The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 19, 1898, Image 2

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Miraculous Benefit RECEIVED FROM Dt. Miles* New Heart Cure. E LI P. BABCOCK, of Avoca, N. Y., a veteran of the 3rd N. Y. Artillery and for thirty years of the Babcock & Mtinsel Carriage Co., of Auburn, says: “I write to express my gratitude forthemirac- lous benefit received from Dr. Miles* Heart Cure. I suffered for years, as result of army life, from sciatica which affected my heart in the worst form, my limbs swelled from the ankles up. I bloated until I was unable to button my clothing; had sharp pains about the heart, smothering spells and shortness of breath. For three months I was unable to lie down, and all the sleep I got was in an arm chair. I was treated by the best doctors but gradually grew worse. About a year ago I commenced taking Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure and it saved my life as if by a miracle.” Dr. Miles’ Remedies i are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The Boon of Prose. When Tennvson was offered the laureatesbip he took a whole day to consider, and at last wrote two letters, one accepting, one re- fn sing, and determined to make up his mind after a consultation with his friends at dinner. He said: “In the end I accepted the honor because during dinner Venable told me that if I became poet lau reate I should always, when I dined- out, be offered the liver wing of the fowl.” The immediate re sult of becoming poet-laureate was that poems and letters poured in, and Tennyson writes: “I get such shoals of poems that I am almost crazed with them. The 2,000,000 poet s of Great Britain deluge me daily with poems. Truly, the laureateship is no sinecure. If any good soul would by way of di version send me a tome of prose!” —Chicago News. Caller—“You call this garden scene June, but the leaves are all on the ground, instead of on the trees.” D’ Auber—“They were on the trees, but the picture got such a withering criticism from the committee that they curled up and fell off.” Africana Will cure RHEUMATISM. Africana Will cure SCROFULA. Africana Will cure OLD SORES. Africana Will cure SYPHILIS. Africana Will cure CONSTIPATION. Africana Will cure EXZEMA. CA TARRH and all BLOOD and .SKIN DISEASES. Africana NEVER FAILS. It is."the true Remedy for all BLOOD DISEASES. old' by your Druggist.' The Man of the Hour. An eye single to the interests of state.—Douglas Breeze. Lrike a cyclone he will sweep the state.—-Rome Commercial. IBooks like nobody cares to run up against “the one-eyed plowboy.” —Albany Herald. Enthusiastically endorsed every day. He is a winner.—Augusta Chronicle. Next governor of Georgia surpris ed that the men editors don’t get in the band wagon.—Rome Georgian. Democrat of the old school, and we are rallying under his banner -^-Fort Gaines Sentinel. Can there be any excuse for any body running against him for governor?—Macon News. Almost a certainty that he will not run—he will walk into the executive mansion.—Griffin Call. No excuse for any man opposing him. The people will stand by him.—Rome Commercial. Democrat of the old fashioned kind, and has an influence that will be hard to overcome.— Hawkinsville Dispatch. Eeaves no room for any doubt as to whether financial question will be an issue in the campaign. —Albany Herald. Ease with wffiich the successorship to Governor Atkinson has been settled is something extraordi nary.—Savannah News. Really amazing to see how some of the politicians are falling over each other in the effort to con vince him that they are for him. —Columbus Ledger. Your Present Need Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body because with the ap proach of spring and the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have accumulated du ring colder weather must now be ex pelled or serious consequences will re sult. The one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye today is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Its record of cures is unequalled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla will prepare you for spring by purifying and enriching your blood and toning and invigora ting your whole system. Two newsboys in the gallery wit ness a performance of “Hamlet.” In the last scenes, after Hamlet has killed Laertes and the King, and the Queen has died of poison and Hamlet of a poisoned wound, one of the newsboys exclaims: “Jim, what a time that must have been for extra specials?” » There are many accidents to live stock which cause delay and loss to the farmer in his work. In a large num ber of instances the delay would be trifling if a remedy was promptly ap plied. Dr. J. H McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been re garded as the farmers friend', its heal ing influence on the flesh of domestic animals is immediate and permanent. Price 25c, 50c. $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Overworked. “When Jones married that $40,- 000 widow he thought he could quit work.” “Well, hasn’t he?” “Not much ; he has broken down his constitution trying to get money out of her.”—Chicago Record. - • An Old Idea. Every day strengthens the belief of emi nent physicians that impure blood is the cause of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-five years ago this theory was used as a basis for the formula of Browns’ Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. A Surprise for the Parson. A clergyman who was partic ular about his personal appearance went to preach in-a country parish. Finding there was no glass in the vestry and fearing his hair might not be quite as smooth as it should be, he asked the clerk if he could get him a glass. The man was gone some minutes, But at length returned and produced a parcel very mysteriously from under his arm. To the astonishment of the clergyman when it was opened it contained a bottle of whisky, with water and a tumbler. “You mustn’t let on about it, mister,” said the clerk, “for I got it as a great favor, an’ I shouldn’t ha’ got it at all, bein’ church hours, if I hadn’t a said it was for you.”—New Haven Union Comes Up Again. Upguardson (laying aside copy of popular magazine)—“The old story of the last sickness and death of George Washington never loses its interest, does it?” Atom—“No. One can never help wondering how longer he might have lived if the doctors hadn’t bled him to death.’—Chi cago Tribune. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promply attended to; they are nat ure’s warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die yictems of kidney diseases who could have been saved had they taken proper precau tions. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. Mc- leans Liver and Kidney Balm has saved thousands of valuable lives. If you haye any derangement of the kidneys try it. Price $1.00 a bottle. For sale bv M. C. Brown & Co. The cheerful live longest in life, and after it, in our regards. Cheer fulness is the offshot of goodness. It is a sanitary principle as well to the body as to the mind, and is‘ to both the cause and effect of health. $2.50 Reward. The Haggard Specific Co., Will give three boxes of their Specific Tablets, worth $2.50, to any one who may have used as much as one box of their tablets without decided benefit. We have never heard of a single case where the tablets have failed to give satisfactory results, and if there is a person to be found who has used them without benefit we want to know who he is and where to find him. They never fail to cure kidney and bladder troubles and affections of the genital organs and overcome all debility and weakness in both men and women. They improve the appetite, aid diges tion and assimilation and overcome constipation. They have vital effect on all of the secretory organs and es tablish a healthy condition of the mu cous and gland secretions m every part of the body; overcome all torpid condi tions of the capillaries and secure per fect circulation of the blood, so that every organ is supplied and every func tion is normal and healthy. Being the only remedy ever compounded that fuliy meets the logical physiological conditions of the human system, it is no wonder that they give results un known to medical science. No matter if the doctors and all remedies have failed, try the Tablets and be convinced that they are superior to all known remedies. Their effect on the nerve centres is a complete surprise to phy sicians who have used them. Cases that have baffled the skill of best phy sicians and no remedies seemed to ben efit, have been promptly controlled and permanently cured by the Tablets. Cases where injections of morphine baye been resorted to as-the only means of temporary relief have been promptly controlled by the Tablets and the trou ble completely overcome by their use. Brice, one box $1; three boxes $2 50. If not on sale in your locality, order direct from Haggard Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. A Hint A bout Rugs. The slipping of n g.v on smooth,, hard floors is a serious annoyance i even a danger. A rug salesman! tells how to prevent it. “Wet the rugs thoroughly,” “and turn them j right side downward until dry. It will not hurt them and will re lieve this tendency to slip.” The explanation is that the wetting dissolves some slightly gummy substance used in their treatment whose drying makes them slippery. ONE OF TWO ’VVA’fcJ xOT iroi 7S. His Impression. Hewitt—Did you marry money? Jewett—I guess so; money talks.—Town Topics. Bubbles—“My wife and I met by accident—thrown together by chance, as it were.” Wheelwom- an (eagerly.)—“Did yov break the bicycles?’ ’ Wonders Never Cease. No one need suffer the tortures of rheumatism, because that modern lini ment, Salvation Oil, positively cures it. “I was a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, and the best of doctors attended me without relief. I com menced using Salvation Oil, and two bottles helped me wonderfully. It certainly lias worked wonders with me. Mrs E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield, Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all dealers for 25 cts. Take no substitute. The blsulder was created for pose, namely, a receplacl* urine, and as such it is not u any form of disease except by 7 x two ways. The first way perfect action of the kidne second way is from careless loea, ment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from U nh . kidneys is ohe chief cause of v? - troubles. So the womb Hl-o ' der, was created for one purpose if not doctored too much is Qot to weakness or disease, exec- cases. It is situated back Q j , close to the bladder, therefo a pain, disease or inconvenience fested in the bladder or urinarr 3 sage is often, bv mistake, attribrn f female weakness or womb trout; some sort. The error is easily ' j and may be easily avoided X(j out correctly, set your urine asid twenty four hours; a sediment , tling indicates kidney or bladder-* 1 ble. The mild and the extraornC effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-RoQ,, great kidney, and bladder renir soon realized. If you need a medial you should have the best. J gists fifty cents and one dollar* may have a sample bottle and phlet, both sent free by mail. The Georgia Cracker and send - 1 dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ton, N. Y. The proprietors per guarantee the genuineness ,* jj offer. “Shall I not take mine ea?o in mine inn ? r —Henry IV. Elegant als <42- MONEY TO LOAN, We now* have plentyof money to] on improved fartn lands and Gaines city property. Terms and inter eral. Call and see us. (2-25-’98) Dunlap & Picek P The Best in the Citv. Prompt Alton Lion and High, Cool, Airy Rooms. You pay only for what vou order. Warner’s Nonesuch Lunch Rooms For Ladies and Gentlemen. Sitting Room and Toilet Conveniences are provided. Coo Peachtree ana Marietta Sts. Norcross Bunding. ATLANTA, GA. TAKE elevator. FIFTH FLOOR. {Positions.. • Suaranteed Under reasonable conditions .... 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confldentiaL Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,Braad " a »- New York Branch Office. 625 F St™, Washington, D. C. Free tuition. We give one or morefiaj arships in every county in the U. & Will accept notes r or can deposit mom until position is so fare paid. No vaoa ter at anytime. Opesjjj sexes. Cheap board jj free illustrated Address J. F. Dratjghox, Pres’t, at < Draughon’s Practical.*... Business .... NASHVILLE, TEHN., AND TEXARKAriAS Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewr The most thorough, practical and prk schools of the kind in the world, and i patronized ones in the South. Indorsed try 1 ers, merchants, ministers and ouers. weeks in bookkeeping with us are < j twelve weeks by the old plan. j President, is author of Draughon's of bookkeeping', “Double Entry Model Home study. We have prepared for| study, books on bookkeeping, pemndT shorthand. Write for price list “Hc~4 Extract. ’‘Prof. Draughon—Hears keeping at home from your books, vrhiieJ a position as night telegraph operator.] Ltoffingwepl, Bookkeeper for Gerber!" Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago. HI (Mention this paper when writimA Hors© Owners! Ci m A Safe Speedy ail The Safest, Sect BLlSTcRerc: the place of all liniments for mild ors* Removes all Bunches or Blemishes i* and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL ^ Oft FIRING. Impossible to produce - Every bottle sold is warranted to rrr> Price $5=50 per bottle, fold by? rent by express, charges pail, rv;tb o for its use. Send for descriptive e; TEE LAWRENCE-WILLIAMs CO-, C j ». ESBBggg Gainesville Transfer Cj OPERATE BITS LINES ON SCHEDULE- cr Transfer Com pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. DAY TRIP. ub. Good only over our Lines To anv point in city limits, including , New Holland and Gower. G R nesv lb Transfer Co. j 5 cer.i to Belle both and u n t n notice. A^hen ycu want a Messenger Boy Fhon< Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, and D o message, within city limits. Kindly phone 102 your orders, and if you w-ish, we w ■ ip for your train, either day or night, in case -you • r our residence. ’ : v The Gainesville Telephone Company will have an "r vill remain on duty all night and protect our patrons j ■oiiyenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TRAN^t