The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 22, 1898, Image 6

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The Need of the Hour. Men, we need men! Men who have the moral courage to stand for all that is go<»d and pure and true. Men who are eady to de nounce, and aid m the overthrow of all that ise\ i and demoralizing Men whose standing on all issues pertaining to good morals and obedience to law. i* 1»cl to the moral uplifting of the community, is known unto aii r1»e t * Opl*. Men whose lights ate not ‘‘hid under a bushel.” Men, u»> * i whom you that “the human skin is a great 'rally ing place for microbes.” He has watched the microbes through a miscroscope, and says it is the constant depredations of these “little monsters that changes the fair skin of bright childhood into the leathery one of old age. It just takes time. Tesla has perfected an invention to destroy the microbes by the use of electricity, and the skin of the old may assume the tint and texture of the skin of the OUR OWN COUNTRY Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Cures a Prominent Attorney. “I like to hear men sing the praise Of lands that gave them birth; Man's native place Should always b< The dearest spot on earth.” “Shall I not take in mine inn “It is a great pleasure to me to ad dress you today. When I stand before an American audience, I feel sure that I am speaking to an audience composed of good people, citizens of the greatest and grandest country on the face of the earth. When that American audience Th* 1 i Alien, son Airy R©o for rvbat When that American audience chances to be a Georgia audience, I feel certain and even more gratified that 1 am before an audience of people of the best state of the best nation on earth. And when that Georgia audience hap pens to be a Gainesville audience I know that I address people possessing more culture and refinement, and bet ter in every way, than anybody else. I feel satisfied.” The above has been uttered by one of Gainesville's citizens, of national fame as a lecturer, before a Gainesville aud ience, as an introduction to his lecture, possibly on more than one occasion. The United States is the best of all nations. Georgia is the best state of The following little verse makes a good business motto, especially in some localities, not in Gainesville however. It has been adopted by several over in England, France or Spain, but where the original idea generated and Toilet “***«» provider. Sta, ^ ATUSTA, take £LEV„T0ft. F'TTH FLiOB M B. B. C. PHELPS, the leading pension attorney of Belfast, N. Y.. writes: •*I was discharged from the army on acconnt of ill health, and suffered from heart trouble ever since. I frequently had f^iwHny and smothering spells. My form was bent as a man of 80. I constantly wore an overcoat, even In summer, for fear of trying cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My rest was broken by severe pains about the heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles* Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used so much patent medicine and taken drugs from doctors for years without being helped. Dr. Miles* Heart Cure restored me to health. It Is truly a wonderful medicine and It affords me mnch pleasure to recommend this rem- edy to everyone.** \ ’ Dr. Miles* Bemedies ■pjt*' ■* are sold by all drug- -- *>» gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re- ns j funded. Book on dis- wf eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, ■HGHbmhIHHHI DB. MILES MEDICAL GO., Elkhart, Ind. Dear Sir:—It affords me pleasure to inform you that three applications of Watts’ Eczema Ointment Y as entirely removed a patch of tetter that has been a oreat source of worry to me for 18 Save The Children. When children are attacked with cough, cold and croup, Dr. Boll’s Cough Syrup will prove a quick and sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker, Blandon, Pa., writes: “We have used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for cough, cold and croup, and found it the beat cough medicine and cure for these affections. We never run out of it, but always keep it on hand.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Insist on having it. years. There is no sign oi ice erupnun now, and to all appearance the annoy ing thing is entirely cured. I consider this Ointment a great blessing to me, and take pleasure in recommending it to others who are troubled with any skin eruptions. Very respectfully, , W. J. Williamson. Barnesville, Ga., Aug. 23, 1897. ! The most thorough, practical and «nJ ’ schools of the kind in the world, anil patronized ones in the South. Indorsed!* ers, merchants, ministers and other*] weeks ia bookkeeping with ns are J twelve weeks by the old plan. j. f. Dd President, is author of Dxaughon’s nen of bookkeeping, “Double E,ntry Made a Home study. We have prepared fa study, books on bookkeeping, penman “Our own country,*’ the United States of America, while its area and population may not be so great as that of some other countries, raises larger crops especially of wheat, has more money in circulation in proportion to-its population than any country except France. It mines more gold and silver than any other country, and northeast Georgia to be sure, produces her share of the more precious metal. It is the healthiest country, and has a most variegated climate; It possesses dif- different soil that. is well adapted to the growth of almost anything. No Wonder. Is it a wonder there are strange socialistic questionings rife among those who cannot understand the unequal distribution of wealth?— Harmony Grove Echo. The “unequal distribution” of wealth has been stated where two jnechanics worked in the same shop, side by side, receiving equal wages. One spent his idle time in sporting and spending his money for whisky; and the other spent *his spare moments in reading and study and saved his money. The latter became wealthy and bought the shop; the former became a drunkard and remained poor, and would meet his boon companions and pass resolutions denouncing capitalists and the unequal dis tribution of wealth.—Marietta Journal. suiuy. wu ycuuuui shorthand. Write for price list “Hoot! Extract. “Pbof. Dxaughon—ika.** keeping at home from vour books, whfit a position as night telegraph operate Leffingwell, Bookkeeper for Gerbei Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, a {Miniion this pape^-when writing. Expensive Modesty. “What’s the matter, old man? You look sad.” “I am. I just asked Farnsworth to lend me $5. ” , “And I suppose he' said he didn’t have that much in the world.” “No. He had to get a $10 bill changed in order to let me have what I had asked for.”—Cleveland Leader. ___ HeadacHe and Neuralgia cured by Dr. MILES' PAIN PILLS. “One cent a dose. Horse Owners! frfPIffi Copyrights Ac. •ssalffif xssfvssrpx'sSLT, special notice, without charge, in the A 8af« Speedy ia The Safest, Beat BLISTER cun the place of all liniments for mild orw Removes all Ranches or Blemishes fa and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL I OR FIRING. Impossible to produce id Every bottle sold is warranted f-o<rrrei Pricei $1.50 per bottle. Soldi/* Bent by express, charge* paid, mfc; for its use. Send for des^ripwe c:rsi THE LAW RBNCE-WILLIAMS flLPw say, and that right piaimy, tnai me old country, England, is dependent to a great degree, upon the United States. During the last fiscal year England purchased from us $471,499,312 worth of goods, mostly food supplies. We bought of England $94,202,275 worth of goods of various sorts. A difference of $377,297,037 in favor of us. The American youngster could mighty near support the o}d lady if necessary, but the mouth of the Lion is of pretty good size. * * * It is estimated that the labor of one man in the United States can supply food for 250 men, such is the soil, cli mate, energy and diligence of the people. In Europe the labor of one man can only provide food for 30 men. Score one for “our” country! Scientific American handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- lation of any scientific journal. Terms, *3 a ar; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. IUNN & Co. 36,Bro ■ ,,, “ ,, ' New York Branch Office. 625 F St_ Washington, D. G. A Criterion. He (passionately)—You are the ily girl I have ever loved! She (coldly)—So I should judge ■N. Y, jy the way you go at it Journal. ONE OF TWO WAYS, The bladder was created for one pur a receptacle for the pose, namely, urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treat ment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the bladder or urinary pas- often, by mistake, attributed to Postage Due. Daisy—You’re cheating Uncle Sam out of postage. Mazie—How so. Daisy—By sending Jack “bush els of kisses” in that letter. Mazie—Oh, well, Jack will put the stamp of his approval on it!— Nqw York World. i All made of Best Ma* lijjjHnis m^^terial, with Best Work- ^ manship, in Best Man- » ner * Most economical : — i* 1 use °- fuel, splendid steamers, and most free f- ; r * X'" > * from sparks. “More LEF- ENGINES in use ” ’" '" _ - throughout the South than any other make. Range in capacity up. All about these engines in new pamphlet “D,” copy of v and any further information desired, furnished free on application • Statistics say $2.40 a head is ex pended for educational purposes in the United States, against $1 20 in England. 80 cents in France, and 60 cents in Germany. We are ahead of the world in this respect. Count another for the There are at present 25,915,027 pro fessing Christians in the United States, of many beliefs and creeds, yet some pessimistic skeptical creat ures persist in saying that Christianity is on the wane. Gainesville Transfer sage is female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be easily avoided^ To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trou ble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon News comes from far away Kansas that the state has two incorporated towns of a population of perhaps two or three hundred each, in which there is not to be found a single idle man or boy, not a vacant house, (Gainesville, with her population of 5,000 can boast of this,) and not one cur dog. The towns are Ramona and Lost Springs. Model towns, certainly. That so many people have lost confidence in Medicines that have been palmed off on the public as “cures’ * for every dis ease with which the hupaan race is afflicted and frequently persona refuse to believe any thing they hear about a reliable remedy. The Gainesville transfer Com- DAY TRIP p&ny issues the following tick ets which will he sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. u v 1 jGood only oier onr lines To B"T point In city limits, inclm«tin$ New Holland and Gower. Gainesville Transfer Co. realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug] gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail. Mention The Georgia Cracker and send your ad dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this pa per guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Of the larger cities of the United States, Baltimore has the largest death rate, and it is a fact Chicago has the smallest. Exactly where Gainesville should be classed has not been decided, but it is quite certain that the health fulness of this region can not be surpassed or equalled. A modern doctor of medicine, of Boston, I believe, has made the wide assertion that all diseases are curable by sleep. Sure, “balmy sleep, nature’s sweet restorer,” is a great blessing. Africana When you want a Messenger Boy Fhon Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, and 5 cent* to message, within city limits. Kindly phone 102 your orders, and if you wish, ws up for your train, either day or night, m case you your residence. The Gainesville Telephone Company will have so or will remain on duty all night and protect our pa ro 5 convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, The Great Blood Purifier is working wonders. It Gives Hope for Fear. It Gives Joy for Sorrow. It Gives Light for Darkness. It Gives Health for Sickness. IT IS THE KING OF ALL BLOOD BEMEDIES. TRY AFRICANA. : We now have plenty of money to loan on improved farm lands and Gainesville city property. Terms and interest lib eral. Call and see ns. (2-25-’98) Dunlap & Picuxll. Tesla, the wonderful scientist, says