The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 25, 1898, Image 6

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" • Y t 3 Cough Syrup is 25 cents. These famous glasses C. Brown & Co. Write for our interesting boohs *' Invent or’s Help” and -How you-arc swindled.” Send uu t% rough ek jlch or modci of yonr invention or impre \ einent and ffc will ell yon free our opinion as to whether it is probably jiatt.ntr Me. We make a sp< dal• y of apoli ath .ft rejoe' ed in other hands. Highest references furnished. MAXION 3c MARION PATENT SOLICITORS & E3IPERTS Civil & Mechanical Sncrincers. Graduates of the Polytechnic School of Engineering. Baeli-lois in Applied Sciences. Lovrl Uxslrersttr. Members Patent Law Association, American Water Works Association. Sew England Water Works Assoc. P. Q. Siw wors Association. Assoc. Member Can. * W F IV arship in most any other reputable lege or literary senooln. theU. & ~ by doing a little work a t horn* f 0 -a Advocate, an illustrated send-momy- It is elevating in charg er, mor>l k' especially interesting acd profitah£ peoule, but read with interest a~d -~ ri r "of all ages. Stories and other^ matter well illustrated. Agents '.vanted. Address Yoativ Co.. Nashville, Tenn. spaper Way Ho Viewed it. [ True geniue itinerant colored preach- mustard plaster conducting services at a smartness lies dmeetiug, was interrupt- tion. l^sse'nflrer. who rushed in i Prospects of the South, The continued low price .of.cot ton from excessive production, and an increase in surplus carried over, is a drag on the prosperity of the South. It is a drag, how ever, that Southern planters can to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman’s Marvelous cures of throat and lung affections are made daily by Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Miss Annie Swan, Petersburg, Va., writes: “My brother was attacked by a bad cough and cold, to severest trial is appreciated uy out few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life’s pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain—is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of “Mother’s Friend,” and the time of recovery shortened. “I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of ‘Mother’s Friend’ of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful.” John G. Polbiel, Macon, Ga. $1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drugstores, or sent by express on receipt of price. DfiOK^ Containing invaluable information of j-nrr interest to all women, will be sent to FREE any address upon application, by The BFtADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. Red Men So Love to Drink. “I was down in the Indian Ter ritory a few weeks ago,” said a St. Louis man the other day, “business took me to the captial of the Cher okee Nation. There is no country in the world where prohibitory laws are as strictly enforced as in the five other tribes. It is against the law to import any sort of intoxica ting liquors under heavy penalties. The result is that it is a common thing for people to drink cam phor, perfume, hair tonics and any old liquor that contains the faintest suggestion of alcohol. I actually saw one fellow drink a large swallow of red ink and learned that this cormine fluid was a most popular beverage. A good sized bottle of it could be had for 60 cents, and it was warranted to make the drunk come. It seemed to me that when the Indians were willing to go to such extremes to let them have the genuine arti cle, which couldn’t at the worst be half as baneful as the vile com pounds they habitually use.” Kansas City Journal. remove whenever they will follow out th6 good resolutions they often make—but never keep— about reducing acreage. But while too cheap cotton makes a dark spot in the South, there are many bright areas to offset it. The South is rapidly gaining in cotton manufacturing, and when the factories have gone to the field, will be able to dominate the cotton business of the world. Meantime iron interests are rapidly gaining a position of as cendancy, and the supply of ma terial and advantages for manu facture of more finished products in iron and steel. The /forest wealth of the South is moving forward, in lumber the South is very rich. With all this, there is a growth in diversified industries, and in diversified production from the soil. These many things, each important in itself, and, all to gether, having a very great and im portant weight, are doing their work, though not attracting the attention that the prosperity or lack of it in a great interest like cotton would develop. The South is growing right along, and has, within her control, the correcting of whatever weakness may be de veloped by overproduction in aDy particular field.—New York Fi nancial Record. seethe parson collapse uuuei w*« e information, but he didn t. “Burned de house down did it! “Yes, suh!” “Well, did it hurt de land vvdiat the house wuz on?” “No, suh ! ” “Thank de Lord fer dat! ex claimed the parson. *‘Thank de Lord de land's lef! Eu now we’J sing on pace 227, ‘How Firm Foundation.’ Thank some broth er fer de tune !” The announcement, says an ex change, that there is a $100 silver certificate in circulation was the first information that new men hud of the existence of a gen uine bill of that description. Exposure to rough weather, damj>- ness, extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an attack of rheumatism or neural gia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and yiolent itching of the skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for immediate application when troubles of this nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. For sale bv M. C. Brown & Co. Letters for Brooklyn or Long Island City and the other places now included in New York city, should be addressed just as before the change. The reason is that the United Sta.tes has made no change in the name ot the post- offices. Brooklyn, N. Y., is still the correct address for letters go ing to what is the borough of Brooklyn in the city of New York. crippled me for years. I could not walk. I tried many physicians with out benefit. .On the advice of a friend I tried your , medicine. I was completely cured by three bottles of Asters s arsapamia.” G. F. BOWEN, Horton Summit, Pa. ERAN. NASHVILLE, TENN. OFFICIALLY REPRESENTS United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, The Sons, and other Organizations. SI CO a year. Two Samples, Four Two-Cent Stamps. S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Special- Reduction In Clubs with this Paper. Of all diseases, Bright’s Disease of the kidneys is the most dangerous, on account of its subtle and insidious nature. Usually it is firmly fixed be fore its presence is even suspected by its victim. For this reason it is im portant that the treatment be com menced on the appearance of the first symptoms. Even then it requires care ful treatment to stay its progress. Pains in the back, irregularities in the urine, swelling of the limbs or abdomen, should be the subject of instant invest igation and the proper remedy immedi ately applied. Dr. J. H. McLeans Liyer and Kidney Balm has proved in thousands of severe cases its efficacy in curing this terrible disease. Price $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Diseases often lurk in the blood be fore they openly manifest themselves. Therefore keep the blood pure with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. There have been assassinations of American presidents by ob scure and individual miscreants, but when in Brazil 20 leading characters, including the vice- president, enter into arrangement to kill the head of the government it beats the way that kind of busi ness is done in this country. It is believed the long distance telephone record was broken re cently at Nashville when John H. Conner, representative of the Bell company at Gallatin, Tenn.,talked with the operator at Norfolk. The circuit used passed through Nashville, Evansville,Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Pittsburg, Phila delphia, Washington and Rich mond to Norfolk, making 1,500 miles. Denny, Kentucky, August 11, 1896 —Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is the best medicine for cuts, burns, etc., and for summer complaints and sick stomach we ever used. There is no humbug about it. S. Denny & Bro. Homer, Alabama, June 2, 1887.— Recently my horse was relieved of a severe case of colic by the use of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic.—T. B. White, Pastor Methodist church. Senator Daniel of Virginia wants to know from the secretary of the treasury why an item of $11,000,000 of interest due the United States from- the Pacific railroads has been dropped from his statement. A little discrepan cy like this may be inadvertently overlooked. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur ance Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building. Sell, exchange and rent all kinds of real estate. Have in hand anything you want in this line. W ill make it to your interest whether you want to sell or buy. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable prompt pay ing companies. , attacked by a bad cough and cold, and it was thought he had consump tion. Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup was used, and to our great surprise it made him well and hearty. There is no better cure in the world than this Syrup.” Dr. Bull’s sold everywhere for mil Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American $£■ Annual. PRICE Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. feg^~Tbe most widely sold Annual Refer ence Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. BagfessS Fo— Snoo-’or Yon are Hoi! And want LOW^ St. Louis, Memphis, Cincinnati, Louisville, points in Arkansas, Tex^i souri, Kansas. Colorado, Washington, California, o point West, it will pay write to or see me. Exc and special rates from tn time. Choice of routes. Nj le to answer queitione. and maps furnished fred dress, FRED D. BUSH, Did Agent L. <fe N. R. R., 36jl Street, Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN RAIL\ Condensed Sdiedal* of Pmm« In SOfeoe Jmuumry 16, K orthbound. j Tes- 3fo.l*‘No. MIf Lt. At. Lv. Lv. Ar Atlanta, C.T. Atlanta, EL T. Norcrosa Buford Gainesville.. Lula Cornelia..... Mt. Airy .... Toccoa....... Westminster Seneca Central Greenville ... Sp rtanburg. Gf 3fneys.... Blacks Durg King’s Mt... Gastonia.... Charlotte... Danville .... At. Richmond ... Ar. W ashington 44 Baltm’ePRR- M Philadelphia 44 New York . 7 » »|12 8 30 a 1 9 30 ah. 10 06 a| 10 86 a 10 58 1128 1130 1156 at 12 31 m\ 12 52 p ; 1 46 p .... 3 84 pi 5 22 8 37 pj 0 10 42© pj 8 44 4 38 p! 7 00 508 p 5 25 p! 0 80 p 8 22 11 26 p’ll 51 4 15 000 a 8 Fst.Ml Southbound. Jfo. Lv. N. Y.D.TT “ Philadelphia. 3 44 Baltimore.... 0 31 44 Washington.. 11 18 Lv. Richmond .. TEACHERS WANTED. Union Teachers’ Agencies of* America. Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La., New York, N. Y., Washington, D. C , San Francisco, Cal., Chicago, 111, St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to be filled during the school term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies during the past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in every part of the United and Canada, as over 95 per cent, of those who registered before August secured positions. One fee registers in 9 offices. ADDRESS FOR APPLICATIONS TO PITTSBURG, PA. Lv. AT. Lv. Are You Weak! Weakness manifests itself in the loss of ambition and aching bones. The blood is watery; the tissues are wasting—the door is being opened for disease. A botfie of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken in time will restore your strength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do you more good than an expensive special course of medicine. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. .NDY CATI1AQII<|| '‘rahcoAtiw Ar. Ar, Danville Charlotte .... Gastonia King's Mt.... Blacksburg .. Gaffneys Spartanburg. Greenville... .j Central J Seneca Westminster. Toccoa Mt. Airy Cornelia Lula Gainesville... Buford Norcrosa Atlanta, EL T. Atlanta, C- T.* 12 00 ll5 10 66 1© 49 11 si n 40 12 26 CURE C0NSTIPAT1OH 10* rjgllBI IW ALL 254 504 ^^aaaaiiaaidruggists ABSOLUTELY GU1R4HTEEB pie—d booklet free. AS. STERLING REMEDY CO.. Chicago. MoutreaL Cm., or Hew York. “A” a. m. “P” p. m. “M" a 0 ® 1 Nos. 37 and 38—Daily. Wasiu?? western Vestibule Limited. ^ sleeping cars between New leans, via Washington, Atiam* ery, and also between N ew viaWashiagton,Atlanta and. nWy class thoroughfare eoaches e* ton and Atlanta. Dining ca 1 ^ ■ on route. „ . c t .« Nos. 35 aad 96-Umted 6V* runs solid between Washing**, leans, via Southern Railway- f- and L. & N. R. R., being car and coaches, through « passengers of all classes- * ^ room sleeping oars New Orleans, Via Atlafit* 1 b® Leaving Washington ea<h ' urday, a tourist sleeping car ^ between Washington ana without change. , Nos. 11,¥aad 12-Pui ll »“*ff tween Richmond and Q n * r ‘„>> southbound Nos.-*ll and 3*, The Air Line Belle tram, - ^ tween Atlanta and Oorn*^' cept Sunday. F. S. GANNON. Third V-P. A Gen. Mgr., Washington, D. C. __ w. A. TURK. Gen’l Pass. Ag’t., Washing—, 9. C-