The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 12, 1898, Image 2

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»v---rw&i* -c* ' *• 7******* • r. i snaBVUtsL l iV ■auVfava Ohronic Dyspepsia Cured. *7\| FTER suffering for nearly thirty years /-3i from dyspepsia, Mrs. H. E. Dugdale, A wife of a prominent business man of Warsaw, N. Y., writes: “For 28 years. I was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and a weak stomach. The lightest ; food produced distress, causing severe pain and the forma tion of gas. No matter how careful of my diet I suffered agonizing pain after eating. I was treated by many physicians and tried numerous remedies without permanent help. Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills and Nervine. Within a week I commenced improving, and per sisting in the treatment I was soon able to eat what l liked, with no evil effects I keep them at hand and a single dose dispels any old symptoms.” Dr. Miles’ Remedies g^. are sold by all drug-jgsjv- ^ ' gists under a positive gg.' , -^§3 guarantee, first bottle jp« benefits or money re- |b gtegtor®$ Jjg funded. Book on dis- glu* eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. THOMPSONS HILLS. Tha i'armers in this community a re progressing re? v nicely. They h av gnn to p re on re t heir lands aud haul gnat o for a new crop. T! chool has a large regular att-mda ice. Miss Lula Wofford being -• cured a* an assistant adds greatly to its success. She is fully competent for the place she fills and is loved by all the students. Miss Essie Br . zil one of Buford a most charming ladies, is a student and is making the highest mark of success. There will be a joint debate be- tv, een the bo vs and girls Friday in the hall. Essie Brazil and Aa ron Wofford, champions. Sub- pei : Resolved that pure english is more expressive than slang. We have singing at the hall every second and fourth Sun day. Mr. J. M. Prater and wife have returned and are living with Mr. J. N. Davis. Colonel W. A. Broughton of Madison is considering the request of many friends who are urging him to make the race for state treasurer. This information comes direct from Colonel Broughton himself. Africana Will cure RHEUMATISM. Africana Will cure SCROFULA. Africana Will cure OLD SORES. Africana Will cure SYPHILIS. Africana Will cure CONSTIPATION. Africana Will cure EXZEMA. CA- - TARRH and all BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. Africana NEVER FAILS. It is the true Remedy for all BLOOD DISEASES. Sold by your druggist. . BOWDRE. Mr. Cicero Cagle will probably be a candidate for sheriff. The union meeting at Airline was full of interest and had a good attendance. Mr. B. Baw lias just returned from a trip oyer in Gilmore. Mr. Cagle has a very large vine yard and is contemplating ship ping hie grapes in baskets of his own make. Mr. Rucker i6 an all-around good farme” but as a turnip maker he has no equal. This is proven by the fact that he has a very large bank put up and plenty in the patch. His plan is this; select some suitable place, sow in rows and then thin and work. Mr: Hyde has his new house completed. Bagging- Grapes. A writer who maims to know . says: “Bagging cannot but bring', ox a OF Tiwo ^ : for J CANDLER. The cold weather seems to have driven most people indoors. Walter Floyd met with a bad pleasure to the owner, especially j The bladder was cr, :;: accident Wednesday while ceilirg wheh but a few vines are owned ; his house. He was standing on a j and the rruil used v • ! v on the . any form of disease plank which was resting on some | home table. But the bagging of j two ways. The first w.-V chairs, and fell over the back of j grape.* has an economical as well | perfect action of o le one of them. He was knocked | pleasuresbie feature to the owner, breathless and his back was hurt. j as it produces choice, clean fruit. ! Bagging fruit is a sure preven- titive of grape rot. Again, when the . newly formed small grape clusters are covered with a Charley Newton has has sold his j bag and securely fastened, depre- j If not doctored “ nations of birds and insects will *■ 7 be almost, if not wholly avoided. The latter sting many of the ber ries and make them woniiv.” Master Junius Odell is quite sick at present. Miss Renie Lan caster is also sick. not -pt second, way is from careb ss meut of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE Unhealthy trrrne f rom kidneys is the chief cau- e troubles. So the womb. ];> der. was created' for one engine which has been moved from our place recently. The participants report having- had quite an enjoyablp time at the pound supper at Mr. J. C. Bell s Tuesday evening. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promply attended to; they are nat ure’s warnings that something- is wrong. Many persons die yictems of kidney diseases who could have been saved had they taken proper precau tions. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. Mc- leans Liver and Kidney Balm has saved V 5 , , , , . t n , t_i ,- T , is why she drank it. tnousands of valuable lives. 11 you haye any derangement of the kidneys try it. Price $1-00 a bottle. For Sale bv M. C. Brown & Co. There are already five candidates in the field for the Democratic nomination tor-the Governorship of South Carolina, and there are still other counties to be heard from. On this side of the river we have as yet only one canidate. Is there * more patriotism in South Carolina than in Georgia? Is the office of Governor of our sister state more desirable than the office of Governor of Georgia? —Savannah News. Dr. Catherine Elliot Carradice, latest edition of the “new woman,” walked into a saloon, in Atlanta, and called for a drink'of good old Scotch whiskey, which she drank with a relish that would have! made any old bum rather ashamed of himself. But she said it was; good and she wanted it, and that j to weakness or disease, e-i cases. It is situated back ./ close to the bladder. the- pain, disease or LeonvenC" tested in the bladder or sage is often, bv mistake The Georgia Pine Railway has female weakness or word, T* reached Damascus and our neigh- some sort. The_pn-, r p y bors down there are happy thereat.! aad ma ~ v be easi K avoiy; * ! out correctly, set your uri-. twenty four hours: a Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers may be - prevented by keeping the system toned up with Hood s Sar saparilla. A Flag ci Warning. Beware ©fine dry, tickling, hacking, morning cough, for it warns you that consumption lurks near. The famous Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will cure it. 4 T had a very bad cough. One doctor pronounced it consumption. I used Dr. Bui! s Cougli Syiup and was com- phlet. both sent f- pletely cured ; th.e cough left me and The Georgia Crack--; has never come back. Simon Smasal, dress ..o Dr. 375 31st Street, Chicago, Ills."’ Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup costs but 25 cents. Ask for Bull’s, take only Bull’s. j tling indicates kidney hie. The mild and th effect of Dr. Kilmer's , v | great kidney, and p I soon real Vzed. I f von : you should have the gists fifty cents and may have a sample •, cress no ur. ivoni ton. N. Y. The pi per guarantee the oflev. Your Present Need Is pure, rich blood, and a strong aud healthy body because with the ap proach of spring aDd the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have accumulated du ring colder weather mast now be ex pelled or serious cousequences will re sult. The one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye today is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Its record of cures is unequalled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will prepare you for spring by purifying and enriching your blood and toning and invigora ting your whole system. More Sugar than Sentiment. Not one man in one hundred m the United States has any interest or sentiment in favor of the an nexation of Hawaii. It is sugar not sentiment, that pleads for that folly. It is the speculator, not the citizen, that desires it.—New York World. Mark Hardin and Phil Cook are running neck and neck for sec retary of state. John T. Boufeuil- iet and Frank Callaway are trying conclusions for clerk of the house. This will be a great year in Georgia. “Shall T not take mine rase in mine inn ?”—Henry IV. EJeaant *Jy fM* ZZ i v U w Qs v3 The Best i:t the City. Prompt Attea-ion a:id High, Cool, Airy Rooms. You pay only for what von order 7 harners Nonescfdi si Rooms MONEY TO JU)A3 We now have plenty of mom on improved farm lands amid; city property. Terms and mi eral. Call and see us. (2-25-*93) Dunlap a ?:■; Free tuition. We give one or 1 arships in every county in the U, Will accept boss; $2.50 Reward. It is said that the oldest house in America is in St. Augustine, Fla. It was built in' 1564 by the monks of the order of St. Francis, and the whole of the solid structure is composed of coquinie, a combi nation of sea shells and mortar, which is almost totally destruct ible. The house is now occupied by Mr. W. J. Henderson as a win ter residence. There are many accidents to live stock which cause delay and loss to the farmer in his work. In a large num ber of instances the delay would be trifling if a remedy was promptly ap plied. Dr. J. H McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been re garded as the farmers friend, its heal ing influence on the flesh of domestic animals is immediate and permanent. Price 25c, 50c. $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Mrs Cora Chaplin Weed of Iowa is an applicant before President McKinley for a consulate in Swit zerland or Germany. She speaks French and German fluently, and is a woman of extensive travel and business experience.' She is a widow. Don’t Neglect lour Liver. Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects Ins liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns’ Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality will always follow its use. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. The Haggard Specific Co., Will give three boxes of their Specific Tablets, worth $2.50. to any one who may have used as much as one box of their tablets without decided benefit, j We have never heard of a single case j where the tablets have failed to give j satisfactory’ results, and if there is a person to be found who has used them without benefit w*e want to know who he is and where to find him. . They never fail to cure kidney and bladder troubles and affections of the genital organs aud overcome all debility and weakness in both men and women. They improve the appetite, aid diges tion and assimilation and overcome constipation. They have vital effect on all of the secretory organs and es tablish a healthy condition of the mu cous and gland secretions in every part of the body; overcome all torpid eondi- ! tions of the capillaries and secure per- ! feet circulation of the blood, so that j every* organ is supplied and every func- j tion is normal and healthy. Being the only remedy ever compounded that | fully meets the logical physiological j The Gainesville conditions of the human system, it is i Transfer Com- For Lacies and Gentlemes. < Sitting Loom and Toilet | Conveniences are provided. ( Coe; Peachtree ar.d Marietta Sis. j Nercross Eai-dic^. ATLANTA, 6A. ; TAK£ ELEVATOR. FIFTH FLOOR. f. {Positions* • • Suczranteed Under reasonable conditions .... 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE or can deposit mos until position i= - fare paid. Nor t fer at anytime, c j sexes. CheapbA, _ free illastrati Address J. F. Draughou, Pres t,^^ Draughort’s Practical.,.,. Business .... NASHYILLE, TERN., AND TEXARKMii Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type-jj The most thorough, practical an schools of the kind in the world, patronized ones in the South. Jcdcrsr. 1 ers, merchants, ministers a ad weeks in bookkeeping w i r5 are cl twelve weeks by the old plarr. ]Y.DrJ : President, is author of Draug'x 5 j of bookkeeping, “Double Entry Y Home study. We have prepvu study, books on bookkeeping, parr shorthand. Write for price list “H:: Extract. *‘Prok. Draugiion—Vt. keeping at home from your books, v a position as night telegraoh open.: Leffixgwell, Bookkeeper for Gera; Wholesale Grocers, South Chirac (Mention, this p.aper. teh- i - Trade Roarks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description map quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,Broad » a >' New York Branch Office. 625 P StL, Washington, D. C. Horse Owners! 'WCiiJl B ali! A Safe Speedy sifc The Safest, Best SLISTERe- the place of all liniments lor mild ors Removes all Bunches or Bic-n;isfc;?: ; t and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ! Of? FIRING- Impossible to productd ' Every bottle sold is warranted to c 5 Price 31.50 per bottle. Sold t 1 | sent by express, charges paid, w:: : for its use. Send for desiriativ. j THE LAWREXCE-WILLU: p fC-V it. asBggBaaaBasaggBSB^ 3 Gainesville Transfer C| OPERATE BUS LINES OX SCHEBlLt no wonder that they’ give results un known to medical science. No matter if the doctors and all remedies have failed, try the Tablets and be convinced that they’ are superior to all known remedies. Their effect on the nerve centres is a complete surprise to phy sicians who have used them. Cases that have baffled the skill of best phy- ! sicians and no remedies seemed to ben- : efit, have been promptly controlled and | permanently cured by the Tablets. Cases where injections of morphine haye been resorted to as the only means of temporary relief have been promptly* controiled by the Tablets and the trou ble completely* overcome by their use. Price, one box'$l; three boxes $2.50. If not on sale in your locality, order direct from Haggard Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. DAY TRIP. 1 Good only over our lines To any point in city limits, includin New Holland and Govrer. Gainesv !1a Transfer Co. 5 cei tc Belle both ! a n d f • ] 11 Did notice. When ycu want a Messenger Boy Fhc r j Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, and 5 cer.t-- to message, within city limits. Kindly T phone 102 your orders, and if you wish, V ] Y up for your train, either day or night, in case you b£ v - 1 - your residence. The Gainesville Telephone Company will have an o; r '| will remain on duty all night and protedt our patrons h-' 1 convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TRA*5f ;: