The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, December 04, 1897, Image 3

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Prevented by taking ; The Great G. ; Blood Parffler and Liver Regulator. ■ - f. . ./■ 200 DAYS’ TREATMENT $1.00- Containing a Registered OnifnnW 11 THIS DEPEND! HARRIS SPRINGS, S. C. - Gainesville by MOORE BROS, ALONZO O. BLISS V ;! Her .New Lovqr. It is said that Spain is greatly xn need of money. She has a large family to support, bills are com* PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY. Harris’ Of SOUTH CAROLINA. Contains More Lit I,in than airy Natural Litliia Sorm-fs \* ator-on the market, area-'real many so-called Litnia Waters on the market whose analysis that they contain only traces of litliia. It seems that if you wish a Lukin ... vou s |,oul(l examine the an ilvsis of the waters and tind out how much Y-intain he ana? , sis of 11. i ris Lithia Water was inarte oy the noted Ii I lose in ns >< !).. LL. I).. ; rofessor of Chemistry and Physics, College o’ New Yu. k it the 1I»rt is . Khia Water is not Superior to any other r „u the market, do you that the following noted physicians from all .nt the country would give .heir testimonial, stating that it was? They no interest in the Harris Litnia Water. --l the use of mineral waters from man ■. felly persu-'.k-; that the Harris Lit. hi. in nt of afflictions of the Kidney and Blad f hich L have made trial. ■ni ion of its effects upon rnv patients for ■ in, tv I have prescribed it freely aud almost m iladies above mentioned A. N. TaI.i.ey, M D. ;t,.r a long and varied exp.” IVt hotii i- i-rixn and domes tvr posscss.'s efficacy in the ir. um <|iiiillc*-* by any otlier wa r This opini. :i is based upon p. - ilirec years, during"'' il'oi ii ly with be nefit in the meb Ci.luinbia, S. <’., Oct. 1 Mr J. T. Harris:—Hear Sir: 1 have found the use of the water from your ti,ij, springsin South Carolina so efficacious in'the case of a young lady pa n of mine, c i.o tins : ".ff.-red for year , with Diabetes, with all its different tteudants tliai 1 waul to ad.t my :cs imonial to the many you already have patient J refer to lias used the water freely at home for scarcely a month 1 with more heuoticial results than from months spent at the different noted . springs in different parts of the United States, besides long continued !lie same waters at home. Others of my patients and friends are now the same with best results. 1 cordially recommend it to all suffering similar diseases. Very respectfully yours, Titos, .s Powki.i.. M. D., Pres. Southern Medical College, Atlanta, Ga. Head what Prof. Jos. Jones of Tulane University, of New Orleans, has to in regard to the virtues of Harris Lithia Water: New Orleans, La., Aug. 13, 1894. Lithia Water Co., Harris Springs, S. C.: Gentlemen—1 have used, with great benefit, the case of water sent me, and it with favor, being highly charged with Lithia. Respectfully, Jos. Jones, M. D. , J. T. Harris. Harris Springs. S. C. Dear Sir—1 have used the Harris Lithia Spring Water for the past year in r.-nal troubles, with prompt and efficient effect. In gouty and rheumatic hies I consider this water superior to the Buffalo Lithia Spring water. •rc.l from an attack of rheumatism for eight months, during which time I k the buffalo Lithia Water constantly for four months without effect. In ember last I had a ease of Harris Lithia Water sent to me, and after drink- it fur about three or four weeks, the pain and stiffness left my limbs and I not been troubled since. I feel that I can safely recommed the Harris Water. Respectfully, Savannah, Ga., June 13, 1893. R. B. Harris, M. D. The Harris Lithia Water is, in my opinion, unexcelled for those ailxaenta the salts it contains. Theo. Lamb, M. D. t Diseases of Chest and Principles of Medicine, Medical Department,- University of Georgia. Asheville, N. €., April 24, 1893. An extended clinical use of the Harris Lithia Water prompts me to the that I regard it as one of the best, if not the best Lithia Water known profession. In the condition of Pho&phatic Urine, its action is marvelous. in the Rheumatic and Gouty Diseases afford me more comfort than the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours, John Hey Williams, M. D. have used for sometime Harris Lithia Water in my family, and also with tients, and find it is the best Water I ever used in catarrhal condition of uretus and bladder. It is also a good diuretic Water. Atlanta. Ga., April 30, 1897. G. G. Roy, M. D. Charleston, S. 0.. Sept. 30th, 1893. Mr. .1. T. Harris—Dear Sir: lam constrained to send you this testimonial be efficacy of the Harris Lithia Water. The value of the testimonial may be need from the fact that it goes to you unsolicited. As a friend of buman- i feel bound to withhold my knowledge of its virtues no longer. I have using the water for more than a year with marked benefit. To any one bled with kidney disorder, it is the remedy' par excellence. I prefer it to Buffalo Lithia Water. Very truly yours, A. C. Kaufman, President Vanderbilt Benevolence Association of Charleston. S. C. J. T. Harris, Proprietor Harris Lithia Springs. Dear Sir—While it is contrary to my custom to give testimonials to remedial nts, I feel free to attest to the efficacy of the Harris Lithia Water (when in large quantities) in the Rheumatic and Gouty Diatheses; in Inflamma- of the Bladder, and in all casen where there is an excess of solids in the Yours respectfully, Geo. Howe, M. D. Columbia, SC. « The waters of the Lithia Springs are odorless, free from color, with a pleas- salinev taste, rather palatable. When taken in considerable quantity they nauseate, purge or produce any feeling of discomfort. 1 find from the of the waters they contain Chloride Sodium, Carb. Potash, Carb. Soda, Lithia, Carb. Iron and Sulphate Magnesia. These waters act directly the mucous coating of the stomach and alimentary canal, they are power- alternative and tonic. They are everything to inflamed or irritated sur- They act upon the blood, changing it from acid to alkaline. In Indi- Catarrli of Stomach and Gastralgia, supplemented with a proper diet a certain cure. The action upon the kidneys is marked. The Sodium, Soda, Lithia, are the best solvents of t rie acid, all calculi- of an acid , whether iitary or cystic, are steadily dissolved. I am confident that will find it very useful in cases where this class of water is re- Respectfully, J. Q. Wjlbub, M. D. S. C., April 10, 1893. Camden, S. C„ Aug. 24, 1893. r. J T. Harris—Dear Sir: I enclose you in this letter several small pieces i-nli passed bv a patient of mine, who has been taking the “Harris Springs for the past eighteen months. This gentleman lias been a sufferer for or three years with Cystitis, caused from stone. The solvent power of the has been, I think, clearly demonstrated in this case. All these fragments passed in two evacuations from his bladder in the past ten days. I con- Horris Spring Water a most excellent remedy in the Uric Acid Diathesis, in Chronic Dyspeptic troubles. I am, yours respectfully, A. W. Bubnet, M. D. Chester, S. C. Sir: For the past eight months I have been using Harris Lithia Water the most excellent results, where I have been able to get mv patients to a sufficient quantity daily. The carbonated has no equal in Gastric dis- nces. It is an excellent table water. a pleasant laxative, and is a cure for flatulent dyspepsia. S. M. Da VEGA, M. D. Atlanta, Ga., April 24, 1807. T. Harris, Harris Springs, South Carolina. % )ear Sir: I have found Harris Lithia Water an exceedingly valuable reme- pr persons suffering from Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Therefore take >ure in recommending it. Respectfully, Jas. P. Alexander, President Board of Health. . Baltimore, June 24,1896. [Harris, Esq., Harris Springs, South Carolina. 3ear Sir: I have been using Harris Lithia Water for sometime, and I will > you that in my opinion that the Harris Lithia Water that is by far the ^Lithia Water that I have ever used, and that it has done me a great deal p.l, and I think it a most valuable remedy. R. C. Hoffman, President S. A. L. R. R. Is Lithia Water Cq. gentlemen—I have used Harris Lithia Water for the past two years and £t a most excellent, remedy for dyspepsia and other stomach troubles. I fully recommend it. ‘ Chas. M. Neel, . Atlanta, Ga., April 30th. 1897. ' President Ga. Military Institute. A FAIR PROPOSITION. s will guarantee that one glass of Harris’ Lithia Carbonated Water lieve any case of indigestion in one minutes’ time or money' refunded, or P after each meal will cure the worst case of indigestion. You see what ted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C., has to. say in regard to it, and there is physician in South Carolina who stands higher in the profession than he id besides you lose nothing by giving it a trial, as our agents are author- | refund the money to any responsible person who will not admit that he ‘uefitted by it. - • ■ : ■ ’ J * , ■ . • ’ /’■ JilN ’• . '/• » Harris Lithia Water Co., die dread of the cotton grower, can be prevented. Trials at Experiment Stations and the experience of leading growers prove positively that Kainit is the only remedy. We will be glad to send, free of charge, interesting and useful pamphlets which treat of the matter in detail. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. mg in fast, and collection of money uue i„ b iow; at *i jiift now Cuba is ousting more than she c.unes to, in the wiry oi irvuil 8pain has spank her;, but open Cuba now ; -tty, a ini nmtber’s Picayune trying t,i Ip, gt li II lias a lie ,tr- he a\big girl 1. v.-r ..anted Lib- * ei* agiviu^t her <.—ISew Orleans Dr. Jicherior’s Antiseptic is placed squarely on its Own'merits asking no iavors. leering .hi competitors and courting i,i ir : >i. i \ iu>! , ; h- , q-u , . owing him .u IP b w oh 11 blank-.-. liven -•for- putting him t*> f>e<; give him s\n.p of ipe cac in teaspoonful doses until he vomits. For external applications take two tahleapoonfalsof turpen tine and four tablespoon tiiis of goose oil, or sweet >il, or lard oil, mix well, and rub thoroughly on the outside of the throat. Satu rate a flannel and lay it over the chest and throat. Hot bricks’ «.r bottles filled with hot water, should be placed at the child’s feet and at the sides of his body to induce perspiration. Keep him carefully covered. After the vomiting the bowels must be kept open with syrup of squills. The best drink for the child is slippery-elm water. Give plenty of nourishment to keep up the strength. When your stomach begins to trauble you, it needs help. The help it needs is to digest your food, and, until it gets it, you won’t ha ye any peace. Stomach .tumble is very distressing, very obsti nate, very dangerous. Many of the most dangerous diseases begin with simple indigestion. The reason is that indigestion (not-digestion, not-nourish- ment) weakens the system and allows disease germs to attack it.- The anti dote is Shaker Digestive Cordial, strengthening, nourishing, curatiae. It cures indigestion and renews strength and health. It does this by strengthening the stomach, by helping it to digest your food. It nourishes you. Shaker Digestive Cordial is made of pure herbs, plants and wine, is per fectly harmless and will certainly cure all genuine stomach trouble. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to 31.00 per bottle. vl . G. Ci i i I ,->11/ a :>t K'i! l-.-.-. k-,- ;t brass -< u:h! c .m ■ > -i. c . 11 it* dealer ‘.<i’ .1 T. with ’--u of e wboys. o.i a special Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Cure* a Prominent Attorney. M B.B.C. PHELPS, the leadlngpenslon attorney of Belfast, N. Y., writes: *‘I was discharged from the army on account of ill health, and suffered from heart trouble ever slnfce. I frequently bad fainting and smothering spells. My form was bent as a man of 80. I constantly wore an overcoat, even in summer, for fear of taking cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My rest was broken by severe pains about the heart and left shoulder. Three years ago Z commenced using Dr. Miles* Heart Core, notwithstanding I had need so much patent raedi&ine and taken dregs ton doctors for years without being helped. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure restored me to health. It is truly a wonderful medicine and it affords me much pleasure to recommend this rem edy to everyone.” Dr. Miles' Remedies I are sold by all drug-] gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. ‘ Book on dis eases of the heart and | nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. He Didn’t Object. Doctor—“It’s all a mistake, this idea that quiuiue and whisky will cure a cold. Qpinine and whisky never ought to be mixed. One kills the effects of the other.” The patient—“All right, thed, I’ll just obit the quidide.”— Washington Star. “I guess,” said the Congressman as he entered the photographer’s studio, “that I’d better let yon take these back and trv it over again.” ' ^ “Didn’t your photographs suit you?” asked the young woman behind the show case. “Yes, they pleased me firstrate.” “The likeness is remarkably good,” she commented,' as she held one out at arms’ length “It is. If the resemblance was not quite so strong I might have kept them for my family am] my self to look at. We would tell the neighbors it was Somebody else, and have* made them believe it. But there would be no use in trying to deceive them^it'll that picture.” “What is it. you object to?” “The surroundings.” “But this, is one of the most popular backgrounds in our gal lery. Everybody understands that such things are only painted on ejanvas.” ,,. .1 “No,” was the reply, “every body doesn’t understand it. I wouldn’t have one of those pic tures get into the hands of the opposition just before election for ten : thousand dollars. You’ll have to give me some pictures with another background, even if I pay for having it painted to order. Look, where you have me! Seated on a plush arm chair, in halls of Byzantine architecture, with a garden 9 palms m the background 1 It won’t do. What I’ll have to have is a perspective showing, a barn and a hay wagon, with a hired man in the middle distance, while I stand in the fore ground, with an , earnest expres sion on my face, as if I were tell ing him exactly what we must do. if we expect to save the country.” Washington Star. iFonnie Stomach trouble is the common name applied to a derangement of the system which is keenly felt but vaguely understood. It may mean inability to retain food or to digest it. It may mean nausea, pain after eating, fullness, inordinate craving for food, or entire lack of appetite.. Whatever it means, there’s trouble, and it’s with the stomach. If you have stomach trouble, you will be interested in this letter from a j man who had it and was cured by “For nine yea.-a I suffered from stomach trouble. I tried the aid of the best doctors of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and spent large sums of money, all in vain. One day while waiting a train in Bellaire, 0., 1 picked up a paper with a notice of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I got one bottle to try it It did me so much good that I purchased five more bottles. I took four of them and gained in flesh, my appetite improved, and »ow l ean eat anything. My stomach is all light thanks to the use of Ayer’s Sarsapa- : fills.”—Calvin M. Stevens, Uniontown, Pit. ' Mr. Hint* Mrs. Charles Learning Tutt, f'>rm-rly of Philadelphia, have returned to Colorado Springs after sp.oi.iiog the summer at their bu aalow on the Columbia river. Mr. Tutt is a son-in-law of Judge Thayer, of this city, and is one of t he most prominent and successful mining men in Colorado., Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke You Life Away. If you waut to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made full of new life aud ’ the wonder-worker, strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000cured. £ av No-To-Bac of your druggist under guarantee to cure, 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. All droggisto sell Dr. Miles’ Nerve Plasters. —HBBHBMgiaEgaai Chronic Diseases. Cancers, old sores, rupture, fits and blood poison speedily and permanently cured. Opium and morphine habits relieved in ten davs at home for 35.00. Female troubles quickly cured. No charges until cured. Fifteen years success. Dr. O. HENLEY SNIDER, Atlanta, Ga. DT| DO Rudy’s Pile Suppository 1 A w Is guaranteed to cure ' Piles and Constipation, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send for list of testimonials and Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY, Reg istered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. For sale by leading druggists, and in Gainesville, Ga., by Dixon & Co. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE His Mission. A clergyman famous for his beg> ging abilities was once catechizing a Sunday school. When compar ing himself—the pastor of a church •to a shepherd and his congrega tion to the' sheep, he put the .fol lowing question to the children: “What does the shepherd do for the sheep?” To the amusement of those pres ent a small boy in the front row piped out: “Shears them !”•—Omaha Bee, Aiks bifiousBess, dyspepsia, headache, eoaatf. nation, sour stomach, iadijeation are promptly cored by Hood's PiOs. They do ^efr WMk easily acid thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. SScenL'i. All druggists. Prepared by G L Hood & Co., Lowell,Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Free ti arships i {Positions.., Suaranteed Under reasonable conditions.... We give one or more free schol ia ty in State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. | S3 * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing bnsiness in the City of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. (seal) A. W. Gleason, , Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Rudyitrd; Bipliog x has mft3| a * new price for bis prose. Hiaijrail?: road etesy, • *i007 r ” - ; pnjilished in Scribner’s, numbers 7,000 words; for which liq. received $1,500, d* about 21 cents a word. Yellow Fever ••7- '' *’! lari General Wade Hampton is writ ing a book which will be entitled “The History of the Cavalry of Northern Virginia.” For Infants and Children. rutu- aall» Sure Cure! Patents I IfAKJK Desions Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description map quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatenta. Patents taken through Munn * Co. receive special notice, without charge, lathe Scientific Jimtrkatt. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any acientifio Journal. Terms, S3 a year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN 8Co. M,B r*“’JewYort Branch Office. 625 F Sh, Washington, D. C. PLEASANT TO TAKSV Will Believe Every Time. INSTANTLY RELIEVES INFANTILE COUCH, COLD, CROUP OR CRAMP. until position is secured. Car fare paid. No vacation., En ter at any time. Open for both sexes. Cheap board. Send for ■free illustrated, catahx— Address J. F. Dbaugeox, Prest, at either pC Draughon’s Practical...., Business RASHY!LIE,,TERR., MO Bookkeeninz. Shorthand. Jhe most thorough, practical'ai schools bf the kind la the worldj anu patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by ba: ers, merchants, ministers -and others. - Poor weeks in bookkeeping with na are equal to of bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.” Home atndy. We have prepared for noma stud- * “—• ■