The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 15, 1898, Image 1

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of joint debates and a canvass of the district. The letter addressed to Mr. Tate is as follows: •‘Gainesville. Ga., January 8. 1898.— Hon. F. C. Tate, Washington, D. C.,— My Dear Sir: I have this day formally THOMPSON GREAT announced my candidacy for the demo* era tic nomination for congress in this district. “I shall proceed at once to make an active canvass of the district and will address the people in benalf of my candidacy. / “I respectfully request that you join me in a series of debates, at such times and places as may be mutually agreed upon by respective friends, selected for that purpose “I herewith enelose yon a copy, of my announcement. Your early response will greatly oblige. “Very respectfully. “Howard Thompson.” If Mr. Tate accepts the challenge, there will be a warm time during the entire campaign. Mr. Thompson will begin at once an active canvass of the district, and he has entered the fight to win. ^»koaapeoB has an.- fflfeaadidate (for con- |H*«oagres6iaaal dis- ^Hneeeeed Oon. Car- ■Bttee statement he Kn and makes no Btiou to pat up a Et. He has always Emocr&t. and is ex* Khroughoat the dfc- Bngiy backed ia his fere appears to be e I winning. I has been solicitor (Northeastern circuit Shaving been elected terms by the Georgia I fact, by the way, is [is popularity. He is of the brainiest law- st politicians in north- id his fight for Hon. at in eongross will ntion of his friends We have just finished counting stock, and firjd our retail department badly overloaded We must and will reduce it during next e attention of every purchaser ia North Georgia who wants to begin the al basis. It is money saving—therefore a money making opportunity rove it. The values shown here will bo worth coming ifiany miles in genuine values this sale will easily distance the most- ' am bit id us attempts of a similiar nature. A NICE MONUMENT, WE OFFER FOR CASH x ;• f f ■ 2,000 yards nice Dress Checks, in all colors, 8±e a yard. X*8lO yards Ginghams, good quality, 4c a yard. 2*000 yards Ginghams, best Amoskeag, 4fc a yard. 780 yards Ginghams, Johnson’s Book-fold, finest made, 6$c. 2,780-yards Calico remnants and short lengths <tyc a yard. 1*370 yards Dress Prints, fine styles, 6c grade, 4$c a yard. 900 yards Oil Calico 4c a yard. 1*140 yards Canton Flannel, 7c quality, 3£c a yard. 2*000 yards 4—4 Sheeting, Sea Island, 6c quality, 4c a yard. 1*260 yards 10-4 Sheeting, fine quality for 15c, 10c a yard. 1*140 yards Bed Ticking, A C A quality, 10c; a yard. A petition has been presented to the County Commissioners by the Long- street Chapter Daughters of the Con federacyasking for the nae of the park in the center of the pnblie square. They propose to erect in the center of the park a handsome monument to the Confederate dead, and to keep the park beautifully all the time with flowers, shrubbery, or something of the kind. The monument will be a handsome one erected of Georgia marble. The base will be ten feet square, upon which will be placed two pieces of marble, one eight feet square and one six feet square. The shaft will be about-eight feet high and will be con structed of marble slabe six by eight inches upon ea^eh of which will be engraved the name of each Confederate soldier-officer in. the uity, and the company or regiment to which he belonged. The slabs will be sold for $5 each, which will go to the general fund of the Longstreet Chapter. (Jpon the shaft will be the statute of a Confederate soldier in his, jacket of grey, eight feet high, making the monument twenty-five feet high. The monament will be beautifnl in every respect, and will add greatly to the attractiveness of the public square. It will also refleet credit upon the noble Daughters of the Confederacy of the Longstreet chapter, by whose efforts it will be erected. The ladies should be encouraged and thn 2,W0 necessary to reimburse Mr. helped in this work of perpetuating the heroic deeds of southern soldiers jBocrats of the Ninth [■strict: At the solicits- Biroughout the district, Bn honorable ambition, »f a candidate for your jBe fifty-sixth congress Ktaa. ■honored by you as one Hs bu the late national Rk assembled at Chicago, Bralgated your priuciples ■ your candidate, Hon. 2d having taken part in |m of that body, I deem further express my views [cement. Time has dem- wisdom of that platform, k, as I did then, on every \ and, should I receive a and the same should be ballot box, 1 will do all to enact into law the I principles therein enun pg that the only hope Isperity and the happi- p>le lies m the triumph mud tne successful pro- R principles of its prin- Bnactments as that they B earn, with proper in- Borable competency for ■ families. Good goy- Rer come to our homes Hes through any other 2*100 yards Cambric,Drees Linings, best quality, 8c a yard, 800 yards 54-inch English Repellent, 75c quality, 88c a yard. 740 yards double width plain Dress Flannel, all colors, 15c a yard. 960 yards double width Fancy Dress Flannel, full ass’t patterns, 35c quality, 19c yard. 150 pairs 10-4 Blankets, white and colored, worth $1.25 a pair, 69c a pair. * 820 yards heavy Twilled Flannel 12£c a yard. Every article in this department will be sacrificed in this same manner without reserve. Come, without delay, and reap a'harvest from the greatest sale ever known in North Georgia. Gainesville, Georgia THE BUSH CASE, Special Notice Have you taken a bad Cough, Cold or I^aGrippe? Do you suffer from Habitual Constipation? Have you Disordered Liver or Heart Trouble? Have you a languid, lazy feeling, with Headache? Do you have Fever of any kind? • my candidacy may consideration at your ! a co-worker In poor I remain, with great < id lent Servant, [Howaid Thompson. i la., January 8,1898." u is very popular ■strict ana his friends 1 Rt he will whip the 1 entered and will 1 Rflorious victory. He 1 firs of age and is one Kmineut of the young Me in Georgia today. Thompson’s election as r of the Northeastern ilicilor of the city conn | For the past fifteen jn a delegate to nearly mention, and was last 1 to the democratic ns* kn which nominated p for president. St's announcement is [point, and he proposes Rht strictly on demo- piaa addressed a letter Rate, his 'opponent, at n. asking for a series. and will probably get it. It' ifi under stood (hat it is not the intention of the prosecution to push the ease, but that it Is proposed to give him all the time nenesssry to get the money. He has asked to be allowed until the first of February to hear from his people in" London. There are fid new developments in the case of any kindt Bush !• still under guard at the Rilfit house, and will so remain biittl he either gets the during the dark days Of the late Civil War. It has bo«a suggested that • camp of Sons of Confederate Vet erans be organised / in Gainesville. This is certainly a good idea, and should be pnt into execution. A cat*p Qi 9f veterans could 4c much Xq assist the Daughters of the Confeder acy in their noble work. Lamar’s Lemon Laxative Is the best suited to your case of any remedy you can find. While the preparation has been on the market a very short time, hundreds Lamar & Sons.