The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 25, 1898, Image 3

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y / \ a fS tabic Prep aratian for As I' simita t mg fteFood and Reg uia- | ting the Stomachs andBowels o! THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE H Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- 1 ness and Rest.Contains neither jl Opium,Morphine nor Mkieivai. ! Not Narc otic. J&ape aTOZdllr&MiZLrSK^* Pumpkin jtlx.Scnna * TioJitlle Salt* — JfniscSeed * ^CarionatcSoJo * Jiarm Seed - flffrifuxl Sii&tr u liuiU/yrecn Flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, j Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- \\ aess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OE Castoria is put up in one-sire bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell you anything else on tbe plea or promise that it is “just as good” and “will answer every pur pose,” -8®** See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. of x/ ' 'wvvw*<* wrapper. Business Improvements. Business appearances are so promising at the beginning of 1898 that Dun & Co. feel justified in predicting that the year that has just started in under such encour aging auspices will beat the flush of 1892 in general prosper- itv. 'There are two signs that, are intallinl« in pointing t<> t»et.ter times aiid both of them are found to be doing that kind of pointing. The railroad earnings during December surpassed the best month in 1892 and the iron furn aces are turning out an unequaled weekly output of metal. When the railroads are doing so gi;eat a bus iness and the needs of the country require so great an amount of iron these two circumstances indicate that business conditions are flour ishing. State School Commissioner Glenn is circularizing the people urging them to elect men to the next legislature who will so change the present school law which provides for the payment of teachers quarterly as to have them paid monthly. After revival services at the Mennonite church in Bethlehem, Pa., near, midnight recently, a public baptism of adults by immersion in The Monocacy creek took place in the presence of a large crowd of people. It "was bright moonlight, and the wintry surroundings and time of day lent a weird air to the ceremony. $2.50 Reward. lie Haggard Specific Co., Hill give three boxes of their Specific Tablets, worth $2.50, to any one who may have used as much as one box of their tablets without decided benefit. We have never heard of a single case where the tablets have failed to give satisfactory results, and if there is a person to be found who has used them without benefit we want to know who he is and where to find him. They never fail to cure kidney and bladder troubles and affections of the genital organs and overcome all debility and weakness in both men and women. They improve the appetite, aid diges tion and assimilation and overcome constipation. They have vital effect on a 11 of the secretory organs and es tablish a healthy condition of the mu cous and gland secretions in every part of the body; overcome all torpid condi tions of the capillaries and secure per fect circulation of the blood, so that every organ is supplied and every func tion is normal and healthy. Being the only remedy ever compounded that folly meets the logical physiological conditions of the human system, it is [no wonder that they give results un- [known to medical science. No matter f the doctors and all remedies have ailed, try the Tablets and be convinced hat they are superior to ail known remedies. Their effect on the nerve centres is a complete surprise to phy- uis who have used them. Cases fkai have baffled the skill of best phy- lr -lans and no remedies seemed to ben- have been promptly controlled and er manently cured by the Tablets. Rses where injections of morphine ha\ e been resorted to as the only means i temporary relief have been promptly Controlled by the Tablets and the trou- ie completely overcome by their use. ^riee, one box $1; three boxes $2.50. f not on sale'in yctur locality, order F lrect from Haggard ’ Specific Co., At lanta, Gra. At our mast head to-day wil be found the names of Allan D. Candler for Governor and Howarc Thompson for Congress. They are both good men and we want to see them elected. We propose to make a strait, clean fight for them, believing them to , be the best representatives of the people of this section, and we also be lieve the people of Georgia coulc. in no wise do better in electing Candler governor, and that the people of the Ninth district woulc honor themselves in honoring Thompson with their vote as congressman.—Southern Record Toecoa. The constitution that has been broken down or weakened by long standing disorder in the liver or kid neys is ill fitted to withstand the en croachments of disease. Such a person takes cold easily, cannot stand fatigue, and in cases of epidemics, is the first to fall a victim. The proper course is to remove the cause of the weakness by treating the liver and kidneys. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm will reach the seat of trouble and re store the diseased organs to healthy functional activity. Increased nourish ment of the body will follow and the patient will rapidly regain health and strength. Price $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. The Chattanooga Times asks, ‘Who is the American Colossus of to-day?” and the Jacksonville Times-Union and Citizen answers: “No one, esteemed contemporary, as always; Washington had no enemies and Jackson fought hard to win. No pair of legs can be stride this continent; the voter will not creep for any Caesar.” Opium and Morphine Habits Cured at home, in two weeks, for $5.00. Cancers, rupture, fits, dropsy, private diseases and blood poison speedily cured. No charges till cured. Fifteen years success. Dr. O. HENLEY SNI DER. Atlanta, Ga, New York is the greatest me tropolis on the globe now except London. Its area composes 196,- 800 acres, while its population numbers 8,850,000 souls. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, w T as the subject, is narrated by him as follows: “I wa§ in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost tallow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually m back and sides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying ‘Electric Bitters,’ and to my great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at M. C. Brown & Co.’s drug store. The Origin of Boo. Boo, the exclamations*i to frighten children, is a corruption of Boh, the name of a famous Gothic general. It has been used as a terror word for many centu ries. Diseases of the Blood and Nerves. No one need suffer with neuralgia. This disease is quickly and permanently cured by Browns’ Iron Bitters. Every disease of the blood, nerves and stomach, chronic or otherwise, succumbs to Browns’ Iron Bitters. Known and used for nearly a quarter of a century, it stands to-day fore most among our most valued remedies. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. How Many Women Have Quietly Obtained Advice That Made Them Well. My sister, if you find that in spite of following faithfuHy your family doc tor’s advice, you are not getting well, why do you not try another course? Many and many a woman has quietly written to Airs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., stating her symptoms plainly and clearly, and take her advice, which was promptly received. The following let ter is pretty strong confirm ation of this: “ I had been sick for six months; one doctor told me I would have to go to a hospital before I would get weU. I had female troubles in their worst form, suf fered untold agonies every month ; my womb tipped back to my backbone; had headache, hysteria, fainting spells, itch ing, leucorrhoea. “ My feet and hands were cold all the time, my limbs were so weak that I could hardly walk around the house; was troubled with numb spells. I fol lowed Mrs. Pinkham’s advice. I have taken four bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, one bottle bf her Blood Purifier, one package of her Sanative Wash, and am entirely cured. ”—Mrs. Louisa Place, 650 Bel mont St., Brockton, Mass. Will the New York minister who married 688 couples during 1897 at an average fee of $5 per happy couple, feel sorry when he gets to Heaven, where there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage, asks the Boston Globe? A hoy, being asked to describe a kitten, said; “A kitten is re markable for rushing like mad at nothing whatever, and stopping before it gets there.” It must have been the same boy who defined improvement. I continued their use 8Canda l. « It i 8 w h en nobody ain’t for three weeks, and am now a well done nothing, and somebody goes and tells.”—Tit-Bits. Gained Rapidly. “After having inflammatory rheuma tism I was very weak and my stomach was in such a condition that I could n?t retain food. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I was soon able to eat and drink anything I wished and had gained rapidly in flesh.—Mrs. J Stokes, North Decatur, Georgia. B. HOOD’S PILLS are the favorite fam ily cathartic. Always reliable and ben eficial. 25c. “What is business capacity, Uncle Bill?” “Business capacity is having sense enough to go the back door when people won’t answer a ring at the front door.” Landlady—“How do you like your oysters, Mr. Ripley?” New r Boarder—“No more than a dozen in the dish and well sea soned.” Headache bad? Get Dr. Miles* Pain Pilhs. “Do you think a man has a right to open his wife’s letters?’’ “Well, he may have the right; but I don’t see how he could have the courage.” Florence’s Question. HpJttle Florence was taking her first ride in an elevator, and, after she had stepped out:: and the ele vator disappeared, turning to her aunt, she exclaimed, “Why, auntie, where did that chicken coop go?” .mv dear.” said the far sighted husband, “put this money in the stocking for a rainy day.” So she bought a pair, and then really looked lovely on yesterday on Chestnut street.-^-Philadelphia Record. Mr. Callahan—Euchre is not a bad game, but I’d rather play poker. Mr. Cohen—Veil, euchre is chen- erally der best if you lose, undt poker is der best if you vin.— Puck. The Discovery of the Day. Aug. J. Bogel. the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: “Dr. King’s New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have.” J. F Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King’s New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it aever fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits.” Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Cougns and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head . It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at M. C. Brown & Co.’s drug store. Georgia Railroaa AND- CONNECTIONS. For information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both Passenger and Freight 9 write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. A. G. Jackson, Gen. Pass. Agt Joe W. White, Trav. Pass. Agt Augusta, Georgia. S. W. Wilkes, C. F. & P. A., Atlanta. H. K. Nicholson, G. A., Athens. W. W. Hardwick, S. A., Macon. S. E. Magill, C. F. A., Macon. M. R. Hudson, S. F. A., Milledge ville. F, W. Coffin, S. F. & P. A., Augusta. TETTERINE. Merit, Not Advertising, Mae tlie Success of Gold Dollar Monument. “It is due you and a pleasure to me to recommend your Tetter- ine. Truly, it is an infallible remedy and cure for tetter. My wife has been annoyed by same for about twelve years, and after using the Tetterine for five days it disappeared entirely, to her great relief. She is ready to sing your praise, and I am prepared to contribute my gold dollar in erecting a monument to your name!” Yours, etc., A. M. HAYGOOD, Evelyn, Ga. All druggists sell Dr. Miles’ Nerve Plasters. All lovers are alike, and that is why they correspond. TETTERINE. IT CURES ECZEMA AND ALL SKIN DISEASES. If you are afflicted, swap 50 cents for a box. It wdll be the best trade of your life. At all Drug Stores, or by mail Upon receipt of 50 cents in cash or stamps. J. T. SHUPTRINE, Savannah, Ga. For sale in Gainesville by Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co., M. C. Brown & Co Richards Drug Co.