The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 08, 1898, Image 6

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Surprising Results. Nervous; Prostration and Heart Trouble Cured by Dr. Miles* Nervine. 45 Years in Business Interrupted by Heart Disease; Restored to Health by Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure. W HEN the nervous system be comes exhausted, the entire body is unstrung. Like a ship without a rudder, it drifts about at the mercy of disease, which, if unchecked, will soon result in a total wreck. The nerves are the con trolling power direct ing the action of the various organs, according to their condition. Keep the nerves vigorous, healthful, and all will be well with you. Dr. Miles’ Nervine is a remedy solely prepared for diseases of the nerves, such as ner vous prostration, nervousness, sleep lessness, neuralgia, dyspepsia, head ache, and all nervous disorders. It soothes and quiets the inflamed nerve centers of the brain, renews the nutri tion of the tissues and gives strength and vitality to the entire body. Mrs. A. Steinbreaher, an estimable lady of Susquehanna, Pa., says Jan. 15,1897: “For over a year I was a ter rible sufterer from nervous prostration which later brought on heart trouble. I had frequent dull heavy sensations, with a feeling of weariness and unrest that made life miserable. My heart became affected as a result, and any unusual exertion or excitement would cause severe palpitation. I began taking Dr. Miles’ Nervine and the re sult was indeed surprising; I improved from the first. I continued it and gained rapidly, and now feel as well as ever. It is trufy a marvelous remedy and surpasses anything I have ever Been for promptly and permanently re storing to health, a weak, exhausted, worn-out condition of the nerves.” R OY E. BERTHOLF, leading druggist of Cherokee, Rans.,, writes as follows: “Close confinement to business together with over-work, brought on a severe case of nervous exhaustion. I could not sleej nor rest. 1 Had frequent attacks oi sick headache and was wholly unfitted for anything. When in that condi tion, I began taking Dr. Miles* Nerv-- ine and soon noticed a change for the better, and continuing the remedy it restored me to my former good health. When over-worked or feeling out of sorts, a few doses of the Nervine never fails to bring about the desired relief. I sell more of Dr. Miles’ Remedies than any other in stock, and it is a pleasure to handle them, because I know them to be scientific prepara tions, and can guarantee them to my trade with the fullest confidence of their efficacy in restoring health.” The success with which Dr. Miles' Restorative Remedies are crowned in restoring to health thousands of men, women and children annually, lies solely in the merit of the remedies themselves. They have been but lit tle advertised, except by those whose gratitude for their cure, has promoted them to tell their experience for the benefit of some other similar sufferer, who might thus be restored to health. Dr. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit or money refunded. Book on diseases of the heart and nerves sent free by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Z. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health. J. TERRY, in the furniture and undertaking business at Prattsburg, N. Y., for forty- five years writes as follows: “It gives me much pleasure to write and express my gratitude for the ben efit received from Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. In 1891 and ’92 my health failed me. I was treated by a local physician for heart trouble brought on by a long standing case of indigestion and an over indulgence in smoking. . My phy sician pronounced my case intermit tent and heart weakness. My appe tite was below Dormal, my rest broken by the intermittent and smothering feeling, and I suffered from frequent sharp pains around my heart. I grad ually grew worse under the physicians treatment until I was unable to look after my business. ^ In the spring of ’921 began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. When I had taken three bottles I felt greatly improved and could look after my business interests, feeling like a different man. I continued the remedy for some time until I was fully restored to health aud have always recommended it to many of my friends with excellent results.” Weakness of the heart is frequently caused by tobacco. It is not noticed at first, but always makes itself ap parent by occassional sharp pains, in termittent, or spasmodic fluttefing, especially from sudden emotion, excitement or unusual exertion. D R. MILES’ HEART CURE is a heart tonic, gradually build ing up and strengthening the heart’s muscles; not stimulating them to over-exertion followed by a collapse; but giving to the heart a steady nor mal action, enabling it to perform its duties evenly, exactly and continually. It is an especially beneficial remedy after a depressing attack of LaGrippe. Mrs. Hannah Wheeler, of Warsaw, N. Y., writes: “In 1894, following a severe attack of LaGrippe, I was tak en with heart disease in the worst form. Our physician pronounced my case hopeless, said I could net live. I suffered severe attacks of pain in my left side and shoulder, followed by smothering spells, shortness of breath, intense pain in my head and prickling in my arms and hands. I would chill so that my teeth would chatter, while perspiration would stream off my face and neck. During three years I spent large sums of money for physicians and remedies but found no benefit un til I commenced using Dr Miles’ New Heart*Cure and Nerve and Liver Pills last summer. They have proven a success, and my physician says there is no remedies better than Dr. Miles’. ” Dr. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee first bottle benefits or money will be refunded. Bock on heart and nerves sent free to all applicants. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Restores Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Health. A Rameses Survival. Mr. Bond, may I get off this afternoon? I should like to go to a funeral.” “I arh afraid not, Mr. Binks, for we are very busy; but if busi ness slackens I have no objection to you going to a funeral Saturday afternoon ’ ’ It is Not Strange That so many people have lost confidence in Medicines that have been palmed off on the -public as “cures” for every dis ease with which the human race is afflicted and frequently persons refuse to believe any thing they hear about a reliable remedy. Africana. The Great Blood Purifier is working wonders. It Gives Hope for Fear. It Gives Joy fpr Sorrow. It Gives Light for Darkness. It Gives Health for Sickness. IT IS THE KING OF ALL BLOOD REMEDIES. try africana. money toloan. We now have plenty of money to loan / on improved farm lands and Gainesville city property. Terms and interest lib eral. Call and see us. (2-25-’98) Dunlap & Pickrell. Good Advice to McKinley. Booker T. Washington went to see McKinley the other day to ad vise against the appointment of colored men to office in the south. He says that it stimulates an am bition among their friends and members of their race generally to seek a living by politics instead of by the trades and other indus tries, and has a demoralizing in fluence. At the same time it pro vokes hostilities among the whites and keeps alive race prejudices. The only career Washington sees for his race is in industrial and agricultural education. A New “Gibson Girl.” A new “Gibson girl,” drawn by the famous society artist, C. D. Gibson, will make her debut in print as the edver design for the February Ladies Home Journal. The new “girl” is the artist’s own little daughter, who, at one year of age, will be shown as drawn by her clever father. The legend under the picture is “My Valentine. v ’ ONE OF TWO WAYS. Dr. T. j. Watts, Barnesville, Ga. Dear Sir:—It affords me pleasure to inform you that three applications of Watts’ Ecaiema Ointment las entirely removed a patch of tetter that has been a great source of worry to me for 18 years. There is no sign of the eruption now, and to all appearance the annoy ing thing is entirely cured. I consider this Ointment a great blessing to me, and take pleasure in recommending it to others who are troubled with any skin eruptions. Very respectfully, W. J. Williamson. Barnesville, Ga., Aug. 23, 1897. Horse Owners! Use GOUBATTIiT’S - jmv*Causfic lEaii Balsam A Safe Speedy and Positive Core The Safest, Best BLISTER ever used. Takes tbe place of all liniments for mild or severe action. Removes all Bnncbes or Blemishes from Horses and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY OR FIRING- Impossible to produce scar or blemish. Every bottle sold is warranted to give satisfaction Price SI,50 per bottle. Sold bv druggists, or sent by express, charset paid, with full directions for its use. Send for desoriotive circulars. TEE LAWRENCE-WILL1AMS CO., Cleveland O. The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second wdy is from careless local treat ment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the bladder or urinary pas sage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trou ble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drugj gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample* bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail. Mention The Georgia Cracker and send your ad dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this pa per guarantee the genuineness of this ofler. The name of the state luua J i^ asylum was changed by the eupl e- mists of the last legislature to the Georgia State Sanitarium. This was done because it was less bar h sounding than iunatic asylurr, the legislators did not know \ hen it might come their time to go. A Flag of'Warning. Beware of the dry, tickling, hacking, morning cough, for it warns you that consumption lurks near. The famous Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will cure it. “I had a very bad cough. One doctor pronounced it consumption. I used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup and was com ■ pletely cured; the cough left me and has never come back. Simon Smasal, 375 31st Street, Chicago, Ills.” Dr. v Bull’s Cough Syrup costs but 25 cents. Ask for Bull’s, take only Bull’s. FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS, MIL The Best and Most Economical Power is Famished by Leffel Engines and Steel Boilers. All made of Best Pla ter tal, with l^est Work manship, in Best Man ner. Most economical in use of fuel, splendid m steamers, and most free I from sparks. More LEE- %aaiE5 ^ a , t PEL ENGINES in use ^ throughout the ^uuth than any other make.* Range in capacity ' ; up. All about these engines in new pamphlet “ D,” copy of w and anv further information desirea, furnished free on application . JAMES LEFFEL & CO.. SPRINCFIEI^ “Shall I not -take mine ease in mine inn ? ”—Henry IV. Elegant Meals The Best in the City. Prompt Attention and High, Cool, Airy Rooms. You pay only for what you order. Waroer’s Nonesuch Lunch Rooms For Ladies and Gentlemen. Sitting Room and Toilet Conveniences are provided. C' -. P«v»chtree and Marietta Sts. "ur-.ross StiSicino, ATLANTA, GA. r • - = ~ TAkS elevator. ~!FTiK syLOOR. Gainesville Transfer OPERATE BUS LINES ON SCHEB' The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues the following .tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. DAY TRIP. Good only over onr Lines To anv point in city limits, including New Holland and Gower. Ga ; nesvtlle Transfer "Co. 5c When ycu want a Messenger Boy Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, au^ ^ to message, within city limits^ Kindly phone 102 your orders, and if you wish, ^ up for your train, either day or night, in case } 011 yonr residence. . * The Gainesville Telephone Company will have will remain on duty all night and protect our In convenience of missing trains. Respectfully) . GAINESVILLE 1 %-• .:v / .