The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 19, 1898, Image 5

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R oya! makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW v ORK. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate [or Representative ip the Lower House Kf the General Assembly, subject to the Uion of the Democratic party. Respectfully, W. 13. Sloan. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I have decided to make the race for derk of the Superior Court of Hall r*ountv. 1 make this announcement subject to the will of the Democratic Dartv. and will cheerfully abide by its , t j ou James T. Ciiamblee+ p r j. \V. Iiailey visited Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. II. D. Jaquish went to Atlanta Thursday. ; Messrs, doe Davis and Ed Merck went Atlanta Monday. Mrs. Moore of Bolding-, Ga.qisstop- ju^at the Pitchford House. Miss Marian Chambers is visiting- heads in Athens, where she is haying- [nice time. , Mrs. -T. B. George and children re- irned Wednesday from a pleasant tor datives in Atlanta. - Garland Smith, a charming lung lauy of Athens, is visiting Miss arrie Green on Broad street. |Mrs. G. H. Fuller and children are ing at Barnett, the old home of FiiPer where her parents live. [Miss Minnie Dunlap returned Wed- bsdav from Atlanta where she has ben very pleasantly visiting relatives. IMr. H. 33. Jennings, who has been in be city for two or three months buying form for Sloan Sc Co., left Tuesday for adison where he will remain until the son is over. |ksses Martha Campbell and Irene er left Saturday for Atlanta where hwill spend two or three weeks vis- bg relatives. No doubt they will ►e a pleasant visit. Mrs. Julia Hockaday and children t a day or two ago for their future float St. Louis,Mo., after a pleasant to the city a guest of the family of A. B. C. Dorsey. P consequence of the absence of V-. M. Walton, in New England, ■v WiJ! be lay service at the Episco- fehurch to-morrow instead of Cderi- pervice. at the usual hour 11:30 a. in. | r Eugene Bryson is holding down l«<euerson and Beiluiont branch of baiuesvilie, Jefferson & Southern f as conductor, in great shape, |1'.ends say. He is a popular and *r railroad man. O'ts'sr absence of two months vis it ■■ Brunswick and Atlanta, Miss Dunlap returned home Wed- t:ay to the delight of her friends. | was shown many charming social pilous and made many new friends. r uih Summer is having his store- r 1 - next door to the postoliice, great- Pproved. He has had it papered rnnu will have the front repair!— I I tie store presents a very pleas- pppearanee and is nicely kept at runes. I 1 *- B- Farrow arrived in the city r ll - a y und will remain here until F ' Uil Col. Farrow, when she will Mr. Gene Dawson was in the city j Thursday from Atlanta. Prof. A. W. Van lioose went to At lanta Thursday on a business trip. Coh Fletcher Johnson has been at tending United States court in Atlanta this week. Messrs. B. B. Landers, Prater and Haynes spent a day or two in Atlanta this week. Mr. H. M. Ouslev of Atlanta, was a guest at the Arlington a day or two this week. Messrs. W. F. Findley and W. B. Smith went to Athens Saturday to hear Brvan speak. They were highly pleased with his speech. Mrs. J. E. Jackson is back from New J York wliere she purchased a very fine j line of millinery, and she. will soon dis- ! play them to the people of Gainesville j and vicinity. The trestle across Walnut river near | Hoschton, on the Gainesville, Jefferson & Southern railroad, caught fire last ! Saturday night, ik is presumed by a spark from the engine of the north bound passenger train. No damage was done as it was discovered soon after it caught. Mr. C. H. Saunders of Gainesville, will gather all the petitions in behalf of his brother, L. L. Saunders, together and pKfi-sent them to the board of par<fons probably next Wednesday. Only one petition was presented to the board at the time action was taken, that petition being the one sent up from Gainesville. Mr. Saunders did not intend for the board to act on this petition at the time but it was turned over to them and through a misunderstanding action was taken. The board has agreed that Mr. Saunders should have another hearing and the matter will come up next Wed- nesday. A Sure Success. The Gainesville Chautauqua has been organized for the present year with $2,000 capital. It will no doubt be a success for the gentlemen behind it are • • ✓ capable and experienced.—Augusta Herald. Completely Prostrated Rheumatism, Scrofula and Ma laria Combined Merchants Return. Messrs. Geo. P. Estes and G. F. Turner returned Sunday afternoon from New York where they spent two weeks pur chasing spring goods. They made splendid selections they say and will be displaying new lines to their custo mers. A Wise Pet. Auditor G. II. Fuller of the Gaines ville, J'elferson & Southern railroad has i a new pet, and he says no mischief can be done around the depot now without its being found out. He brought up from Social Circle last Sunday a large owl which was captured and given him. The owl is a large one and Mr. Fuller appreciates his new pet. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured Them — Now Perfectly Well. “ My trouble began with a pain in my left thigh. I labored on for several months when I had to give np. In a short time I was completely prostrated. I was told that my disease was rheumatism, scrofula and malaria, but the prescrip tions I tried did not benefit me. I re membered having once used Hood’s Sar- Baparilla for blood poisoning with good results and I determined to resort to it at this time. I bought six bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and four boxes of Hood’s Pills and followed the directions. I am thank ful to state that I am entirely cured and am today as well as I ever was in my life.” James M. Sutherland, S. W. Cor. Whit taker and Jones Sts., Savannah, Georgia. Sarsa parilla Hood’s [s the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. §1; fix for $5. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. H/vorTc D?l!c do not cause pain or gripe. I iUUU » * His All druggists. 25 cents. More Go To Cuba. Another shipment of chickens went to Cuba this week from Gainesville. They were sent by express and no doubt the insurgents will take fresh courage when they digest this shipment of North Georgia fowls.- Gainesville’s importance as a produce market was long ago established, but recent large consignments of chickens anil eggs confirm this fact. Mrs. J. F. Autry Dead. Mrs. J. F, Autry died at the home of her husband on Oak street Monday af ternoon after a lingering illness of con sumption. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her death. The funeral services were conducted at the family residence Tuesday afternoon by Rev. J. A. Wynne, and the remains were sent to Milton county - for inter ment. Protracted Meetings. Rev. J. M. White, pastor of the First, announced last Sun day that he would begin a protracted meeting about the first of April, which will probably continue two or three weeks. He will be assisted by several ministers, and no doubt the revival will be prolific of good results. In the Nacoochee Valley. Mr. A. L. Collins of Colorado City, Cal. arrived in the city Wednesday. He represents an English syndicate that is operating mining property in the Nacoochee valley. Mr. Collins has gone up to the ^'alie3 7 to look after the properties. He. is very much impressed with this section and no doubt will be well pleased here. The Waverly 1S9S Model. The Waverly 130S model at $52.50 lias two sets of bearings, four extra in each wheel.the best valves made—the Schrader. The quickest repaired'and best quality tires; the C. '& J. detacha- j ble already oiled for six months; large axles;heavy drop forged front fork;flush joints; two piece crank hanger. Any kind handle bar or saddle (absolutely dust proof), rear hub brake that has , no equal. The best wheel on the mark- - l. Spiings and spend Hie j et —many not so good sell for $20 more. •m.c came ap iroin Hapeviile ! r jq ie saiDe guarantee that is on all high he has been with her daughter lS warmly welcomed to the city. Heard Bryan Speak. Several gentlemen from Gainesville went to Atlanta Monday night to hear Hon. W, J. Bryan speak. They came back more enthused than ever over the silver,champion and the great demo cratic leader. Those who went were: Colonel S. C. Dunlap, Col. Howard Thompson, Judge J. B. Estes, Prof. H. J. Pearce, Messrs. H. N. O’Neal, T. M. Bell, A. S. Hardy, J. M. Oliver and M. J. Charles. Opened the Switch. An open switch on the G., J. Sc S. railroad at Social Circle was the cause of a passenger coach being thrown from the track and overturned late Saturday afternoon. Several passen gers were in the car hut fortunately no one was hurt. A negro was seen to open the switch and was arrested. He w r as carried before a justice of the peace but was turned loose. No damage re sulted from the accident. Mr. Byers Returns. Mr. George G. Byers is back from a two weelcs trip to New York where he purchased an elegant line of spring goods for the well known firm of R. E. Andoe & Co., of which he is a member. He had a nice trip and says he enjoyed it very much. He visited Washington and Baltimore, where he enjoyed him self with friends. Mr. Byers says his goods will be coming- in right along now and that he will show the people of Gainesville and vicinity something beautiful in what he bought. Genuine South Georgia Ribbon Cane Syrup 35 cents gallon at Will Sum mer's. finer Kiuie Gerrish and Mr. E. J. f lut " u do have been the guests of [ t ‘ < * ^ rs * H. D. Jaquish, will leave or two for their homes at [ -I'ud. Indiana, and Bayhovse. 1 espcctively. They have very enjoyed their visit, and like 3e *Dlle and this section of th v ery much. j grade wheels. Catalogues can be had* | and samples can be seen at the store of ! Will Summer Jr., next door to postoliice, or at Summers’ jewelry store. We repair all punctures free. the Electric Dyspepsia Buttons. A new discovery that cures all forms of dyspepsia, regulates the stomach and restores the appetite. For sale by druggists. Evans Buys Hammel Place. Mr. D. E. Evans has purchased from Mr. E. Hammel his residence on North Bradford street, paying for the same $3,000. This is one of the most desira ble homes in the city aud is handsomely- finished inside and out. It was erected several years ago at great expense by Mr. Hammel. Mr. Evans will move in to his new home as soon as the tenant. Mr. J. E. Murphy, can secure another place. He has lived in his present home for twenty-nine years, having built the house now occupied by him on Ma ple street. This place will be rented out by Mr. Evans as soon as he moves into his new home on Bradford street. •jaipmiS -3 s«tuonx •33KVH11SKI sail Our new store-room is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy by March 25, and to save the trouble and expense of moving we offer special inducements in every depart ment until then. A FEW SPECIALS. —Have just received a beautiful liue of Percale for early spring trade, in Stripes, Plaids and Figures, in all the dainty, colorings and newest shades. These goods arefull 36 inches wide and colors fast. Also pretty line of Bonnie Doon or French Outings in Checks, Plaids and Broken Plaids. Just the thing for morning wrappers and dressing sacques. TABLE LINENS It is but a few weeks till the State Sun day school convention meets in our city, and man} 7 of our homes will be filled with delegates, and realizing the fact that the ladies will be on the lookout for something nice in this line we are prepared to meet their wants. Full line of Turkey Red Damask, in fast colors, from 89c to 65c per yard. Also nice line of unbleached Table Linens in various widths and prices. In white Satin Damask our stock cannot be equaled elsewhere in the city. Full 72 inches wide, all pure linen, ranging in price from 60c np to the highest grade. Complete assort ment of Doylies and Napkins to match. In Towels we have every thing wished for, from an all linen Huek Towel at 10c, np to the very finest grade of Satin Damask. Plain, hemstitched and fringed in pure white and colored borders. We are headquarters for Marsailes Quilts. Prettiest line in the city to select from.. Don’t buy until you have seen them. HANDKERCHIEFS.—In this department you’ll find everything desired, from a colored border at 8.c, up to the finest of Cambric Linen with daintily embroidered edges. H Have just received a large assortment of handkerchiefs in colored borders, hemstitched both wide and narrow 7 , embroidered apd lace edges, that will sell else where for 12^c to 15c each. They go in this sale at 5c each. RIBBONS.—Th is stock embraces everything to suit the most fastidious. In Blacks and all the staple colors and newest shades— including tafetas^ grosgrain, mone and satins, iu all widths, from the narrowest baby ribbon up to No. 60. NOW IN NEW YORK Mr. J. E. Murphy is now m New York selecting the stock for the spring trade. He has devoted his life to the fancy dry goods business, from early boyhood to the present time, covering a prriod of near 80 years, which gives him advantages that few possess in this.part of the State. He is fully conversant with the needs and tastes of this section, and will make this visit to the Eastern markets the effort of his life. —To make our new 7 store an ideal establish ment we will carry a full line of Millinery this season. Mrs. Nora Powell, for several years with Kutz of Atlanta, and last season with Mrs. J. E. Jacgson of rhis city, will be in charge of this department. She has spent the past six weeks in New York posting herself on the latest styles, and on her return to this city, with more ample facilities than ever before, she will be pleased to meet and serve her friends and former customers. Mr. Murphy will also bring with him a first- class trimmer for this department, one that fully understands the tastes of the southern trade. We respectfully ask our friends and the trading public generally to wait for the opening of the new store, as we will then display the most beautiful and complete line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Carpets, Mat tings, Rugs, etc., ever shown in Northeast Georgia. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Polite and courteous attention to every one. J. E. MURPHY CO., North side Public Square, next to Rigsby Sc Gainesville, - Georgia. NKINS & CO., Gainesville, Georgia. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. Try us for Farming Implements, Blacksmith Tools, Turn Plows, Tornado and Cutaway Harrows; Compost Distributors, and every thing in the hardware line. Prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Gainesville Iron ITtorks, Gainesville, Georaia. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS OF STAMP MILLS, CANE MILLS, SAW MILL SHAFTING, PUL LEYS, HANGERS and GENERAL MILL WORK. DEALERS IX Wrought Iron Pipes, Pipe Fittings, in iron and brass. Boiler, Engine and Saw Mill Supplies. Repairing Machinery a Specialty.