The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 26, 1898, Image 6

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Suffered 20 Years. M RS. MARY LEWIS, wife of a promi nent farmer, and well known by all old residents near Belmont, N. Y,. writes: “For twenty-seven years I had been a constant sufferer from nervous prostra tion, and paid large sums of money for doc tors and advertised remedies without bene fit. Three years ago my condition was alarming; the least noise would startle and unnerve me. I was unable to sleep, had a number of sinking spells and slowly grew worse. I began using Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills. At first the medicine seemed to have no effect, but after taking a few bottles I began to notice a change; I rested better at night, my appe tite began to improve and I rapidly grew better, until now I am as nearly restored to health as one of my age may expect. God bless Dr.Miles’Nervine.’* Dr. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL Cleaning a Carpet. For cleaning the spots on the carpet ox gall or ammonia and water are excellent. The propor tion is one tablespoonful of house hold ammonia to four parts of wa ter, or use one tablespoonful ot ox gall to one quart of water. Apply with a sponge or flannel, not too wet, and rub until nearly dry. Lime spots may be removed with vinegar. This must be used quick- 13 7 - and washed off immediately. For soot, cover with salt or corn- meal and sweep up. To remove ink spots pour on milk, and as it becomes colored absorb with a blotting or other soft absorbent paper; coarse butcher’s paper is good. As soon as the ink’ is re moved wash with warm water and castile soap—nothing stronger —10 remove the grease of the milk. Gen. C. A. Evans will send out 'B circular to all of the Confeder ate camps in the State, requesting the veterans who attend the re union, to be held in Atlanta the coming summer, to wear gre} 7 coats and caps. He sa\ T s that these can be made up cheaply for the occa sion at a very small cost. He hopes to have his suggestion adop ted. Africana Will cure RHEUMATISM. Africana Will cure SCROFULA. Africana Will cure OLD SORES. Africana Will cure SYPHILIS. Africana Will cure CONSTIPATION. Africana Will cure EXZEMA, CA TARRH and all BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. Africana NEVER FAILS. It is the true Remedy for all BLOOD DISEASES. old by your Druggist A Pioneer Post-office. William Beatty, a farmer near Sciotoville, Ohio, while splitting up a tree which ho had ieiieo on his farm, found in the heait of the trunk a buckskin bag contain ing a letter, discolored by age. The writing bad practically faded away, only a word here and theie being intelligible. The tree wa$ evidently 150 vears old, and it thought that the letter had beer, placed there a hundred years ag'>- when the tc Little Scioto trail from the Ohio River to Ghillicoth*- was used by the traders, and pas sed close to where the old tree stood. The hole in which the let ter had been completely covered by the new growth of the tree. It was undoubtedly one of the ‘ post- offices” of the pioneers. If you feel weak, dull and discour aged. you will find a bottle of Hoou s Sarsaparilla will do you wonderful good. The local newspaper is a photo graph of the town it represents, and is the onl} 7 evidence its readers have away from home of the towns prosperity. In order to make the impression good every business firm should be represented by a standing advertisement—and the larger the better. Your Present Need Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body because with the ap proach of spring and the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo l'adical changes. All the impurities which have accumulated du ring colder weather must now be ex pelled or serious consequences will re suit. The one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye today is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Its record of cures is unequalled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla will prepare you for spring by purifying and enriching your blood and toning and invigora ting your whole system. A prominent Populist in Iowa is 8ueing his wife for a divorce. He was a.candidate for state senator and for congress, and claims that his wife has teased him so much .about his political deteat that his health has been impaired. There are many accidents to live stock which cause delay and loss to the farmer in his work. In a large num ber of instances the delay would be trifling if a remedy was promptly ap plied. Dr. J. II McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been re garded as the farmers friend, its heal ing influence on the flesh of domestic animals is immediate and permanent. Price 25c, 50c. $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Don’t forget that all the voters are required to register again this year so he allowed a vote in any election held the fact of having registered last year or at any pre vious time will not give . you the right to vote this year. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. £ ay >1 o-To-Bac of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or $1 00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Ten million dollar’s worth of of fertilizers were used in Georgia last year to produce a twenty-five million dollar cotton crop. Bet ter raise corn and hogs, it will pay larger dividends. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promply attended to; they are nat ure’s warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die yictems of kidney diseases who could have been saved had they taken proper precau tions. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. Me- leans Liver and Kidney Balm has sa ved thousands of valuable lives. If you haye any derangement of the kidneys try it. Price $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown <fc Co. CG,, Elkhart, Ind. HON. ROBERT L BERNER. A Short Sketch, of the Life of che 2STew Candidate. IT on Robert L- Berner, who he- announced himself as a on no for governor before the Democ a., i* convention, is one oi tne known Georgians in public lite- At present he is president < li!< ' Georgia stat • w-nate, Mr. Bwi-er was a'member of the house «>f rep resentatives from 18S4 t<> 18 JO, and while there made an excellent reputation as a legislator and De bater. His bill to comply with the competitive clause of the con stitution, familiarly known as the •‘Berner biil,” was the most im portant piece of legislation at that session. The bill passed the house, but was defeated in the senate. Mr. Berner has the reputation of being one of the best stump speakers in Georgia and besides is scholarly and eloquent. Although a Pothunter. Mi stall Mose— I- oi:u till dat Pompey man 3*0 ' n uff o’tsutau !*’ ONE OF TWO W,VY S The bladder was created r, St! 11 u i j i r i i ■ i •. i :. < niggah don I ! Dei:»< crat. . C inrun re Hav in a per-non; Lir* r;itnr *. vrii <it>n11n :linY in has it v.-r ma; | pose, namely, a reeeptaek j dat | urine, and as such it is tio’ -d <• 1 '--Sr. dat! , , i ms U lohe- ! !•!!:•(] poet, • ■ Current i S: e i ! e i.. t, i :i 11;! fit V < : ! St . W i\6 01’.“ i ail! rn>iv i<> ree Mm men's ■ypr•wi'i’.or. find he fas i<~- 1 cv< j F since tie v were ii.'WL i s o s r ! a;; [r.o first < \ the ;i them in U'o- any jLorm of two ways. The firs. ■ t \- | perfect action of rim kit second way is from ca r. A, meat of other diseases. IHliir CAr.sL Unhealthy mine from kidneys is the chief <- , .t, ; troubles. Ho llo- wouib. ]• der. was eves ted for <>, if not doctored t«*oim?-. : to weakness or disease, eases. It is situnna n , •close to tilt: bium . r. pair., disease or ir.o n lest e sage is Often, female weakness or T1 sue <>Re •in i, i. ■ Cod Without A Rival. As a positive cure for sprains,bruises, and pains of all kinds. Salvation Oil has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes : This Tells Where Health May be Found uj use d Salvation Oil ill ill}* family And that is more important than makj}; andean sa3 r it lias no rival as a lini ment; it certainly cures pains. I sprained my ankle ami it cured me and since then I have alvvaj'S used it for any pains and bruises.” Salvation Oil is sold for onl3 r 25 cents. No other remed3 r will do the work as promptly. ing money. If your blood is impure, j Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the medicine lor j you. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, j rheumatism, catarrh and all other dis- j eases originating in or promoted by mi- j pure blood and low state of the system. : HOOD’S PILLS are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, head ache. type- Presence of Mind. Biggs—“Sa3 r , that new writer of mine is a peach.” Boggs—“Sh-h-h? Your wife is listening.” Biggs—“Yes, sir; it’s the finest machine on the market—a Smith- j ington No. 16.”—Facts. the n, • I die hbf ikr i... ; ; ]j a k rad >re aj.1 " ®5&| ubii :uiei i 11 •„. r, ed\ some sort. ; no err-ji- and may be easily out correctly, set yo’-r twenty four hours: ;• ; tling* indicates kidney hie. The mild and \ 1 effect of Dr. XilmerV great kidney, and 11; soon realized. If v**n Tired % , you should have the be;, gists fifty cents and ,.i;e ,t,-y may have a sample bolt ■ ■„ plilet, both sene free- by rub . eeipt of three two-eont- - ; s , cost of postage on the Laile. The Georgia < Kicker and >>. dress to Dr. inliner Co.. ton, In. V. The proprietorsofi.V.; per guarantee the genuineness oi o tier. A new hat factory in Rio Janei ro at present employs 120 opera tives and makes a thousand hats dail3 T . At its full capacity it can employe 600 operatives with a -daily output of five thousand hats. $2.50 Reward. The Haggard Specific Co., Will give three boxes of their Specific Tablets, worth $2.50, to any one who ! may have used as much as one box of their tablets without decided benefit. We have never heard of a single case where the tablets have failed to give satisfactory results, and if there is a person to be found who has useu. them without benefit we want to know who he is and where to find him. They never fail to cure kidney ano bladder troubles and affections of the genitaj organs and overcome all debility and weakness in both men and women. They improve the appetite, aid diges tion and assimilation and overcome constipation. They have vital effect on all of the secretory organs and es tablish a healthv condition of the mu cous and gland secretions in every part of the body; overcome all torpid condi tions of the capillaries and secure per fect circulation of the blood, so that every organ is supplied and every func tion is normal and healthy. Being the only remedy ever compounded that fully meets the logical physiological conditions of the human system, it is no wonder that they give results un known to medical science. No matter if the doctors and all remedies have failed, try the Tablets and be convinced that they are superior to all known remedies. Their effect on the nerve centres is a complete surprise to phy sicians who have used them. Cases that have baffled the skill of best phy sicians and no remedies seemed to ben efit, have been promptly controlled and permanently cured by the Tablets. Cases where injections of morphine haye been resorted to as the only means of temporary relief have been promptly controlled by the Tablets and the trou ble completely overcome by their use. “Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn ?”—Hunky IV. Deg a sit Fa & > v 3 is £ MON1SY TO LOAN. We now have plenty of money tola on improved farm lands and Gained city property. Terms and in teres:: eral. Call and see us. (2-25-*9S) . Dunlap & PiCKPt The Best i.i the City. Prompt Atteu ion and High. Cool, Airy <■■ms. You pay only for what vou order. Warners Nonesuch Lunch Hoosns For Ladies nnd Oentlenaen. Sitting Boom and Toilet Conveniences are pro video. Coi*; Peachtree end Marietta Sts. Norcross DaZding. ATLANTA, GA. TAKE ELEVATOR. 'MFIFTH FLOOR. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Free tuition. We give one or more freev arships in every county in the U. S. Wi-j| Will accept notesfertz or can deposit money:: i until position is secimii fare paid. No vaatio ter at any time. Oped; sexes. Cheapboaru.: free illustrated f . | ^Positions,. . £ Suaranteed f ) \ Under reasonable 4 ; conditions . . . . Address J. F. Eraughon, Pres’t, at ctii | i Dmughon’s Business.... \ NASHVILLE, TENN., AND TEXARKM4, TO&. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting The most thorough, practical ani pogren schools of the kind in the world, and ftq patronized ones ir the South. Indorsed’sj ers, merchants, ministers and ethers, week.s in bookireepin^ with us are t". twelve weeks by the*old plan. J. F.Uraa President, is author of Draughon’s nwa of bookkeeping, “Double Rntry Made h* Home study. We have prepared f:: study, books on bookkeeping, penman.-:: shorthand. Write for price list “Honers Extract. ‘‘Prof. Dratjghox—I learac:: keeping at home from your books, whi ria a position as night telegraph operator. - Leffingwell, Bookkeeper for Gerreri: Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, Ill. (Mention this paper when writing} ■sl ii Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma|> quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, *3 a year; four months, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 38,Br# * d « i ' r ' New York Branch Office. 635 F St, Washington, D. C. Horse Owner GCULDATJi: eys b agff. Caysi Bals A Safe Speedy auii' 1 The Safest, Best BLISTER ever?- the place of all liniments lor mild orseT, Removes all Bunches or Blemisbes fr'-l and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL , OR FIRING- Impossible to pruducesearv Every bottle Sold is warranted to give sa: Eh-ice $1.50 per bottle. Sold bv drags sent by express, charges paid, with iuii- for its use. Send for descriptive c:rc-.& THE LAWRENCE-WILLI AiiS C0-, Cley?,: Gainesville Transfer G OPERATE BUS LINES ON SCHEDULE. The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. DAY TRIP. Good only over our Lines To any point In city limits, including New Holland and Gower. Gainesville Transfer Co. 5c. 5 cent? to Belle $ both w and until ^ notice. When yc u want a Messenger Boy Fhons Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, and 5 cento- to message, within city limits. Kindly phone 102 3 T our orders, and if you wish, we ..'J up for 3 T our train, either day or night, in case you ha^e a your residence. The Gainesville Telephone Company will have an op^jj remain on duty all night and protect our p ofrnnSU convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TBASSFl 5 Price, one box $1; three boxes $2.50. will remain on duty all night and protect our patrons If not on sale in your locality, order ~ * ” direct from Haggard Specific Co., At lanta, 6a.