The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 15, 1898, Image 2

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4 OlUUIUt,.,.. “ GrainereCIla.. ■ Lal»..., " Cornelia..... At. Mt. Airy It. Toocob. ** Weptiiitiiwi^ “ Senea* “ C«n tr*l •• GreesvUlD... “ gpartaaJKxrg. “ Gr»ffn e jf* “ Blakfcsour*.. “ Kinj’sMt.... “ Gastonia ItY. Ch»rlott0.... At. Dm rill* y®.n! iHul/j Atlanta, C. TJ 5 IQ OU botrvrSa^^gi^Mt«n ^elpl s&rsSb^ useanrs cf *11 olmssa*. >om sleeping can between N*'* J£$ ew Orleans, via Atlanta and J* 00 ?® eavtag waahingtea each Saturday. *fjj eeping car will tun through igtoa and San Frsnoiaoo No*. Ji, 87 and 13—Pullman sleepf^ itmo Richmond and Charlotte, roan Atlanta and Manat Airy, 3*-’ m TEETHING POWDER WILL*"® ..W F* f ■■female medicine Gives Rosy Cheeks, Strength, health and happ ness To Woman. Ladies Who Suffer From any con>plaiQt peculiar to their sex—such as Profuse, Palo* ful. Suppressed or Irregular Men struation, are soon restored to health by Bradfield’s Female Regulator. It is a combination of remedial agents which have been used with the greatest success for n>ore than 25 years, aijd known to act speci fically with and on the organs of MeQStruatioru and recommended for such complalQts . It Q*ver fails to give relief aod restore the health of the suffering womaQ. it should takeo by the girl fust budding iQto womanhood whop Meostrua- tion Is Scant, Sup pressed, Irregular pr Palo ful. aod all delicate woipeo should use it, as its toi)ic properties hove a wor>- derful influence Iq toping up and strepgthening the systerp by driv ing through the proper channels all impurities. “A daughter of one of my customers missed menstruation from exposure and cold, and on arriving at puberty her health was completely wrecked, nntil she was twenty-four years oi age, when upon my recommendation, she need one bottle of Bradfield’s Female Regulator, com pletely restoring her to health.” J. W. Hkllctks, Water Valley, Miss. ABOUT OUB DAILY FOOD. Prof. Mallet Believes There is Serious Danger in the Alum Baking Powder. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Qa. SOLD BY ALL DRUG*ISTS AT *1 PER BOTTLE. The Code Duello. While the code duello, in its sanguinary character, is rapidly becoming obsolete in the United States, it appears to be still in high favor on the other side of the Atlantic. In Germany 4,000 engagements are yearly fought on the field of honor with sanguinary results. Most of these engagements take place in the neighborhood of col lege towns. Within the space of twenty-four hours as many as twenty duels have occurred in the the neighborhood of .Jena. Next to Germany in allegiance to the code duello comes France. There are some 1,200 duels fought annually in France, the partici pants being mainly officers in the French army. Italy comes next to France, with some 275 duels annually. During the past ten years Italy has furnished 2,759 duels, Austria, Russia, Spain and Great Britain rank next, in the order named. In Great Britain the code has become almost as obsolete as in the United States. Most 4 of the duels fought on the European Continent are fought with the sword, though pistols and knives are used occasionally.— Atlanta Constitution. Exposure to rough weather, damp ness, extreme cold, etc., is apt to hrirg on an attack of rheumatism or neural gia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and yiolent itching of the skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for immediate application when troubles of this nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. % For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. The tree called William the Conqueror’s oak, in Windsor park, London, is supposed' to be 1,200 vears old. A Wonderful Discovery. The last quarter of a century records many wonderful discoveries in medicine, but none that have accomplished nrore for humanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns’ Iron Bitters. It seems to contain the very elements of good health, and neither man, woman or child can take it without deriving the greatest benefit. Browns* Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Strasburg university students have combined in a resolution to drink no more beer except in the afternoon and evening. Headache bad? Get Dr. MUe** Paia PUla. The increased cost of cream of tar tar, the chief ingredient of a pure baking powder, has induced some man- ufaeturerers to substitute burnt alum, (which costs but three cents a pound,) largely or wholly in lieu thertof, mak ing a very low cost but unwholesome baking powder; and efforts are made to sell these inferior powders by the inducement of a lower price, and by false representations as to their ingre dients and comparative value. Our most eminent physicians are continuously warning the public against the use of alum baking pow ders, because of the unwholesome qualities which they impart to the food. Dr. J. W. Mallet, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Vir ginia, a scientist of the very highest reputation both in this country and abroad, who has made an elaborate and exhaustive investigation of the subject, says: “I am decidedly of the opinion that both the substance (alum) itself and the products to which it gives rise in course of making bread, are injurious to health, and on that account fall into the list of such food accessories as shouLd on sanitary grounds be prohibited by law ” When an authority so well known and highly respected as Dr. Mallet, makes this statement, it behooves every housewife to take every means in her power to insure her family against the use of these dangerous goods. It would be quite impossible to give the names of the alum baking powders on the market, but the danger from alum would seem to be serious and alarming, because of their prominence in almost every grocer’s stock. Gene rally speaking, they are sold at a lower price. Sometimes, because of their tendency to cake and spoil, they are put up in bottles. Under the circum stances and as a matter of safety, Prof. Mallet favors the use of the well known brand of baking powder, Royal, which his tests have shown, he says, to be made from the most healthful mate rials, entirely free from alum and every adulteration. Sick-poison is a poison which makes you sick. It comes from the stomach. The stomach makes it out of undi gested food. The blood gets it and taints the whole body with it. That’s the way of it. The way to be rid of it is to look after your digestion. If your food is all properly digested, there will be none lef£ in the stomach, to make §ick-poison out of. If your stomach is too weak to see to this properly by itself, help it along with a few doses of Shaker Digestive Cordial. 6 That’s the CURE of it. Shaker Digestive Cordial is a deli cious, healthful, tonic cordial, made of pure medicinal plants, herbs and wine. It positively cures indigestion and prevents the formation of sick-poison. At druggists. Trial bottles 10 cents. Wasteful Expenditures. “Yon are a poet, but why don’t you get your haircut?” “In thie name of the Sacred Nine, would you have me rob my children of bread?”—Chicago Record. Wonders Never Cease. No one need suffer the tortures of rheumatism, because that modem lini ment, Salvation Oil, positively cures it. “I was a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, and the best of doctors attended me without relief. I com menced using Salvation Oil, and two bottles helped me wonderfully. It certainly has worked wonders with me. Mrs E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield, Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all dealers for 25 cts. *Take no substitute. M. Barthelot maintains that the invention of gunboats and armor protected guns dates back to the fifteenth century. Denny, Kentucky, August 11, 1896 —Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is the best medicine for cuts, burns, etc., and for summer complaints and sick stomach, we eyer used. There is no humbug about it. S. Denny & Bro. Matrimonial. “Men’s promises,” the young wife said, between sobs, “are like pie crust—” a “That’s tough,” said the young husband, and then she got angry enough to cry.—Indjanapolis Journal. Growing. Visitor (at th* picnic)—The music is rather indifferent. It isn’t a full band, is it?” Chairman of Committee of Ar rangements—“No; but it’s getting full.”—Chicago Tribune. . Of all diseases, Bright’s Disease of the kidneys is the most dangerous, on account of its subtle and insidious nature. Usually it ts firmly fixed be fore its presence is even suspected by its victim. For; this reason it is im portant that the treatment be com menced on the appearance of the first symptoms. Even then it requires care ful treatment to stay its progress. Pains in the back, irregularities in the urine, swelling of the limbs or abdomen, should be the subject of instant invest igation and the proper remedy immedi ately applied. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liyer and Kidney Balm has proved in thousands of severe cases its efficacy in curing this terrible disease. Price $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Near the Caspian sea there are several “eternal fires,” so called by the natives, \jfhere natural issues from the ground and has been on fire for ages. Advice Do you understand just what Dr. J. Ayer’s medicines will they helping yon as fast as you think they ought? Write to our doctor. He will answer all questions, and give you the best medical advice, absolutely free. Address the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maas. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur■ v ance Agent. Office No. 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and vent all kinds of •eal estate. Have in hand anything vou want in this line. Will make it to vour interest whether you want to sell or buy. Will insure your property against oss by fire in old reliable prompt pay- ng companies. ’our MeroTi w.ixt lor 0R. MOFFETT’S Little Book ot Valuable Information, FREE. s? 2;; % mi;; mi ? | S’*" - • 2 . : n CURES CHOLERA-1 PREPARED ONLY BY G. J. MOFFETT, M. D., st. tools, TEETHINA’S the best—we all know that, It makes the BABY bright and fat. Baby Is sick, the mother’s in trouble. Give TEETlHNA—it’ll soon weigh doable. TEETHINA’S the best and sure *o sell. Because It makes the baby well. TEACHERS WANTED. Union Teachers’ Agencies of America. Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La., New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C , San Francisco, Cal., Chicago, Ill, St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to be filled during the school term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies during the past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in every part of the United and Canada, as over 95 per cent, of those who registered before August secured positions. One fee. registers in 9 offices. ADDRESS FOR APPLICATIONS TO PITTSBURG, PA. rubcataftb CURttOtiSTIPATlOH lo t I as* so* 1 > i lain MW ■ in druggists jABSOLUTELY GUARAITEED pis sad booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal. Can., or New York. C. V oung $20. -actin-irv arship in most any other reputable lege or literary school iu the U. s. caatTM by doing a little work at home for .Advocate, an illustrated semi-months l?* « It is elevating in character, moral in especially interesting and profitable people, but read with interest and pie of all ages. Stories and other bt” 5 *! matter well illustrated. Sample coBiesS^I Agents wanted. Address Youths’ aL*? 5 ;* I You arefioii|i(si And want LOW R^Tp- L Louis, Memphis, New Or, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, points in Arkansas, Texa«. U. souri, Kansas, Colorado, Oregeg Washington, California, or an point West, it will pav yon f ( write to or see me. tiousioni and special rates from time t time. Choice of routes. Notro le to answer queitious. R a and maps furnished free. Ad dress, FRED D. BUSH, Dist. P Agent L. & N. R. R., 36A Street, Atlanta, Ga= iViiii SOUTHERN RAILWAY, -Sib niDKONT air UX1 Schedule of Passenger la Efivet »ay 9, 1897. Vmthke Vea 38 Ex, JKa| Sun, m! 4 35pm 5 35 vlH] a 28pi* I 06 Du— i Mf