The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 22, 1898, Image 2

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Baby Mine! Every mother feels an i n d e - scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Be comin g a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and _ the ordeal make anticipation one of misery. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated .by the use of Mother’s Friend. It is a blessing to woman. $1.00 PERBOTTLB at all Drugstores, or sent by express on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of coc - interest to all women, will be sent rntt to any address, upon application, by The BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. 6a. Why He Looked That Way. A man traveling on a Missouri train, says an exchange, said he could tell by the looks of the pas sengers what political party they belonged to. “This man here,” said the passenger, “is a Bryan democrat. ” “‘Yes, ” said the pas senger, “that’s my politics.” “That man over there is a sound- money democrat.” “That’s cor rect,” was the response. “That fellow in the third seat is a pop ulist.” “Correct you are,” said the populist. “And tha^ man fur ther down is a republican and voted for McKinley.” “No, I am not,” promptly responded the fel low, “I’ve been sick, that’s what makes me look this way.” Of ail diseases, Bright’s Disease of the kidneys is the most dangerous, on account of its subtle and insidious nature. Usually it is firmly fixed be fore its presence is even suspected by its victim. For this reason it is im portant that the treatment be com menced on the appearance of the first symptoms. Even then it requires care ful treatment to stay its progress. Pains in the back, irregularities in the urine, swelling of the limbs or abdomen, should be the subject of instant invest igation and the proper remedy immedi ately applied. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liyer and Kidney Balm has proved in thousands of severe cases its efficacy in curing this terrible disease. Price $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Silent for Twelve Years. The curiosity of the residents o McKean township, near Newark O., has been aroused by the rela tions of a father and son. It has been 12 years since the eldest son, Evan Brevard, Jr., and his father, Evan Brevard, Sr., have exchanged a smgle word, notwith standing the fact that both live under the same roof, eat at the same table, work together side by side in the fields and have consid erable business in common. The cause of this estrangement is shrouded in mystery. It is frequently commented upon, but no one can account for the strange relation between the two men who are in each other’s company almost all of the time. If the son, who is 33 years of age, wants anything of his father, the request is communicated in a roundabout way, the mother usually serving as a go between. If the father has an order to give or a favor to ask, it is invariably directed to his son through his wife. Naturally both men are of a genial disposition and light heart ed temperament, but the long standing feud has made both gloomy and morose in each other’s company, and each has apparently hardened his heart against all at tempts at reconciliation. The aged wife and mother has repeatedly tried to “break the barriers” away in vain. Each at tempt is met with disappointment and the strained relationship be tween her husband and rer first born is causing her great sorrow in her old age. The trouble is said to be no nearer a settlement than it was a dozen years ago, when it started from a cause known only to the immediate members of the family.—Cleyeland Plain Dealer. Without A Rival. As a positive cure for sprains,bruises, and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 513 Gratiot Ave;, Detroit, Mich., writes: “I used Salvation Oil in my family and can say it has no rival as a lini ment; it certainly cures pains. I sprained my ankle and it cured me and since then I have always used it for any pains and bruises.” Salvation Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other remedy will do the work as promptly. Bees and Pigeons Bane A curious sporting event recently took place in Belgium. Bees and homing pigeons were released be tween Hamm and Rhyuern. The two towns are an hour apart, and the bet was that 12 bees would beat 12 pigeons in making the distance. Four drones and eight working bees were well powdered with flour and releasen at the same instant with the pigeons at Rhynern. A drone reached home four seconds in advance of the first pigeon, the three other drones and one pigeon came in neck and neck, according to the judges, and the eight working bees came in just a trifle ahead of the ten pigeons. Live within your income this year and see how much better off you will be at tho close of the year. Spending two dollars for every one made is a very fine way to go to the poor house. “Only the Best” Should be your motto when yon need a medicine. Do not be induced to take any substitute when you call for Hood s Sarsaparilla. Experience has proved it to be the best. It is an honest medi cine, possessing actual and unequalled merit. Be wise and profit by the ex perience of other people. Tor Coughs I regard Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral as superior to any cold or cough medicine made. I have used it for years and am never without a bottle in the house.” J. T. COOKE, Publisher, Waynesboro, Va. p Auer’s Lherrg Pectoral HALF-SIZE BOTTLES, 50c. A. K. HAWKEsI GOL Highest Award Diploma af Ho* For Superior Lens Grinding «nd t> _ - f* and Tr/» f the Manufacture of F^eetaelcs r Sold in 11,000 Cities c:id Towns fit ] Popular Glasses in the U. 8. - ESTABL.ISH&Q 1Q7r\ 6A0T80M These famous glasses for sale wJ C. Brown & Co. Hi HOOD’S PILLS are the favorite fam ily cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate. The fisheries of the United Kingdom are worth $32,500,000; those ot England alone, $21,250,- 000. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur ance Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and rent all kinds of real estate. Have in hand anything you want in this line. Will make it to your interest whether you want to sell or buy. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable prompt pay ing companies. Young: wSk"* People arship in most any other reputable k,?5- a lege or literary school in the U. s. can by doing a little work at horse for Advocate, an illustrated seini-Howhv It is elevating in character, moral aJ 011 ^ especially interesting and profitable VT e * aai * people, but read with interest and T° nB S pie of all ages. Stories and other n: - Peo- matter well illustrated. Sample Agents wanted. Address Youths Adviser Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention Your AXerdiaut for 0R. MOFFETT’S Little Book o! Valuable Information, FREE. Return to Ordinary. We state for the benefit of judges, justices of the peace, min isters, and otherstengaged in per forming marriage ceremonies, that the law, as amended by the last legislature, requires the re turn of the marriage license to the ordinary of the county from which it was issued within thirty days from the performance of the ceremony and fixes the penalty for failure to compfty npon the part of those performing the cere mony. A failure to return the same within the time prescribed subjects the delinquent to a fine of twenty-five dollars. Denny, Kentucky, August 11, 1896 j)r. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is the best medicine for cuts, burns, etc., and for rn mftr complaints and sick stomach, we eyer used. There is no humbug about it. S. Denny & Bro. The New York stock brokers are said to wear out the floor of their stock exchange every five years. An Expert Opinion. Tomtom—That was a funny ex perience of Dr. Pillbox. When Jingo’s safe got out of order, he called the doctor in to examine it Buzzfuzz—What did Pillbox say. Tomtom—Wnv, he said its sys tem was all run down and that it needed change.—New York World Exposure‘to rough weather, damp ness, extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an attack of rheumatism or neural gia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and violent itching of the skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for immediate application' when troubles of this nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. Price 25c, 50c and 91.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. A local newspaper is a photo graph of the town it represents, and is the only evidence its foreign readers have of the town’s prosper ity. In order to make,the impress ion good every business firm should be represented by a stand ing advertisement, be it large or small. Don’t Neglect Tour Liver. Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease nas developed, Browns* Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality will always follow its use. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Z 2 5? z € I? s a 5 "S o • 3 a a 9 * mi. m m-= o W ! ;- s « :|i 5 a a 5 X a-" iS* a.H ® S SfO CT — o 9 I ll MS • < L pi Sffil Eg >o St ns a® — SIS * 3? 2 * 2. * ' o & 9 N J. w Z a H <s *■3 IIIR AIDS DIGESTION, REGULATES THE BOWELS, CURES CHOLERA-INFANTUM, and MAKES TEETHING EASY, DR. MOFFETT'S WEE FEMALE MEDICINE Gives Rosy Cheeks, STRENGTH, HEALTH and HARP NESS To Woman. O'* o .j I® ■c e *!* ■ n Co' a < ‘•j'S C 3 f4 few Jo H -is £3 * lift s 4 a v • oPtei Ski® j, 11*43 53 ■03' PREPARED ONLY BY C.J. MOFFETT, M. D., st. Louts.Uc. W* © on jso ’**'3 © — > a ■as eS TEETHINA’S the best—we all know that, It makes the BABY bright and fat. Baby is sick, the mother’s In trouble. Give TEKTHINA—it’ll soon weigh doable. TEETHINA’S the best and sure to sell. Because It makes the baby weU. TEACHERS WANTED. Union Teachers’ Agencies of America. Pittsburg, Pa., .Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La., New York, N. Y., Washington, D. C., San Francisco, Cal., Chicago, Ill, St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to be filled during the school term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies during the. past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in every part of the United and Canada, as over 95 per cent, of those who registered before August secured positions. One fee registers in 9 offices. ADDRESS FOR APPLICATIONS TO PITTSBURG, PA. NDY CATHARTIC robcoAefc CURECOIISTIMTIOH ALL DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY 1? e * re “7 case Of constipatics. Cuetrets are the Ideal Laxa- ADU Villi lulil uUauall iD£ib tire, never crip or rripe. bat cause easy natural results. Saut- boakletftaa. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.. ChieacoTaoBtreal. Can., er Kew York. ^ ^ Yon areGoingfts And want LOW KATE$ < 0 St. Louis, Memphis, New OrW Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago ^ points in Arkansas, Texas, ^ souri, Kansas, Colorado, Or^ Washington, California, or ^ point West, it will pay you-; write to or see me. Excursion and special rates from time to time. Choice of routes. Xotrou- le to answer queitions. E g [ e and maps furnished free. Ad dress, FRED D. BUSH, DistPas?, Agent L. & N. R. R., 36A AY all Street, Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule of Passenger Trail- la BiTecS Jenaary 16, 1898. Northbound. Lv. Atlanta, C. T. “ Atlanta, K T. * Norcross “ Buford “ Gainesville. ® Lula. Ar. Cornelia... Lv. Mt. Airy ... ** Tooeoa..... “ Westminster — Seneca .... “ Central ... ** Greenville... “ Sp'Jtanburg. “ G(rttney* “ Blacksburg.. “ KmE'sRdt.... ** Gastonia Lv. Charlotte.... Ar. Danville Wo. IS Daily 7*0 850 9 90 16 06 a 10 35 a 10 68 a 3 42 1125 a 1130 a 1156 a 12 31m 12 52 p 14«p 2 84 p 33? p 4 20 p 4 98 p 508 p 5 25 p 6 30 pi 8 22 11 26 p U 51 Vee* ; Mo. 18 Fit* No. 38 Ex. Daily.} Sun. bub. 12 00 m ! 4 85p;US? 1 00 Pi f Sopjl2*i| 8 28 p; 1271 ::::::: 7os P 8 22 p " &P< 2 20i p. S 08 pi 2 4u 8 Sop' 8 80 pj- 4 is p -■ .1 32 » . i'St -i ^ * -I 5 22 p , 6 10 pi I 651 6 44 p 7 00 p i in 951 7 5e i i 8 20 i! pi i 9 35 *! p t 135?! Ar. Richmond ... | 6 00 at 6 00 a} - 6 2 j ] Ar. Washington “ Baltm’e PRR. “ Philadelphia. ** New York ... 6 42 a . 8 00 a .. 10 IS a| , 12 48 m . 8 28 1 935 1135 ? I 2 56 s Fut.Mll Tea Southbound, Xo. 35 No, 37 Daiiv. Dally. Mo.ll Daily Lv. N. Y.,P.R.R. 15 U'a Philadelphia . * 8 50 a “ Baltimore, “ Washington.. Lv. Richmond .. 6 31 11 15 4STpl 6 55 pj. a) 9 20 p!. a'10 43 pL 12 00 m Lv. Danville Ar. Charlotte Lv. Gastonia Kina’s Mt. Blacksburg Gaffneys 6 II p 16 00 p 8 25 16 46 p irille.... Central 11 81 plO 45 si 208 p U 46 p 10 58 aj 2^ Pi • |1* 36 a:i| 34 a 315 pi. ■ Tooeoa " Mt. Airy M Cornelia * Lula * GainuevWe... * Buford “ Noreroes Ar. Atlanta, S. T. Ar. Atlanta, C. T. 12 OOnt 1200nti 5 50 a 603 a adl 15 a ..[108 j» .. lilp. 1 25 a, in’ , « Pt p 4So Pi.. ; 5 45 p a 1 S3 p 915 p 9 26 a 2 18 pi 7 11 p - 7 41 B • ! 7 45 bi i ifl" a i8 p 813 P 4 6JJ 4. ^»sr P|gsais*. 4 a ! sapi »J! 6 16 a 4 65 pilO»P j*! 5 10 a S 56 p| 930pjj»j Dining can serve all ^ -United States ^ i Washington and "A” a. as. "P"p»n. “1C” noon. • N r ’ai«tt Noe.37and58—Daily. Washington acdSoo* westers Vestibule Limited. Through deeping ears between New York and vr leans, via Waehingtou^Aflanta and Kent ery, and also between New York and Ka viaWashington Atlanta and BirmAighan: clads thoroughfare coaches between VTastn? ton and Atlanta, an route. Noe. 85 and 86—X runs solid between Washington --- „ learns, via Southern Railway, A & W. P. B. » and L.4K.B. K., being composed of bass*** oar and coaches, through without change passengers of all classes. Pullman drsvfflj room sleeping can between New York i New Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgoc^ Leaving Washington each Wednesday ana s* urday, a tourist sleeping car will run thracg | between Washington and San Praacu® without change. J Nos. 11, 87 and 12—Puilman sleepine csr 3 .™* ♦ween Richmond and Charlotte, vu I southbound Nos. 11 and 87, northbound The Air Line Belle train, Nos. 17 and A m ♦ween Atlanta and Cornelia, Ga., cDwJ ® eept Sunday. _ „ F. 8. GANNON, J. M- CUIJ 5 - Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Tra5 Washington, D. C. Wash: lgion. i* W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK. GenT Pass. Ag't., Ass’tGen’l Pass. A? ~ Washington, D. C. AtlaatA