4;o your nan Yours' etc.. A. M. HAYGOOI Prevented by taking - The Great Blood Purifier and Lifer Regulator. 200 DAYS TREATMENT $1.00. Containing a Registered ■ Guarantee. 32-page Book and Testimonials Free. Sent by mail, postage paid. Sold only by agents for THE AI-ONZO O. BLISS CO., Washington, D. C. IT CURES ECZEMA AND ALL SKIN DR If you are afflicted, s\vap 50 cents for a box. ON THIS DEPENDS. ~-* The Father’s Patience, The Mother’s Hat sash, or Guaranteed to’ 1 -J >1 1 y rag