The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 19, 1898, Image 4

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CRACKER. STATE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (SSCES A _ 1 CALL FOR TWO CONVENTIONS. Gainesville, Ga., March 19, 18985 * r-*~l I^T have you noticed THAT © * ® © © @ THE CRACKER IS PRINTING MORE NEWS, ® BETTER NEWS. ® FRESHER NEWS, THAN ANY PAPER IN GAINESVILLE ? The State Democratic Executive Committee met in Atlanta | Thursday and decided to hold the primary for the state ticket on June 6th. and the convention June 29th, and the primary for the Supreme . court on June 23rd. and the convention July 20th. Chairman A. S. j Clay retired, and Hon. Fleming (J. duBignon of Chatham, was elected in his stead. The following resolutions were adopted by the committee. “1. Resolved, That a democratic primary, for state house officers be held in all the several counties of the state on June 6th, 1898, for the purpose of nominating the candidates of the party for the offices j of governor, secretary of state, comptroller, commissioner of agricul ture, school commissioner, attorney general,.prison commissioner, and state treasurer. “2. That at said nominating primary, the several candidates for the nomination be voted for directly by the people entitled to vote at said primary, the name of the candidates being written or printed * j v /- 0 v, upon the ballot. A few more warm day- ana ^ That the re turns of said election be made the following day, in each county, to the county democratic executive committee, who • . . shall canvass the same and declare the result, the candidates receiv- The Georgia c* f .«*ne,a ar- -ea. mg the great a g t number of votes in said county for the several offices easier the war* scare issu osiamg., be deo]MW the choice of the party for said offices. And thereupon the delegates to the state nominating .convention shall be selected bv-the county executive committees of the several counties, from among the friends of the successful candidates in said primary. The delegates so appointed shall, in the state nominating convention, cast their votes in accordance with the wishes of the party so declared. “4. That the state convention for the nomination of etate house officers (not justices of the supreme court) be held on Wednesday, the 29th of June, 1898, in the city of Atlanta, at 11 a. m., in the hall of j | the house of representatives.” “Resolved, by the democratic executive committee of the state or; LOTS OF iug tackle will he in demand. It the gubernatorial candidates meet in joint debate there’ll be a hot time in Georgia. Gainesville is a good town and its people are good people. And Gainesville is growing every day. The activity in the Gainesville in the real estate market speaks well for J the town, and shows that property | Georgia: here is valuable. ’ “1. That it is the sense of the executive committee that nomina- ---- tions for judges of the supreme court to be elected in October, 1898. i Bob Berner’s red hot denuncia- s hould no t be made by the same convention which shall be called to tion of corporations, legislators ma i Ke nominations for governor and the other statehouse officers. “2. That the convention to make nominations for judges of the | supreme court to be elected in October, 1898, be called on the 26th day of July, 1898, at 12 o’clock, in., in the hall of the house of repre sentatives of the state of Georgia, at the capitol building m Atlanta* “3. That each county in the state of Georgia shall be entitled t fi representative in said convention by delegates double the number of the representatives from such county in the general assembly ol Arriving daily. We cordial ly invite you to call and sej them. and things in general is not ealcu lated to make him votes. After the nomination Bob Berner - eloquence in. be- will be using h half of nornim-e Candler, sound better t ien than :: T _ ’ll It Will Aspirants for legislative honors' ^ o1 ^' in Hall county ar? quite numerous. * And announce men t five dollars, cm omy n advance. That on the 23d day of June, 1898, each county in the state of ^ Georgia shall bv primary select delegates to said convention for tue - nomination of judges,#the number of delegates to oe selected by each _____ county to be equal to double the number ol the representatives in the The Populist party, body and general assembly from such county, soul, is Tom Watson—and he now “5. That the returns of said election be made the following day refuses to act. Doesn’t this mean in each county to the county democratic executive committee, who shall canvass the same and declare the result, the candidates receiv- I ing the greatest number of votes in said county for the several offices that the Populist party is dead? 54 Main St. ’Plicae 9. Talk up the Chautauqua, talk up j name d to be declared the choice of the party in said county for said the Seminary talk up Gainesville ! office. And thereupon the delegates of said nominating convention j talk up everything that will help ; ghall be selected by the county executive committee of the several j the Queen Citv of rhe Mountains, j counties from among the friends of the successful candidates in said ' primary. The delegates so appointed shall in the said nominating Colonel Candler voluntarily; P. N. PA -DEALER IN retires from office March 31st the vote of the 1 people he will soon j take a higher position than the one he leaves. * - j convention cast their votes in accordance with the wishes of the party By ! so declared.” [Cotton and Fertilizer Resolved. That to both conventions each county be entitled to twice as many delegates as it has members m tatives, and that credentials be issued by the re t saving mittees to no more delegates than their respective counties are enti tied to. “Resolved further, That no county shall be represented by prox- Gainesville, Ga., Feb. 1-t. -* Judge Atkinson is 1 much. Perhaps he’ll give the people something to talk about in his opening speech at Hawkins-1 ies held by persons not citizens of said counties, ville todav. j “Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee that the pri- > — —:—~—— rrr ; mar y for state house officers be held at the various election precincts ~ r A — Q f the several counties. “Resolved, That the qualifications of the voters in said primaries be left to the executive committee of each county, where they see fit to act, but where they do not act, we recommend that the qualifica tion for voting at the democratic primaries shall be that the voter be a democrat and that he will vote for the democratic nominees in said election. “This declaration not being intended to prevent the participation of anv voter who has not heretofore been a member of the democrat ic partv, but who wishes now to become soW Just as Good to sell you the b^st Fertilizers at the lowest prices you money if you trade with us. We manufacture J0J111 Special Guano. Eddyston Guano. Rockdale Guano, F-t Sea Bird High-grade Guano, Acid Phosphate with Pora-L. Our guaranteed analysis on our L st grades Am phoric Acid, 10 t<> 12 per cent; Ammonia, 8 to 4 per • 3 to 4 per cent. We can ana wnl make it to your from us, and will very much appreciate your patronac-. write for nrioes before vou-bnv elsewhere and thereby sav- 1 P. A. PA; With Atlanta Guar- ( as Scott's and we sell it much cheaper," is a statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott's Emulsion is called for* This shows that the druggists themselves regard $GQtt*S EmuSsson Meeting County Executive Com mittee. of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda as the The commencement at ,the Georgia Female Seminary this The Democratic Executive Com- year will be perhaps the best ever ; , i J . 1 , mittee of Hall county is requested field at this famous institution of to meet at the court house m learning. The Cracker is proud of fflu* Fnd ‘Gainesville Tuesday, April 5th, at the Seminary. desires to procure, the 44 standard" 2 p. m., to discuss and settle mat- — because he knows it has been of j tere pertaining to the county pri- untoid benefit, should not for one marv instant think of taking the tisis. Oi jxo. E. Redwine, Js.,Chair. using some untried prepa-1 . O o ration. The substitution | Gainesville, Ga., Mar. is, 9b. of something said to be f just as good" for a stand- Calss in Book-keep.av methods tavgat yt xt p lyntf-h EL. i . IVIi* j Expert Aeeouiitaii I desired. Call or : Bank building. Telephone Posts Wanted. Dr. C. A. R va'er »EXTI§T. , & ^ . , Our chautauqua is already at- ard preparation twenty- ^ rac ^i n g the attention of the press five years on the market, . , . . r-> should not be permitted by i al5Q P 80 ! 51 ® over the stat ®’ Every ; body knows its gouig to be a grand success, and everybody doesn’t attend it will envy every body that does. the intelligent purchaser. sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. See the man ana fish are on the wrapper 50c. and $1.00, ail druggists. -T & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Persons desiring to furnish posts for j telephone line from Gainesville to Dah- I lonega and Porter Springs. 35 posts to the mile. 20 feet long and 4 inches in diameter at small end. clear of bark, along- road by Murrayville and Bear den's bridge, will please call and see : me at the post-office at Gainesville, or write me. Chestnut posts preferred: then post-oak or white-oak. henry p. FARROW, j Gainesville First-class Dental Work. Head quarters tor best Tooth and Mouth Preparations. Georgia. Dr. C. H. WIN! The Dentist Room 3, Gordon BK*- ville. George- A Liberal Amount nf ^ Solicited.