The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 15, 1898, Image 3

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arris’ Lithia Water Of SOUTH CAROLINA. • Unre Lithia than any Natural Lithia Springs Water on the market. Contains MoreLitnia tn / . Waters on the ma rket whose analysis king o-reat^nauy so-called Lithia Waters on the market *re are a great many , mhi T t see ms that if you wish a Lithia that they contain only traces of lithia. It^seems ^ fl ^ d out how much f tr r tain h0U th " D?1 "sis of Harris Lithia Water was made by the noted E. pj contain. 1 *J? a J? a 'Y T n p ro fessor of Chemistry and Physics, College ]en of CY OT k if the Harris Lithia Water is not Superior to any other ; r on th" market, do yon think that the (oIlowmR- noted physicians from all fof the couutry would g-ive their testimonial, stating that it was? They r e no interest in the Harris Lithia Water. After a long and yaried experience in the nse of mineral watera from many irces both foreign and domestic, I am fully persuaded that the Hams Lithia possesses efficacy in the treatment of afflictions of the Kidney and Blad- .mcqualled by any other water of which I haye made trial. This opinion is based upon observation of its effects upon my patients for , 1st three years, during which time I have prescribed it freely and almost iformlj With benefit in the medical maladies above mentioned Columbia, S. C„ Oct. 8, 1892. - A. N. Talley, M D. Mr T T Harris —Dear Sir: I have found the use of the water from your rhia Snrino-s in South Carolina so efficacious in the case of a young lady pa rt of mine g who has suffered for years with Diabetes, with all its different endants that I want to add my testimonial to the many you already have. patient I refer to has used the water freely at home for scarcely a month w with more beneficial results than from months spent at the different noted hia springs in different parts of the United States, besides long continued of the same waters at home. Others of my patients and friends are now the same with best results. I cordially recommend it to all suffering m similar diseases. Very respectfully yours, Thos. S. Powell, M. D., Pres. Southern Medical College, Atlanta, Ga. Read what Prof. Jos. Jones of Tulane University, of New Orleans, has to L ; D regard to the virtues of Harris Lithia. Water: New Orleans, La., Aug. 13, 1894. irris Lithia Water Co., Harris Springs, S. C.: Gentlemen—I have used, with great benefit, the case of water sent me, and ard it with favor, being highly charged with Lithia. Respectfully, Jos. Jones, M. D. . r j. T. Harris, Harris Springs, S. C. * Dear Sir—I have used the itarris Lithia Spring Water for the past year in |] renal troubles, with prompt and efficient effect. In gouty and rheumatic roubles I consider this water superior to the Buffalo Lithia Spring water. I uffered from an attack of rheumatism for eight months, during which time I rank the Buffalo Lithia Water constantly for four months without effect. In fovember last I had a case of Harris Lithia Water sent to me, and after drink- L it for about three or four weeks, the pain and stiffness left my limbs and I ive not been troubled since. I feel that I can safely recommed the Harris Ithia Water. Respectfully, Savannah, Ga., June 12, 1893. R. B. Habbis, M. D. The Harris Lithia Water is, in. my opinion, unexcelled for those ailments miring the salts it contains. Thio. Lamb, M. D., jfessor Diseases of Chest and Principles of Medicine, Medical Department, University of Georgia. Asheville, N. C., April 24, 1893. An extended elinical use of the Harris Lithia Water prompts me to the tteinenfc that I regard it as one of the best, if not the best Lithia Water known [the profession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvelous. use in the Rheumatic and Gouty Diseases afford me more comfort than [her the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours, John Hey Williams, M. D. I have used for sometime Harris Lithia Water in my family, and also with [- patients, and find it is the best Water I ever used in catarrhal condition of uretus and bladder. It is also a good diuretic Water. Atlanta, Ga., April 20, 1897. G. G. Roy, M. D. Charleston, IS. C., Sept. 20th, 1893. Mr. J. T. Harris—Dear Sir: lam constrained to send you this testimonial [the efficacy of the Harris Lithia Water. The value of the testimonial may be lanced from the fact that it goes to you unsolicited. As a friend of human- h I feel bound to withhold my knowledge of its virtues no longer. I have en using the water for more than a year with marked benefit. To any one |nbied with kidney disorder, it is the remedy par excellence. I prefer it to ‘Buffalo Lithia Water Very truly yours, A. C. Kaufman, President Vanderbilt Benevolence Association of Charleston. S. C. . .I T. Harris, Proprietor Harris Lithia Springs. Dear Sir—While it is contrary to my custom to g^jre testimonials to remedial tots, I feel free to attest to the efficacy of the Harris Lithia Water (when [d in large quantities) in the Rheumatic and Gouty Diatheses; in Inflamma- of the Bladder, and in all cases where there is an excess of solids in the |ne. Yours respectfully, Geo. Howe, M. D. Columbia, SC. V The waters of the Lithia Springs are odorless, free from color, with a pleas- saliney taste, rather palatable. When taken in considerable quantity they [not nauseate, purge or produce any feeling of discomfort. I find from the ilysis of the waters they contain Chloride Sodium, Carb. Potash, Carb. Soda, tb. Lithia, Carb. Iron and Sulphate Magnesia. These waters act directly in the mucous coating of the stomach and alimentary canal, they are power- [y alternative and tonic. They are everything to inflamed or irritated sur- is. They act upon the blood, changing it from acid to alkaline. In Indi- tion, Catarrh of Stomach and Gastralgia, supplemented with a proper diet [y are a certain cure. The action upon the kidneys is marked. The Sodium, tash, Soda, Lithia, are the best solvents of uric acid, all calculi of an acid iracter, whether litarv or cystic, are steadily dissolved. I am confident that : profession will find it very useful in cases where this class of water is re tted. Respectfully, J. Q. Wilbub, M. D. Waterboro, S. C., April 10, 1892. Camden, S. C., Aug. 24, 1893. Mr. J T. Harris—Dear Sir: I enclose you in this letter several small pieces, calculi passed by a patient of mine, who has been taking the “Harris Springs iter" for the past eighteen months. This gentleman has been a sufferer for or three years with Cystitis, caused from stone. The solvent power of the ter has been, I think, clearly demonstrated in this case. All these fragments re passed in two evacuations from his bladder in the past ten days. I con- ir Harris Spring Water a most excellent remedy in the Uric Acid Diathesis, in Chronic Dyspeptic troubles. I am, yours respectfully, A. W. Subnet, M. D. Chester, S. C. Dear Sir: For the past eight months I have been using Harris Ifithia Water the most excellent results, where I have been able to get my patients to ik a sufficient quantity daily. The carbonated has no equal in Gastric dis tances. It is an excellent table water. It is a pleasant laxative, and is a cure for flatulent dyspepsia. S. M. Da vega, M. D. A FAIR PROPOSITION. DN e will guarantee that one glass of Habbis’ Lithia Cabbonated Wateb (relieve any case of indigestion in one minutes’ time or money refunded, or ken after each meal will cure the worst case of indigestion. You see what ioted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C., has to say in regard to it, and there is 1 physician in South Carolina who stands higher in the profession than he and besides you lose nothing by giving it a trial, as our agents are author- to refund the money to any responsible person who will not admit that he henefitted by it. Harris Lithia Water Co HARRIS SPRINGS, S. C. ’ r sale in Gainesville by MOORE BROS. COHpIS That nil are not distinguished by any mark or sign from coughs that fail to be fatal. Any cough, neglected, may sap the strength and undermine the health until recovery is impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. A|€P*s Cherrg Pectoral Cares Caagls “My wife m suffering from a dreadful cough. We did not expect that she would long survive, bat Mr. R. V. Royal, deputy surveyor, happened to be stopping with ns over night, and having a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral with him, induced my wife to try this remedy. The result was so beneficial that she kept on taking it till she was cured.* R. S. HUMPHRIES, Saussy, Ga. “My little daughter was taken with a dis tressing cough, which for three years defied all the remedies I tried. At length, on the urgent recommendation of a friend, I began to give her Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. After nsing one bottle I found- to my gfreat sur prise that she was improving. Three bottles completely cured her.” J. A. GRAY, Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co, St. Louis, Mo. Ager’s Cherrg Pectoral is put up in half-size bottles at half price—50 cents. A Blighted New Year’s Hope' “I’m very much af r aid Miss Pas seigh is iu love,” said one ^young woman. “I’m sure she doesn’t say any thing to lead one to think so,” replied the other. “No. But I found her just now with a pencil and paper, figuring for dear life to see whether 4 goes into-1898 without leaving a frac tion.”—Washington Star. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10 cents. His Objection. Literary Editor—“What a vivid account is given in 'Quo Vadis’ of the burning of Rome!” Fire Editor—“Yes-, but it’s in complete. There isn’t a word about the loss to the insurance companies.”—Chicago Tribune. The Savannah Press notes that three daughters of members of ex- President Cleveland’s cabinet have committed suicide. Miss Bayard took an overdose of chloral. Miss Garland shot herself with a pistol. Both happened in the first admin istration. Miss Herbert’s sad death was the third case. Deafness Cannot Be Cored Bv local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can *be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing more than an inflamed condition of the the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness, caused by catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. A friend in need is a friend indeed When badly wounded you need a friend. Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic will prove a friend indeed. At Gonoatoa in the South, seas, every man, woman or child on that island, who does not go t( church at least three times a week is liable to be arrested and fined HOW TO GUARD BEAUTY. A Few Suggestions Easily Fol lowed and Sure of Good Results. Sleep is a wonderful beautifier. Nothing so rounds our hollows as sound, healthful sleep; nothing so sooths and mends irritated and broken nerves; nothing so restores the tissues of the tired body as plenty of natural sleep in a well- ventilated room, and nothing is fairer and softer and more peach like than the delicate flesh on the cheeks of one wbohas just stepped out of the realm of dreams, where all things are rose-colored. If the hair is disposed to fall out, the following is recommended as an excellent remedy: Two ounces of crude vaseline, melted, and mixed with a quarter of an ounce of tincture of benzoin. Apply every night fora week, rub bing well into the scalp. Then wash the head and hair with egg and quinine tonic, which may be obtained at any good hair-dresser’s Apply the pomade until the hair has lost its tendency to fall out. The dry-air “bath” is highly recommended by those who have tried it and found it beneficial. One devoted dry-air bather says she has found it far better than the morning cold sponge bath she took regularly for years. “Rub the body,” she says, “while it is unclothed with a quilted hairbrush. This excites the Circulation and sends a glow all over the body. Let the morn ing sunlight fall on the body, and do not be afraid of the air. After rubbing briskly you will be sur prised to find how much dry dust and tiny bits of thin white skin will be removed. Dress warmly after the exposure of the body, p,nd eat a good meal. ” There is no use suffering with a wound of any kind now-a-days. Sim ply keep it wet# with Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic. It stops the pain and heals it quicker than anything, and costs onlv 50 cents a bottle. The proposal has been made by M. Gabriel Viand, a French chem ist, to obtain easily assimilable iron tonics from vegetables by feeding the plants judiciously with iron fertilizers. Cotton, like every other crop, needs nourishment. A fertilizer containing nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and not less than 3% of actual Potash, will increase the crop and im prove the land. Our books tell all about the subject. They •re free to any farmer. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassaa St., New York. At the Boarding House Table. “It appears that the ancient Egyptians hatched out eggs in in cubator ovens. ” “That accounts for it. I won dered where the chickens we have every Sunday for dinner came from.”—Cleveland Plaindealer. Dubuque, Iowa, September 16, 1885. —We have used Dr. Ticheror’s Anti septic throughout the shops for over a year, and all, without, exception, pro nounce it the best thing they have ever used for cuts and bruises. Yours truly. Iowa Iron Works Company. The Escurial palace in Spain contains a cathedral, a monastery with 200 cells, two colleges, three chapter houses, three libraries and nearly 8,000 other rooms. All Sickly Women Should consult the leading specilties in all female diseases. Dropsy, fits and’blood poisons, and the opium and morphine habits, quickly cured at home. Cancers removed in ten days without knife or caustics. No charges till cured. Fifteen years success. Dr. O. HENLEY SNIDER, Atlanta, Ga. The gold watch of Edward Allen Poe is now in possession of Mr. R. W. Albright, of Fort Mad ison, Iowa. DTT U0 Rudy’s Pile Suppository Is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipation, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send for list of testimonials and Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY, Reg istered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. For sale by leading druggists, and in Gainfesville, Ga., by Dixon & Co.' Sure Cure I PLEASANT TO TAKE. Will Relieve Every Tima. INSTANTLY RELIEVES INFANTILE COUCH, COLO, CROUP OR CRAMPa ON THIS DEPENDS. The Father’s Patience, The Mother’s Happiness, The Baby’s Health. Every Bottle Guaranteed to Benefit.